


MeradTaki · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

[ Ch-1 1/2 ]

[ Reading keys ]


Character's name : " Talking is like this "

Character's name : * Actions during talking are like this *

Character's name : {Inner talking, inner voices & Thoughts are like this}

( Author talking )

Things i want you to focus on are underlined


[Author's pov]

In 20XX, the shadow of war has consumed the world once more. A lot of innocents lost their lives due to the endless greed and pointless rage of the world's presidents and leaders. Many colonies have been wiped out of the earth's surface and many others are still waiting for the turn.

Among the Remaining Colonies, few refused to bow down to their invaders, they refused to accept the same terrible fate of the ones that already been destroyed and they showed and still showing to their enemies what are they capable of.

With one mind and one heart, they all carried one power emblem and goal within the resistants they formed against the enemies.


The true story wasn't about the war itself or even about any of those colonies or their resistances, however, it's about one fighter that no one know what is his real fate and destiny even he didn't know.

A high ranked, very skilled fighter with an impressive military mind and tough body, besides a well-looking face and dangerous personality along with a pure, kind heart, is the hero of this story. A hero with unbelieved fate that stand boying imagination awaits him, he will not only change his world but many others.

And his world is just the beginning.

Deep within the underground, the [Your Country]'s resistance has established its bases and hideouts as the [Enemy Country] were strengthening its fists by buildings bases, outposts, military jails . . . . . etc, to force its presence on [Your Country]'s lands

[Meanwhile inside an underground hidden resistances hideout]

[Y/n's pov]

Y/n : * Sleeping on my bed while snoring softly * " zzz...zzz...zzz...zzz...zzz...zzz...zzz...zzz "

The clock : 5:59:55...5:59:56...5:59:57...5:59:58...5:59:59...6:00:00 *beep**beep**beep*

Another day has come, with more works that need to be done. I turned to the other side and pressed the clock's bottom to stop it from beeping before I slowly get off my bed, walking to my room's bathroom.

On my way, I took my T-shirt off and threw it on the ground, then I grabbed my towel that was on the hanger and wrapped it around my neck before I enter the bathroom to check on my wounds and scars from the last battle as I always do.

Y/n : * Look at my reflex through the mirror * " Hmm, not as bad as they were the last week "

Most of my face and body wounds have been recovered, thanks to our talented healthcare members. After I finished checking on my wounds, I turned the warm tap on and gently started washing my arms from elbows down to my fingers then my entire face .

Y/n : * Turn the tap off and dry my face with the towel *

* Knock * * Knock * * Knock *

As a was peacefully drying my face, someone suddenly knocked on my door three times

Y/n :" YEAH ? "

Male voice : " It's me Bro "

A very familiar male voice talked to me from the other side. I quickly finished drying what left of my face and hand before I walk out the bathroom to the door with my towel on my right shoulder

Y/n : * Open the door * " Hey, what's up Alan "

[ Alan The Warrior ]

Alan : " I am good, what about you and your .... ahhhh"

He pointed at his face as a hint to say " Your wounds "

Y/n : " No need to worry, they are just a soft flesh wounds, what about your right eye ? "

Alan : " Oh this "* Points at the new scar on right eyes *" It's nothing, just a new scar for my collection"

He said that with a slaight happy tone because he actually like having scars, for him they are like a medals that shows his achievements and how hard he is besides it makes him looks dangerous.

Hehe what a weird person

Y/n : " Glad to know you are good " * Give a wide smile that been followed by a slight giggling *

Alan : * Smile back * " Thanks for caring, anyways enough wasting time on chatting, a new day means new asses that about to be kicked so hard "

Y/n : " I am happy to see you so motivated for more missions ..... like always "

Alan : * Chuckling * " Of course I am, I'm not been called the warrior for no reason you know "

He said proudly to me

Y/n : " Good to you "

I responded to him before crossing my arms ,laying my left side on the door

Alan : " Anyway, I was passing by your room while heading to the Cafeteria to have my breakfast, and I thought that you may want to go there together "

I looked at him in the eyes for few seconds before nodding

Y/n : " Very well, just give me a minute to dress up "

I walked back inside my room after I gave the door a soft push so it will close by itself after me, i put the towel back on the hanger adn walked to my closet

Y/n : * Open the closet * " Let's see " * Look at my clothes while thinking about what should i wear *

After few seconds, I have made my choices .

