


MeradTaki · Anime & Comics
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Ch- 1 2/2

[ Reading keys ]


Character's name : " Talking is like this "

Character's name : * Actions during talking are like this *

Character's name : {Inner talking, inner voices & Thoughts are like this}

( Author talking )

Things i want you to focus on are underlined


[ Author's pov ]

Y/n has found himself in a horrible situation. The enemies are developing the nearby Orange zone while strengthening their fist on it, to turn it into a Red Zone that will be a dangerous threat to the resistance, because the Green zone where one of the main bases been established is right next to it, which mean the risk of been discovered will increase into a high level.

even though developing the zone will take a long time, he can't waste any single minute now, he believes that striking the enemies while they are still vulnerable is the best decision before it's too late.

At this moment, Y/n is walking towards Alex's Workshop where he will get involved in the new type of grenade, after he told David to keep what he left a secret, until he prepares the pictures he asked for, he didn't want from everyone down here to get frightened by the news, so what is happening up there will stay hidden until y/n makes a plan to relieve them after he tells them about the invaders dirty plan.

[ Meanwhile at a path tunnel ]

[ Y/n's pov ]

For now, and before David prepares what I asked him, I believe that I have some time to visit Alex, to show me his new project and how it will be useful to us. On my way, I passed the armory where our weapons are been stocked and guarded.

( I had a pic of a nice amory underground but it did get uploaded so it will stay liek this until i find another one )

Y/n : { Hmm how about I check on our tools first }

I said to myself innerly before walking to the armory's entrance that is blocked by one of our plumbed, huge, beast soldiers

Y/n : *Salute the guard * " Greeting brother "

The Entrance Guard : * Salutes y/n * " Greetings commander, would you like it pass through ? "

I nodded to him as a response and he immediately turned to the door

The Guard : * knocks 4 times * " OPEN THE DOOR, THE COMMANDER WANTS TO GET IN "

Male voice : " Coming "

A voices of keys been turned and locks been opened started appearing from the other side when shourtly another guard with gun opened the door.

The guard didn't say a word, he just moved a side, leaving me to pass in. and once I did so, he walked out and closed the door behind me.

Our armory isn't as small as it appears, in fact it's as big as 3 meeting rooms. 1/3 of the armory space is the Reception space, and that is where i am right now. While the rest 2/3 is a workshop where our weapons are been crafted, upgraded, fixed, cleaned and stroked.

There is a wooden wall with a door that divides between the Reception space and workshop space, so no one can see what's happening back there, after all, the one in charge here likes Privacy

Y/n : " Hellooooooooo, is anyone here ?"

Of Course there's, but I just wanted to show someone that I came to HIM


From the workshop, he spoke to me so loudly and happy before he talks with others, workers mostly, hehe what a man. Like he have said, he shortly came to me through the door in the wooden wall

Y/n : " Well, how is our weapons expert if I can ask ..... Sidney ? "

[ Sidney cook, a weapons expert and talented, smart crafter ]

( This's how the Reception space looks like, just imagine it wider with more tables and tools on them )

Among all the talented people down here, Sidney is surely the best one in his job, or that's what I think of him at least. he's one of the few who love their work to the point of obsessiation. With skills and imagination as his, this resistance is powerful

Sidney :* Move closer to the table * " Well he's like always .... ON FIRE BABY "

Y/n : * Giggle softly * " So glad to hear that "

Sidney : * Smiles * " So how can I be in services commander? Need anything for some asses butchering? OOOOOOOOOOR YOU MAYBE WANT TO SEE MY NEW PROJECT? "

From all sudden, his tone has changed from a calm, normal one to a loud, enthusiastic one, mentioning something called as a new project ... HMM! I don't recall getting any report about it ... Whatever, I may make an exception for Sidney, after all, I have mentioned he likes privacy

Y/n : " Well I don't mind, If this .... "

Male worker : " JONSEN !!!!!!! DON'T TEACH IT "

Sidney : " OH SHIT !!!! " * Swiftly bow down under the table *

I have been interrupted by one of the workers yelling at that Jonsen guy, it seems he will get himself into troubles with Sidney so soon. surprisingly, something flew out the wooden wall towards me, cracking the spot it came out of it, and it was flying so fast towards me, I managed to dodge it, but whatever this thing is, it could damage my shoulder so badly if i didn't do so

Y/n : * Turn around * " The hell !!! "

( Imagine this saw blade is stock in a wall )

Y/n : " Did somebody just launched a FREAKING SAW BLADE AT ME ? "

Appertaly, it was a saw blade that passed near me, I am glad I acted quickly or else, I may not survive it, cutting my shoulder.

