
The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED]

THERE WILL BE NO HOMOPHOBIC CONTENT FOUND IN THIS FIC. IF I KNOWINGLY, OR UNKNOWINGLY DO SOMETHING CONSIDERED HOMOPHOBIC, YOU MAY FREELY TELL ME. There is a paragraph in one of those chapters, mentioning homosexuality, so those who are uncomfortable with that one paragraph may ignore this book altogether. THAT SAID, I'm not tagging this book as BL, or LGBTQ, as the whole LGBTQ community might hate me for tagging the book as such, when only one paragraph in the whole book even touches LGBTQ. Sorry for that LGBTQ people. ~~~ Summary: Rahul was an average dude, with an average job, average house, and no one to share it with. He was satisfied with his life though. So it was very much a surprise for him when he wakes up as Thor's younger twin. ~~~ This is a Self Insert fic. The MC is reborn as Baldur, the younger brother of Thor, and the story is centred mostly around him. The MC will wake up in his crib, a few days after his birth. When in the timeline will he be born? Well, glad you asked. In this AU, Baldur is the younger twin of Thor, instead of the waaayyy younger brother. For those of you who don't know, and are too lazy to Google, Baldur is the younger brother of Thor and Loki(in the mythos and the comics, he doesn't exist in MCU) by at least a few years. Also, while Thor is the son of Gaia, Baldur is the son of Frigga. He's the Norse God of Light, so beware of photon manipulation, and heat manipulation. These will be his powers, at least in the beginning. I'm fairly unimaginative, so it'll look about similar to Captain Marvel from MCU. I'm a new author, with 2 incomplete fics on ffn.net, and have suffered from writing blocks. This is my attempt at regaining my writing spirit. The updates will be, sort of slow, but I'll try to post at least one chapter per day, but please be patient if I'm late. If you need to imagine him as an actor, let's make it Liam Hemsworth, the younger brother of Chris Hemsworth. For those who like to donate money to authors, on pat.reon, I have an account, and I welcome any donations. But, just so you know, there's no benefit to the ones who donate, other than good Karma for your next great adventure. My id on pat.reon is /HelloDarkness07 Thank you!

HelloDarkness07 · Movies
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The Talk

979 AD: 15 Years.

"That... was.. Amazing!" I breathe out, once me and Lorelai have had our fun. Amora had found a minor God to court with in the last year I was away, so she had to decline coming to our sessions, but I didn't mind. Lorelai was an animal in bed herself.

Where did Lorelai come from, you might ask? Well, after my talk with Mother, when I went to my room, Lorelai was already waiting for me, completely naked, having heard how I was back on Asgard, and to "receive my apologies for not being here for her and not warning her that I'll be gone for this long."

"Yeah, it was." Lorelai whispers, hugging me close.

"Yeah." I say, and we stay silent, the only sounds being that of our breaths.

"Hey, Lorelai?" I ask, after a few minutes, breaking the silence.

"Hm?" Lorelai hums from near my chest, not even bothering to look up.

I simply ask, "You don't want me to court you, do you?"

Lorelai suddenly sits up, taking the cover with her, and leaving me bare. Gee thanks. She looks at me with horror in her eyes, and asks, "Do you like me that way?"

I shrug, knowing that it's a trick question. No matter what I answer, I'm bound to be in trouble. So I say, "I wouldn't mind formally courting you, but I also don't want to get shackled down this early in my life."

Lorelai breathes a sigh of relief, dropping the cover that was covering her chest, and puts her hands on her hips, "Don't f*cking scare me like that, Baldur! Why would you even say something like that?"

I rub the back of my head nervously, and answer, "Well, Amora found a beau, so I wondered if you'd have wanted to formally court to. Then I wondered if you'd expect me to court you, or if I'm supposed to initiate the courting process. I'm 15, alright, I don't know much about any of... this."

Lorelai shakes her head and comes close to me, to sit on my lap. She grinds herself to me, all the while grinning, and says, "Little Baldur is getting so... big.. now. Thinking of courting processes and all that."

I put my hands around her body and pull her closer. Kissing her breasts once, I look her in the eyes and say, "Little Baldur is always ready to be big." and insert myself inside her, making her gasp.

"YES!" Lorelai exclaims, and we have another round, ignoring the conversation for now.

~~~15 minutes later~~~

"Baldur?" Lorelai breaks the few minutes of silence this time, and says, "If after 500 more years, you still want to court me, come ask me. But until then, what we have now, is good enough. I don't expect anything from you, other than some good fun. Understood?"

I hug her close to me, and say, "Understood. No courting topics for 500 more years, at least. That said, if you do find someone worth courting within those years, I don't mind if you go with them. I'd be happy for you, as you are my friend."(A/N: Friendzoned before being friendzoned!")

Lorelai simply says, "The same to you, you big dumb lump." Then she smirks at me and says, "Although, I wouldn't mind if you ask me to join in on some sessions with your future woman."

I close my eyes and sleep, before this evil lady can put images of herself doing things with other women inside my head, not that they haven't been there already.

Hey! I lost my virginity to two sisters! I'm allowed to imagine them together even if they didn't even touch each other like that in front of me. Plus, I have three attractive female friends. Sif, Amora and Lorelai. It didn't matter to my brain that the two sisters are hated by Sif for being "tramps."

I was not getting in between that subject.