I picked up a military, multiple pockets Trousers along with black heavy Boots

A black military T-shirt

And finally, a military Scarf with the same color as the Trousers

[Time skip after dressing up]

Y/n : * Wearing the scarf *

* Knock * * Knock * * Knock *

Y/n : " I'm coming, I'm coming "

I said that to him as I was wrapping the scarf around my neck quickly

Alan : " Hurry up man "

He responded to me before I momentarily finish tying the scarf, then i turned around to the door and make few step before remembering something

Y/n : * Snap my fingers * " Dame it "

I turned around again and walked to my bedside table, then I get on my right knee, opening the top drawer to pick up my gloves with my Wristwatch

Y/n : * Wear the gloves first then the wristwatch*

Y/n :" Ok , let's see now " * Look at the time in the wristwatch *

Wristwatch : " 6 : 12 "

According to my wristwatch, the time now is 6 : 12 wich mean 12 minutes has passed since my awakeness but for some reason, i have a feeling that something is wrong, so i looked at the clock on the bedside table to see it telling that the time is 6 : 15

Y/n : " Hmm, so one of my clocks is wrong, i must fix this problem later "

It sounds stupid because the difference between the two devices is only 3 minutes, however, the time is extremely valuable to us, the elite soldiers.

I stood up on my feet, wiping the dust off my right knee spot in the Trousers with my right hand, then i walked to the door and wide open it

Alan : " Finally, what took you so lo.... * Stares at me *

Alan suddenly stopped talking and then he kept staring at me with wide open eyes like if he's seeing something unusual on me.

Y/n : { Hmm ? did i do something }

I cleared my throat loudly on purpose to bring him back to reality and he shortly responded to my act by shaking his head quickly

Alan : " What a copycat "

I couldn't help but to stare at him right into his eyes, with half closed eyes like if i am saying " WTF ? ", before looking down at what he's wearing right now

Y/n : " Ohh so that's what get your attention "

It appears that we both are wearing the same clothes with the same colors,except i am wearing a scarf and wristwatch

Alan : " Ahhhhh . . . never mind, ready to go ? "

Y/n : " I believe so "

Before we both head to the Cafeteria , I looked at my room for one more time to see if I have forgotten something or not, but in the end , everything is as it should be, and i am fully ready

[Author's pov]

After he made sure that everything is right, he closed his room's door and locked it before walking side by side with his brother in arm Alan to the Cafeteria, where they will refill their energy for more jobs.

Deep within the city, one of the resistance's main HQS has been established, a large hidden underground base with multiple regions that they've been used perfectly, and they all are connected to what is called the central zone that leads to all others, and it can Contain few hundreds of people, 63% of them are fighters or at least members that can hold a weapon while the rest 37% responses of other careers ( Medics, Engineers, Scouts, Crafters . . . . Etc ).

[Time skip until reaching Central zone ]

[ The Central zone's first part with some of the members and civilians that live in it ]

Alan : * Go in the zone first through the guarded gate *" Greetings everyone "

He greet them as he walks in only to be greeted back by few of them then the one has come

Y/n : * Go in the zone secondly through the guarded gate * " Gre... "

Everyone ; * Quickly wave at him * " GREETINGS COMMANDER "

Before he even finishes saying his greeting, he immediacy has been welcomed and greeted by everyone that saw him, that isn't something new to him because this isn't the first time that happens, after all, he is their supreme leader.

Y/n : " AHHH...Gr-Greetings everyone, hope that you all having a nice morning, after all , you have to "

He said the first part a little bit nervously and the last one seriously, before he walks with Alan to the Cafetrail that was placed right where the white arrow is pointing ( like in the pic )

[Y/n's pov]

After I am done with the short chats with my people, I headed to the Cafeteria quickly with Alan, avoiding any more chatting, I know it's a little bit rude act to ignore them, but who blames me? They are many and as I said earlier, time is greatly valuable to me

Y/n : * Enter the Cafeteria *

[ The Cafeteria ]

The place is nearly full, it seems that everyone is so energetic today, what a motivating view isn't it, I humbly walked to the corner where the chairs are placed, waving back at whoever noticed me and waved at me

