
The Legendary Scarlet Knight

Do you like playing games? Quick load and quick saves are your thing? Like picking races? What happens if you can choose all races and you broke the system?

Ledolati · Fantasy
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32 Chs

The best is yet to come


In the country of Astalfr, where races like Humans, Vampire, Elves, Werewolves and even dragons cohabitates with each other, which is why races like

half blood is not uncommon at all, although most of them are discriminated.

Astalfr has 3 major kingdoms called Altair, Deneb and Vega, the 3 kingdoms are not in good terms with each other for they are battling for territories and natural resources. Living in a constant war, the soldiers from Deneb defending their fortress from the attacks of the Altair. In the midst of war between the fortress of Deneb and a battalion of soldiers from Altair, foretells the tale of the Crimson Knight.

A mile away from the fortress of Deneb, lies a formation of soldiers amounting to 1200 personnel. Preparing for combat, the soldiers(hoplites) in front formed the phalanx formation while behind them, the fortress gives them support by means of archers and mages, on the other hand the soldiers roughly 670, wearing a tattered and rusty armors some of them are already wounded as if they were troops to be disposed off, without any formation one of them walked towards the enemy fortress.

A knight wearing a tattered silver full plate Armour, the soldiers behind him followed his lead, on the other side of the plain the hoplites from Deneb also started to march slowly after a bit they came to a stop and held their ground to defend. Their commander shouted "ARCHERS READY!.... FIRE!" the moment the arrows were fired

the soldiers from Deneb started their warcry, while the soldiers from Altair didn't even have the strength to even shout started to run without even minding the arrow,

half of the Altair's soldiers just died without even reaching the enemy's phalanx, in front was the knight in silver full plate Armour, his right hand holds a broadsword while on his left hand holds nothing but his gauntlet.

While running he deflected the incoming arrows as if he saw the future, after the rain of arrows died down he finally got to the enemy's phalanx. The soldiers from Deneb tried to stab him with a spear but they couldn't for he is so agile like a vampire in the night, the knight in silver Armour lept and took the 1st kill by beheading the solider in front of him while still in midair,

after landing, he swung his sword horizontally slicing them in half, and the enemy guts spilling, killing 5 enemies at once, after he broke the enemy formation his allies arrived.

Some of them, shield bashes the enemy's shield while some ran straight to the spear and died like they were unable to fear death, the knight in silver Armour swung his sword to the shield of the soldier in front of him, his hit was so heavy that it echoed throughout the battlefield,

fearless like a god he pushed towards the enemy fortress killing one after another like he was born to war.

Soon he reached the fortress, he charged his sword with magic, his sword emitted a light,

and broke the enemy's wall, even with fortification he broke it in one strike which surprised the enemy. After entering the fortress he once again charged his sword but this time it emitted a black light,

and slayed countless enemy's in one stike, while being surrounded he fought his way to the commanders room displaying all the perks from all the races, like all

races blood flows through his veins, after a while he finally killed the last remaining personnel inside the fortress, suddenly a rain came down pouring, he finally

entered the commander's room. The solider he left behind fought for their lives, even though they were outnumbered, some of them are still alive struggling to live,

suddenly a loud voice echoed throughout the battlefield. by amplifying his voice with magic he put the war to stop, and everyone in the battlefield faced the

direction of the fortress. A knight in Crimson armor was standing in top of the fortress, while holding the commander's head he dropped it and shouted

" THIS WAR IS OVER, THIS FORTRESS IS GOOD AS MINE". as the rain started to pour harder his armor showed a faint silver color, he killed so much enemy that he painted his own

armor red by using the spilled blood of the enemy. His allies finally felt a relief but at the same time they were feeling down because they were treated as disposable troops.

but then again the crimson knight shouted,

"Men wear their helmets and their breastplates for their own needs, but they carry shields for the men of the entire line and for their family".

his Allies shouted their victory. The crimson knight headed back to the commander's room and sat on one of the chair he drank the wine that was in the table,

"This Wine tastes like shit"

talking to himself he said "I always wanted to say that line, But man I was so badass back there".

Thus begins the story of the crimson knight, he is fearless like a god, agile like a vampire, strong as a werewolf, tough as a dragon, like an elf with high magic proficiency

but most of all he has the mind of a gamer.

This is my first time writing my own novel, This novel should have 400ch long I don't plan to release them all at once.

But please if ever someone reads this, I am very open for critics, I'll based on the readers POV If I have to continue this novel or drop it.

Thank you for reading!

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