
1st dream

Me and two of my friends but like adult versions (you could tell because they were basically glowing and there hair was like super pretty and there body and facial structures were more mature) were in this like lab cage area with this scientist no clue who they were and he said

Scientist: If you can't do this your gonna have to be becom one of them

*All nod heads*

So he opens the door and these things that are still human are waiting on the other side there eyes were like caved in and shaded over and there smiles looked forced like the dad from coraline when his mouth got sew shut. There was bunches of them man and women of all sizes me and my friends get given these pill like capsels that we had to get in there body somehow to get rid of them so we get rid of most until I get rid of the final one by shoving it so far up this one person monster things mouth it get shoved into the closet and I wake up