
The legend Of Osy:The greatest player to ever kick a ball

Author: Isibor_Osy
Ongoing · 147 Views
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What is The legend Of Osy:The greatest player to ever kick a ball

Read ‘The legend Of Osy:The greatest player to ever kick a ball’ Online for Free, written by the author Isibor_Osy, This book is a others Fanfic, covering Fanfiction, Fan Fiction, Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is:


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"Ahhh.... fuck!" I moaned as he thrust his manhood in a fast pace while caressing my mound. "F-faster... ahh!" I said but on second thought, I moaned. He slowed down and keeps teasing my clit. "Beg." He whispered and bit my earlobe. "P-please.. ohh... fuck... fuck me hard- ahh!" I couldn't finish my sentence when he bumped his manhood roughly inside me. He held my buttcheek tightly while thrusting his hips and I couldn't help my self but moaned loudly. He suddenly pulled his manhood and I was about to complain when he flipped me facing towards him. I saw him placed both of my feet on his shoulder. "What are you- ah!" I moaned when he licked my wetness spreading through my ass. I held his hair tightly and arched my back while he's busy licking my wetness. He stopped and pushed his bulging dick inside my hole making my eyes rolled back because of too much pleasure. "Ahhh! Faster!! Fuck!" I moaned loudly as I dig my nails in his broad shoulder. My voice was already hoarse and I can't keep myself from moaning. "Call me Daddy." He commanded. And I obliged. "D-daddy.." I called. He shoved his thumb into my mouth and I accepted it wholeheartedly. "Suck it while I fuck you hard." He said and I followed him. I licked and sucked his thumb while moaning. "Aym blub- clu...mmbingsh--" I said. "Ahhhh!" I moaned when he thrust deeply inside me and at the same time I came. He gave me more slow thrusts inside me while releasing his milk. I lay down properly while panting. We were both sweating after that mind blowing sex. I felt his hands on my waist while pulling me closer to him. He kissed my shoulder and neck. I am so tired that I didn't hear his words. "Goodnight baby."

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她,胆小怕事儿,工作勤勤恳恳,最大的梦想是自己努力赚钱,买房,买车,一场意外后,房子,车子都有了,来不及喜悦,先卷入家族斗争中,危险源源不断,小命堪忧。 他,专横跋扈,商场上翻手为云,覆手为雨,二十岁后,只要是被他表白过的女孩,都会莫名其妙意外死亡,无一幸免,算命大师断言是天谴,命如此,注定一生孤苦。 某天,他居然……结婚了。 得知女方平凡无奇,众人跌破眼镜的同时也为她唏嘘不已,纷纷打赌她能活多久。 同事,朋友都来劝她说:“凤家太子爷,能力是卓绝,长相是俊美,还是含着金汤勺出生,条件无可挑剔,但他因被算命大师断言是被天谴之人,注定一生孤苦,你不想死的话,赶紧跟他离婚。” 家人也来劝她说:“你平凡无奇,安安分分的过日子就行,凤家太子爷命不好,跟他扯上关系的女人都死了,别的女人看到他绕道走,你偏偏撞上去,别作死,赶紧跟他离婚,保命要紧。” 身边的人都来劝她离婚,无关的人开设赌局,赌她能活多久,她都一笑置之。 “你真不怕死?”他知道后私下问她。 “你确定死的会是我?”她笑着反问他。 他默了,半响蹦出一句。“我们一起作死。” 婚后,凤家太子爷性情大变,常常挂在嘴边的一句话。“听太太的,太太说了算。”

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Reach Out

Not everyone lives a good life, where there’s always happiness and love. Many people too, experience sad and horrible things. We go through petrifying times that scars us. We have open wounds that is always constantly being rubbed with salt. Does time really heal wounds? Nakamoto Ayumi is an average 17 year old girl who’s a junior in high school. She lives through pain yet fakes a smile everyday to show everyone she’s doing just fine. However, that all changed when she met a boy, named Kimura Sanyu. He too, experiences such horrifying and saddening things. He can feel her emotions, and wants to keep her happy. Ayumi learns from Sanyu that it is okay to cry, to show how you really feel deep inside. With shattered hearts due to dark secrets they keep to themselves, slowly together, they tried to mend their hearts, to heal their open wounds. They fell in love in each other without even knowing it. Secrets spills, drama begins, rumor spreads through the school, and love slowly starts to bloom. “What a sad and hard life you’ve been living...” “Please save me!” “I want to be there for you.” “I will do anything to protect you, even if it costs my life.” “You will never leave me..right?” “I like you.” ** of course this story isn’t going to be all dark, there’s gonna be a lot comedy in here too! Just to lighten things up and melt your heart with warming loving scenes! I will update chapters when I am not busy! Please look forward to this story! **

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