
The Legend Of The Dark Demigoddess

A boy who suffered a lot of abuse from his father died and was reincarnated in another world as a girl. She got a loving and caring family, friends, and everything she never had. But happiness is not constant in any world. Tragedy befalls the naive Nyxia, resulting in her thirst for revenge. But can she survive this path? After all, Revenge is a one-way road with no comeback. ~~~~~~ Nyxia possesses extraordinary magical talent, making her one in billions. But is her talent solely innate? What about her unusual heritage, which manifested at the age of 15? Is her ability truly just a matter of talent? Nyxia has a sword that can transform into a crow, named Penance. She exchanged her right eye for it and now shares the vision of her missing right eye with Penance when it is in crow form. What is Penance? Why did it choose Nyxia? Uncover all of this by following Nyxia in this world of mysteries, magic, entities, and much more. And of course, the icing on the cake, peak Yuri.

San_Martins · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Dark Night

As im still wounded I refrain from doing my usual routine for a few days.

Im meditating in Claire's room right now. Claire got me a good piece of mana gem, im not sure what creature this belongs to but I know it must be massive. After meditating for a few minutes, I put the gem in a drawer and go toward the couch.

Claire seems a lot better than before. On the first day I was wounded, she hugged me all day without letting me out for nothing.

Claire is on the couch reading a few documents. When she looks serious like this she can even pass for a decent human being.

My wound is almost completely healed by now, which is weird but Claire said that people with bodies highly compatible with mana have quicker regeneration compared to most people. 

I sit by Claire's side but doesnt seem to be enough for her. She signals for me to lie my head on her lap. I do as she says and she proceeds to pat my head slowly.

"Saw something suspicious, dear?" Says Claire gently

Im spying on most of her family's affairs using Penance for the past 3 days, with no result. Whoever sent that assassin is not dumb enough to make a mistake like this.

"Nothing, and you?" I say casually

Claire has her means of finding what she wants. Though she said it was less reliable than most means.

"Maybe, a friend of mine identified something strange about Duke Vinkimel Tarker. High chances of being fake, the information came from the duke's daughter after all" Says Claire casually

His own daughter betrays him huh? Could be a trap but seeing how most things work in politics I dont doubt it.

"So what now?" I say apathetically

Claire laughs a little.

"Information always comes with a price, now we will have to do a favor for my friend" Claire says casually

Claire then proceeds to explain. Basically, Duke's daughter wants Claire to make a rival business on the verge of bankruptcy. Only on the verge not completely and needs to be a clean job without any trace. Obviously, if any trace is found her family would be the first to be blamed and she would take us with her.

No problem I thought, but apparently this business has some pretty powerful backup, the second prince is somewhat involved with the creation of the business behind the shadows. It was created to make the white wolf faction weaker by hurting the Tarke's financially. 

Claire's friend is taking the black sheep's side for unknown reasons trying to hurt her father and a rival business at the same time. Slightly pains me to have to give a slight advantage to the white wolf faction but in the end, with or without advantage I just need to be strong enough to massacre them. 

I wonder how Claire's friend expects her to handle something like this. Maybe she made an impossible request on purpose, but Claire said that she alone cant do it, but we can.

After we complete this favor she will send detailed information about what we want. Apparently, Claire sufficiently trusts this friend of hers word.

"I will investigate some more about the matter at hand before we take action but to summarize this is all" Says Claire casually

After hearing everything, I get up but Claire grabs my arm and signals me to kiss her. 

I roll my eyes a little. Claire cant stop at only a kiss and I have to train. Sigh... But if I refuse she will throw a tantrum and Claire's tantrums can be quite destructive.

She gets impatient, pulling me toward her, She puts me on her lap with my knees on each side of her tights. Passing her hands on my rear while putting her lustful face strangely close to mine.

"Claire I need to train you know" I say with a slight hint of embarrassment

Truth be told Claire is really good at handling my body.

"You care more about your training than your beautiful blonde hot wife, I will punish you" Says Claire with an annoyed tone

Is this something you should say about yourself? But she truly is hot.

She grabs my rear with one hand and uses the other to push my back even closer to her. Her breath is on my neck while she kisses and licks it. Suddenly she bites me making me moan.

Knock Knock. We hear someone on the door. A maid came to say Perlonie requested Claire's presence.