Y/n : * Drag a chair from the croner to the bar table, then set down *

Alan : * Do the same * " So hmmmmm, what's for today ? "

He asked me as he rests his elbows on the table while facing the other fighters with his front

Y/n : " I will see what we have to do, now let's have our breakfast first, we need energy for today "

Alan : * Turn around and set normal * " Very well "

Shortly the one of the workers came to us

Worker : " What would you like to have sirs ? "

He respectfully asked both of us but he was looking at me, so i gave my request first

Y/n : " Bring me my usual order "

Worker : * Noddes * " As you wish commander " * Faces Alan * " What about you sir Warrior ? "

Alan : " 3 fried eggs and some bacon pls , oh and a cup of orange juice "

Woker : " Unfortunately, we have run out the orange juice "

Alan : * Soft frowing * " What do you guys have back there ? "

Woker : " Well we still have blueberries, banana, apple "

Alan : * Interrupts him * " No need to continue , bring me cup of apple juice instead "

The worker nodded again with a slight smile on his face before he walks to the back of the cafeteria to tell the cookers about our orders.

Me and Alan remained silent as we are waiting for our food, but shortly I noticed Alan crossing his legs hardly, adn before i ask him what's wrong , he spoke to me

Alan : " Hey can you do me a favor and watchover my food until i come back? I just need to use the bathroom, thank you "

Before i even say yes , he immediately left his chair and walked quickly to the bathroom, just what on earth he ate ? .

I sighed and kept looking at what's in front of me waiting when suddenly, someone lightly punched my right shoulder from behind, and before i turn around to look at who did it, he set down right next to me

Y/n : " Well good morning Stan "

[ Stan The Eagle Eye ]

Stan : " Heeeeeey my maaaaan, it's nice to see you again, give me a high five bro "

He raised his hand up waiting to receive the high five. I couldn't help but to chuckle before giving him a high fave.

Y/n : " That goes on you to my Bro and.... ahhh "* Stare at his light clothes and naked chest *

( like in the pic )

Y/n : " Isn't a little bit cold down here to dress up like that ? "

I asked him like I am surprised, but the truth is, i am not, and i know exactly why he wears like this

Stan : " Nah no need to worry about me, I am sure you know how tough i am and . . . "

Before he says any more words, he looked right and left before getting close to my right ear to whisper something.

Stan : * Whispering * " I have a nice enjoyable way to keep my body worm if you know what i mean " * Wink *

He winked at me with a soft smirk on his face before he moves away, staring at something behind me with a wide side smile, I looked at him in the eyes before slowly turning my head around to look at what he is looking at right now

Y/n : " . . . . Seriously bro? Again! "

I saw a group of 5 female fighters were all looking at him while smiling, giggling and smirking, . . . , yeab he has been naughty again . . . . like always i am afraid

Stan : " Of Course again dude, been in war doesn't mean I don't have the right to have some " * lick the lips * " Fun, and you should rewards yourself too, I never saw you getting along with any girl since we have met, even before the war come to us "

He said to me while looking at me by his side

Y/n : " I have more important things to attend, sorry, no time for . . . fun to me"

I responded to him before laying my back on the chair, getting a little bit annoyed because the food took longer than it should be

Stan : " Alright, it's your life and your choice but "

He first grasped a bottle of alcohol that was next to him and it was containing some drops in it, it seems that whoever ordered it didn't finish all of it, Stan drank what left of it before he puts the empty bottle on my side of the table then he continued talking

Stan : " Think about what i told you" * Stands up and walks to the girls * " And you won't regret it "

He made a shortstop and turned to me one more time to wink again with style this time, before he started walking to those girls of his again. As I was following him with my eyes, the worker momentarily arrived

Woker : * Puts the dishes on the table * " Here you go commander , hope you enjoy it and . . . . where did he go ?"

Y/n : " Just leave his order next to me , he will be back shortly "

[ Y/n's breakfast ]

[ Alan's breakfast ]

( Who is hungry ? )

For anyone who would see those dishes, he or she will believe that we have a nice, acceptable life down here, but let me tell you something

We don't

What we are consuming right now, is the result of months of suffering, patience, even sacrificing. back in the first period of the invasion, we have suffered from a horrible lack of supplies and resources, thanks to our administration that exhausted most of them on the conflict out there.

