
The Legend of Su Chenyu

Morningstar Continent, Grand Tai Dynasty: Su Chenyu is the eldest young master of the ancient Su family, one if the most powerful families in the entire continent. And his life changed the day he discovered a broken artifact in a forest. ' Did the system come from that artifact? The system is an existence that has never been heard of in this world.....how powerful is the person who created it...and is it safe to use it?... also where did those memories come from? ....is it connected with gaining the system?.....most importantly were those my memories?.....my previous life?.....in that case the blue planet exists?.... His world view changed since that day . Follow Su Chenyu as he faces challenges more dangerous than the previous ones, see him face dangerous opponents and seek answers to his questions......his goal is to be as power as an existance that created the so called system..... NOTE: 2 chapter daily will be published From the Author : Hi everyone, please point out if there are any mistakes in the chapters, I will correct them as soon as possible. If you are enjoying the novel please support by adding it to your collections , and commenting below the chapters. I will try my best not to disappoint you ;)

Beyond_the_wall · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Auction House (2)

Zi Han was feeling extremely bitter.

He had a system that could detect treasures however his system never told him how much the treasure was worth.

He knew the treasure would increase his strength but he didn't know if it was worth 100 medium-grade spirit stones.

A hundred medium-grade spirit stones!! That was equivalent to a high-grade spirit stone.

But he secretly hoped it would be worth it.

The original Zi Han belonged to a poor family and so he was always careful with his expenses. Even in the sect , he had lived like a poor bear for 5 years. After he transmigrated, and saw the memories of the original Zi Han, he too became a miser.

However after the bidding continued, it soon reached 500 medium-grade spirit stones. That was equivalent to 5 High-grade spirit stones!! He only had around 100 high-grade spirit stones after selling random treasures.

He looked at the cultivator who was bidding with him with hatred. A middle aged man with a mask.

Zi Han decided to give it up and look look for other treasures. Surely there were other treasures than this.


Su Chenyu had given Hu Ming around 100,000 low-grade spirit stones before the auction started. Moreover Hu Ming himself had accumulated decent amount of money after working so long in the ancient Su family.

Hu Ming knew his master ordered him for weird things sometimes which he never expected but he knew there were reasons for it. His master , Su Chenyu, was a 16 year old Nascent Soul realm cultivator!! He had a really bright future and perhaps would even inherit the Pariah position of the Su family!! He also knew that he was favored more than the other servants and was determined to help him.

So when he was ordered to bid for whatever items Zi Han would want, he did it without hesitation and was even prepared to spend his own money .


Su Chenyu looked down from his VIP seat. He was happy Hu Ming got the rock and was eager to find out what it contained.

He sent a message to Hu Ming," Take everything that he tries to bid for. Use your money if needed. I will pay you back later."

' Zi Han has a lot of money om him. I can take away everything from him after killing him,'

The auction continued and the seventh item was brought on stage.

"This is an elixir which can increase the strength of a Golden core realm cultivator by 1 realm instantly. It is even more effective for lower realm cultivators!

Starting price is 100 medium-grade spirit stones!"

The crowd immediately began offering prices one after another.

"150 medium-grade spirit stones. "

"200 medium-grade spirit stones. "

"250 medium-grade spirit stones. "

"400 medium-grade spirit stones. "

Zi Han had bid the last bud.

Before Hu Ming could increase the bid, another person immediately increased it.

"600 medium-grade spirit stones. "

"700 medium-grade spirit stones. "

The elixir could directly increase strength by 1 realm!! Many of the cultivators were in the golden core realm and all of them wanted it.

"1500 medium-grade spirit stones ." Zi Han bid.

Silence followed.

Some began to murmur about how such a young man had so much wealth. Others began to ask if he was from a big family in the city.

"1500 medium-grade spirit stones going once!"

Just when Zi Han thought he could get it, Hu Ming bid for it.

"2000 medium-grade spirit stones."

Zi Han's face became extremely ugly. It was the same middle aged man who had a bidding war with him .

"2500 medium-grade spirit stones!" Zi Han hoped he would give up.

The elixir had already reached it's highest price, anymore and he would be the one suffering a loss!!

Su Chenyu seeing the situation sent a message to Hu Ming, " Don't bid for it anymore, let him have it."

'It is just a trash elixir which increases strength of a Golden core realm cultivator only. I don't need it. '

'It doesn't matter if he increases his strength with it, I will kill him anyway. He'sfar from being my opponent right now. '

Hu Ming did not make anymore bids.

Zi Han was delighted seeing the situation. He finally can increase his strength again!!

The auction continued however Zi Han did not make any more bids.

Zi Han went out in a hurry. He wanted to return home and immediately consume the elixir. He couldn't wait to increase his strength!

Su Chenyu and his servants were following behind.

The auction house was quite far from Zi Han's home. Currently they were in a relatively quiet area and not many people were could be seen.

Su Chenyu said to Hu Ming, " Finish him off. Bring his body after it."

"Yes Young master!"

Su Chenyu knew that Zi Han was the personal disciple of a core elder of the Flying Sword sect. The core elders of Flying Sword sect meant a cultivator at the void realm which was the 8th major realm.

The elder may have given Zi Han some treasure and so he didn't want to personally take action.

He thought that since Hu Ming was a Nascent Soul cultivator, it would be easy to finish off Zi Han.

Hu Ming speed forward and immediately arrived behind Zi Han. He took out his sword and was about to behead him in one strike when suddenly Zi Han moved.

He quickly sprang around and jumped behind to increase the distance between them. He them took out a sword from his spacial ring.


Hu Ming was bewildered.

He , a Nascent Soul cultivator, was discovered while trying to assassinate a core formation realm cultivator!!

Also from the looks of the sword Zi Han was holding it looked like a treasure which could release the strength of a Nascent Soul.

'This brat!! He's so lucky!!' Su Chenyu thought.

'Even if he can sense treasures , how lucky is he to get so many good things in such a short time!!'

'I should tell the Soul Refinement Realm servants to finish him off, otherwise people will soon gather and cause a scene.'

'The city lord is bound to investigate since the one murdered is the personal disciple of a core elder of Flying Sword sect. '

He ordered both of them to quickly strike and kill him.

Both of the Soul Refinement Realm servants moved and immediately reached Zi Han.

Zi Han was bewildered when he suddenly sensed two people near him.

One of the Soul Refinement Realm servants slashed his sword at lightning speed towards his back and the other Soul Refinement Realm servant punched towards his chest.

The surrounding cultivators were surprised to see one Nascent Soul and two Soul Refinement Realm Cultivators killing a Core formation realm .

It was an overkill !

They felt pity for the young man who was about to die and thought what he had done to get the three to kill him.

However something happened that surprised everyone.

The moment his body was slashed and the soul Refinement Realm servant was going to punch and make a hole in his chest, a red light shined around Zi Han and he disappeared.

Disappeared into thin air!!

Hi everyone, please point out if there are any mistakes in the chapters, I will correct them as soon as possible.

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