Claire's disappointment is visible on her face. To tell the truth, im really in the mood right now too.

"We will continue this later baby, let's get dressed more appropriately" Says Claire with a slightly sad tone


We enter Perlonie officer, there is a sofa on the side. A desk where he is sitting on a chair and another chair on the other side of the desk. Looking around there are a lot of papers, seems like Claire's father is really busy.

I sit on the sofa and Claire sits in the chair facing her father.

"Going directly to the point, I need you to check a few things with your uncle, something seems slightly wrong. Income seems odd" Perlonie says seriously while giving Claire a document

After a few words, we go out of the office.

We will be going to Claire's uncle's domain to check on his work. It is somewhat close to Venzerain. Take only a few hours by carriage.

We grab our clothes, things we will need, and put it all inside the carriage with those two Claire servants to ride. Been a while since I last saw these two, not that we are close but we have been on a long trip together before.

I sit on Claire's lap on her carriage-room couch. Claire seems quite conflicted for some reason.

"Something wrong?" I ask apathetically while she hugs me from behind

"I usually like going out but there is so much for us to do right now, assassins, dukes, traitors, we barely have time for ourselves dear" Says Claire slightly sad

True, the list of things we need to resolve only gets bigger.

Claire sighs heavily and proceeds.

"And the worst, my cousin" Claire says annoyed

"Huh? Why?" I ask casually

She hugs me tighter, slightly craving her nails on my abdomen.

"That bitch was throwing herself at you! And at that party, you were all smiles and good mood talking to her!" Claire yells angrily

Ah, so that girl is Claire's cousin. When she will forget about this? She keeps bringing it up in any slight discussion that we have.

"I was just faking Claire, this is the true me" I say apathetically

Claire bites my neck making me moan. Why she keep suddenly biting me?

"Stop making excuses! You acted like a slut! And if I see you all smiles with her again I swear to mark your whole body with bite marks so every bitch sees you already have a wife" Says Claire angrily

As usual, dialogue doesn't work on Claire.

She continues to grope my body violently, putting her hand inside my pants, and starts to play with my crouch furiously making me moan loudly.

"Mmm! Clai- Mmm! Wait! Mmm!"

She is really going hard on me! I cant think straight!

"Your body needs to learn a lesson, im the only one for you, there is only me, you need only me" Claire says in a low voice whispering in my ear

She is going too fast! too deep! My mind is blanking out. Im going to cum!

"Claire Mmm!" I moan loudly while cumming with Claire's fingers still inside me

I lose balance and rest my back on Claire's chest. While im climaxing she slowly continues to move her fingers.

"You are so cute baby, let me screw you up just a bit more okay? You dont mind, right?" Claire says lustfully whispering in my ear

She is completely out of control. Is she that frustrated and angry? But... I dont mind a little more.


A few hours later we arrived at a village-city place. Looks like a rural village with fields and wood houses but at the end there is a mansion.

So this is a dominion? Basically, a village with an excessively rich mayor then. People here seem happier than in Venzerain, some people prefer the simple and calm life of a rural place after all.

As our carriage makes its way into the dominion people stop to stare and turn to see as we pass. 

Im wearing a curious set of clothes, Claire called it a casual work style. A white button shirt with sleeves that bend slightly before my wrist and a black tie. A sleeveless gray vest. Black pants and black boots.

I found the style name fitting. The clothes are comfy and easy to move even though it looks formal. 

Claire calls me to go out so I follow her.

The mansion seems smaller than Claire's but looks roughly the same. After passing by the gate we arrive at the doorstep, Claire's uncle is standing there, he looks a little anxious. There is a strange group spying on us too, some kids, probably Claire's cousin's friends I guess.

I get out of the carriage after Claire and stop at her side while she trades some words with her uncle. He is a little fat, has black hair, and wears formal clothes.

He formally asks us to accompany him toward his office to talk. Arriving there I sit down with Claire on a couch, he sits opposite to us on another couch.

"Lady Claire, I would like to ask something first, Do you mind demi-humans? Some work here" Says her uncle formally

He is afraid of offending Claire. Quite some time since I last saw a demi, they are hardly allowed into cities after all. This dude seems to be somewhat nicer than other nobles, he doesnt look at me with disgust even though he dont know me and even allows demies on his dominion.