~~~Time Skip: 150 years: (Vanaheim)~~~

1129 AD: 165 Years(17)

"This is so much more boring than it used to be." I comment calmly, punching what looked like an ugly Kree, but wasn't, with his blue skin, 15 feet into the air and back about 30 feet.

"Right you are, Brother!" Thor states while swinging his hammer and hitting a few of the Marauders one at a time. He gleefully fires lightning from his hammer at a group, while Loki is gracefully moving between different marauders and stabbing them in critical places using his twin daggers, with a few illusions thrown in between.

I let a few energy blasts hit my chest, bringing Ljosgeirr out as they look shocked as my armour blocked the attacks, and fire concentrated beams of fire, which look like Orange lasers at them. The Marauders I hit fall dead with a hole in their chests, right where their heart used to be.

"Where are the strong opponents? Remember that rogue Kylosian group I took down? Or that one giant monster we three had to team up to take down?" I ask as I bat aside a sword with Ljosgeirr and pierce his head with the spear.

"How could we forget? You like to remind us how much you miss them." Loki snarks from behind me.

"Oh, brother. Where did I go wrong in raising you. You used to love my stories when you were younger." I comment, putting my hand on my chest in mock hurt. once I pull the spear out of the now dead body, and calmly continue fighting.

"We are one year apart. One." Loki comments and goes back ti fighting, while Thor laughs at our banter.

Along with I, Loki, and Thor, a lot of Vanirs were also fighting. Vanaheim, and Alfeim were two of the easiest places for outsiders to access, as they were also the two, whose location was most known for people out of the 9 realms.

Which is why, there are constant attacks on either, or both of these two realms. Usually, they stay away, at least out of fear of Asgard. But once in a few years, some idiot gathers support, and a large army, and tries to attack the two realms. This is actually my 12th time fighting some rag tag group or other.

Only a few of those times we fought someone interesting, which were also the times we earned ourselves a good name. Like, the time Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg took down 3 Kronans, while Thor and Sif held the remaining army back. They were since then called Lady Sif, and the Warriors Three.

Or the time I single handedly killed a group of 5 rogue Kylosian Soldiers, while defending a small girl at the same time. She was just at the wrong place, at the wrong time. I was given the title of "Baldur the Brave" by the people of Alfeim, after that battle. I actually like this name more than "Beloved Prince." That one makes me out to be a ponce.

There was a giant 3 headed dog, which had been brought by one Rogue Kree, and sent to attack and sow discord in our camp on Vanaheim. Me, Thor and Loki, all three of us had to work together to bring that Dog down, as it was very hard to take down. It's hide was magically resistant, while it had amazing reflexes to dodge my and Thor's energy attacks. Yes, even my Light attacks. Plus, physically it was about equal to my strength.

At the end, after 5 minutes, Loki managed to distract it with illusions long enough for Thor to hit it's middle head with Mjolnir, while I fired three light speed attacks, at all the three heads while it was dazed, and Loki threw his daggers at it's heart. We didn't get any more fancy titles for us, thankfully, but Loki did get the appropriate credit a Prince of Asgard should have gotten after that fight, as both me and Thor boasted how Loki was an important part of the fight.

Well, Thor did not voluntarily say that, but no one has to know I bribed him with a drink mother banned him from drinking.

Other than fighting Marauders, I also managed to complete my masteries over my preferred subjects, Magic, Runes, Alchemy, and all the Physical training. Once I had gotten the approval rating from Mother, in my Runes studies, I started working on a rune scheme to help in my training.

I couldn't do much, as creating new rune arrays is extremely difficult without blowing everything up. But I did manage a few things.

The first one, was a locket made of Gold. Gold, like Uru, was easy to enchant, but not as easy as Uru. So I had the chain made from a Goldsmith, while the locket was made by me. The runes on the locket, when activated, turned a ward on that blocked my access off of my Light. Meaning that when the ward was active, I couldn't use even a sliver of my Light powers.

It was not easy to make, as the first one I made was only capable of blocking the external Sunlight, and radiation from being absorbed into my body. It still made me weaker, but not by much, and I could still use the spear to fire blasts. Only, instead of using the Ambient Light Energy, it used my internal energy. So it did tire me out early. Thankfully, I myself had the key to that Ward Scheme, so I didn't accidentally lock away my powers permanently.

The finished product made it so even the spear is unusable during the period the ward is active. It was a good training tool, if I do say so myself. If I can get used to the absence of Light now, then if someone managed to take away my Light from me, I won't be completely useless.

