
The Legendary Scarlet Knight

Do you like playing games? Quick load and quick saves are your thing? Like picking races? What happens if you can choose all races and you broke the system?

Ledolati · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


After killing the other ratling, Chiyo and Theo continued their journey to look for the quest location, they kept on heading north, and after a couple of minutes, they stumbled upon a huge gate which is made of wood, Theo tried to open the gate by pushing it, but with just a bit of a touch, the gate crumbled into pieces, the gate itself showed the condition of the whole town.

They saw the inside of the town, it's like a normal town, except there are no one else besides them, it was totally abandoned, all the houses looks old, some are burnt, some are about to collapsed.

they tried to look around the town and Chiyo was so creeped out with the place that she decided to hold on to Theo's Cloak.

After a minute of walking around, they saw a building from a distance that looks like the cathedral, made of stone and marbles the columns of the cathedral has a very intricate design, and the condition of it looks good despite the surrounding houses, the cathedral looks so well maintained, that it doesn't look like it has been abandoned.

Theo decided to approach the door of the cathedral to look for the dungeon entrance, upon entering, the inside was very clean, lots of chair(pew) lined up symmetrically, and a carpet is placed on the middle starting from the entrance all the way to the altar.

There wasn't any doors leading to an underground way, so the only thing that they haven't checked yet was the altar itself, because of Theo's gaming experience he tried to push the altar to see if it's going to move, it was a similar sound as to when two stones grind each other.

"I knew it!" Theo exclaimed

Chiyo was suprised with Theo's action because Theo was moving as if he has a bunch of experience despite his young age.

"How did you even know that"

Theo was a very proud with his actions.

"It's what you call gamer's instinct"

Chiyo was clueless to Theo's answer, since they have lived Worlds apart.

Theo asked Chiyo if she was ready to go down because, from here onward there would be a lot of dangers.

Chiyo with a serious look on her face, she gripped her rod tightly.

"Yes! Let us now proceed!"

Side by side, they slowly walked down the stairs leading to a narrow hallway, since all the torches that has been hanging from the sides of the wall is no longer burning, it made the room very dark since the only source of light is the moonlight coming from the altar's entrance, but soon after they descent deeper into the hallway, the Altar to which they came from, slowly closed leaving them in total darkness.

Chiyo nervously used her spell not knowing what to do.


A red flame illuminated the dark hallway, The spell which Chiyo used was still floating above her hands, it was a new sight for Theo because he didn't know that you can cast an offensive spell without firing it immediately.

"Nicely done Chiyo, can you light up the torches"

One by one, as they walk in deeper and deeper into the hallway Chiyo made sure to light up each and every one of the torches.

They haven't encountered any enemy along the way, but it went differently when chiyo Lit up one of the torches revealing a mob of ratling hiding in the dark.

It was a first for Chiyo to finally be in a battle, not knowing what to do she hid behind Theo with her legs shaking.

(ratling are like normal rats, but they stand with their feet, and they have a human like hand but with only 3 fingers, they are a normal low lvl mobs, which uses any weapon they have available, mostly Bows, clubs and axes.)



# of enemies: 24

Lvl/s: 1-3

ATK: 3-5

DEF: 2


It was a perfect start for chiyo, so Theo decided to tank all the mobs while Chiyo will try to kill them one by one using Fireball until she runs out of MP, since it is the only offensive spell she knew.

"Chiyo, you're gonna kill them yourself, there are only 24 of them, I will get their attention so just try to kill as much as you can."

Chiyo was extremely nervous but her determination conquered her fear.

"O-okay! ... eh!?"

Chiyo couldn't believe what she was seing.

"Chiyo hurry up and start using your spells"

The group of ratlings is trying their best, using every arrow available, and their weapon breaking one by one using their first and everything they can, but even with their combined weapon they faced the wrong enemy.

Theo was just standing, not even flinching or budging, because his items and stats are too good for these low lvl mobs it resulted to 0 damage.

Chiyo knew that Theo was strong but not to this extent, she quickly used her Fireball.

*Chiyo's Stats

HP 120/120

MP 150/150

AGE 18

Gender F





Str 1

Agi 1

Vit 5

Dex 3

Int 11

Luk 1

Armor 0


Since Chiyo's Int value is high enough to 1 hit kill these weak monsters, and her total MP is 150 while fireball only uses 5MP per use, it was enough for Chiyo to kill all the 24 ratlings.









It took her 20 minutes to kill the whole mobs, since Chiyo killed the Mobs herself the system didn't cut the XP in half to share with Theo, she accumulated a total of 360XP.


Congratulations you leveled up! (x3)

"Hey Theo what does leveling up mean?"

"It just means you got stronger Chiyo you broke through your limits so you got stronger"

"hehe, I see so I became stronger huh."


-Chiyo's progress

*Chiyo's Stats

XP: 75/100 before leveling up.





Str 7

Agi 7

Vit 11

Dex 9

Int 26

Luk 7

Armor 0

Skill points: 6

Stats Points: 15

End of Ch. 22