
The Legendary Mechanic : JAKE QUEEN [Dropped]

A guy from earth gets a second chance in the game world of THE LEGENDARY MECHANIC. Updates: one chapter per day....

luminous1_vanqu10 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

As the clone Jake returned to his apartment after the successful heist, he found himself feeling strangely restless. With the original Jake already departed from Stardragon, leaving him with no access to the system and only his inventory to occupy his time, the clone felt a sense of aimlessness creeping in. With a sigh, he resigned himself to a night of boredom and went straight to bed, hoping that sleep would offer some relief from the monotony.

The next morning dawned with the whole Western Capital thrown into chaos by the mass robbery that had occurred overnight. News of the daring heist spread like wildfire, dominating headlines and sparking a frenzy of speculation and gossip among the city's inhabitants. While the police department scrambled to piece together the events of the previous night, the citizens found themselves captivated by the audacity of the thieves and the sheer scale of the robbery.

For Jake, however, the chaos unfolding in the city provided a welcome distraction from his own boredom. With nothing else to do on his day off, he decided to pay a visit to Han Xiao's place, hoping to catch up with his friend and fellow operative. As he made his way through the bustling streets of Western Capital, he couldn't help but marvel at the energy and excitement pulsing through the air.

Arriving at Han Xiao's place, Jake was greeted warmly by Lu Qain, the true owner of the shop, and her grandfather.

They chatted for a while and Jake went to visit Han Xiao.

As Jake entered the workshop, he couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Han Xiao diligently working on a washing machine. Despite Han Xiao's own sophisticated system, he seemed completely engrossed in his task, oblivious to Jake's presence as a clone.

"Hey there, Mr. Secret Agent Man!" Jake exclaimed with a grin, his energetic personality shining through as he approached Han Xiao. "Didn't realize Division 13 had a side hustle in appliance repair!"

Han Xiao looked up from his work, his calm demeanor unchanged as he greeted Jake with a small smile. "Just keeping busy, Jake," he replied, his tone steady and unruffled.

As they bantered back and forth, Jake couldn't resist poking fun at Han Xiao for his seemingly mundane task. "So, any top-secret missions involving laundry detergent that I should know about?" he teased, his playful tone contrasting with Han Xiao's composed demeanor.

Han Xiao simply chuckled at Jake's jest, his calm demeanor a testament to his unflappable nature. "You never know, Jake," he replied cryptically, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Their conversation soon turned to the robbery that had occurred the previous day, and Han Xiao's analytical mind went to work as they discussed possible suspects and motives. Despite Jake's playful antics, Han Xiao remained focused and composed, carefully considering each possibility with a level-headed approach.

Under the cover of night, Jake left Stardragon. He hopped over borders and found himself in the forest. There, he sold the items his clone stole to the system, filling his wallet with about 2.3 million points. Riding a bike swiped from the Germinal Organization.

After traveling for a while he spotted a light ahead. He put the bike in his inventory, then suited up in his nano gear, sneaking after a suspicious truck, thinking it belonged to the Germinal Organization.

they came to a strange boulder with a hidden passage. Jake wasted no time, slipping in behind the truck and entering the secret base.

'Yes, I knew it. This was a hidden base.' Jake said to himself.

Jake's like a ninja in the nano suit, moving stealthily through the shadows. He's quick on his feet, darting around corners and ducking into hiding spots.

"Time to rob this place, beware Germinal The White Bandit is here.. hihihi" Jake whispered to himself.

Yes Jake named himself.

With stealth as his ally, Jake prowled through the labyrinthine corridors of the Germinal Organization base, his mission clear: take down everyone inside without alerting a soul. His first target: the security system. With nimble fingers, he disabled the alarms and communication channels, ensuring no one could call for backup or escape.

Moving like a shadow, Jake approached the first guard stationed at a key checkpoint. With a swift and silent strike, he incapacitated the guard before they could even raise an alarm. Dragging the unconscious body into the shadows, Jake continued deeper into the base.

As he made his way through the facility, Jake encountered groups of guards patrolling the corridors. With precision and finesse, he dispatched them one by one, using his skills in hand-to-hand combat to swiftly neutralize any threat. Each takedown was executed with a calculated efficiency, ensuring minimal noise and maximum effectiveness.

As Jake moved through the base, he encountered scientists working late into the night. With a mixture of stealth and strategy, he incapacitated them without causing any harm, ensuring that his mission remained covert. He knew that taking down everyone inside the base would require a delicate balance of force and finesse.

Despite the challenges posed by the sheer number of personnel within the base, Jake remained focused and determined. His training and instincts guided him as he navigated the corridors, his movements fluid and precise. He knew that every silent takedown brought him one step closer to his ultimate goal.

As he reached the heart of the base, Jake encountered the higher-ranking members of the Germinal Organization. These were the individuals responsible for the base's operations, and Jake knew that taking them down would be crucial to dismantling the organization's infrastructure. With a combination of stealth and skill, he incapacitated them, ensuring that they would pose no further threat.

With each passing minute, the base grew quieter as Jake systematically neutralized everyone inside. His mission was nearing its completion, but he remained vigilant, knowing that even the slightest mistake could jeopardize everything he had worked for. He moved with purpose and determination, leaving no room for error.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Jake stood alone in the silent corridors of the Germinal Organization base. Every guard, scientist, and superior had been taken down without a sound. His mission was a success, but there was still work to be done. With the base secured, Jake began gathering valuable intelligence, ensuring that the organization's nefarious plans would never come to fruition.

"Ahh, let's see what's in their armory."

Jake processed to convert everything into his inventory and without waiting sold everything except some guns and items for his personal use.

The current balance he had was 4,651,550 points.

Jake was happy to see the points grow so much.

"What type of spaceship Should I buy?" Jake asked himself.

"I will think about it later...."

Saying that he proceeded to fill the base with explosives around the core infrastructure and the dead bodies near a 1.5 ton bomb.

"No evidence around here...

Nothing....." He sang, clearly bad at singing.

He set a 5 minute timer and left the base.

He took out his brand new off-road bike from his inventory and rode it.

After a few minutes he heard a huge explosion and a huge wave of dust got past him.

But Jake wasn't affected by this at all.

I hope everybody enjoyed it.....