Many of us lived an unbearable life back then, even some died from starving, if they haven't get killed first.

I gently moved Alan's dishes to his part of the table, before turning to my to start eating buuuuuuuuuuuuut

Y/n : "You are kidding right ? "

That morron forget to bring the forks


I said with an obvious annoyance tone and loud enough voice to the workers, and shortly one of them quickly run to me with the forgotten forks.

Worker :*Nervously and quickly places the forks * " My deepest apologies commander, we are overworked lately "

I can't lie that everyone here is overworked, we have advanced in a high rate and we all are trying our best to keep it that way, so they can't be blamed for dereliction, they need rest like any one of us.

Y/n : " Very well, my apologies for yelling at you guys but give yourself a rest, none of you is a robot "

The worker's lips vaded into a slight smile of comfort after he heard my response, he saluted me before he rushes back to his work inside. Before I even do the first bite, Alan returned.

Alan : " Hope i didn't take so long "

He said to me as he setting down

Y/n : " You are on time, now it eat up "

And we both started eating, finally

[Time skip, after breakfast]

We both have finished eating nearly at the same moment and the workers took our dishes away

Alan : " So "* Wipes his lips with napkin while showing the last bite * " Should we go now to see the missions list? "

From my side, i was doing the same but thinking about something else

Y/n : * Put the napkin down * " Nop, I was thinking about paying David and Alex a visit first, each one has told me he has something to show me today sooo "

Alan : " Ok then " * Stands up * " I will see you around soon, need to extend my muscles a little bit before any mission "

He has said the second part as he proudly shows me his massive hand muscles, then he walked out of the Cafeteria after he saluted me and I saluted him back, shortly and while I was watching him leaving, I noticed a young male freedom fighter approaching me till he ended up standing right in front of me

The Freedom Fighter : * Keep looking at y/n without saying a thing *

He just kept standing there staring at me, I started feeling uncomfortable about this so i broke the silence by asking him what he wants

Y/n : " Do you want something ? "

He quickly shaked his head once he heard me, apparently, he get lost in thought for unknown reason and my question brought him back

The Freedom Fighter : *Get nervous *" S-Sorry for that, I-I just wanted to se-see the commander myself, I-I am a fan "

In the end he admitted that he is a fan of mine, it's strange though because no one admitted that, even though i do realize have fans over here but no one said that in my face, i believe this dude is more courage than them

Y/n : " That's sweet of you, and " * Looks at him * " I don't recall seeing you around, you new ? "

The Freedom Fighter : " Oh yeah i am, I have joined the resistance as a fighter the last week, after it free me with many others from the enemy's praison cells "

Y/n : " oh i see "

Liberating the prisoners and civilines for the enemy's hands is one of the main objects to strengthen our resistance with more members

Y/n : " Soooo is that all you wanted to say ? "

I feel that i am doing it wrong, you know, discuss with a fan, but really i am to busy to learn other stuff but what it can be used for battle, and treading fans is surely not one of those things I need

The Freedom Fighter : " Oh sorry and can I shake hand with you, it's an honor to me to shake hands with . . ."

I wanted to finish this quickly so a grabbed his hand and shake it before he finished the last word

The Freedom Fighter : * continue talking while shaking hands with y/n * " The Infamous One "

( dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme )

[ Author's pov ]

This newbie fighter has no idea what his mouth just get him into, I am not sure if he is so brave, so stupid, or he just didn't get involved in the rules.

One of the most dangerous rules here is never, EVER call y/n the infamous one, because he will butcher your ass if you do so. It may look stupid as a rule that everyone follow and afraid from breaking it, but if he knew what is that nickname to y/n, he won't even dare to imagine himself calling him that.

Workers : * Start sweating *

Freedom Fighters inside the cafeteria : * Start sweating *

Freedom Fighters who heard him outside it : * Start sweating *

Civilanze : * Start sweating *

Literally Anyone : * Start sweating *

( A/n : * Start sweating * )

The silence has consumed the region momentarily after he said that, everyone stopped whatever they are and looked down, avoiding what will happen.

The newbie felt something is wrong due to how the place became extremely calm of all sudden and while he was nervously looking at the others to try to find out what's wrong, he felt his hand been crushed slightly.

