
The Legendary Spider-Man

Alex Parker, formerly known as Nate Thompson, was nothing more than your average Marvel fan. Still, after he originally died, Alex founds himself in a new life within the Marvelverse and as the twin brother of his favorite superhero. Well, it's a long road ahead to be the "Greatest Of All Time."

Mr_Stan · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 5: …Your It

~Note from Mr.Stan: Hey, everyone, I'm returned. Sorry, it took me so long to post this chapter, but I had to take a small break to focus on getting a new job; sadly, writing fanfiction doesn't pay the bills. However, I returned after getting one, and trust me, I'm not leaving you guys hanging. The support you have all been giving me has been amazing, so thanks to you all. Especially you, AyushKumar199855, for being the first to review my crazy story idea.

A cupel of quick side notes:

1) Due to work, the chapter upload rate may slow down.

2) There are some easter eggs in this chapter and in the last one. Dare someone to solve them

3) I Just wanted to say that It's my Birthday!!!!!!!

Now on to the chapter...





3rd Person Pov



The young man's eyes shot open as he quickly sat up from where he lay, leading to coughing fits. He struggled to breathe while his body felt stiff like it hadn't moved in ages. His golden-brown eyes were currently clouded as he tried to make heads or tails where he was, and to cause more inconvenience, he was also fighting a light but annoying headache. It felt like he woke up from a long nap after being knocked out by a world-class boxer. Luckily for the brown-haired teen, his head and vision started to clear, and he slowly began to stand using a nearby hard surface for support. However, once he did, the teen noticed that the said support he was using felt familiar. 'Bark?' he thought as he looked, confirming it was a tree. An incredibly tall, dark wooden tree, and it wasn't just one; they were many, and they were everywhere. Their many branches and leaves seem to make a dense canopy, barely allowing any light if there was any. Besides the trees and darkness, a low fog covered the ground. The wood-like area emulated a scary movie vibe.

"...Where the fuck am I?!" The boy said, completely confused. Seeing that he had the feeling of control back in his body, checking himself for any injuries, only to find out that he was only wearing a white tunic. "Okay...what happened to my clothes? Also, where am I, and how did I get here?" he asked himself as the teen searched his memories for clues. However, try as he must, he couldn't get anything. As if there was a wall between him and the memory he needed, blocking his access.

"Aggh, This Isn't working... I'm not getting anything! None of this makes any sense; just how in the fuck did I get- *deep breath*, alright, calm down, Nate. Now is not the time to panic... at least not yet, anyway." Taking a moment to stop any panic attack from starting, Nate can at least be grateful that he remembers his name. However, this still didn't put him at ease; he was lost in some Blair witch-like forest with no memory of how he got here; it was all too sudden for him. The brunette teen didn't think it was possibly amnesia, nor that this could be a dream because everything felt natural like the place was real. Nate was about to pinch himself to make sure he was right about the dream thing, but when he touched his skin, Nate heard from behind him the last thing no one wanted to hear in a place like this.

Laughter, in fact, a young girl's fit of giggles.

Much like the horror-movie vibe that the woods was giving off, this was unbelievably fucking creepy, sending goosebumps down Nate's spine. So the teen, who couldn't fight the urge and slowly turned around towards the source. Only for his slight nervousness to change into confusion as he gazes at what, or rather who was behind him.

Which was a young girl who appeared to be at least 13 years old. Her attire seems to be a mix of either ancient Egyptian and Aztec designs as she wore a white dress tie with four red silk threads, all connecting to an odd but gold emblem. The ends of her short black hair were tied into braids and were held together by golden holders. The young girl's blue eyes gaze back at him with an amused childlike glint as she sits on one of the giant roots of a nearby tree, covering her mouth to hold back her laughter but fails to do so when facing Nate's dumbfounding expression.

"Hehehehahahaha!!!! You should see the look on your face. So scared to even turn around only to put on that silly face. Hahahaha!! That's the funniest thing I've seen in a long time." While continuing her laughter, she says this that shakes Nate out of his stupor.

"Uh... right, hi, I'm not sure what's so funny little girl, but could you help me? I'm unsure how I got lost here in the first place." Nate said, feeling somewhat awkward about this whole ordeal now.

"But you're not lost."

"...I'm not?"

