
The Legendary Spider-Man

Alex Parker, formerly known as Nate Thompson, was nothing more than your average Marvel fan. Still, after he originally died, Alex founds himself in a new life within the Marvelverse and as the twin brother of his favorite superhero. Well, it's a long road ahead to be the "Greatest Of All Time."

Mr_Stan · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 14: Montage Music is needed Pt.5

~A/N: Did you miss me?


Wednesday, September 16, 2006

4:15 pm

Midtown High School, N.Y.C

Gwen Pov.


*~Ding-Dong-Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong-Ding-Dong~*

"Alright, class, off you go. Please remember that your essay on the laws of Thermodynamics is due by the beginning of next week. This will count as extra points on your next test, so try at least." Our teacher, Mr. Richardson, a well-groomed man around his mid-forties, stated while handing out our test scores from last week's quiz. As he does, his gray eyes sternly lock onto another one of the other teens as they walk past. "That includes you, too, Ms. Allen. If I so much as notice any sign of Parker's handwriting like what you did last time, I'm failing you on the spot, and you will receive a 2-week detention, and yes, that includes both Parkers."

Ah yes, Elizabeth Allen, one of the captains of Midtown's cheerleaders and one of the founding members of the school's In crowd. Not to mention one of the most significant pains for my friend and me. The four of us are targets of annoyance for her different individual reasons. Me for her jealousy, though I'm not sure what for, Harry for her love of money, Pete for the bullying her group often does to him, and Alex for her seeming love for causing drama.

At least that's what Alex had stated, though throwing less kinder words to put it.

My fellow blonde only rolled her eyes at the comment while throwing a letterman jacket over her shoulder, covering that God-awful shirt that screamed in the most basic way, 'Hey boys, look how hot I am.*tsk* As if that would work on anyone.' I thought, finishing grabbing my bag and books before following everyone else out of the class, before seeing in the corner of my eye the said cheerleader lashing into one of the star football player's arms. '...Well, anyone with a brain at least.'

"What a second, Gwen," Mr.Richardson stopped me before I could leave. "Would you mind notifying Alex about the assignments? I've tried asking Peter, but-"

"No need to worry, Mr.Richardson. I'll make sure the goofball gets his homework on time; I'll even try to have him stop calling you Mr.Richy for you," I said, cutting him off with a playful smile, only to get a recent sigh in return after hearing his less favorable nickname. Waving me off with a "Please do," I quickly exited the classroom and entered the sea of other teens throughout the hall, all while trying to keep a lid on my already growing irritation. 'You are trying my patience with this shitty attitude of yours, Pete.'

He's been giving almost everyone the cold shoulder since last week. Only focusing on school and the internship, all while being dismissive, if not downright aggressive, towards anyone besides me and Harry. However, it doesn't help that our whole school year saw the fight between the Parker twins, nor did the words they spent throughout the rest of the school like wildfire. It didn't take a day for the rumors to start, and the worst one was from some people who, like Alex, seemed to believe Peter for his short coma. I'm pretty sure that I have an idea of who started that one. Nonetheless, most began to ostracize Peter even more, which worsened his overall mood. Harry and I have tried for the past couple of days to talk to him, yet Pete has been ignoring both of us at every chance he gets.

'It's like I'm babysitting after a stubborn five-year-old, and it's only Wednesday! How difficult can it be to talk to us, you idiot.' Rubbing my head in frustration was the only thing I could do in this situation.'Yet I would be a pretty shitty friend if I just gave up on him, now would I.' Pete might be a prideful, stubborn, know it, sometimes. Well, most of the time, I've been looking after him since the 6th grade, so I should be at least used to this.

'Besides, I know for sure that they you would do the same for me,' I thought to myself while subconsciously feeling the hair band, '...especially that thrill junkie.' the hit of a smile tugged on my lips while thinking of a certain multipotentiality.

It has been a bit since the last time we spoke, though I did hear from Peter at least that he was discharged from the hospital the day after. I wonder how he's holding up? Alex usually never got shaken up like that before, and the way he looked at me. He looked so terrified that he even cried in my arms for a while.

'Was he always that ...vulnerable?' I thought to myself, my worries increasing a bit more. However, I quickly push this thought away as soon as it appears. 'What are you doing, Gwen?! I mean, come on, this is Alex you're talking about, practically, one of the strongest people you know.'. He should be fine, right? It was only some nightmare; he even said it himself. Besides, knowing him, he might be out and about doing one of his hobbies or god knows what. No wonder he wanted to escape the hospital as fast as he could. Speaking of which, I couldn't help but wonder back to that night. He did look a bit...bigger than before.

