
The Legendary Mechanic

What do you do when you wake up and find yourself inside the very game that you love? What do you do when you realize you that you have not only become an NPC - you have even been thrown back in time to before the game even launched! What will happen when our protagonist's two realities coincide? Han Xiao was a professional power leveler before his transmigration. Using his past life's knowledge, Han Xiao sweeps through the universe as he prepares for the arrival of the players. This is definitely not your typical transmigration novel.

Qi Peijia · Games
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1463 Chs

High Profile Action

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The territory of the Klent Kingdom bordered the Colton Star Cluster of the Purple Crystal Civilization. They were separated by a desolate universe belt and connected together by a stargate. After the secret war ended, both sides lifted the wartime emergency measures and reopened their stargates, allowing people to resume their travels.

Within the observation post of the Seoul Star Cluster stargate, the sentry on duty was slacking, turning a blind eye to the fleets entering and exiting the stargate. He held his communicator in his hand, intently concentrating like the typical lowered-head generation.

Since the end of the secret war, Klent and Purple Crystal had decided to recuperate, while the Black Star Army joined the Crimson Dynasty. There was no chance of war breaking out, so the mentality of the sentries gradually relaxed.