The girl smiled joyfully. "Well, of course, you not lost, dummy. How can you be lost if you're somewhere you never left?"

"Wait, never left?"

"Yep, although it took you forever to come here finally. I mean, gee, do you know how bored I was waiting for you to wake up? You're lucky I found the perfect opportunity to meet, which will make this much more fun to watch later." this only confused Nate.

"Wake up? Meet? Look, kid, I don't know what you're talking about. Nothing you say is making any sense at all."

She pouted."Hmph, you're still in denial, but that doesn't matter right now. Since you're here with me, we can finally play!!!" Nate only pinches the bridge of his nose in apparent frustration.

"Great...now she wants to play. Little girl, I have no idea what I'm in denial of, and right now, I don't care. I'm trying to be nice here, but I'm having a hard time since I, as you said, just woke up in the middle of a dark forest out of nowhere with no memory of how I got here, and worst of all...I'm getting cold. So I'm not playing anything until I get answers, starting with " Who are you?" Nate was expecting the girl to get upset and throw a tantrum. However, she just gave him a simple mischievous smirk.

"Oh, but you already know who I am. I know all about you and your...other half."

"Other half...now I know you'll make all this shit up. Why don't you stop with the riddles and get to the po-"

"Am I, though?" the strange girl cuts him off before holding out both her hands. As she does this, a small orb of golden light appears in front of her, bright enough to light up their surroundings. On the other hand, Nate was only focused on the ball of light; seeing it nearly replaced most of his frustrations with a strong sense of familiarity. "Am I really?"

"W-what is that?" he asked.

"Oh, don't tell me you don't recognize your memories. Though I wouldn't expect anyone to know what a memory looks like, but whatever." the young girl said with a shrug.

"I-I...w-what just...who are you?"

"Uhh, so many questions. I've waited long enough, and I'm bored, so can you play with me now?" she requested again impatiently, much like a spoiled child. Nate could only sigh in reluctance; whoever this little girl was, she'll keep dodging his questions and not answering anything. She can somehow take his memories like nothing, proving she is no ordinary girl. 'Best to give up for now and 'play along' with whatever she wants.'

"Fine, I guess we can play for a bit. I got nothing better to do any-*oof*" with a beaming childlike smile and with a feat of inhuman speed, the unnamed girl dove into Nate, nearly knocking the wind out of him.

"Yay!! I finally got a playmate after so long. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!"

"Alright, alright, I get it already it. Let me at least finish a sentence first, okay?" Nate asks the girl as he lifts her upright; she is still sporting a significant smile. "*sigh* Now I will only play with you if you give me back my memories or whatever you took from me, deal?"

"Really? Cool!! I would've just given them back to you when you've agreed, but that's a much better and more fun idea!" she said, causing Nate's eyes to open in shock at getting played. "Okay, you can regain your memories if you win, soooo...tag your it!" the little girl then runs deeper into the forest, leaving a still stun Nate in the dust.

"*groans* Do it for your answers, Nate, do it for the answers to get the fuck out of here."



That is what the time felt like to Nate as he traverses this maze-like forest aimlessly, in the form of a game of tag. Nate jogged through the area for hours, only seeming to be led by the girl's laughter. It was starting to look like she wanted to take him somewhere but was treating this as a game, and a game she played. It was easy to say that Nate was getting frustrated with all of this; one moment, he was following the sound of her laughter, getting ever so closer to the source, only for the giggles to lead him towards another direction.

Yet, Nate wanted to see this through, thinking it would be worth it at the end of this or at least hoping it would.

However, Nate was so focused on the said "game" that he failed to notice the oddity of his surroundings. with each passing hour, the fog was getting thicker and started rice a lot higher off the ground. The trees are on the area well, much more spread out though they were getting more prominent in girth. Both the branches and the leaves for getting more and more Comfort with sheets of dense spider webs, some even connecting from other trees further away. The air was getting colder and colder as Nate continued to give chase though it wasn't hard enough for him to notice and barely even have this breath become visible as it blended in with the rising fog.

The strangest thing happens when he moves past any form of water that shows us reflection though unbeknownst to him other than a reflection of himself shows a giant spider. A spider, maybe even as big as him, has its body black, with its abdomen showing a design mixing red, white, and yellow.