He turned to it only to see y/n squeezing it as his eyes are been glued onto the ground, adn his long hair fall on the front, covering his face


He asked him with an unpleasant tone as he squeezes his hand more, causing him to fall on his knees from pain as he moans softly, trying to hold his tears back

The Freedom Fighter : * Get so scared and nervous * " I....I....I "

From how petrified he is at this moment, he becomes speechless, but that didn't save him because shortly, Y/n grabbed his neck so harshly with the other hand, tighten his fist on it so much, making breathing nearly impossible

The Freedom Fighter : *Cough**Cough**Cough* " I....I-CAN'T.....BREATH " *Cough**Cough**Cough*

Y/n didn't take pity on him, he lifted him high then slammed him on the table


He slowly rises his head, making the hair to uncover his angry face

( like this angry face )

Y/n : " DOO YAAA !!! "

From how furious he is, he started bleeding from his eyeball as his face has turned red due to how hard his heart is pumping.

Out of rage, he uncontrollably and quickly gripped the empty alcohol bottle and hit its end on the table to break it, turning the broken part into sharp heads

Y/n : " YOU KNOW " * Points the bottle at his eyes as he keeps holding him from his neck on the table * " YOU AREN'T THE FIRST ASSHOLE WHO BROKE THE RULE OF NEVER DEAR TO CALL ME THAT " * Move the glass closer * " AND I WAS HOPING THAT NO ONE WILL EVER DO THAT AGAIN BUT THANKS TO YOU, MY HOPE HAS FADED AWAY "

The terrified soldier couldn't help but start tearing as he sees the sharp heads so close to his eyeball while he started feel so weak and tired from the lack of oxygen.

Y/n hardened his fist on the broken bottle, as he slowly lifts it high like if he is going to rip this soldier up,who couldn't do anything but to closes his eyes, as he waits for what will happen, hoping for the best

Y/n lifted the bottle as high as his hand can do and then

* Stab aggressively *





After few seconds, the frightened soldier felt his neck been released as he can finally breathe normally, he know something went differently than what he thought but he was so scared to open his eyes to see what happen, nevertheless, he could clearly hears Y/n breathing heavily while moaning

Y/n : * Breathes heavily while moaning slightly out of pain * " Ne-never.....break....that rule....again "

This sentence was like an indirect way to say " You are forgiven this time " and he understood it , but he was so curious to see what happened so he slowly opened his eyes, only to get shocked from what/i've done

The Freedom Fighter : * shocked * " C-C-C-C-COMMANDER !!!! "

( He saw y/n's left shoulder injured like this 👇)

Y/n's left shoulder was badly injured, blood was slipping down from the wound to his chest while he was still holding the broken bottle with some of the sharp heads dripping blood drops

Y/n : * Drop the dirty bottle * " Leave....now "

Without a second thought, he quickly rushes the exit and leaves the region scared while y/n was standing in his spot, thinking about what happened for few seconds before he decided to leave the cafeteria to the medical wing to treat his wound.

Y/n : * Walk to the medical wing while holding his wounded shoulder * "I shouldn't have done that to me "

The secret behind Y/n's hatred of that nickname is that he has gained it from what he hates the most.

HIS enemies

The ones that invited his county

The ones that stole and still stealing his land's fortunes and richness

The ones that made and still making his people suffer

The ones that killed hundreds and enslaved thousands

and most importantly


For him, that nickname is like an insult by what he hates the most, however, the way he acted earlier is because his blood lust has turned on due to the rage so he had no other choice to calm it without hurting the new soldier but to stab himself instead.

[ Meanwhile at the medical wing after 30 minutes ]

[ Y/n's pov ]

Surgeon : * Slowly cuts the last surgical thread * " Here we go "

( Y/n's stitched wound )

[ The Surgeon ]

Surgeon : " All finished " * Turn to the tools table and places his tools * " So what has happened this time y/n ? "

The old Surgeon's question made me sweat softly, I-I am really embarrassed from what happened earlier

Y/n : * Hesitating to tell * " I-I....I "

Surgeon : * places the surgical tools inside a box *" Let me make it easier for you, does it has something to do with . . . . you know, that rule of your of not been called what you hate ?"