Sidney slowly raises his head while looking at me in shock at what just happened.

Sidney : * Shocked * " I am really sorry for that, I shouldn't have left my project back there, I will be right back "

He quickly stood up, rushing back to the workshop with an angry face


He loudly yelled at this guy, his voice could be heard outside the walls of the armory,

Jonsen : " I-I-I-I-I am really sorry, I cou-couldn't control myself, I really wanted to see it working "

But for Jonsen, he quietly yet scaredy explained his behaviour, I barely able to hear him but i didn't really care about what's happening inside, I walked to the stock saw and try to pull it out the break wall while Sidney yelling at Jonsen

Y/n : * Try to pull the blade out the wall * { Jammed ? Hmm Whatever launched this blade, it did it so strongly, nice }

I honestly couldn't pull the blade out with one hand, so I tried again with both and after a great physical effort, I pulled it out, leaving a deep mark on the wall.

What, did he craft a saws launcher or something of that sort ?

Y/n : * Walk to the table and put the saw blade on it *

Sidney : " End of discussion Jonsen, I will deal with you later "

It seems they finally came to agreement .... hope so. I could hear footsteps coming here, I think sidney is coming back

Sidney : * open the door and pass it * " Sorry for the deley commander , I had to settle few things back there as you were hearing "

Y/n : " It's fine, I understand and " * Notice something strange * " What's that ? "

He returned here, carrying with him a strange looking crossbow with a bike handlebars connected to it, and a strange mechanic part instead of the ordinary arrows track part .

Is that his new project ?

Y/n : * pointing at that tool * " Is that what almost made me lose my arm ? "

Sidney : * Get close to the table, caring the new tool * " Well, I usually don't talk negatively, but after what happened earlier, I have to say yes, it's ..... Unfortunately but the good thing that you dodged it, and that's all the matter now, anyways let me introduce to you my newest creation "

Before he says what it's, he placed it on the table in front of me and I could see it completely

Sidney : " Commander, say hello to out new weapon. THE SAW LAUNCHER "

. . . . . . So my guess was right in the end, wasn't it

[ The Saw Launcher ]

Sidney : * Grab the handlebar * " This little friend of mine will strike fear into the hearts of the enemies, it's easy to be used and it only requests a soft physical effort, yet someone with high shooting accuracy to be used perfectly " * Hold the launcher again * " All you have to do is pressing the brake lever to free the cable, then pull it down like if you are using a medieval crossbow" * Slowly pull it down until a sound appears * " Once you hear this voice stop pulling, and then place a saw blade here "

He grabbed the blade from earlier, and placed it in the saw stroke part, honestly, I am innerly praying at this very moment that nothing will happen

Sidney : * Places the saw blade * " After placing the blade where is should be, only 3 steps ramined, aim at the target, shoot the target then forget about the target "

Y/n : " . . . . . Nice, so how much damage it can cause? "

Sidney : " Well, I tested this weapon on some dummies, stuffed in different types of our enemies Infantry armors, this weapon is strong enough to cut through a light armor, it can heavily damage a medium one, and causing a great damage on heavy one, Even the Juggernauts are valuable if you know where to shoot them with it"

[ Author's pov ]

The juggernauts. The titans of the enemy Infantry forces. They are a military Volunteers that their genetics has been reformed by enemy scientists. Those modificated, Bio-mutated soldiers have a bigger body with greater physical Strength and a high Stamina, yet they are so slow.

Even with a new, stronger form, they are still vulnerable to some of the fatal damages that any ordinary human can't survive from, and for that, the enemies armored the juggernauts with a heavy, supertype of full armor to protect them, they are valuable after all.

Fortunate, and after liberating a Red Zone a few months ago. The resistance found a package full of needles that contains a strange green liquid.

