
The Legendary Guards of Extermenation

A deep ditch was created in a magical kingdom that separated the kingdom into half avoiding unknown enemies, four friends entered this world searching for the legendary guards, the humanity's only hope to restore the kingdom's magical lands and find the secret of those enemies. It's just the beginning of everything

Tsh3_1209 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 7: Rain Of Rocks

Arc: The Return

The sky was clear and had a scattered clouds, the sun was slightly bright. After the alarm that everyone heard from the Master a strange incident occurred,rocks were falling from the top seemed like rain of rocks.

Tom asks sacredly:"This makes me go crazy,what is happeining?"

Nichole:"Why strange things happen whenever I'm with you Jason?"

Jason:"I didn't threaten you to come here ."

Said Jason to Nichole who was hiding under the table with Christine while Jason and Tom were behind the sofa. Marissa with the old lady were under the window. 

Marissa cries out of anger:"Stop It all of you, are you really friends?"

In a second she noticed something and said:"Wait a minute, I know this trick."

Out of the basement came a voice yelling :"If you want to stay alive come on out and face me."

Marissa replied:"Wait Greed, you won't convince them like that."

Tom drowsily:"So they know each other."

Then they all went out and saw a young man with a yellow hair and green eyes carrying a brown long fighting stick . What distinguishes him was the brown tattoo on his chest ,which is the word Earth in Japanese ( 地球)Chikyū. 

Greed:"Hey Master, why are you so kind to him and why are you wearing ladies clothes?"

Jason,Tom ,Nichole and Christine stood with shocked faces.

Marissa madly:"Do you have to throw your rocks at us and destroy the place?"

Greed:"It's better than treating a fool as a guest."

Jason:"Who do you think you are calling us fools you jerk."

Greed:"It's Greed, and open your eyes and see who is the real jerk here."

Jason:"You wanna fight don't you?"

Greed:"No, I'll kill you."

The Master appeared behind Greed and hit him on his head:"That's enough."

Greed:"But Master."

A strong wind gets by , resolving a horror in the place:"I SAID ENOUGH....get in."


After they sat down Nichole started the conversation  .

Nichole:"So you suppose to be a man."

The Master:"I apologize ,whatever initiate from us, I thought I would  convince you to come with us...The whole thing is that It has been a while since we left home, May I introduce myself again, My name is Master Valko and the three of us  are from Alanazia."

Tom suddenly screamed:"I believe you Master."

Jason as he puchs his friend towards the door:"Well ,thank you so much but we should leave

Marissa:"Wait, have a cup of juice first."

She distributed the cups but when Christine took a sip she felt sick and her face turned green. She runs to the window and just opened It she vomited.

Christine started coughing ,then she said with difficulty:"What have you given me?"

Tom dropped his cup of the intensity of panic.

Christine disturbed by Tom's reaction:"What's wrong.....I'm talking?!"

Christine moving backwards ,sat on the sofa surprised and kept her hand on her mouth.

Master Valko:"Christin's cup contains a spell to break a powerful cursethat prevent the magic, seems that the luck is on our side today."

Greed sat on his knees in front of Christine:"This girle , she's one of us ,how a weak person like you uses a strong magic, so disappointing."

Nichole whispers to Tom:"He reminds me of Luther."

Master Valko:"Alanazia,a world full of magic where people called magic users ,however, they can only use magic by gathering the magic  aura from the atmosphere around them. The stronger the user and his ability to gather much amount of aura , the much effective the magic is.On the other hand,the legendary guards use forbidden which is directly sourced from their body.  "

Marissa explains:" The main objective of our journey in this world is to find the Dragon protector."

Nichole:"Why you want him so badly?"

Master Valko:"20 years ago, there was a war between the magic users, and the Red Eyes who we still don't know what exactly are they, they use forbidden magic that's what we just know.The war lasted for seven months as a result, the kingdom of Alanazia is separated in half , Alanazia and Alantazia.The 12 magic users are our left hope to eliminate those creatures and restore the world of magic again and finding another guard without an effort was unusual.We magic users able to sense others magic and since your curse became weak you were able to sense Greed's magic even though there isn't any magic in the air in this world, meaning you're a guard."

Christine laughed for the first time with a voice and she seems like use to it and said: "This is a joke right, a magic user me ?"

Marissa:"Yeah, you can use powerful weapons like Greed here."

Christine stood mad next to the door:"Alright ,that's It, I'm going home."

Marissa closed the door hardly and said:"No one will step a foot outside unless you believe us."

Greed:"Now we're talking."

Master Valko:"Let them go, they may need time to figure out what's going on now."

*He said his words as he draws a circle by his hand in the air and mad a breeze extinguished the fire which was hanged on the walls. The four opened their eyes amazed, they apologizes, then walked out home. 

Greed:"Aoo!, Master."

Master hitting Greed's head with a hand fan:"This for using magic in public and this for not trusting your master."

The night has shown up and the four walking home silently when Christine stood abruptly then they stood after her.

Christine as she looks ahead:"I'll continue to use sign language, more importantly, I'll forget these myths and don't talk to me at school."

Tom:"What's that all about?"

*Note: Master Valko was able to use magic since he gathered the left magic from Greed when he used his magic . 

TO Be Continued...