Honestly , I felt much better after he found out from the first time and without helping him . . . . . . . . . In fact i am also impressed

Y/n : " Yeah . . . . unfortunately"

I said with a slight regretness tone as I covers my face from embarrassment. What have I done earlier is not a behaviour of a leader and never will be. As i was bowing my head down with my face been covered, I felt a small petting on my other shoulder, i uncovered my face and raised my head only to see the old Surgeon Petting my shoulder as he smiles so widely at me

Surgeon : * keep smiling at y/n* " It's ok my son, I know you have your own reasons, I am old and expert enough to know the good from the bed people by just looking at them and trust em when i say that you are not bad at all "

He fondled my shoulder a few times before returning to whatever he was doing

Y/n : *Smile Slightly * " ThankS doc, it means alot to me "

After my wound has been dealt with, my staying in the medical wing is no longer necessary now, so i stood up from the bed and wiped my pants a little bit before walking to the exit

Y/n : * stop in front of the exit then face the Surgeon * " Oh and one more thing, can you and the other members in the health care prepare a report about our medical supplies? We can't overlook on our resources "

Surgeon ; " Sure thing commander "

I gave him a wide side smile before leaving the medical wing to my destination

[ Surgeon's pov ]

After he has left the medical wing, I could finally breathe easily, as my anxiety slowly disincrease. I was so worried to get him mad, after all who dares to anger him, unless if he or she a brave fool

Surgeon : * Set down to calm down while deeply inhaling * " Oh thank god it ended well.....so well "

I said to myself with a grateful tone, I am not Complain from my commander, but honestly, he is a true threat, a bloody predator and a dangerous person , especially when his blood lust turn on. During my career life, i had never heard of someone with such a deep and odd statue of bloodlust like his . I believe that what's happening within him is a mysterious and I am afraid it will always be.

Just who are you, Y/n ?

[ Meanwhile in one of the path tunnels ]

[ Y/n's pov ]

Y/n : * Walking to the destination * " Wiat , what time is it ? " * Look at time *

Waistwatch : " 7:49 "

Y/n : " Damn it "

After I saw what time is it right now, I realized that I have wasted enough time already, and so, I started walking faster to David's work room, He has informed me about something so important and he wishes to show me what he has found in his room

[ Time skip until reaching david's room ]

Finally, I am now standing in front of his locked door with a remote controlled lock with a turned off green lamp and a turned on red one.

On the top right corner of his door, he has placed a speaker so he can talk with whoever is out or near his room from his computer.

He doesn't like to be away from his lovely devices and pc

Y/n : * Knock 3 times *

David : * Use the speaker * " Who's that ? "

Y/n : " It's me dude "

David : * Use the speaker * " What's the code ? "

Y/n : * Sigh * " Open up sucker "

After a moment, the lock made a slight loud beep sound before the green lamp turns on and the red one turns off, which mean the door is unlocked now for me to go in

Y/n : * walks in * " Hey bro, you have something to show me "

[ David's room from inside ]

I could easily see the back of his head while he's sitting on his chair facing his pc like usually

David : * Kick the ground to spin the chair around * " Welco..... DAME IT !!!"

He Kicked the ground a little bit harder than what it needs, so the chair made a full circle

David : * Turn the chair manually * " Sorry for that "

Y/n : * Giggles softly * " Nah, no need to be David "

[ David The Virus ]

David my third brother in arm that I have met with for today, he has been classed as one of the smartest computer users down here, if not the best one in the entire resistance

The way he uses the pc or any device that it's similar to it, is so unique and hard to be mastered, for him, the enemy's high-tech systems, drivers and you may say artificial intelligences are in true danger with this guy on our side

Y/n : " So, what do you have to show me ? "

I asked him before noticing some pictures of an enemy large base, sticked on the board right next to me

David : * Stands up * " Two weeks ago, I have received an important report from one of our scouts from the nearby resistance cell, he says in it that he had been secretly following an enemy heavily armored and well guarded convey that was heading to the nearby Orange Zone "

Y/n : " The Orange Zone!.....Hmmm I see "

[ Author's pov ]

For those who doesn't know what is an Orange Zone. It's a medium defended area by the enemies.

In order to organize their operations, the resistance have divided their controlled country's lands into 5 types of regions, depending on the enemy's presence in it, how well-defended it's by the invaders, and the number of troops and vehicles the enemies have placed in it, besides to how many military bases and outposts they have built there.