They didn't know what are those needles for, so they gave the package to their Biologists who uncovered the secret behind those needles


With those needles in the hands of the resistance, it managed to build its own juggernauts.

Unfortunately, neither the liquid ingredients nor the requested High-tech machines, to make more of the mutations needles can be provided by the resistance, so it only uses the ones that have been looted from the enemies' bases.

The rate of the mutation succession it's not so high, after all, not everyone can handle the slow, annoying, painful transformation that has been caused by a shoot of one of those needles. Nearly only 5% of the Volunteers, either if they are from the enemy or the resistance, survived the transformation while the rest died, and as a result of that, the resistance's command decided that the juggernaut can be used only in three types of missions only :

- Protecting a Green Zone and any resistance hideouts or bases

- Heavy assaults

- EJ VS RJ battles ( EJ VS RJ = Enemy Juggernaut VS Resistance Juggernaut )

[ Y/n's pov ]

I must admit, I like this weapon already, even though it looks a little bit weird, but who cares, with a weapon that can even damage a Juggernaut, the form is not a necessity

Sidney : " Would you like to test the saw launcher out by yourself ? "

He offered to me to use his newest weapon, but honestly, I don't feel like I am in the mood to do so, especially, after what has happened earlier

Y/n : " Nah no need to, I saw enough already "

I said to him as I slowly turn my head around looking at the mark of the blade that almost cut MY FREAKING SHOULDER

Sidney : " I See, anyway from 0 to 10, how would you rate my weapon ? "

Y/n : " Well, I haven't used it yet, but an easy weapon to be used and able to damage a Juggernaut, I will give it 8/10 buuuuuuuuuuuut with what happened earlier, I will drop it to 6/10 , you will get the rest when I used "

Sidney ; " Oh, th-that's not so encouraging but still good and one more thing, This is just a primary prototype "

Before I say anything, he quickly rushed back to the workshop and then he returned within a few seconds, bringing with him a big designing paper

Sidney : " This is the real want I am working on, The super saw launcher lvl lll "

[ The design of The Super Saw Launcher lvl lll ]

Y/n : " Looks so . . . . . epic "

I have admitted to him as a look at this really cool design

Sidney : " Of course it's but it's hard to be made tho"

Y/n : " It doesn't matter because the one who will make it is Sidney " * Look at him * " Isn't he ?"


He happily yelled as he points at me, what the hell is he doing ? Does he want me to shoot him with his saw launcher or something ?

Sidney : " sorry commander, I just felt motivated now "

Y/n : " Nah, no need to apologize, we need everyone to be like that after all "

Sidney : * Nods * " So now, I believe you have other duties to attend. I need to go back to continue my working "

Y/n : " You are right. Thanks for the hard effort. See you next time "

I turned around to head towards the exit, but before I make my first step, he called me

Sidney : " Hey wait "

Y/n : * Turn to him * " Hmm ? "

Sidney : " Before you go, I would like to give you this prototype, it's my first and only one for now, and I wish for you to add it to your gears "

Y/n : " And I will gladly accept it "

Siendy : " Thanks, and now tell me which type of gears you want me to put it with ? "

Y/n : * Thinking * " Let me think "

[ Author's pov ]

Unlike all the fighters in the resistance, y/n is a well regulated one, he has divided his gears and equipments into a named collections, so when he comes to the armory, he won't waste his time on selecting his weapons, he will just select the collection he needs.

[ His Gears ]

[Ghost Gear ] = Medium silenced machine gun + 2 Combat knives + Light silenced handgun + silenced sniper or bow + Assassination rope + camouflage uniform

[Warrior Gear ] = 4 Medium machine guns + Combat knife + 2 Light handgun + Medium armor

[Scout Gear ] = Combat knife + 2 Medium handguns + Light runner uniform

[Gladiator Gear ] = Mini-gun or Massive melee weapon and a Shield + Full body armor

[Bomber Gear ] = RPG + Grenade launcher + Bombs, Molotov, C4 Bag + Heavy armor

[Sniper Gear ] = Long ranged gun or sniper + silencer + 2 Light Handguns + Combat knife + camouflage uniform

