
The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED]

THERE WILL BE NO HOMOPHOBIC CONTENT FOUND IN THIS FIC. IF I KNOWINGLY, OR UNKNOWINGLY DO SOMETHING CONSIDERED HOMOPHOBIC, YOU MAY FREELY TELL ME. There is a paragraph in one of those chapters, mentioning homosexuality, so those who are uncomfortable with that one paragraph may ignore this book altogether. THAT SAID, I'm not tagging this book as BL, or LGBTQ, as the whole LGBTQ community might hate me for tagging the book as such, when only one paragraph in the whole book even touches LGBTQ. Sorry for that LGBTQ people. ~~~ Summary: Rahul was an average dude, with an average job, average house, and no one to share it with. He was satisfied with his life though. So it was very much a surprise for him when he wakes up as Thor's younger twin. ~~~ This is a Self Insert fic. The MC is reborn as Baldur, the younger brother of Thor, and the story is centred mostly around him. The MC will wake up in his crib, a few days after his birth. When in the timeline will he be born? Well, glad you asked. In this AU, Baldur is the younger twin of Thor, instead of the waaayyy younger brother. For those of you who don't know, and are too lazy to Google, Baldur is the younger brother of Thor and Loki(in the mythos and the comics, he doesn't exist in MCU) by at least a few years. Also, while Thor is the son of Gaia, Baldur is the son of Frigga. He's the Norse God of Light, so beware of photon manipulation, and heat manipulation. These will be his powers, at least in the beginning. I'm fairly unimaginative, so it'll look about similar to Captain Marvel from MCU. I'm a new author, with 2 incomplete fics on ffn.net, and have suffered from writing blocks. This is my attempt at regaining my writing spirit. The updates will be, sort of slow, but I'll try to post at least one chapter per day, but please be patient if I'm late. If you need to imagine him as an actor, let's make it Liam Hemsworth, the younger brother of Chris Hemsworth. For those who like to donate money to authors, on pat.reon, I have an account, and I welcome any donations. But, just so you know, there's no benefit to the ones who donate, other than good Karma for your next great adventure. My id on pat.reon is /HelloDarkness07 Thank you!

HelloDarkness07 · Movies
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63 Chs

The Vishanti, and Sol

A/N: Small Chapter.


"Greetings, Vishanti! Welcome to SOLHEIM!" I say, spreading my hands apart in invitation.

In front of me, standing as tall as me, were the Vishanti, Gods of the Sorcerers. Elder Goddess Oshtur, her son born out of her tear drop that fell on the ground, Agamotto, and Oshtur's companion for millions of years, Hoggoth.

Hoggoth actually did look a lot like a tiger. He had the body of a humanoid, but mostly tiger features. Claws in his hands, a tail behind him, and even the head of a tiger.

"Lord Baldur." Agamotto says, greeting me with a smile. I have no idea if this Agamotto is the same as the one from that Universe, or they are different beings, but I'm giving him the respect he deserves.

"Lord Agamotto. It is nice to meet you in person." I say, bowing a bit in respect.

Agamotto nods, and Oshtur cones forward, "Lord Baldur. You have surprised us.. which we are usually not. My name is Oshtur, and this is an Elder God of another long gone planet, Hoggoth. We, are the Vishanti."

I bow, and say, "Greetings, Vishanti. I am Baldur, God of the Sun, and Lord of the Solheim Realm. How can I help you?"

"We wanted to ask you to withdraw from the mortal Realm. It breaks the oaths we have taken, not to interfere in the mortal Realm." Hoggoth says, not blunting the blow.

I nod, and say, "I have already withdrawn myself from the Mortals, My Lords, Lady. I am aware of the laws."

Oshtur frowns, and asks, "And what of the Baldur currently roaming on what you call Avalon?"

I chuckle, making them guarded and say, "I know the laws, my Lady. There is no law, that says that I can't send an avatar to the Mortal Realm. You have done it before, Lord Agamotto has, and even the other Elder Gods have. But, unlike them, my Avatar has my memories to go with it. That's it. The Baldur you see in the Mortal Realm, is not me, and I do not control him. He is completely independent in his actions, and I am just an audience right now."

What I said was completely true. Shuma-Gorath, Dormammu, Agamotto, Oshtur, Balthakk, Cyttorak, Set, Chthon, each of them, and more, have had Avatar's in the past. I've seen them with the mirror.

I know I'm not breaking any law, or these same three Gods would have destroyed my Avatar already.

"You speak the truth." Agamotto says, surprised. Of course he can tell if I'm lying.

I nod and say, "Or course I am. I have nothing to hide from Honoured Gods such as yourselves."

Agamotto nods, making the other two agree too. Oshtur says, "Forgive me then, for my doubts. We shall take our leaves then. Welcome to Godhood, Lord Baldur."

I bow, a bit, and say, "I thank you, Lady Oshtur. And you won't have to worry. I will not try and invade the Mortal Realm. I love my planet too much to do that."

"Very well." Oshtur says, and nods at the other two. All three of them float out of there, and I feel them leaving my Realm.

I immediately give a sigh of relief. Usually, it's tantamount to suicide trying to face a Realm Lord in their own Realm. But these were the Vishanti. They've forgotten more magic, than I've ever known.

Sure, I could probably take one of them, while I'm being backed up by my Realm, and they're out if theirs. But it'll be a hard fight. When they're together? Nope. I'll die. Completely. Leaving my mortal Avatar to take the reins.