[ The dividing ]

🟢Green-zone🟢= A region that has been liberated by the resistance.

🟡Yellow-zone🟡= A lightly defended area with a small number of troops and few combat vehicles with no military bases ( maybe 1 or 2 as most ) , most of them has already been liberated and only few remained.

🟠Orange-zone🟠 = A mediumly defended area with a medium number of troops, a small number of vehicles, and a few military bases ( from 3 to 7 bases ), nearly half of them are now belongs to the resistance.

🔴Red-zone🔴 = A heavily defended area with a great number of troops and vehicles, and a medium number of military bases ( from 7 to 14 ), only few are free but many others still under the hand of the enemies.

⚫Black-zone⚫ = Enemy's strategic capital, The highest, most advanced, and most dangerous invaded area among them all. Those regions contain a crazy number of troops and vehicles which they can be used as an invasion force to take over a small country. There are only 3 regions which they've been classified as black-zones and each one has a big number of bases ( 30+ ). The black zones also known as the Gates because every single reinforcement, supplies convoy of any sort, or anything that the enemy send from its homeland to y/n's, always get sent to those regions then to the others. No one of these areas has been liberated or even been attacked by the resistance until this moment.

[ Y/n's pov ]

Y/n : " So any info about what are they planning to do ? "

Before he answers me, he got close to the board where the pictures are sticked, i think they have something to do with what is happening up there

David : " Lucky there's " * Points randomly at one of the pic * " As you can see here, I have been collecting pics of what is happening in that Orange zone for days "

Y/n : " Days!!! Why so? It doesn't make a sense for a guy with unique skills as yours to take days on gathering pic "

David : *Smile widely * " First thanks for the compliment bro, Second I couldn't hack any cameras in that zone because the enemy has built and activated the Jamming tower in the center of that zone "


I yelled longly with an annoyance tone, as I rub the back of my head with both of my hands while looking at the roof, because now, whatever we are going to do to thwart the enemy plan will be harder with that jamming tower is active

[ Author's pov ]

Due to been dealing with a resistance that doesn't fight face to face usually, but it depends on a tricky tactics instead, the invaders has developed many tactics and technologies to fight it back, and the jamming tower is one of the worst.

Hacking is one of the strongest weapons that the resistance strongly depends on it to fight the invasion, especially that the enemies has a High-Tech weapons and advanced artificial intelligences which they are a vulnerable targets to the hackers.

The first version of the jamming tower was a risky one, because it affects all type of radio waves and devices, including the ones that the enemy uses but over time the scientists of the intruders managed to make a special electronic NANO cells that keep their devices save form the tower's affection

Unfortunately, the resistance tools are not so advanced and accurate to use them on nano cells but Luckily, the jamming range of the tower isn't so big, so it doesn't affect alot of spaces.

[ Y/n's pov ]

Y/n * Look at David again * "So if you couldn't hack any cameras and as far as I know, the resistance does not send teams into an orange zone or above without we know, how did you get the pics then ? "

He smirked widely before he points at a pic from the board

[ The pic, David is pointing at ]

Y/n : * Look at the selected pic * " Wait a minute, isn't this a seeker ? "

[ Author's pov ]

The seekers or what it also known as the sky eye drones. Those advanced flying devices are the movable winged eyes of the enemies that keeps all the invaded regions under watch, they can be found only in the orange,red and black zones because those zones are more valuable to the enemies, and they must keep them under the watch 24/24 H for any unwanted surprises

( I have a feeling that some of you recognized the drone, and I know that its name is only the seeker. I just wanted to add a secondary name of my own choice to it, so what do you think of "The sky eye " as a drone name ? )

[ Y/n's pov ]

David : " You are right, those assholes aren't the only smart people around, they thought that their advanced technology will be beyond our understanding and intelligence, not paying attention to a fact that we could use them against them "

He said to me so enthusiastically as he pokes the pic with each few words, ha! It's rare to see him that way

Y/n : * Look at him with half closed eyes * " Why do I feel like you used my idea from the meeting 2 months ago ? "

If I haven't mentioned before, 2 months ago, we had a meeting where we discussed about new ideas to increase our military strength and I have given an interesting idea that will force those invaders to have a taste of their own medicines but I need to see it Inspired David or not

