
The Legendary Guards of Extermenation

A deep ditch was created in a magical kingdom that separated the kingdom into half avoiding unknown enemies, four friends entered this world searching for the legendary guards, the humanity's only hope to restore the kingdom's magical lands and find the secret of those enemies. It's just the beginning of everything

Tsh3_1209 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 20 : Flames

Arc : The Temple .

"You !" Diana  says surprised as she was able to break the handcuffs which were on her hand by bending her foot and lengthening her nails  towards the cuffs .

Diana , looking to Jason's hands :"Hora !...What a beautiful weapon ."

Greed , alerts:"Beware , she is a Redeye , and so is he ."

Christine talks to herself , then looked to Jason :"This woman , it's her ....she broke into my house and killed Jason's parents ...No, I won't tell him now ."

Guy , throwing bullets at the Temple :"Enough gossiping ."

Christine  and Jason repulse the bullets bravely..Christine was using her Tantto which became surrounded by red fire flames , and then started attacking Guy professionally . She was amazed by her ability to attack and move quickly .

Christene:"My body moves fast , I might win ?!"

Arsh the Tantto:"Most skills of the former fire guards transferred to you as soon the contract is done , but use it carefully...you are still learning ."

Jason amazed:"So fast !"

"Hey...you're facing me ." Said Diana fighting Jason , who continues to repel her strikes for a while , Diana wanted to scratch him with her Nails , but he avoids it .

Jason:"Try again ."

Diana:"Hah, I wasn't targetin you ."

"DAMEN!" Outcrys Jason , turds around and saw  the Nails  were heading to Greed and the rest . Greed repelled her attack by making a rock wall .

Greed:"Take care of your own affairs , I'll take it from here ."

Jason:"I appreciated ."

Tom screams:"Jason , 12 o'clock !."

Jason bowed his head and fell, avoiding Diana's nails :"You are such a persevering woman ."

Diana:"Ha?....I've heard this phrase before .....right , those are the same words of the last two humans that I killed ."

Christine stops her attack , turn to her to prevent her from completing her words , but Guy intercepts her. Christine shouts as the heat came out of her ,unconscious of what she was doing , pointing with her weapon towards Guy's  face :"Move It .... "

Diana:"Oh, Christine ...I haven't forgotten about the wound that you caused me before , you hurt me and made me ashamed in front of the king ."

Jason, deeply puzzled on the ground :"W...What are you saying?!"

Then she looked at Jason with a smail :"It seems that your friend did not tell you about the identity of your parent's murderer , he is right here in front of you....Hahaha, that woman's screams were satisfying , "oh please , leave my son alone ...don't touch him .".....hahaha, it was wonderful ."

Jason , froze in his truck , his eyes were full with tears :"You.....you , I shall burn you to death . "

Jason runs towards her angrily , Diana looked behind and broke into his shoulder with her fingernails . Jason fells down ,the blood splatters and dripped everywhere from him .

"JASON!" Cry Tom and Nichole .

 His eyes slowly closed and said hopelessly:"Is this  the end for me ?....I didn't expect that kind of risk was waiting for me , was it to take revenge , was that realy  my goal ?  ...what a pathetic person I am to die like this . " 

Ayami, suffering from her wound:"If I hadn't lost that amount of magic , If I had been able to use my maximum attack !."

Christine became more frightening and ready to attack completely , the Tantto was directed to Guy's head and the other Tantto was shot as a shotgun. Guy removed the Tantto out of his sight while the other Tantto comes around his back and stabbed him , The flames  burn  his back and began to roll on the ground , crying in pain .


Note: it is better to skip the music in this segment and start at the 3:57 minute for a better focus  .

Jason :"What happened?.....Am I dead?"

The Dragon:"No, you're still alive ."

Jason smiles:"You're very urgent , making me come back to this white place!"

The Dragon:"You intend to stay here forever?"

Jason:"As If I can do that ...( A moment of silence).... I'll fight."

The Dragon:"Why?"

Jason: I will fight and exterminate every single one of them , I will wipe them out of this world , so that there will be no trace of their existence for good, As I ..the dragon protector , leader of the legendary guards..you Drago shall make my goal come to reality . "

 Drago:"As you wish , dear dragon protector . " 

Whereas everyone was focusing on Christene's fight with Guy , a white flame appeared on Jason's body , whilst the flame radiates more  in his shoulder , until the wound has healed , creating  white tattoo with the word 炎 Honō (Flames in Japanese). The white dragon gloves were on his hands and each and every eye there , were on Jason .

Diana: "How are you still alive ....no ,how did you recover?! " 

Tom shouts as loud as he could :"FINSH HER ...JASON !"

Jason hits the ground with his hands and made a white flame rip in the ground as a river going towards Diana , who was then hit by the flames in her right body . Christine regains her consciousness from her terrifying situation . 

Guy approaches to shot a bullet at Jason :"How dare you .....YOU BASTARED!"

Guy stops moving in a second after he hinted a thin string around him . 

Greed in surprise , staring to where the fighting happening :" Ayami, can you see those tightened strings around there?!"

"I advise you not to move one inch or else , you kiss your life goodbye."  Says a young man with olive colored hair with a glistening orange eyes , on the tree , stretching out his hands to control the strings .Guy fire's a instantaneous bullet at himself and Diana then they  disappeared . 

To Be Continued....