
The Legend Of The Dark Demigoddess

A boy who suffered a lot of abuse from his father died and was reincarnated in another world as a girl. She got a loving and caring family, friends, and everything she never had. But happiness is not constant in any world. Tragedy befalls the naive Nyxia, resulting in her thirst for revenge. But can she survive this path? After all, Revenge is a one-way road with no comeback. ~~~~~~ Nyxia possesses extraordinary magical talent, making her one in billions. But is her talent solely innate? What about her unusual heritage, which manifested at the age of 15? Is her ability truly just a matter of talent? Nyxia has a sword that can transform into a crow, named Penance. She exchanged her right eye for it and now shares the vision of her missing right eye with Penance when it is in crow form. What is Penance? Why did it choose Nyxia? Uncover all of this by following Nyxia in this world of mysteries, magic, entities, and much more. And of course, the icing on the cake, peak Yuri.

San_Martins · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Plans and Jealousy

On a green yard illuminated by the moon. A girl stands with some blood on her face and clothes, sheathing her sword full of blood with a cold expression.

Easier than I thought. What is the level of these assassins? Would be good if they could fight to begin with. Cant really blame them, I do have a pretty puzzling set of skills and I got them all by surprise too. How would they fight to begin with?

I turn around walking toward the mansion with some blood dripping from my clothes and sword. There are some guards around looking scared.

Entering the mansion, some guards are on high alert. I tap one on the shoulder and ask him to tell the others that the intruders are dead.

Walking toward the guest room I encounter Claire's cousin and her father, they seem to be somewhat scared.

"Your issue was solved successfully, rest assured Viscont" I say formally not expressing any emotion

Claire's uncle sighs and seems less scared now. His daughter came to me with a smile on her face.

"You didnt come to talk with me after arriving, made me a little sad" She says casually laughing a little

"Unfortunately, I came to work" I say casually

She looks at the blood on my clothes and lets out a laugh.

"Quite the work you got there, are you not free now?" She says casually

Would be somewhat rude to refuse, but Claire will go crazy if I appear there with this girl. Well worst case scenario I just have to let her hit me a few times.

"Mostly but it is quite late already, if it is okay with you, why dont you accompany me to my room? I need to tell Claire it is over too" I say casually

Her father seems somewhat perplexed by a 15-year-old girl killing three guys in one night but her daughter is fine with it, I guess she already knew I was somewhat strong.

We walk slowly while talking.

"So, I had an idea because you were walking with Lady Claire at the party but are you like a bodyguard?" She asks curiously

"Close but not exactly" I say casually

Im not exactly looking forward to going around announcing that im arguably Claire's wife. It is somewhat embarrassing but Claire is simply unable to introduce me as something else.

She stops and presses me against the wall blocking my way with her arm. Her expression is somewhat lustful.

Is she crazy? We are in the middle of the hallway, Claire's blood is definitely taking action in her right now.

"Full of mysteries as always. I have a mystery for you too. What is rectangular, pink, has four legs, and really needs you?" She says seductively with her body close to mine

I look at her puzzled and she comes closer to my ear.

"My b e d" She says seductively in my ear letter by letter slowly

She is really going all in, im blushing a little but I have something else to do right now.

"I would love to meet your bed and fulfill her needs carefully, but unfortunately im working" I say whispering seductively in her ear

She hugs me.

She is even crazier than I thought, she came for a hug in the middle of the hallway of her house.

"Then let me hug you a little bit. You know how much im desiring you ever since that party? It is all your fault" She says lustfully in a low voice

Sigh... it is my fault yes. She is in Claire's family, I should have guessed she goes a little crazy when she is in love I guess, but she is really in love with me just by talking a little at a party?

She backs off blushing and looks at me shyly.

"Eh... I should get going now, catch you later" She says while running away too embarrassed to look at me

This was strange. Wait what is this?

I step forward to continue my way to the room but there is a liquid on the floor.

Ah... What someone is suppose to think in a situation like this?

I proceed to walk with a puzzled face that disappears after some time. I arrive in my-Claire room and open the door entering inside.

Claire is sitting on the couch drinking tea, she seems happy after seeing me and comes running to hug me.

"Baby you did it! I dont doubt your strength but worry gets the best of me when you are not around" Says Claire joyfully with a hint of worry

"I did quite the mess on your uncle's house thought" I say casually

The work will be doubled because I chop off a few members and the scene is not a pleasant one. I feel slightly bad for the servants.

Claire proceeds to smell me in various places with a look of suspect on her face. Her face twists into anger and she holds my head pointing my face above to look at her.

"There is someone else perfume on your coat, explain" Claire says in a low voice with a raging tone

Are you a dog? I should just say the truth, would be worse if I lie, anyway I dont care either.

I say to her what happened on my way back here and her eyes turn bloodshot looking deep into my eyes with her face very close to mine.

"Excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses...." Claire keeps repeating with a low voice

She snapped. Sigh... here comes a big tantrum. I mostly deserve it for flirting around with her at that party, if I had made it clear that I didnt want anything I wouldnt be here. Maybe im crazy too and enjoy Claire's possessiveness toward me.

"Are you deaf? I said to you, dont get close to her, do you understand the meaning of these words?" Claire says in a low voice full of rage

She slowly takes out my coat while looking at me inraged and throws it on the ground. Im doing an apathetic expression and this makes her even angrier.

Claire grabs my body and bashes my back against the wall holding me in the air with her hands on my tights. Her chest is pressing against my body and her face is very close to mine.

"Who do you prefer pinning you against the wall?" Claire says angrily

She is really that jealous just because of this?

"You" I say lustfully

I pass my hands around her neck and she kisses me violently. Her tongue is ravaging my mouth and she is making sure her saliva is going inside. Im struggling to breathe but she doesnt stop.

When she pulls out her face is completely lustful, her tongue sticking out with a string of saliva connecting us.

"I will screw you up until your brain turns completely into mush and then I will continue to screw you up even more. Im doing this because I love you okay? It is for your own good" Claire says lustfully

She carries me to the bed and throws me. Taking out my pants revealing my underwear. She gets on top of me and grabs my neck suffocating me.

"I will fuck you up bad until the smell of that bitch completely vanishes from your body, this is for your own good, im protecting you, you just need to stay still" Claire says angrily

"I love you Claire" I say with a weak voice while she suffocates me

She makes a lustful grim smile after hearing this. She repeatedly asks me to say more while suffocating me.

She stops suffocating me and lies down on my side putting her hand on my crotch.

"Claire! Mmm! Mmm!" I moan

She is going hard! It is hurting! My brain will stop!

"This is your fault! You go around hugging other girls!" Claire yells lustfully

She kisses me violently while messing my crotch with her hand. Her tongue is going very deep inside my mouth. She stops and proceeds to bite my neck.

I cum letting out a loud moan but Claire dont slow down her hands.

"Say to me baby" Claire says in my ear lustfully

"Mmm! Claire is Mmm! The only Mmm! One for me" I say lustfully while moaning

She pins me against the bed getting on top of me. She seems overjoyed by my words and kisses me violently while playing with my crotch slowly now.

"Baby I cant get angry with you for long, I love you too much for that, but Im still going to screw you up badly today" Claire says lustfully 

She does as she says, and almost all night she continues to do me in all positions someone can imagine, on the table, on the couch, on the ground. We spend the whole night cumming and in the end, she hugs me in the bed while we fall asleep.


I wake up in the morning with Claire patting my head. She continues to smell me everywhere.

"That bitch scent disappeared from your body" Says Claire joyfully

She is still on about that? Argh... my body hurts. Handling an angry Claire in bed is more difficult than killing three assassins.

Claire holds me tight. Our bodies are still dirty and sweaty from doing it all night.

"Repent your sins and never let other women hug you again" Claire says with a hint of angriness

Dont really matter, even if she sees me breathing the same air as another girl when she is not around she still gets angry.

We get up and take a bath together. We are tired but we still need to go back to Venzerain. We put on our clothes and go toward the carriage-room that is being prepared by Claire's servants. Viscount and his daughter came to see us off.

We enter the carriage just to fall on the bed again, we are completely tired from last night.

Compared to what we are doing in the capital this trip is a blessing, but it got me thinking, about how exactly the assassins knew about Claire being here, how they knew for sure she would be the one to arrive here to check on her uncle. Someone is leaking information to them.

Coincidently Adrian and Kovan were out of the house on other affairs so her father sent Claire. If what im thinking is true then Adrian and Kovan are being used to take Claire down by someone else, if I think like this it all makes sense.

Claire is very smart when it comes to these things so she noticed for sure. I dont really care about the solving puzzles part so she just chooses to not talk about it.

Anyway, I need to sleep.

I shut my eye and fall asleep.


We slept almost the whole way back to Venzerain. When we arrive at Claire's mansion it is already afternoon. Claire continues her investigation while I continue my own.

After a few days, Claire came to me with a plan to get that business on the verge of bankruptcy.

It is somewhat simple but still highly effective. Why do rich people buy something? Because they want to look richer if poor people use the same they simply dont buy it anymore and label it as something for the poor.

My job is to take control of a criminal group on the east side of the city and use them to distribute products stealthily around the poor parts of the city. Sounds easy but there are a few possibilities of going wrong, as Claire said there is no such thing as a perfect plan.

Claire will handle the products buying them slowly through straw men and I have to make sure to not get discovered and make everything appear slowly but surely in the hands of peasants, it needs to be done slowly so there are no suspects or traces.

Taking over a criminal gang behind the shadows... sounds a little fun.