[Purifier Gear ] = Flame or Toxics thrower + Molotov or Toxic grenades + Anti-Fire and Toxic uniform + Mask

[ Thrower Gear ] = Throwing knives and axes belts + 2 combat knife and 2 combat axes + Medium armor

[ Survivor Gear ] = Select weapon, armor, and equipment like anyone else

[ Randomer Gear ] = Any strange or unclassified weapon

He has 10 group of Gears , each one is for a type of missions

[ Y/n's pov ]

Y/n : " Well, this weapon is ahhhhhhhh I think it might fit in ....... pfft you know, just put it with my Randomer Gear collection if you don't mind "

He nodded to me before walking back to the workshop because the weapons store is right behind it. Suddenly I remembered the time, so I looked at my wristwatch

Wristwatch : " 8:32 "

Y/n : " Hmm! Oh well time to go "

I have told myself that before leaving the armory quickly, heading towards Alex's Workshop, to have have a look on his new project. I feel like he will punch me for keeping him wait for so long, let's just get this over with

[ Time skip 20 Minute ]

Y/n : * Walking quickly before having a look at the Wristwatch *

Wristwatch : " 8:52 "

Y/n : " Damn it "

This day is definitely the slowest one in my life as a resistor. During my years in the resistance, I never spent as much time as I did today in the base, but who blames me? A lot has happened already and I believe more will, after all, what the life is preparing for us, can't be predictable.

*multiple Shooting sounds appearing*

On my way to Alex's Workshop. Gunshot sounds abruptly started ringing from the nearby area. For anyone who doesn't know how our base has been divided, he or she will surely get frighten from them, but no need to worry, those are just gun training shots, no more

Y/n : * Stop for a bit * { The fighters are improving their shooting skills } * Smile * { I think I will check on the later }

As I was about to start walking again, while feeling pleasure from hearing the gunshot of our fighters. Someone familiar just spoke to another one

Alan : " DAAAAAAAAAMN BROOOO !!!!!, you are getting too well with your shooting skills, I see a bright path is ahead of you as a shooter, but don't expect me to go easy on you next time "

It appeared that Alan is training there to, and he spoke with what it clearly is someone, he is training with, and that got my attention.

Y/n : " . . . . . Wait, was that Alan ? " * Ask himself *

Alan is one of the best shooters in the resistance but not the only one. The noticeable thing is that he just complimented someone . . . . That's something rare to happen by him, hmm I wonder who could the guy who made him do that be.

Y/ n : " I think Alex won't mind, if I let him wait a little bit longer " * Talk to himself *

I really felt so curious to know who Alan just complimented. As I mentioned earlier, this is something I don't hear every day.

I don't want to waste much time on this, so I quickly walked to the shooting training field where I have been greeted by two armored fighters who guard the filed's entrance. They both opened the door for me as they move a ide for me to go in

Y/n : * Get in the reception room *

[ The shooting training field reception room ]

( Replace the clothes board on the right with a weapons one )

Kinney : " Good day to you commander, are you here for some practicing ? "

Kinney the receptionist, a gentleman with a kind heart and soft side, but don't be trick by his behaviors because if anyone dares to touch a single bullet or a weapon from that hanged board behind him or any of the tables in the room without his permission. Well I have nothing to say but RIP

Y/n : " Good day to you too kinney, and no i am not, I am just here to check on the shooting field "

I don't want to reveal the true purpose of me being here because it's a wired one.

Kinney : " Busy as always aren't ya "

Y/n : " You know the routine "

Kinney : * Smile * " I surely do, so if you are here to check on the fighters then let me open the door for you, just let me get the keys "

On left corner of this room is where the door that leads to the shooting range is. Kinney is the only one who has its keys. If touching anything in this room means you will RIP then there's nothing to say to you if you enter the shooting range without he lets you in

Kinney : * pick the keys then get near the door * " I consider that it's better if you put on a noise cancelling earmuffs, you don't want to damage your ears , do ya ? " * Giggles softly *

Damn, how have I forget to put attention to the fact that the moment he opens the door, my ears will bleed non-stoppable ?.