"I can still feel his arms wrapping around my-"

"Hey, Gwen, how's it going?!" Said a formal voice behind me as I did not scream like I was in old-school horror movies the guys like to watch during the Halloween season, and if anyone said otherwise, they're wrong.

However, it doesn't help that the corporate sported a shit-eating grin while trying to hold his laughter and failing. "You're...such an asshole sometimes, you know that right."

Harry only responds with a nonchalant shrug, "Heck, it's your fault for giving me the opportunity; it's not every day that I see you, too lost in your world like a certain twin." He said before smirking. "Though, maybe I should warn Alex about those long of yours. I hate for you guys to get noise complaints when you finally go to-*Oof*."

"Humph," Shutting up my playboy of a friend with a jab to his gut, I kept walking, ignoring his attempts to slow me down. I was not in the mood for Harry's teasing this time and just wanted to drop off Alex's homework for him.

"Aw, Come on, Gwen, you can't be so mad at me for stating the obvious. I mean, you're missing Alex. Why else would you be so stressed out." Harry said, catching up as we stopped at locker #696, the said twin's locker.

"Firstly, the relationship between me and Alex is non of your damn business Harry. So quit the teasing before you end up with a broken jaw!"

"I'm not hearing a no~. Who knew you were that kinky, huh." He gave me a coy smirk, probably seeing how I was trying and possibly failing to hide the blush on my face. 'Dick, who died and made you his wingman.'

"Secondly, the reason why I'm so stressed out is the situation revolving around Peter, with him slowly becoming Midtown enemy #1 and trying to burn the bridge between himself and Alex. Something that you're not helping me with." I said, giving him the "you better fucking explain" look.

"Okay, okay, I get it." He backed away slightly, "Look, in my difference, we're aware of just how stubborn Pete can be, and whatever he's going through has something to do with Alex. We should do what Alex suggested and see if he could handle it."

I was perplexed, "Wait, what?! How the hell does that help with them at all?"

"Pete, well, only just ignore the two of us until he gets whatever it is he wants out of this whole ordeal. Letting him be is best; we'll still back him up if things get too out of hand. Trust me on this: if there are any people I know how to deal with... it's stubborn people." Damn it, I hate when he has a point, yet I can't help but worry about him.

"But what about-"

"Flash and the In crowd, please. It's just the same as last year. All we need to do is to keep a lookout for them, and it's not like Pete never dealt with stuff like this before." Harry said before pausing a bit. "...Though let's hope Flash doesn't go too far, or Alex may kill him this time." I couldn't but put that in the realm of possibility, as small as it may be. Yet I doubt Alex will straighten up and kill Flash. Brake him, maybe, but not kill him.

"Speaking of which," Harry said, "Have you seen Alex since he woke up? I tried to visit him, but he told me he is currently working on another one of his hobbies. Said this one is important."

I could only shake my head in amusement, "Same here, and honestly, I have no clue what that crazy dumbass is up to this time. Geez, I swear he was supposed to be in his home resting. I feel like that guy is trying to learn to do every-AHHH!" I thought Harry was the only jump scare I would have today. Only to come face to face with a Korean girl. "Jesus, what with the jump today? Announce yourself, would you!"

"O-Oh, um...sorry. I-I just wanted to know if um...A-Alex was around...?" She nervously asks, refusing to look at me. Although, why does she look familiar...wait.

"Cindy, right. Sorry to tell you this, but Alex won't be back until next week, but he is out of the coma. Anyway, do you need help with something?" Now that I can look at her for the first time, she seems to be the same age as me, but I remember her name being on the list with the other first-year students.

"N-No, no thank you. I should get going. Bye..." However, before I could continue my thoughts or say something else, Cindy immediately blotted past me and Harry in a hurry. I was about to call out for her, but she was surprisingly halfway through the hall, and she was walking. 'Huh, she's faster than she looks.'

"Well...that was weird, but it seems like Cindy's still at it, huh," Harry commented hard, getting much attention.

"Still at what?"

"Oh, I've seen her stand next to or walk around Alex's locker every time we had a break for the past three days. She looked at a lost puppy, asking where she could find Alex."

I raised an eyebrow, "And how do you know this?" I asked, getting only a shrug from him.

"Most of my classes are around this area, so I see her here occasionally. Funny, until now, I didn't think much about it, not even to know her name, but now this got me thinking."

