
The Legendary Scarlet Knight

Do you like playing games? Quick load and quick saves are your thing? Like picking races? What happens if you can choose all races and you broke the system?

Ledolati · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

The Beginning

I. Introduction

Cold and rainy as I began the month of September, Just a little bit more before my Birthday but I don't feel anything special about it.

Why would people celebrate it? I mean it's like one less year before your life ends

Is how I always thought about life not knowing that death is just the beginning of everything.

Looking back a month ago,

August 17th, 2038, Sunday just another normal day in Frenchfgha Gretan, not so boring but also not too good, I'm about to meet my friend at the mall in alsciendo called All star, we're about to go hit the mall to buy some PC accessories, and it's also time to upgrade my baby (rig).

It has been 30mins past the meeting time, I wonder what's taking him so long, but man today is too hot.

Suddenly my vision started to blur and my head aching,

"ugh what's wrong with me."

Suddenly I hear a faint female voice.

"aR****Ve S**n, H**p U*"

a few minutes I started to feel fine, and wondered what happened to me a while ago,

while pondering, somebody shouted from afar.


and it was my friend, Loup Maël, and yes my nickname is Theo, Theotime Octave. quite a long name.

Once mael got near me, long enough to hit him, I punched him in the shoulder with quite a force, and told him.

What took you so long it's freaking hot out here.

He replied with

" Sorry, there was a cute girl that I met, it took time to get her number"

I replied with a chuckle

" You don't have the courage and the face to do that lol, you just woke up late."

" Cat's out the bag haha" Mael admitted.

He's an idiot but he's actually my best friend since childhood, and we have done a lot of terrible things together like getting into a fight and gambling, even though he's boisterous he is actually good at gambling. while I'm good at haggling and convincing people.

So we went inside the mall, a lot of people since it's Sunday

"Ugh I really hate crowded place" Said Mael.

"I can't agree enough" I replied.

since both of us rarely go out because we are gamers so we tend to just stay home and play games.

"Let's just go ahead and go to the pc store so we can buy what we need"

"Yah let's do that" replied Mael.

We like rpg and wargames a lot so we know quite a bit when it comes to history.

Now we are at the pc store and bought what we needed, I bought a new ssd while he bought a new mobo.

Right after we left the store, We suddenly hear a lot of people screaming and running in fear, we got curious so we went to the opposite direction to where they are running, and we saw people with mask wearing red jumpsuits there's a lot of them and they all have high caliber guns.

I froze in fear, and couldn't speak nor run when they started to point their gun at me.

Since Mael is like a war freak he gets excited to this kind of situation and he is standing behind me.

He whispered, "Don't move an inch, I'm gonna steal his gun and when I do that, run back inside the shop.

I replied, " Don't do anything stupid you're gonna get us killed."

The dude with the gun started to shout, raise your hands! don't do anything stupid.

I whispered to mael, "See he agrees, Let's just obey what they say."

He whispered back, "Aren't you tired with this life? Why not just play along with it, when your number's up, your number is up."

I thought about what he said, because there's really nothing special about life, it's just doing over the same thing again nothing worth living for.

I replied to Mael, " For once in your life, you actually make sense."

as soon as the dude with the gun got near enough, Mael started to steal his gun, While I did run to the shop as planned,


I heard gunfire, I saw Mael bleeding and he's in the ground, I think he's already dead, not to mention I can't breathe and my cheeks can feel the cold floor, "

it smells nice though, I wonder what kind of thing do they use to clean the floor."

is what I was thinking.

The dude with the red jumpsuit sat in front of me he knew I was about to die, since I think I got shot in the lung area.

Red jumpsuit dude "Too young, we had no plan to kill you, just think about it this way, I'm an unlucky man and you guys are the more unlucky kids. If you had just listened to what I said you might still be alive."

I started thinking,

"yah, this is not a game, this is real life, there's no quick save and quick load in this game called life, Graphics is realistic so I'll give it a 10/10, but for the gameplay that's gonna be 2/10."

I accepted my fate and closed my eyes,

Suddenly I hear people shouting.

"It's over Lucas!, surrender now and accept your fate!"

after I opened my eyes and I see people with swords and arrows even magic, some of them are like from the games that I played, there are like beastman people who looks really creepy they look cool in games tho.

I started to look around I see people which is I think some kind of rebels and there's like only 5 of them left, cornered by a bunch of soldier with like a star flag on their shield, so I think they are the dude from some sort of government or empire or whatever you call it.

I looked around, and analyzed what's going on, I'm in the middle of the woods, and these dudes who's probably some sort of rebels, they are cornered, and one of them looks flashy, wearing a fur as a cape and a robe similar to a royalty and a blonde long hair, I think he's the leader. He is probably Lucas.

I started to feel my body I see no wounds where I got shot but there's an arrow in my leg, in fact, I never felt this good before, and my body is so light. I have no weapons or armors in me, but I have a fabulous robe with lots of gold and silver plating and I'm sitting in a horse cart, so it's safe to assume that I'm a merchant or something.

I started to wonder why I don't feel nervous at all, in fact I analyzed everything so quickly, there's an arrow in my leg and it hurts, so this is probably real.

suddenly a soldier approached me, who is wearing a regular plate armor, I think he's just a regular soldier.

You there! Which country are you from.

I don't know what language is that, but I can understand it.

I started to think what to answer, because the country that I live in probably doesn't exist in this world.

I replied "Frenchfgha Gretan"

the soldier replied, there's no country like that!

the soldier suddenly called the attention of what looked like another soldier but with different kind of armor.

His armor looks more sophisticated, silver and gold plating red robe that looks like from a very expensive kind of fabric. and not to mention his helm is quite cool, closed helm not showing anything on his face similar to what you can see in games and movies.

He took of his helm,

Brown short wavy hair, looks old probably around 45ish, battle scar on his right eye, face looks grumpy.

the solider 1 who look ordinary asked the other flashy solider which I think the commander or the general.

General Talius, What should we do about this one, he said he is from Frenchfgha Gretan, there's no country with that name, he's probably a merchant but we don't know what his business here.

General Talius: Merchat, Tell me your name!

Me: Theo Octavius, (I changed my name because his last names has ius I started to add ius in my name as well, so that he will think I'm from his country.)

General Talius: You soldier, Check the Name of the merchants that are registered in our country.

Solider 1: Yes SIR!.... He's not on the list.

General Talius: You are probably with them. and a lot of merchants are actually spies and will sabotage one's country to make us fall, Solider forget the list he goes to the block.

Suddenly the solider who looks ordinary. Picked his shield up, and thrusted my stomach, I suddenly pass out.

thinking to myself, am I gonna die again, I just got started, what kind of shit is this.