I close my eyes, and connect back to my Avatar, but something prods on my senses, and convinces me to open my eyes.

I see someone laying on the floor in front of me, a mortal human, in his astral form. Huh? A wizard? But I thought they're all dead.

His soul feels familiar to me, so before he can even open his eyes, I go inside his mind, and through his fairly formidable defences. Formidable for a human that is.

In a couple seconds, I view all of his memories, from his birth, to his death, to his rebirth, and the ritual he just went through, and I realize why I feel the wizard is familiar.

He's me! Meaning the soul is the same as mine, and the memories of his past life match mine! I widen my eyes at the revelation. Either he's a copy of me, or he is an alternate "me" from the past life.

"Interesting. You're me!" I rumble out, looking at the British wizard from another Universe, and future, open his eyes.

Seeing his eyes, which although a bit scared, are not that scared, I move my hand forward, and send a blast of Sun Dimension's energy at him, blessing him.

This will give him a healing factor comparable with Wolverine's, and judging by his already impressive pair of powers, it'll be useful. It won't give him the ability of coming to my Dimension again, but it will allow him to pull my energy if he trains in it.

Basically, I gave him a blessing, both a bit superior to the one I gave Merle.

Waving my hand, I send his Astral form out of my Castle, and into the Realm, so he makes a connection with it the proper way, and the ritual pulls him away.

"Heh. Alternate past me also got reincarnated. Makes me wonder how many 'mes' got reborn."

Is there a me in Naruto Universe? What about plain old Harry Potter? What about Star Wars, DBZ, and all the other fictional works I've read or seen? What about DC? God, I hope not. I know nothing about DC. My mortal self will die there.

Not my problem, anyway. I'm safe in my Dimension here.


1156 AD: 192 Years(17):

Keeping the Mirror down after viewing Ego's umpteenth visit some million years ago, I stretch myself.

My Mirror viewing capabilities were increasing day by day. Just yesterday, the max I could see was about 900,000 years back. Now, I just saw 1.2 Million years in the past. But, I still can't see the future. I can see the present, and past anywhere in the Universe though.

Ego was on a distant planet planting his seed after making another woman pregnant. Thankfully, the seeds shrivel up and die, after some 100 years of no Ego Energy being provided.

I can't call it Celestial energy, as I'm still not sure he's a Celestial. He's.. to weak, for a Celestial. Even I could destroy him, with just my fists, and no magic.

Anyway, stretching done, I call out, "Blinky!"

"Yes, Master Baldy?" Blinky says, popping in.

I ask, "Where did Sol go? She did not visit me since I've been awake, and it's been 2 days!"

I was upset, alright. She's my Phoenix, and she didn't come visit me?

Blinky hesitates a bit, and says, "Um.. Master Baldy.. Mistress Sol be.. Mistress Sol be on a date."

"Excuse me?! A DATE?" I exclaim, both in shock, and awe.

My Sol is all grown up!

Seeing I'm not upset, Blinky nods, and explains, "Yes. Mistress Sol be going out to roam on Earth, Master, with her mate."

"Who did she go with, Blinky?" I ask, because Blinky was dallying.

Blinky says, "He be a Thunderbird master!" and pops out before I can even react.

A Thunderbird?! A THUNDERBIRD?! What was wrong with the Phoenixes?! Phoenixes are pure, light and non hurting!

Thunderbirds throw thunder out of their wings and legs!

"CRUX!" I shout, sending a wave of magic to ask Sol's father to visit me.

We have a young lady to talk to.


3 hours, summoning Sol and the bloody Thunderbird, and burning my hair, and Crux's feathers later, Sol said goodbye to the Thunderbird, named Bolt, (What kind of Thunderbird has a name like that?) Sol began attacking me again.

'YOU EMBARRASSED ME IN FRONT OF MY MATE!' Sol snaps out, while poking my head with her surprisingly sharp beak, and holding my hand with her talons tightly.

"I'm sorry, okay! But I was worried for you! He's a Thunderbird! Just look at Thor, and see how Thunder people are!" I say, shielding my eyes.

Crux trills out a laugh, so Sol glares and jumps at him, and leaves me alone.

15 minutes later, Crux goes home, and I'm holding Sol close, hugging her.

"I'm sorry, Sol. I was just worried for you." I whisper, while caressing her feathers.

'Forgiven. But only because you just woke up.' Sol trills out, and goes to sleep on my chest.

I sigh, cursing Crux for pushing all the blame on me. Like he did not have a 10 minute rant about her dating a Thunderbird.

Are Thunderbirds even immortal? Damn, now I'll have to make a bloody bird immortal somehow. Simply because Sol likes him.

Why oh, why, did Phoenixes have to mate for life? Couldn't they have just.. nah, that's worse. Mating for life is better.

I sigh, and go to sleep in the same position, absently noting Aora joining us too. Oh grow up, she's my daughter. Both of them are.


A/N: I had actually forgotten about Sol in the last 2 chapters lol. So, yeah. She's mating with a Thunderbird. Wonder what the end result will be?

Thunder-phoenix that can use lightning the same way phoenixes use fire. Meaning Lightning teleportation, thunder attacks like Thunderbirds, and whatever I can dig up from Pokémon lol. They will also have fire as their elements too though. Because otherwise they'll be just Thunderbirds.

For those who got confused by the part about another me being a wizard, read my fic "Mason Aves: The Wizard."

You might not find it on my profile, but if you go in the book info, there's the book under "Other books by this author" or something.

My two books will have only that one moment as a crossover. They won't meet again. Ever.
