
First Day of School

You woke at 4 am seeing your little brother Daehwi still asleep, you said " Lee Daehwi wake up, today is a school day.", He woke up with a cute smile and saying " Good morning hyung" you replied " Good morning Dongsaeng ". You and Daehwi went downstairs to check if your Mom made breakfast, you saw your dad Xuimin and Mom Jennie. You said "Appa, we're awake." He stood up and saw you and Daehwi coming to him. He said " How are my two boys in this wonderful morning. " with a smile as he ruffle both of your hair. You and Daehwi ate breakfast, took a bath, change in to your uniform and got your bags, you went to spray some perfume and put some hair wax to look handsome. Uncle Chen, Chanyeol, and Kai were driving you to school. Kai at the driver's seat and Chen and Chanyeol calming both of you down by saying "Don't worry, you will be fine.", You arrived in 2 minutes, you went out and held Daehwi's hands with your left hand in your pocket. Everyone was staring at you, you let go of Daehwi's hands when you reached his classroom before he went in you said "Don't be nervous, okay.If someone hurts you, tell hyung okay." He nodded and you hugged him and said " Bye" as he entered the room. You put both of your hands in your pocket, you noticed that all the girls looked at you dreamily and even dropping their books in shock. You entered the classroom with everyone looking at you, the teacher said " Class, we have a new student today, can you please introduce yourself? " you said "Hello, I am Kim Xuichen, I am 10 years old and a smart student, Please take care of me. " the teacher said "Sit next to Jungkook, the one in red" pointing at the boy in the second row wearing red. You nodded and winked to all the girls. You sat next to him and said " Hi" with a smile. He said "Hi" to you and listened to the teacher's discussion. He was talking about math, it was about exponents, the others were confused but you knew about it since you were good at everything. You said "To get the sum of x2 +x2,it would be the same since their exponents are the same but if they aren't like y3 + y7 it would be y-4 but it is not allowed for a negative exponent so it will instead be a fraction 1/y4" in a matter of fact way. The teacher was shocked and said " Very Good, Xuichen since you knew this, can you answer the problems here on the board? " you stood up and walked to the chalkboard and solved them in a second. They clapped for you as the girls whispered "He is so smart, cool and handsome.", You came back to your seat and Jungkook said " You're so smart, friend" You thanked him. He said " Oh, its break time, wanna eat with my friends? " You agreed with a smile. You walked to the cafeteria and going to his friends table, when you arrived, they asked " Who is he, Kookie? " You said " Hi, I am Kim Xuichen, the son of Kim Minseok and Kim Jennie and brother of Lee Daehwi". You heard Daehwi say " Hyung, here you are. " running to you, you hugged and him and carried him to your friend's table. They gave you and Daehwi some space. You sat down and put Daehwi next to you. They said "You are the son of Xuimin of Exo and Jennie from Blackpink" You nodded and they were shocked. They said "Oh sorry, we forgot to introduce ourselves. I am RM, the others are J Hope, Suga, Jin, Jimin, and Taehyung and you already know Kookie." You said "Why do I feel so sleepy and upset after a single class? " as you yawned since you were a fast eater and Daehwi was still eating. Yoongi said "Are you like that too? " as his face lit up. You nodded and said " Since, I'll have to take care of Daehwi every night, read him a book, help him do his projects or homework and cook for him when Mom and Dad are not home.I sometimes get suddenly angry if he someone hurts him that I punish myself by cutting myself with a cutter at the house." He said "We are the same bro, but do you hide the scars." You nodded but Jin said "Why do you hurt yourself and not tell your parents, hyung?" You said " I hate doing it so I punish myself secretly since Dad will do the same if me or Daehwi get bullied and why did you call me hyung? " with a sad and confused way. They said in unison " We are all 8 Years old but Namjoon is 9" Daehwi was so happy he has more friends and you said " Ughhh, more to take care if any of you get hurt. " Yoongi said " Hyung, that doesn't mean, we won't cheer you up. " You started to cry and say " What is my purpose in this world? " Jin and Daehwi were hugging you and said "Don't cry, hyung we will make you happy since we love you and will treat you as a family." Break time ended and you went to class, you had Science and the teacher asked you " Xuichen, What makes a balloon float and how does an airplane fly and not crash. You stood up and went to the chalkboard and solved it while explaining your answer in an I know this tone. The teacher said " It's just the first day, and it seems like you've been studying for a year here." You said " It's just since I got summer classes of every subject, I know these things even intermediate subjects. They gave you hard questions that you surprisingly could answer. You left the room when school ended. You went to Daehwi's classroom, you saw Daehwi talking to a girl. You said " Daehwi, it's time to go. " He said bye and went to get his bag and went to hold your hand. You got his bag and held it. You walked outside and went to the car that was already parked. It was your Dad. You went inside and put your bags in the back. Your Dad asked " How was your day? " you explained of what happened today and he said " Good and did Daehwi find a girl he likes? " he said " Dad , she is just a friend" you said teasingly "Really? " he nodded and said " Xuichen hyung looked so handsome that all the girls looked at him". Your Dad said " Oooooh, how many looked at you? " you said "maybe 34 " he said " First day, already famous.

I made this novel since I wanted to give my readers a character to play as, I hope army, blink, and Exo-l will like this. Goodbye.