
The Legendary Mechanic : JAKE QUEEN [Dropped]

A guy from earth gets a second chance in the game world of THE LEGENDARY MECHANIC. Updates: one chapter per day....

luminous1_vanqu10 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

It had been a year since Jake departed from Stardragon, leaving behind a trail of chaos and intrigue. With his clone dissolved and Han Xiao's departure from Division 13, it was a chaotic situation in division 13 too.

With the gamers introduced, the world underwent a seismic shift. The appearance of gamers heralded the beginning of the first beta test, a period marked by uncertainty, chaos and excitement. The whole planet was in chaos due to the uncertainty of their origin.

Jake took delight in playing pranks on the unsuspecting gamers of the Germinal Organization. His actions led to their demise and the resetting of their levels to zero, earning him notoriety among the gaming community. He became a legend, his name whispered in hushed tones by those who dared to challenge the status quo.

He was really bummed out because his couldn't access the forums and see the situations like Han Xiao could. It's almost like a surveillance ability only to Han Xiao.

But Jake's reputation extended far beyond the confines of the gaming world. Through a series of daring heists, he had amassed a fortune by robbing influential families and governments. Utilizing his cloning ability and operating under the alias of the White Bandit, Jake struck fear into the hearts of those who had valuable items in their possession.

His audacious exploits continued unabated, with Jake targeting Germinal Organization bases with ruthless precision.

Each successful heist dealt a crippling blow to the organization, forcing them to retreat from foreign territories to regroup and reassess their strategies.

Jake's actions had disrupted their operations and earned him a place among the most wanted individuals in the world.

It affected them so much that the six Nations decided to take down the Germinal Organization.

The six Nations had been conducting operations throughout their territory in search of hidden bases and destroying them.

Despite his newfound fame and fortune, Jake remained focused on his ultimate goal. With over 700 million points to his name, he was closer than ever to achieving his objective. Yet, he knew that his journey was far from over. With each passing day, he honed his skills and refined his tactics, determined to see his mission through to the end.As the legend of the White Bandit continued to grow, Jake's notoriety reached new heights.

Presently, Jake reclined on a luxurious yacht, drifting peacefully across international waters. The vessel, once owned by a wealthy Heslan billionaire, now belonged to him, a testament to his audacious exploits. Hesla, one of the six nations on the aquamarine planet, had unwittingly contributed to Jake's opulent lifestyle.

As he lounged on a plush resting chair, basking in the warm embrace of the sun, Jake's surroundings exuded an air of extravagance. The yacht, adorned in a sophisticated color scheme of white and gold, gleamed under the sunlight, a beacon of luxury amidst the endless expanse of the ocean. Its sleek design boasted modern amenities and opulent furnishings, a testament to the wealth and sophistication of its former owner.

Controlled entirely by Jake's clones, the yacht hummed with activity, each clone fulfilling its designated task with precision and efficiency. From navigation to maintenance, every aspect of the vessel's operation was overseen by Jake's doppelgangers, allowing him to relax and indulge in the lap of luxury without a care in the world.

Atop the yacht, a helicopter landing pad stood as a symbol of Jake's extravagant lifestyle. It served as both a practical means of transportation and a status symbol, showcasing his ability to acquire and commandeer even the most exclusive of assets. From this vantage point, Jake could survey his domain, a king ruling over his aquatic kingdom with unrivaled authority.

As the gentle sway of the ocean lulled him into a state of tranquility, Jake reveled in the freedom afforded to him by his ill-gotten gains.

As Jake relaxed on the yacht, soaking in the gentle sway of the waves, a sudden interruption came from one of his clones. "Hey, boss, Han Xiao's trying to reach you," it informed him. Perplexed, Jake questioned, "How in the world did he get my contact information?" The clone's response was a shrug, leaving Jake to chuckle, "Well, I suppose I'm just too irresistible for my own good." With a playful grin, he made his way to his room to answer the unexpected call.

Upon connecting with Han Xiao, they engaged in the timeless tradition of catching up, swapping tales of their recent exploits.

As the conversation progressed, Han Xiao extended an unexpected invitation to Jake: to join forces in dismantling the formidable Germinal Organization. Jake's eyebrows shot up in surprise, quickly followed by a devilish grin. "Ah, taking down the big fish, are we? Count me in, partner in crime! But only if we can do it in style, with explosions and dramatic exits!" he exclaimed, unable to resist injecting a touch of his trademark humor into the serious proposition.

With the seeds of collaboration planted, Jake's curiosity inevitably led him to inquire about the Sanctuary project, a noble endeavor aimed at providing shelter and refuge for the disenfranchised.

As Han Xiao expressed astonishment at Jake's knowledge of the project and his involvement in its creation, Jake couldn't help but playfully tease, "Ah, my little Zero, you underestimate the reach of my informants. Even the shadows whisper secrets to me!"Their banter continued, punctuated by laughter and lighthearted jests, as they delved deeper into the intricacies of the Sanctuary initiative.

Jake's playful demeanor served as a stark contrast to the gravity of their discussions, injecting a sense of levity into the weighty topics at hand.

As they laid the groundwork for their future endeavours, Jake couldn't help but think about the unlikely partnership that had blossomed from a chance encounter on the high seas.

He couldn't wait for the war to start. His wallet needs more point and there are a lot of toys in Andrea continent.

He planned to sent a clone to Han Xiao and go to Andrea himself before the war starts.

In the midst of their conversation, Jake couldn't resist teasing Han Xiao about his newfound role as a sanctuary builder. "So, Han, when did you become the architect of hope and salvation? I always knew you had a hidden talent for construction, but this takes it to a whole new level!

And what the hell is 'Black Phantom Sanctuary Three. You gave your name to the place!" he quipped, unable to contain his amusement at the thought of the enigmatic Han Xiao overseeing the construction of sanctuaries for humanity's sake.

"What is it wrong that I want to have a lasting impression on this planet and everybody should remember me like a hero." Han Xiao said with a straight face.

Their exchange was punctuated by laughter and light-hearted banter, a testament to the enduring friendship and camaraderie that bound them together. As they forged ahead on their journey, united in purpose and determination, Jake reveled in the joy of shared laughter and the promise of adventures yet to come.

Name : Jake Queen

Occupation: Gamer

Level : 101

Power : 122

Strength : 130

Dexterity : 119

Intelligence : 81

Wisdom : 88

Luck : 100


Shield Lvl : Max

Hand to hand combat Lvl : Max

Shooting Lvl : Max

Esper Ability: Human Torch Lvl 3

: Clone Lvl 6

: Regeneration Lvl 10

I hope everybody enjoyed it....

Today there will be one chapter only cause it's Saturday.