
2nd Dream

I am a boy in this one with there girlfriend walking around a Christmas like park. I go around touching all the little statues and figures telling my girlfriend

Boyfriend: How awsome would it be if these were to come alive

Girlfriend: Haha o look it's jack skeleton

*boyfriend obviously touches it*

The next thing you know it really did come to life so did everything else me and my girlfriend scream and run in terror but it's to late. I'm not quit sure how we died I just know that I woke up in my house but a little different and i was me again. I'm with my mom my dad and a bunch of my friends and this one girl who's short and a little more animated looking then the rest of us. She told us about the thing about to come around the corner that was going to brake down the planks we put up. She instructed us to hide as fast as we can. She turned to me and told me to jump on the counter and squeeze to the tippy top of the cabnit. I did as instructed I look and this tall dark figure came around the corner and left without a word. I was about to jump down when the room started shaking like crazy .She told us not to look but I didn't want to listen.i remeber the beady eyes start to capture me before the animated girl slammed my head down so I could no longer look. When I come to everyone's on the ground and this giant frog like human is in the room. My mom yells.

Mom:Get down here and help us fight it's a basic frog but bigger

Me:Absolutely not that thing is terrifying and I'm not dying

The frog thing used it's tounge to lick my mom and the others fighting and create a huge burn like pimple on there face threw the lick. I jolted awake at like 2 and my friend texted me to tell me to remind her about a strange dream she had. I told myself I don't like this dream so when I go back to bed dream something else.

I wake back up Still in my house this huge chicken lime creature is there. There is also a bunch of babys. They weren't cute at all not one bit but my friend said

Friend: We have to get out of here and I'm not leaving these guys here to die like we will if we don't get out of here

*we all agree

As we leave the chicken thing and jack skeleton but like huge and arguably more terrifying comes chasing after us. I wake up again not happy about the dream. This time we are at my swimming place with the ugly baby chickens and only the friend who saved them(I'm guessing the rest did not survive). There is this giant talking whale who is actually nice and I asked

Me:How would you feel of someone took your baby

Whale:not very good I would be very angry


This creature that I didn't get a glimpse of because I'm 99% sure it was the same monster you weren't supposed to look at or the frog person followed us to the pool the whale told us to jump into the water because they can't swim so we did that. I tried to convince my friend to return the ugly baby's but I woke up before I ever convinced her.