Y/n : " . . . . Good advice " * Quickly pick up an earmuff then wear it *

[ The selected earmuff ]

Kinney : " Ready ? "

Y/n : " As always "

Kinney : * Opening the door *

The moment the door has been opened, the powerful smell of the gunpowder has fill my nose, while the loud voices of many guns shooting at their targets ringing in my ears.

But here, there's one voice that can cover them all of


Y/n : * talking to kenny * " Is he still like that ? "

kinney : " Yeah, everyday, you better get used to his islutting if you wnat to be trained by him "

Y/n : " Right " * Walk in *

Me and kinney get inside side by side as we both passing some of the empty shooting spots

( like those )

Y/n : { It seems that he hasn't became much of a poplar down here }

As we both were walking in, the voice owner spotted us and he slowly took a soldier greeting position

Old man : * Do a military salute to y/n* " SIR "

Y/n : * Do the same * " I see that you are doing well with your job, general Mark Milley "

[ The former General of defense, Mark Milley AKA-Death EyE]

Mark : " As I must do "

Mark Milley, The former General of defense. This old military genius was one of the well-known high-ranked leaders in [ Your Country ]'s Military history. This General has been found heavily wounded by the resistance. He had to fight back a group of enemy units and he managed to kill them all but he got fatal wounds.

Lucky to him, our healthcare teams are expert, and they could save his life but unfortunate, his status here it's not so good. He's now among a lot of the [ Your country ]'s Military tactics victims including me, and he was one of the generals that agreed on using them.

In an old moment of disrespect he caused it, I showed this man his place down here. He doesn't accept the idea of been commanded by someone younger than him ..... In fact, he doesn't accept the idea of been commanded at all.

That day, I thought that he will breathe his last breath in my hands but lucky he was tougher than he looks. I don't like to rise my hand on the elderlies but I have limits and if everyone dares to pass them, well let's not just talk about what will happen next.

After that day, and due to how everyone was treating him since it, he finally realized the mistakes he has done before the war and during it, and to atone for his mistakes, he gave an honest apologizing speech to everyone in the resistance through our Frequencies, and he made a promise to obey the rules and the leaders and fully aid our cause until we achieve the total victory against our enemies.....or the total defeat by them.

Y/n : " Any improvements general ? "

Mark " Oh, I am glad that you have asked. Most of the novice soldiers are showing a noticeable improvement in their shooting and throwing skills, they will be ready to put those skills to real use so soon "

He gave me a wide proud smile after informing, how the training is to show me how good it's. For an old asshole who hurt so many back in days before we fall in the hand of the invaders, he has a real nice innocent smile honestly

Y/n : " So glad to know that our men are getting better, we need skillful shooters to put some bullets in those morons asses "

Both of Mark and Kenny laughed slightly at what i just said . . . . you know, the voices they both have made are better ones than bullets and explosions to me , they draw a nice peascul pic in my head where everyone laughing out of joy

Well, I guess we should get used to this life , shouldn't we.

Mark : " I should admit, that is the best thing I have heard for so long "

Kinney : * wipe off a joy tear from his eyes while still gigging * " With no doubt "

Mark : " Hey commander, may I ask you something? ... Ah if you don't mind ofcourse "

Y/n : " Hmm! Yeah ? " { Why I don't feel good about this ? }

Mark : " Well, I know that this region is not actually yours to check on it, and your shooting skills are in no need for improvements, so tell me are you here for cheing on us or you have another purpose ? "

Y/n : { . . . . . . wah ? } * rub the back of his head * " Weeeeeeeeeeeeeell you can say that I do have another purpose "

Mark : * form a side smile * " Go to the showers in the end of the shooting range, Both of them are there "

I see he found out about the true reason of me being here. welp, I guess hiding it is no longer an option

Y/n : " Thanks ..... I guess "

He gave me a swift saluting before he goes back to that poor shooter that he was with before our arriving distracts him. For me, I started walking to where he said that they are right now, giving Kinney a gesture to tell him that I will be fine by myself. He waved at me as if he's saying " I understood" before he returns to his spot, closing the door without locking it.

Y/n : * Entering the showering room * " now which ones of those cells they are using ? "

Tens of showers are all working in the same time. Most of the cells if not all are occupied at the moment.

