
The Life of the Curse Tamer

life in this world is a everyday battle of survival, demons rage in a fury of power and chaos was the only thing known to the face of humanity and animals but one day that changed when magic was discovered and had given all living things a chance to fight back thou they have gotten power the demons have unlocked something sinister that had created the ten tears of the moon an event where the full power of chaos is unleashed.

XfestivalX · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1- The World

Life in this world of chaos is full of adventure, sorrow and demons. The demons are a mystery to the world, where they had come from is still unknown till this day. These demons reeked, havoc on the once peaceful world and brought darkness upon it. Creatures of this world had to adapt to these changes, but it seemed impossible until one day an old adventurer came across runes of those of the before time and had found writing which killed him as soon as he read it.

he awoke in area half consumed by darkness and the other half by light, in front of him was two spheres one made of light flouting in the dark side of the area, and the other of darkness flouting in area of light. the old adventure had gone insane due to his weak mentality and cried out to the spheres

"Please! I have lost everything to this world! Give us a fighting chance! I beg you!" he sobbed with all hope gone from his soul

"You have made your terms we will give your world to defend yourself but in every ten years the full power of chaos shall unleashed upon the world for one single day" the spheres shot out a beam of light and dark at the man incinerating his body then pulling the soul that was left behind into them

100 years have passed since that day and humanity had taken a dark path of power. Those who left in the world had dedicated their life to power and had created clans, these clans where the warriors, mages, clerks, tamers, druids, and one which was slaughtered by the other. This clan was the domos clan a mix breed of humans and demons. As time pass by these clans began to fight each other and decided to have their strongest fighter's battle.

But these clans all new that the tamers would win because of "Kurosos" the tamer of the earth rulers his power was so overwhelming that the second strongest tamer stated that "No matter how hard I try I will never even get close to his level" in fear of losing they attacked him while he was defenseless and had killed him before the competition. when the day of the battle arrived, the tamer had to send in their second strongest who was killed first, and all the other clans had ranked the tamers as slaves.

the rest of the story had not been written but it has just begun

in a gloomy forest, leaves scatter the area as earth Bettles, phantom spiders, starlight owls and all types of little creature's roam the area in peace. two kids are running with the sense of fear leaving behind them a clear path.

"Wait! where's Shino!?" said one of the kids as they both stop

"Maybe he chased after shin-Gi," said the other kid, they both look in the direction they have just came from with worry.

"He will be fine right?" said the first kid

"Yeah, all the creatures in this forest are peaceful and the aura around the area we were playing at was probably just two phantom spiders fighting" said the second kid

"let's just go get an adult to help find him" said the first kid

they both turn back around and continue to run. As they run past trees the leaves begin to change from blue into a bright pink and the bark from brown to a dark maroon. They continue running until their running on a brick pathway.

They arrive at the entrance of the village, and they see a with purple eye, with slick black hair covering one eye wearing Chainmail Armour on top of black clothing but the has an iron chest plate on instead of chainmail. He stared at the kids with intent of hitting them, he took a deep breath then walked to the kids who had been frozen from fear.

"Alex, Cody where did guys run of to and where is Shino?" asked the man as he looked into their eyes but his eyes where blue.

"We felt this weird aura while we were playing, and we decide to run but we didn't know Shino wasn't running us and when we realized that we decided to come here because it was closer." answered Alex

"Sorry Tyrant we won't do it again," said Cody

Tyrant looked at them and then said

"Take me to where you guys were playing, I will deal whatever was bothering you guys"

Alex and Cody stared at each other then began to lead tyrant to where they were, they walk until their no more walking on the brick path. As they closed in on the location, they felt an aura all too similar to them. Tyrant pushing the kids back saw Shino running while carrying a girl and next to him was shin-Gi his four legged scaly tame and behind them he saw something that send shivers down his spine, a spiked back Sabour tooth bear.

He stood in front of the kids and drew his hand behind him and pulled out a bow he then drew back the string and an arrow made of blazing lightning appeared on the string. He let go off the string launching the arrow, the arrow appeared in front of the boy and split into two each passing besides the boy's head and reforming back to one then hit the bear. The bear was set ablaze and fell to the ground not showing any signs of life.

tyrant ran to Shino and took the girl out of Shino's hands as Shino blacks out due to all the running. Tyrant looked back at Cody and Alex who are both in amazement of the magic Tyrant had used and told them:

"Cody, Alex come and carry Shino we are taking them both to the health center"

Alex and Cody snapped out of their amazed state, ran and picked up Shino as they all made their way back to the village.