"Okay? What that?"

"Cindy must be crushing on Alex hard to be doing this."

"WAIT WHAT?!" I instantly covered my mouth from the outburst as my face burned with embarrassment. Knowing I could've messed up, I needed to keep it cool. "I mean, that's not true. Cindy may have wanted to see if Alex was OK since they had the same accident as any decent person. Plus, they don't even know each other, so how could she possibly have a crush on him."

Harry grinned at my word as if saying 'too little, too late.' "I don't, Gwen; the look on her face was telling me something different. Besides, haven't you heard of love at first sight?"

"Haven't you heard that is completely illogical?! What do you think this is, Romeo and Juliet?"

"Says Ms.Pot calling the cattle black, but nah, I think you're a little too close to a tsundere for that type of shit." He chirped before I shut him up again with another jab to the gut. "Why...did Alex... teach you that?"

"Humph, Why are you comparing me to one of those characters in the comic books you and Alex love to read?"

"It's called manga..."

"S-Same Thing!" I yelled back as we continued to argue while leaving the school. However, we both couldn't help but wonder where Peter was since we had not seen him since lunch. Harry was about to call him before he heard a commotion from the football fields. We approach it to find a crowd surrounding a horrible scene centering around-

"PETER!!!!" Harry and I cry out, seeing one of our best friends stripped down to his underwear, tied to a field goal by his shirt, and peppered with water balloons left, right, and center. Rushing over to help, I could easily recognize the assholes that did this; who else but the fuck In crowd!

The two main cheerleaders of the group were standing off to the side. Liz, still in the same letter jacket form earlier, had the wherewithal to look uncomfortable with the scene yet still chose to watch and do nothing. While her co-captain, Sally, had the gall to record this with a shit-eating grin. The ones who were currently softball-sized balloons at my friend's were all members of the football team; the one to the left of Pete was a sizeable Asian guy named Wuog, and the one to his right was an even larger Asian (primarily due to him being fat) with no hair, this fantasy was Kong. In the center of all was the ringleader of the group bullies as if they were having the time of their lives.

"HAHAHAHA! Aw, What's wrong, Puny Parker? You were talking a lot of crap about me and my boyz not to look ago, so where has all that bravery gone? What, you think, talking down your guard dog of a twin that makes you some big shot? *Sigh* Looks like you need to be reminded once again what is the pecking order around there. Hey guys, bet you $20 I could aim this right at his dick!" Flash Thompson, the Parker twin's problem since day 1, spoke in thrilled excitement, ready to talk another water balloon aimed at Peter.

"Double if you can find it," Sally commented, causing the other small lookers, minus Liz, to laugh.

"That's Enough!" As Flash was about to take that bet, Harry and I finally pushed the crowd to help Peter. Seeing us then stop as I stood between bully and victim, daring him to throw that balloon while subconsciously volunteering to help our friend to his feet. "What the fuck is your problem?!"

"Great, it's Mama Geek to the rescue," Sally said sarcastically, but I didn't bother to acknowledge it; I was currently occupied with staring down the much larger dickhead in front of me.

"My problem?" Flash said in mock hurt, "You should ask Parker that. All we were doing was simply minding our own business when that geek started to run his mouth. Saying that I wouldn't get anywhere in my life with my football skills, even calling them worthless. The same skills I work so hard to achieve, so you see, I couldn't let that slide."

"So you decided to humiliate him in front of everyone here, and for what, having an opinion?" I asked in disbelief, and I could feel my anger rising.

Flash just shrugged, "Hell, blame Puny Parker for not recognizing his betters in the first place. He should have more practice than anyone; I mean, he has a better twin." He said, mainly causing everyone to siss in the awkward tension that was just created. I was already aware of the stupid opinion most had about the Parker twins; even though it was completely untrue, it did stop those who didn't know them to come to believe that. I glanced toward Pete to see him facing the ground while Harry untied him. Though, as I could pretty much feel the rage coming off of him, Flash was sadly not done. "Speaking of which, why aren't you with Sleeping Beauty right now? I'm sure if you kiss him, he'll maybe wake up." He said before laughing so hard like a comedian, though he was the only one doing so. That didn't matter to me, however, as my legs moved on their own, carrying me towards the much larger blonde.

Flash was quickly one of the most prominent students in Midtown High since he and Alex are pretty much the same height, but he isn't Alex. So, as The MVP of the football continued to laugh at what he did and said at both of my childhood friends, well, that led me to do what any sensible friend would do in this situation.