"I dont mind, do you dear?" Says Claire looking at me

"No" I say apathetically

Why someone would mind to begin with? They are just people with a few animal parts.

They continue to talk after that while I sit there mostly apathetically. Claire's uncle sent me some curious looks so apparently the news of me being arguably Claire's wife didnt leak out.

From what I heard, apparently, a group of bandits are roaming around this area stealing from people that pass in the road sometimes even destroying crops. Guards cant get them, Claire's uncle sent a request for help to the capital but it is taking too long.

This is strange, Venzerain is just a few hours away from here, why are they taking so long?

"We can solve it probably, I say we but this seems mostly like a job for you dear, what do you think?" Says Claire casually while looking at me

"Fine, a little sketchy but I can probably handle it" I say apathetically

Claire's uncle seems puzzled but refrains from asking. In the end, he calls a maid to accompany us to a guest room. The room seems smaller than what we are used to but the bed is big and there is a couch so dont really bother me.

We sit down to talk after arriving.

"A trap for you?" I ask casually

"Could be, inside the capital every move is risky after all" Says Claire casually

I throw Penance out of the window to investigate our surroundings while I talk with Claire.

They will probably attack this night. I dont know about their strengths but I have confidence in my skills if I take them by surprise.

We drank some tea and ate while we continued to talk, and soon night came. I put on my perfect set and stayed vigilant with Penance.

Soon I saw three figures going out of the forest on the left side of the dominion, wearing black cloaks covering their whole bodies.

I warn Claire to stay inside and I get out of the room with a slightly grim smile


The three figures run stealthily into the yard of the mansion passing without getting noticed by the guards. They climb the mansion going toward the ceiling where they find an entrance leading to the attic. As soon as entering the attic, they begin to speak in a low voice.

"I still think this is a bad idea, I heard the Maskman died trying to collect this one sigh..." Say one of them

"Bullshit, mere rumors for all we know he can still be out there" Say another one with an annoyed tone

"Anyway, we are already inside no going back now. Firstly let's move separately until we find Claire Faeson's room, dont get found out at any cost, when any of us find her send a mana signal in a low mana frequency" Says the other one calmly

They get out of the attic and follow separate ways inside the house.

The house is completely dark there is only the moonlight to illuminate a few places.

The first assassin runs into the hallways of the mansion stealthily checking every room he can. Until something strange happens, he feels a presence behind him, and when he tries to turn around to attack there is nothing there.

He puts on a puzzled expression while looking around suspiciously with his weapon drawn.

When he turns to his front again to continue his track a person appears standing in front of him. He got scared and attacked without thinking twice but the person disappeared after receiving the strike. He tries to run scared but he falls to the ground, without understanding anything he looks down at his legs and his expression turns into sheer terror.

"AAA!" The assassin's scream fills the hallways of the dark mansion

His legs were cut off and he didnt even feel it until he saw. He sees a girl holding a sword dripping blood looking at him from above with a cold expression. The girl makes a hand sign and a bunch of chains get out of the man's shadow piercing through his stomach and attaching him to the ground.


The second assassin hears a scream and goes toward it as fast as he can to see what is happening.

When he arrives he sees his friend suspended by the neck in the air with chains attached to the ground and others into the ceiling. His friend is dead, his eyes are empty and his legs are on the ground.

The grotesque scene almost made a full-fledged assassin vomit. The worst part is a crow, eating his friend's dead eyeballs while sitting on his shoulder.

The man senses something wrong and tries to run away but his head gets sliced with a vertical cut in the middle cutting everything until the neck. The man falls to the ground lifeless in a blink.

A girl falls from the ceiling with a cold expression. Her sword transformed into a crow and roam around the house looking for her next prey.


The last assassin is running away scared. He knew this was a bad idea, as soon as he heard that scream he knew what to do.

He gets out of the house by jumping into a window leading to the garden. We land on the ground and proceed to run more. He is too scared to be stealthy now and a few guards end up seeing him running.

The guards try to run at him and alert the others. The house ascends with the lights and everyone wakes up.

The assassin is fast so he pays no mind to the guards and continues to run away. When he finally saw the fence his eyes turned bright with hope and a smile appeared on his face.

He tries to jump to get out but... his waist is sliced horizontally and he falls to the ground lifeless but with a smile on his face.