David : " ahhhhhhhh " * Looks away while rubbing the back of his head " You may say that I was wrong about what I have said back in that meetings "

Yeab, it did in the end. The idea is simple, why do we destroy those things while we can try to turn them to fight for us? Turning the enemy own weapons against them was my idea, but it didn't get much support because most of the programmers and hackers including David have said that their systems are so hard to be hacked, so reprogram them is so greatly harder, but I see that someone has come to his senses finally

Y/n : * Crossing his arms * " And may I know what changed your mind "

David : " You should thank Alex's new invention, btw I am sorry for taking the honor of being the first one who saw it in action "

Dame it, I forgot that Alex asked me to pay him a visit today too, oh well I will do that after I finish with David

Y/n : " No need to be, I care about the part that it worked then seeing it working "

David : " Oh if that so then I guarantee that it works nicely, I would gladly tell you about it but Alex trusted me that I won't say a word about it because he badly want to tell you himself "

Y/n : " very well, keep going on what you were saying earlier "

David ; " Right " *Clear his throat * " Back to me " * Points at the same pic again * " With Alex's new craft, a group of scouts could capture few of the seeker drones without damaging them at all, after that they brought them to me where I could do my trick on theme "

Y/n : " And ? "

David : " As a said before, the artificial intelligence of those things are so complicated but with Alex's new grenade, we could now gathe more samples to study them and maybe in the end we will achieve your idea "

Y/n : " That's great to hear but correct me if I am wrong, did you just say.....new grenade ? "

The moment I said that, he quickly closed his mouth

David : * Talking to himself *" I shouldn't have said that. I should NOT have said that "

Y/n : " . . . . . . " * Face blame " You really need to train on control your mouth dude "

David : " Just don't say that it was I who informed you, he trusted me and I don't like to lose someone trust "

The truth is he didn't tell me something new, we all know that Alex is a dangerous bomber, bombs maker, and an explosives expert, so it's so easy to figure out that his new craft is something that blows up, but David is the type of guys that care about others trust, and see it as something so valuable that must not be broken, this way i should not let him feel bad

Y/n : " Don't worry, I promise you that I will act so surprised when he shows it to me { if though i don't act at all } "

David : * smiles in relief * " That's more like it, so ..... where was I btw? oh yeah right. As I was saying, with Alex's new tool, we captured a few of the seekers that have been released in the nearby orange zone without damaging them, and I managed to add a secret recording secondary camera to the main one in each one of them "

Y/n : " Interesting "

David : " After the modifications that I have done , I gave the drones back to the scouts that they have brought and told them to release them back like nothing happened "

Y/n : " And after that you will say that we gained our own eyes in that orange zone "

David : " I wasn't gonna say that exactly but it looks close enough so " * snap his fingers* " Bingo "

Y/n : " Brilliant but I have a question, how did you receive the pic if the drones aren't on our side and have you forgotten about the jamming tower ? "

David : " I didn't need to do that and no I haven't. I sent a demanding massage to the nearest resistance cell to the orange zone, asking them in it to send a hacking van to receive the recorded pictures from the drones instead of us, and they are all here " * Points at the bored *" here have a look "

I Turned to the board and stare at the sticked pic while analyzing them one by one until I realized what is going on or that is what I believe is going on

Y/n : " Wait a minute "

A lot of troops transporters, many combat vehicles gettin in the zone, many places are been prepared for something to be built on it


This is a serious situation, if they turn the orange zone into a red one, the risk of our base been discovered will increase so high, especially that for a zone to be classified as a red one, they will currently need it to be expanded by adding the nearby zones into it, and the green zone where we are right now is surely one of them.

Y/n : " David, I need you to make me a copy of each pic you have here about this operation "

David : * Nods * " Sure thing, but you will have to wait for some time, because more pictures are on the way "

If those were all the pictures, I would command him to make me copies immediately, but as long as others are on the way, I have no choice but to wait for them. As an elite soldier, I must not ignore any detail, no matter what

Y/n : * Sigh * " Very well, I will wait for them, but I want you to send me copies as soon as possible "

David : " You can count on me "

I believe that there's no need for me to say here anymore, and as long as I have nothing to do about what is going in the Orange zone at the moment. I am going to see Alex and the new grenade he made, passing by our best weapon expert

This orange zone will be liberated










with one strike