It wasn't until another 2 hours had passed that the changes in the surroundings became noticeable for Nate. 'Wait a second; I don't think the area was like this an hour ago. Speaking of which, I haven't heard from that kid in a while; I'm not lost again, am I?' he looked around for a while, searching for... well, anything. However, after seconds of this, Nate turns around only to face the side of what seems to be a mountain with an upside-down spider engraved into it. "A spider..." Nate said to himself.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Nate looked away from the mountainside and saw the girl he's been chasing in front of him, next to a cave that wasn't there before. She then giggled again and started running the mouth of the cave.

"Hey, wait!!! Can you hold on for a second!!!"

"Sorry, Nate!!! You'll have to win if you want those memories!!" flashing him a playful smile, she continued down the cave, disappearing into the darkness. Tired of asking unanswered questions, Nate sighs again in frustration before following suit. Traveling down the tunnel, it took him a while to adjust to the darkness; therefore, he needed to guide himself by touching the walls, but once he did, he felt something sticking into his hand. Taking the hand away, he realized that it was covered in spider webs; not just his hand but the walls and floor as well; they were everywhere.

Now having second thoughts about all of this, he decided to turn back around only to find the exit he came from disappeared. "Okay, now some freaky shit is happening right no-" Nate took a step back in worry, but he found his wait feeling off balance. "Huh? What the ffffffuuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkk...!!!!!!!!!" and with that is how our brunette teen found himself sliding headfirst and backward down a stone-like slide.

Nate's first Instinct was to grab the walls of the cave slide. Do you have a slowdown or, at best, to stop his descent? He was moving so fast that he couldn't get a good grip on it, not to mention the webs did not help at all. So switching the plan B, he probably did the second thing he could've done in this situation...

"Alright, I think the walls are getting further away from me; that means the tunnel is also wider!!! I have room to move!!!! I just got to turn my hips and-*Aagh*!!!!" sadly for him, plan B went horrible as he made contact with lone stalagmites, knocking him off course.

*Aagh* and then he hit another one.

"*Aagh* Shit!!!" and another.

"*Aagh* Fuck!!!" and another.

"*Aagh* Why...!!!"

"*Aagh* The...!!!"

"*Aagh* Hell...!!!" At this point, Nate wished this was nothing more than a dream because all 19 impacts hurt like a bitch. Soon after the final one, he soon found himself falling out of an opening in some ceiling, having more spider webs to break his fall, only barely as he landed hard on a hard and wet surface.

"Okay, this is officially the worst game of tag ever of all time," Nate said while groaning in pain as he weakly got to his feet. "At this point, I'm questioning my likeness for...kids...."

Nate's eyes widened in understandable fear as he began to scan his surroundings frankly. He found himself in a gigantic cavern-like in the form of a shrine; in the middle of the area was what neat was safely said was an enormous spider statue he possibly had ever seen. The thing was ginormous, quickly taking up most of the entire space of the cavern itself, although one of its eight legs seemed to have ruins on it that glowed golden light that illuminated most of the place. Though he was standing on what appeared to be water right now, that was not the source of his attention or fear because spiders were on the web-covered walls.

Giant spiders...tens, hundreds, thousands of them all holding still, facing towards his direction, and Nate could feel that they were all staring at him. Strangely, even all of them didn't look alike; one spider's body was red and blue, while another was mainly black mixed with a bit of white. One was colored white, black, and a bit of pink, while another was made of metal. Another one was blue with a wicked red skull on its abdomen, while the one to it had the number 42 on its core. That was only a few other spiders though Nate didn't particularly feel like moving an inch in fear of being eaten by them.

He then looks towards the look around only to finally notice a red, black, and yellow spider replacing his reflection in the water below him. so many questions were swarming his mind as all of this has been slowly coming him at once, with the most common one being 'Just where in the fucking hell am I?!'.

Nate's breathing began to haggard as he started to panic but quickly stopped once he felt a pair of tiny arms wrapped around his neck as someone jumped onto his back. An orb of a soft golden familiar golden light appeared in front of him before being plunged into his chest, making his body stiff. At the same time, his mind was flooded with different types of foreign memories. as this was happening, the gentle voice of the little girl started to whisper in his ear but loud enough to still be heard throughout the cavern.

"Tag, you it... Alex."

Shoutout to my fans:
























Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

~Stan out

Mr_Stancreators' thoughts