
The Lies that Bind US

Mia Jannison leading her life as a doppelganger to Hazel Cunningham knows that she has no right to fall for Victor Cunningham. She tries every way to push him away even though she likes where things are heading to. Will her perseverance be able to resist his sweet charm? Will she able to bear the miserable consequences without losing her balance? Will she win over her heart who tasted Love for the first time? ---------- Excerpt “I can’t commit a sin,” Mia announced. “Even if that sin helps you in saving the life of your ailing husband?” Victor quizzed. Mia was trapped between her need and the guilt of committing a sin. Victor smirked looking at her restlessness knowing that her reply will be in his favour. “I have some rules,” Mia murmured. “So do I” Victor smiled with relief. “I am scared” Mia trembled. “Don’t be. We both are in his together. Your lies will stay safe with me and I expect the same for my lies. The truth of our relationship should stay safe no matter what. Remember, it’s our vulnerabilities and lies which binds us” Victor briefed in a calm tone which sent shivers down her spine. “Can’t wait to live with you wifey” Victor winked to ease Mia. “So do I dear husband” Mia replied back with confidence. The story penned with heart, imbibing all the emotions. A novel showcases the strength of love. The story has layers and mysteries, will Mia and Victor get through them or will they take separate routes. Dive in to see how long the lies tie the strangers together. It will be a worthy rollercoaster ride, please do give it a try. This work is original. The cover belongs to the rightful owners. Please encourage this novel through your Votes and Comments. Do Drop a review

Thelost_soul7 · Urban
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Home Calling

"Mia, you are sweating. Calm down everything will be okay" Victor assured Mia who is sitting beside him with sweaty arms.

"How can you even say that after all this? I was not even trained but you expect me to exactly behave, walk, eat, live, talk and breathe like /hazel so that the spying eyes of your Royal Family won't be able to notice us. You kept my husband under your observation and now I am not even allowed to look at him or meet him as your every move is being observed. I don't know what I am doing but I surely know that my life along with my husband will see the end if any mistake is committed. How am I supposed to not take any tension in the prevailing problems?" Mia barked.

Victor looked either side as he knew how he pressurized Mia to get things done in his way.

"Mia, I know that you are worried about your husband, I know you wanted to meet him but understand that we are having threats from every side. We are being observed, if we try visiting your husband at this time the threat will be for his life too. You don't have to worry about him, he is getting treated by the best doctors and is monitored by the top security. You don't need to worry for his well being, trust me" Victor patted on her sweaty hands.

Mia immediately pulled away her hands and that made Victor's hand lie on her thigh, Victor pulled his hands away from her.

"Trust and you? Seriously? Do you think I can trust you after all these? You might be a great man to all these people, but for me, you will always be a chameleon, that changes colours accordingly" Mia chided.

Victor leaned back on the seat and sighed. He understood that there's no point in explaining to a person who is not going to hear or understand him.

"You already hate me enough, you got to a decision that I am playing with your life though I am treating your husband and you with all the respect, I can't change that. But get this into your head that I want no mistakes to be committed. If anyone bothers you with questions cite a headache but don't give any major reasons, if they call a doctor we will be done for trying to fool them. Just sink with me and don't test my patience" Victor ordered Mia.

"Only if I had an option" Mia muttered under her breath, though that reached Victor's ears he refrained himself from commenting knowing that it would enrage the angry girl more.

Mia who is looking out of the window was too occupied with her thoughts. Fear increased in her heart with every passing second. Victor's warning kept running in her head.

"Peter Jannison, your husband will come back alive only if you do everything to perfection, your every mistake decreases his days. You are going to be Hazel and will continue being that until further instructions" these were Victor's exact words while she was requesting him for time to face his family.

"Tackling my family might be a tad bit easier to you than dealing with Hazel's family. They know every little detail about her, they brought her up so be more cautious with them" Victor instructed.

Mia kept nodding to everything.

Victor received a call; "We are entering the premises" Travis spoke from the other side.

"Yeah, we are ready," Victor said before disconnecting the call.

"All the best buddy," Victor heard Travis say.

"Here we go Mia, we are entering the premises. Get ready, forget that you there existed Mia, from now on you are Hazel. Now when the car comes to a halt don't just step out until I open the door for you, and make sure you smile at everyone. First, you should be greeting the Queen, later you need to.." Victor was speaking without any break.

"You have repeated this to me like a million times since the past hour, I do remember what I should do and yes I memorized every face. You stop freaking out and stop freaking me out" Mia hissed at Victor.

"Yeah, just don't mess up" Victor ordered.

Mia sat straight on her seat and wiped away the sweat from her forehead and arms, she touched up her face with the loose powder and checked her reflection in the hand mirror.

With a maroon blouse paired up with an onion coloured silk skirt ending near her knees and the two emerald stones adorning her ears. The round hat tilted to her right side with lays covering her face, Mia's look screamed elegance and no one could ever doubt her.

The marks on her neck were almost gone and the remaining were hidden by the pitch-perfect makeup done by professionals.

Mia kept checking herself in the mirror, her own face was a stranger to her. She never looked this beautiful or poised, her face always had restlessness and dirt. She used to carry that exhausted look on her face, she pushed back the hair that fell on her forehead and tucked that back in the clip that is holding her hair in a bun.

"Here we are, all the very best. The minute you step down, you will be Hazel" Victor smiled stepping out of the vehicle.

Mia sat there chanting prayers.

"Mother earth, please open up and swallow me, I don't want to entertain the circus of people who will be judging me" Mia prayed.

Her prayers didn't bore any fruit and Victor opened the door for her with a lovely smile. Having no option left Mia too smiled back at him.

Stepping out from the vehicle made her feel like stepping out on a battlefield, she didn't dare to look up when the cold breeze hit her back.

Victor entwined his long fingers in hers at stared into her eyes with a smile, he walked ahead clutching her hand tight and Mia observed how his hands were sweaty too. She didn't dare to look up but experienced panic when she felt many eyes on her.

"Don't you dare entering the Premises" hearing an authoritative tone Mia shivered.