Y/n : * Looking around while holding still * { Now how i am suppose to . . . }

Alan : " You have done well back in the shooting rage dude, too well for an expert hand to hand fighter "

Y/n : { Never mind }

Alan has just spoken while I was thinking about which cell he could be in it. It seems he finished cleaning himself because his voice has sounded from the closets room at the end of the path.

I quietly stepped towards it and took a look at what is happening from behind the opened door. I saw Alan sitting on one of the benches of this room, with a towel wrapped around his lower half, talking with someone, luckless, I couldn't see the person that he's talking with nor hearing what he is saying because the closets were blocking the view and he might be talking quietly, so I had no choice but to get in to see by myself

Alan : * Noticing y/n getting in and waves to him* " Oh greeting bro, good to see you again, have you found a challenging mission for us yet ? "

He asked with a slight Enthusiastic face. He's really up for a hard mission, lucky I do have one but I can't inform him about it yet

Y/n : " Don't worry, I have a deep feeling that we will get one soon enough "

He responded with a scanty swift smile before he looks back to where he was looking at before I come in, His look was like he was trying to tell " Look at who we have here " to me, so I get close only to be surprised by who was standing in front of me

Y/n : * open his eyes widely * " . . . . . LUCAS !!! "

[ Lucas The Grim Reaper ]

Hearing Alan complimenting someone is a rare thing to happen , but seen Lucas the Grim Reaper, The death fists and the master of melee combats in shooting range is a fare rare thing

Y/n : " What on earth you are doing here ? "

Lucas : * Talk quietly * " Isn't obvious ? "

[ Author's pov ]

For those who have no idea about Lucas's health problem. he had lost most of his vocal cords due to a fatal damage he got a long time ago. One day, he had to deal with a melee enemy unit who were as skillful as him, and in order to make the battle honorable to whoever had been fated to win it, they both throw their gears and weapons on the ground and decided to fight each other, using only fists.

After a bloody battle, the coward tricked Lucas who had broke the coward's jaw with a brutal kick that made him fall on his gears. Lucas was about to finish this battle but the moron quickly grabbed his combat knife and stabbed Lucas right in his neck, causing a horrible outside bleeding.

The asshole got on his feet with his knife, covered with blood in his hand and slowly approached Lucas with a mockery smile like if he was saying " What an idiot ".

Once he stood near Lucas who was looking at him with eyes full of rage as he covers his wound with one hand, the coward highly raised his knife, preparing for a strong stab, but suddenly, he felt a horrible pain in his chest, he slowly bowed his head down to look at the spot that started hurting him from all sudden, only to see it bleeding then he slowly moved his head to Lucas to see him pointing his other hand at his chest with small smoke coming out inside his cout.

The real idiot didn't know that Lucas was wearing a vambrace with hidden gun that was attached to it, and after he broke the rule, Lucas used the gun to kill him before he fall in coma due to the lack of blood he suffered from back there

Lucky, his team had found him after they heard the gunshot, and due to being a well trained and extremely skillful, tough soldier, so his chance of surviving was high enough for a man like him.

His life had been saved but his voice nearly had been shutted, since that day , he could only talk quietly

[ Y/n's pov ]

Y/n : * Look at Lucas with confused look *

Lucas : * Sigh * " I am enhancing my shooting skills so I can be more effective in battles "

Y/n : " . . . . wow "

I honestly became so speechless after hearing that. For years no one and I mean it no one ever saw him training on his shooting skills, in fact no one saw him in the shooting rage ever before. I won't ask what made him change his fighting style because I just came here to see who Alan was complimenting and I get a better answer than I thought

Y/n : " To be honest , that is really nice change . . . . .wait what time is it ? " * Look at the Wristwatch *

Wristwatch : " 9:12 "

Y/n : " Dame " * Look at both of them * " Alright brothers time to go, I should have been with Alex like an hour ago, so you two better be in good mood, I will see you both so soon "

those were the words i have said to Lucas adn Alan before leaving the shooting range, heading towards Alex's Workshop

[ Time skip 16 minutes ]

After 16 minutes of walking, I have finally reached the region where Alex has established his explosives and bombs workshop, all is left to do was turning to the left path to find his room entrance where his Workshop is .

