
The Legendary Guards of Extermenation

A deep ditch was created in a magical kingdom that separated the kingdom into half avoiding unknown enemies, four friends entered this world searching for the legendary guards, the humanity's only hope to restore the kingdom's magical lands and find the secret of those enemies. It's just the beginning of everything

Tsh3_1209 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 27: Seek For The Truth

 Arc : The Tragedy 

 Two weeks after Jason and his friends return back to the real world . At the library in the Diamond  City ,where the doctor was searching on the shelves at night . 

Dr.Marcuse :" Where is that book ."

Supreme Commander Enzo :" What brings you here Dr.Marcuse ?"

Dr.Marcuse , as he stops searching immediately :" You always  be aware of my intentions ." 

Commander Enzo: " We went to the same school my friend ..I'm looking for a book called the Black Hoop If you wanna know why am I here at this hour , have you heard of it ? " 

Dr.Marcuse :"Yes, I've heard about it ."

Commander Enzo , started searching :" It has been said that the book has  lots of secrets, including the secret of the Redeyes , and the previous commander had burned it . " 

Dr.Marcuse :"Sorry, Commander , but you're not telling me everything .I know that the book has been seen before 20 years with only two copies . "

Commander Enzo:" Then you know that the original book was actually divided  into two parts , the White Hoop  as all magic users aware of  and the Black Hoop which is out of our knowledge . " 

Dr.Marcuse :"No sign of it in Marsael , so I came to look in the capital." 

Commander Enzo:" You're still not visiting the castle or you prefer to escort the old man ."

Dr.Marcuse :"His majesty asked me to live my life as I want and that's what I did ."

Commander Enzo:" Alright , thank you for finishing my work here , please let us meet again ." 

Dr.Marcuse , as he leaves the library :" Sure , why not."

Then he continues talking to himself:" The military , they've found out what we are doing ." 


It is time for us to head back to Alanazia after spending a month in  our world , I can't wait to hit that old man after he caused us that amount of trouble . 

Jason :" Are you guys ready ."

Nichole fixes her clothes :" Why are you in a harry."

Jason :"It's 6 am , what If someone catch us ."

Christine :" Tom , did you check the corridor ."

Tom:" Yeah , no one is there ." 

Jason, runs up to the satires ,reaches the end of it and break through the purple jelly wall . 

Tom: "Wait, I forgot my camera ."

Christine and Nichole pull him from his clothes and enter the portal: " There is no time for that." 

They found themselves at the top of  Marsael library stairs . 

Tom amazed:" Are we  here ?!" 

Nichole:" It was a good idea , to change our school uniform before we come here ."

Jason :"What's that noise ?!"

Casing that noise was Yuno , who was running behind Greed  in the library while she troughs the books at him using her wind magic . 

Yuno yells :"Greed, stop right there."

Greed , escaping :" I would have , if you stopped throwing books at me ."

Yuno:"How dare you eat my cake ."

The four  overlook at the end of the corridor to avoid the fight  .

Nichole:" Didn't they realize it's a library ."

Marissa , chasing Yuno:" Yuno!.. keep quite ... oh, hi you guys."

Jason:" I suppose we are in the right place ."

Ayami :"Hi Christine and Nichole , Oh.. If you knew how boring is in here."

Nichole:" It's good to see you Ayami ."

Marissa :"Come on , grab your weapons , we must leave."

Jason :"This fast , where is Master Valko ?..we need to have a little chat"

Ayami :"He is waiting in the caravan" 

 And quickly they hop into the caravan and left off to a new journey. 

Greed:" I thought you will never show up."

Jason:" What you miss me?"

Greed :"As if."

Zeke:" I  just notice that I was having the best peaceful days of my life ." 

Greed :"Ha, like you should be talking , after the rumor that you've been spreading it in the headquarters ."

Zeke:" I said what people were blabbering about at the market."

Jason :"What rumor ?!"

Zeke :"People were talking about a guy from the battle land claims that he is one of the legendary guards ."

Christine :"Is he mad?!"

Master :"That rumor , might be right."

Marissa , driving:" The Master decided to check on it ."

Master orders :"Nichole , use your encyclopedia on your bracelet and research for a place called the Battle land or a map might work ."

Nichole:" Count on me ."

As she presses the button on her gold bracelet , a big yellow touch screen appeared in front her .

Tom tries to touch the screen :"What's that button does...Ouch!"

Nichole hits his hand:" Don't touch that...Battle land , where a long ago battle was there against the magical creatures such as fairies ,Werewolves ,Mermaids ,Fauns ,phoenix ,Griffin and  Dragons . "

Christine: " Since she mentioned that , we didn't not see those creatures yet."

Ayami:" Not seeing them doesn't mean that they aren't real , they just prefer to be unseen ." 

Greed :"Beside , the Battle land is completely  different ,  the Magic Championship will be held there ,it is more of a grassland ."

Christine , mocking him:" So you do care."

Greed :"Stop staring at me like that ."

Tom :"Oh, he cares ."

Greed :"I'll kill you."

Master seriously:" Listen up ...don't  loosen your defense , soldiers are everywhere searching for us , they did not recognize your faces , so it is important for me to keep out of sight a bit."

They all replied: "Yes , Master ."


In a small village  full of green grass and the beautiful purple lavender flowers all over the place near the Battle land . 

Lasto:" Brother !...the Championship registration will be done by now ."

Farsto:" On sec sis, I just have to shoat that bottle other there. "

Farsto , as he targeting a bottle far away from him :" Bullets , Gun, focus ......Shoat."

Farsto , after he shoots the bottle professionally and with full dexterity  :" Oh, a bottle isn't the perfect target for me."

(Farsto Sherman , a 16 year old boy with a peach colored hair and a green eyes.) 

Lasto as she blow a gum :"You can shoot whatever you like in the game."

( Lasto Sherman , a 16 year old girl with a two long bright  pink braid and blue eyes.) 

Farsto :" Let us float with your ball to reach there faster."

Lasto with a grumpy cute face :"Lasto is tired of using her magic ."

Farsto:" We can then have some candy before we reach there."

Lasto  joyfully :" Lasto is ready to go ." 

To Be Continued.....