"HAHAHAHA-*cough, cough, cough* by punching him in the throat.

"Flash!" His two goons saw this before rushing over to move me away from him, but one look from me seemed to stop them. It's not like I cared either way.

"I'm completely done with your fucking bullshit, Flash," I said, looking back at the quarterback, who was struggling to breathe for a bit.

"W-What?" He asked with a hoisted voice, but I could see the rage in his eyes. 'Aw, What's wrong, Flash? Mad because you can't talk shit anymore? Poor you...'

"Alex woke up from his coma and will be back next week. So this is your final warning: Stay away from my friends."

"Or else *cough* what!" Flash, knowing a threat when he heard one, yelled back at me in challenge.

"Or else, you'll be shown who you're better is, and I can guarantee that a sore throat would be the least of your worries. Or unless you want another scar to match the one he gave you last year." I said, pointing out the faint traces of a scar no bigger than a finger running along his hairline.

Flash practically growled at me, "You cheeky little slu-" "Flash, stop it." To my surprise, Liz was the voice of reason in this conflict, gently separating us both. " we should go before any of the teachers starts showing up; we're done here, right?" She asked the question mostly towards me.

Seeing the now departing crowd heading towards the buses, I gave her a pass. "Yeah, we're done here. Now back the fuck off, and we wouldn't have any problems." With that, I mean my back towards both Harry and Pete.

He saw Harry about to help the drenched geek up, only for the said geek to stop him with a gesture. "I can get myself up." He said fremily, making Harry back up so he could do so. Putting on the shirt he was tied up with, he continued, "Before you asked, I'm okay. I appreciate you guys's help, but I'll let you know I had everything under control."

"Under control?!" I yelled with clear annoyance, "Under control?! Peter Parker, you were just humiliated in front of everyone, half-naked. What part of that was under your control?!"

"I had a plan in the works, Gwen. All I needed was to wait for my moment to strike. Look, I love you guys, but I can fight my battles."

"Oh really? Why don't you tell us your amazing master plan then." I said, placing my hands on my hips, wanting an answer.

This time, Harry chimed in, getting in between us, "Okay, Okay, easy, you too. You're both stressed out about what just happened. So let's calm down, Pete, we just want to talk about what-"

"No, I'm done talking about it," Peter said, cutting him off before gesturing to himself. "Look at me; I am wet, I am cold, I'm half naked, I am tired, and I just want to go home. So can't we not have this conversation." This got me even more annoyed; how could he push us away like that after what I had just done? I was about to give him a piece of my mind, but Harry grabbed my shoulder, stopping me from saying anything. Looking at him, I see him shaking his head, having me remember our conversation prior.

*Sigh* 'It's okay, Gwen, just take a backseat for a while and see if Alex can get through to him. I'll just be ready to help if things get out of control.' "Fine, have it your way, but quick question...Where's the rest of your clothes?" I asked.

"They threw away both my pants and shoes not too long ago," Jesus Flash, what the hell?! "And I planned to hang my bag on the field goal pole. Luckily, they never get the chance."

"Okay, how about I have a spear pair of pants in my P.E. locker? Why don't you dry off, and I'll lend you them. I'll even get you a cab home; sounds good?" Harry suggested, which finally got Pete to agree with us.

"Yeah, I could use that right now. I'll catch you guys later then. He said, walking back towards the school. However, he stopped halfway before speaking again, "Oh, and one more thing. Do not tell Alex anything that happens here." Pete then continued walking, not leaving the room to argue.

The two of us look at each other before letting out a collective sigh of frustration. I pinch the bridge of my nose, not knowing what I will do about him. "Man," Harry said as he looked at our leaving friend. "Alex is going to be livid when he comes back."

To that, I can agree with.


Wow, I finally got this piece done. Sorry, y'all for the long wait, writing these chapters a lot harder on a phone then I thought it would be. Not to mention I won't be able to properly edit this so forgive me if the chapter seems a bit off. I also wanted to buy the Alex session in here too but I have to say before the next chapter due to the fact that this was already long enough.

But what can you do, I want to explore everyone that's important in this story.

Anyway, feel free to leave a comment, review, power stones, etc and etc.

Let me know about how you feel about Gwen, since as you can see she's pretty damn important.

One more thing, if you guys really want to support me go to my kofi page. The link will be in my home page and here [Link]

That's all for now I have to get working on the next chapter see you guys then.

Stan out ~