At this moment I was peacefully walking to his room when suddenly


A medium explosion has happened nearby

Y/n : " . . . . . Why I am not so surprised about that ? "

I said to myself before reaching to where the explosion happened and like I assumed, it happened inside Alex's Workshop

Y/n : " What now ? "

His room's door was slightly open and black smoke was emerging out of the room. I slowly pushed the door to open it only for great cloud of smoke to fly out , hitting my face

Y/n: * cough harshly then covers his mouth with his scarf * " The hell just happened ? "

I slowly entered the room, opening the door widely for the smoke to move out, unluck , we are living underground which mean the Ventilation system down here is pretty...bad ofcourse

After getting in, I noticed that the smoke was coming from behind the safety iron wall that divides the room into two parts, one part is Alex's room and one is his Workshop

( An iron wall with a door like this in the pic. Imagen there is smoke mounting out it and the wall full with Warning signs like" WARNING " " STAY AWAY " " EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS " " DANGEROUS AREA " ...etc )

Y/n : " let's just hope, that moron is ok because I will kill myself "

There's no need to hope if he's ok because he is. This is not actually the first time something like that has happened, so we have provided him a salvaged safety armor to use while working on his bombs . . . . . . actually let's hope he was wearing it when the explosion happened

Y/n : * Get closer to the iron door adn knock 3 times *


Someone loudly response from behind the wall


With a rage tone and loud voice, I said to him. I could hear him walking quickly to the door while Colliding with stuff suddenly

Man : " FUCK, MY TOE !!!! "

* locks been unlocked and keys been turned Voices ranging *

Man : * Open the door * " . . . . . " * Scared * " Greeting commander, What a wonderful surprise "

He finally opened the door and kept looking at me from behind it

Y/n : " You know this is the 5th time this week Alex, THE FREAKING 5TH TIME "

Alex has opened the door, allowing another smoke cloud to fly out. He didn't dare to come out, so he stayed behind the door while looking at me through his safety armor helmet eyeglass

[ Alex's safety junk armor ]

Y/n : " So, care to explain ? "

I accrosed my arms as I look at him with dead eyes, even if something like this is predictable but still could be risky, not only for him but for all of us

Alex " Oh sure thing, I was just running a test on my new version of my latest innovation and . . . . you know the rest " * Remember something * " Oh sorry , I should have took off my helmet before speaking * Take of the helmet then smile widely at y/n *

Y/n : " Well that's a good smiling face to look at "

[ Alex The C4 ]

Alex : * Throw his ponytail on his back * " Thanks for the complementing brother and what took you so long ? It's not your habit to be late, is everything alright ? "

He asked with soft worried tone as he wipes some black spots off his neck with his hands

Y/n : " Nah, no need to worry, I just have been busy that's all. Soooo you have told me about your new ' craft ', where's it ? "

The moment I have mentioned it, his eyes get fill with joy as he smiles widely at me like if he's saying " you will be amazed " before he runs back to the Workshop then he shortly returned with a closed box in his hands.

Alex : " This is the box where my new little friends are been stocked "

He walked to the table in his room part and push whatever it was placed on it away then he placed the box on it

Alex : " Those little dudes inside are greatly effective at shutting down nearly any electronic components, and I have run few tests with them. They can even shut down an enemy light or medium armored vehicles for 20 seconds "

Y/n : * eyes wide opens * " . . . . . Nice "

It apparent that what he said about me will getting amazed by this was true, the enemies vehicles are protect with well made armor, it's rare for us to shut them down using the methods we know.

Alex : " Now let your eyes been amazed and mind blown with my newest craft " * Open the box * " The EMP H-Grenades"

Y/n : * Pick up one of The EMP H-Grenades *

Alex : " And the Best part is, these ones in the box are just the simplest ones. I already came up with stronger forms with greater effectiveness that last for longer period adn different uses, but first, tell me what do you think of those so far ? "

Y/n : * Check on the grenade * " Looks . . . . intense "

[ The EMP H-Grenade in its Simplest Form ]

a grenade that it's able to shut down enemies combat vehicles even for few seconds is definitely useful, especially if you know how to use that short time. Now I understand how david captured those drones easily

