
The Legendary Guards of Extermenation

A deep ditch was created in a magical kingdom that separated the kingdom into half avoiding unknown enemies, four friends entered this world searching for the legendary guards, the humanity's only hope to restore the kingdom's magical lands and find the secret of those enemies. It's just the beginning of everything

Tsh3_1209 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 6: Catching Up Jason

Arc: The Return 

Out of the school's  main entrance,Nichole and Tom were causing  Jason to the parking slowly.

Tom,who was annoyed by Nichole:"Why are we following them?"


 Nichole located a Motorcycle key in the parking area with extra  set available then she hops in. 

Nichole:"Get in already."

Tom trying to stop her:"Wait...Do you even know how to drive this thing?"

Nichole:"How hard can it be?"

Tom as he felt someone was teaching his shoulders :"Stop..stop that's hurts."

Tom looked back and his exasperation went completely different. 

Tom, shocked:"What are you doing her,Christine?"

Christine brought her notebook and wrote what she was trying to say :"I was heading to the school garden to water the plants. And both of you ,what are you doing ,  you're  responsible for that trick aren't you?" 

Nichole:"No..oh come on in we will explain later."

Jason and Marissa drove off into the street and Nicole sneaks behind them.

Tom:"You sound like tuning in, since when?"

Nichole laughs :" Ha, I didn't catch a leash in my life other than the once at the amusement park."

Tom:"NO WAY!"


After few accurate both vehicles went across an area full of trees, heading to the old woman's house.

Nichole as she stopped a bit farther from Marissa's car :"We better stop here and continue walking ."

Old woman:"Come on son.. I was waiting for you ."

Jason and Marissa are entering the old woman's basement, which was lighted by the sun which came from the window . There wasn't much furniture except for one sofa and a table. The basement was so small in size they can barely stand in it. 

 Tom trembling  :"This house gets me chills."

The three trackers were setting outside the basement where they could see through a small hole in the door.

Master:"Take a seat...would you like some tea or biscuits?"

Jason thanked the lady then said:"Now please tell me, what this is all about?"

Master seriously :"Hear me carefully young man, You are the chosen one..the one who will save the world from destruction...You are the protector. That's all."

Jason lay back and creates a terrifying atmosphere in the place:"Oy....What you mean that's all, I understand nothing ...I did not understand anything at all."

Tom:"Ohhhh, I feel more chills now...What are you reading ..... (The White Hoop)?"

Nichole while searching in a white cover book :"  An interesting name isn't, I thought it was some sort of an unreal  legend."

Suddenly Christine falls into the ground inside the basement . She raised her head , seeing the old woman staring at her. 

Nichole:"Are you okay ?"

Jason stands :"You tow and....Christine?!"

Master:"That book!..Do you know them?"

Jason:"They are my friends."

Master:"What are you up to Jason's friends?"

Tom:"We have our own business."

Then the old woman hit Tom on his head .

Nichole:"Well, I'm Nichole ,Christine, and this fool here is Tom. We were following Jason in particular after telling us that he sow a  worried  creature in the park."

Tom whispers to Jason:" Guess what Nichole has just  driven  a motorcycle?"

Jason:"Ha ,when did she learn how to drive?"

Nichole:"I have four older brothers remember."

Marissa surprisingly :"You sow  a Red Eye?"

Jason confused while looking at Christine :"What's a Red Eye ?"

Master:"It's the same thing that caused you this wound on your cheek , this isn't a normal wound you know.And this book Nichole shouldn't be here in your world "

Tom:"In your world?!"

Master:"Nichole open page 18 and read it for us."

Nichole openes the page and started reading while everyone was listing attentively :" Every 20 to 30 years pass a new generation of special magic users emerges . 12 magic users are born to protect the world . Those users are able to use magic that sourced directly from their body . The family with magical blood will be able to transform their own magic to their child . This force grows stronger every generation and those users called The Legendary Guards. One of these guards a child born with a distinctive blood , the blood of the Dragon Protector. "

Jason gets up off his chair ,paused for a moment ,thinking as he spoke with himself and having a strange anger around him .

Jason while he closed his eyes and increases the grip of his hands:"Is that why you brought me here , thinking that I have the blood of the dragon protector?"

The place turns spookier until Christine felt a sense of being targeted. She pulled out Jason's comb and told him what she felt in sign language.

Jason:"Someone is targeting us?!"

They stood amazed looking around, heading slowly to the center of the basement forming a protective  circle .

Master shouts loud  :"All of you  , GET DOWN !"  

TO Be Continued...