Y/n : " Perfect work Alex, I am really impressed. With this new grenade in our arsenal, the succession of our missions will increase for sure "

Alex : * smiles widely * " Thanks and I will be sure to call you when the Enhanced EMP grenades are ready "

After I have learned about Alex's new project, nothing is left for me to do now but to wait for David to get me what I asked him, so I put the EMP H-Grenade back in the box and gave Alex a high five before leaving his room back to my own

[ Time skip until reaching Y/n's room ]

Y/n : * Open the door and get in then close it * " well here I am, here again " * Look around his room *

It's not familiar for me to go back to my room without doing anything, but today is an exception, today we all are about to face a real threat outside. As I am waiting, our enemies are developing one of our taken lands into a harder, deadlier, more dangerous battlefield for us, and we must liberate it before that happens.

Due to having nothing to do at the moment, I walked back to my bed and throw myself on it, slowly closing my eyes to fall asleep quickly

[ Time skip 2 hours ]

* Knock ** Knock ** Knock *

While I was resting on my bed, taking a peaceful nap. Someone has just knocked on my door, waking me up. I slowly opened my eyes and took a look on my Wristwatch only to see it telling that the time now is " 11:23 ". I immediately left the bed and walked to my door then I opened it only to see one of our freedom fighters.

Y/n : " Do you need something soldier ? "

Before he answers me, he offered me some files

Freedom fighter : " David has asked me to give you these, he also told me to tell you that he's sorry for the delay and you will find the reason behind his delainess in those files "

Like finally, the pictures have arrived but for some reason, I am not so comfortable with what he meant by I will find the reason for David's delays in them. I didn't give that part so much attention, so I just ignored it for now. I took the files from him and salute him. He saluted back then he left

Y/n : * Get in and close the door * " The reason of his delays is here ? "

I know how David speaks and from this sentence, a strong feelings tells me that this mission will be harder than before. I walked to my table and set down, placing the files on it

Y/n : * Taking a deep breath * Well, here's go nothing *

I started opening the files one by one, Taking out everything, and then place what they were counting on the table in an organized way where I can see everything.

Y/n : * Looking at everything * " Hmmmm . . . . nothing odd "

All the pictures he has sent me were something . . . . reasonable. Nothing really new or unusual

The pictures were about enemy guarded conveys heading to the Orange zone, new establishments in progress, infantry transporters moving to the Orange zone along with combat vehicles . . .etc.

Those aren't,'t something to be easy with but yet not of much of problem

Y/n : " Well maybe he just took long time to prepare those . . . oh well "

Before I started checking on the pics, I stood up and walked to the trash can to throw the empty files and in order to reduce the space they will occupied in the trash can, I was going to cut them into pieces

Y/n : * Feel something * " Hmm ! "

Before I cut the empty files, I felt something in one of them . What, have I forgotten something ?.

I throw the empty files as they are and re-opened the one where my fingers have felt something inside it

Y/n : * Pull out something * " What the !!! "

It appeared that I have missed a strange black envelope in one of the files and honestly, I don't feel really good about it.

Y/n : * Turn the envelope to the other side * " Ohhh shit "

In the back side of the envelope, 2 words have been written in red








I slowly yet curiously opened the black envelope and pull out whatever it was in it. It was counting a folded large pic. I started unfolding it only to get shock of what my eyes are just looking at

( I will show you what he saw in the next chapter )

Y/n : * Drop the file * " HOLY SHIT!!!!!! LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT THING !!!!!!!!!!"

I couldn't hold back my reaction to this but honestly no one can, I mean , come one what on earth is that thing? some kind of super, massive §§§§§§§§ of some sort or something ?

( You can drop your assumptions of what it could be here if you wish )

Y/n : " hmm . If the enemy by any chance calls for this thing to join the battle. Taking it down will be our top priority "

I took the pic of this new weapon and put it on the right top corner of the table where the other pictures are so I can keep my eyes on it

Y/n : * Set down then crack his fingers and neck * " alright you assholes, you want to challenge us ?








A/n : here's the first chapter . . . I know I know so long isn't it

I try to develop my writing as much as possible and making it longer is one of the best way

so I hope you enjoyed so far but stay with me

fun is about to start soon enough 😈😈😈😈