The next major invention of mine was the best training tool I could come up with at the time, and also the least used one. Another ward scheme, that turns me into a mortal, at least physically. Meaning it locks away my Magic, my Light, and everything that made me Asgardian, until I unlock it. I attached it to another locket, attached to the same chain.

I haven't used it on Asgard even for training, as the power to lock away someone's Divinity is a serious power to have, and I'm not giving it to Odin. He already has his magic words.

The last one was something I constantly used and is my favourite. Training weights. What are they? They are ankle and wrist bands, made of Gold, obviously, that have about a dozen rune schemes engraved on the inside. Once I wear them.. nothing happens. But, once I insert my Magic, and only MY MAGIC, the weight increases to twice my body weight.

The bands are controlled by a single array on a ring I wore, and it has a total of 15 levels for now. Each level doubles the previous weight, and once I get used to one weight, I manually increase the level. Right now, I was at Level 8, which means I was constantly carrying around 75 tonnes of weight. Thankfully, the weight was distributed over my entire body without messing up with the gravity aspect which might harm the floor I'm standing on.

Other than that, in the last 150 years, I had completely mastered my eye powers. Meaning, I could now see within a large part of the Electromagnetic spectrum, going from X-rays, to the Infrared waves. The other parts were not exactly visible to the eye. The were gamma rays, radio waves, which are not visible. At all.

I also managed to peak into the mirror dimension more clearly, utilizing the crack I'd seen the first time, but didn't manage to enter the dimension myself. It was bound to be dangerous, so I didn't want to take a risk. Plus, I don't think mages on Asgard even know what the mirror dimension is.

I could now say for sure that I was stronger than Thor, even with his hammer. We have actually fought seriously, because Thor wanted to test our new weapons, and I defeated Thor after 10 minutes of grueling fighting. We were just about equal matched in strength that day, while my speed won me the match.

Now? Thor would get his butt kicked. Not that I would try and pick a fight with him. I'm simply that strong. The Sun actually helps me get stronger, and the training I did certainly helped. Thank you Maito Gai!

Finally after 5 more minutes of constant killing, after which Thor got bored and fried the rest, we took the Bifrost Express back to Asgard, leaving the few soldiers of Asgard, and the Vanir, to clean up the mess.

I didn't know how I feel about Asgard yet. People love me, my brothers love me, and my mother loves me. My Mother says that my father loves me, but I don't know for sure.

Plus, once I "saw" the murals that were made in honour of Odin and Hela, in the Throne room, and were covered up with murals of Odin and Frigga, and later us too, I was a bit peeved.

The murals all showed the same things. Odin waged wars on the 7 realms, ignoring Midgard as it was too insignificant. Once he and Hela managed to bring the realms to heel, Odin suddenly got a conscience, and sent the Valkyrior to battle Hela and bring her to Odin. She was, at the time, waging a one woman war on some poor planet.

Once the Valkyrior failed to do that, and Hela killed them all, Odin went himself and fought her. Hela, the person who killed the whole Valkyrior, was defeated and banished to Helheim, by Odin, her own father.

Honestly, the more I look at Odin, the more I understand Hela's feelings. What if Odin ordered me to do something I didn't like? What if I did it, and then got desensitised to it, doing it again and again? Will he banish me too? Will it actually be my fault or his?

So many problems, too few answers.

My brothers and my mother were the only thing keeping me here. Or more importantly, Odin is the only reason I want to leave. But he alone is enough to be a threat to all 4 of us together. Being a ruler of the realm gives you strength beyond what you already have.

Anyways, once we are back at the observatory, Thor and Loki go to Odin to report, while I stand in the observatory looking out into space.

"My Prince." Heimdall greets me, once Thor and Loki are gone.

"Heimdall. How does it look out there? Any troubles?" I nod at Heimdall and ask. I've been visiting the observatory in hopes that I might learn to use it to improve my skills. Mainly, my Eye powers.

See, The Observatory has a kind of magic cast into it, that makes it so a trained and capable eye could see anywhere he liked. Someone like Heimdall, who has been manning the observatory for the last 2000 years, can even do this without actually being in the Observatory, as the magic of the Observatory has recognised him as the primary user. Odin can use it, but not on as big scale as Heimdall can.

Plus, his Uru sword, Hofund, makes it so his senses are further improved, and enables him to open the Bifrost.

What I'm doing, is using my Light Energy, and slowly infusing it in the Observatory, while turning on the Mage sight. This has till now enabled me to watch within the 9 realms, but only when I'm in the Observatory, or all over the realm I'm in if I'm outside the Observatory. Meaning, if I'm on Asgard, I can see almost all of Asgard if I will it so. Of I'm on Alfeim, I see all of Alfeim.

Obviously, there are still places hidden from me, like the Vault, or the places warded against scrying. And also, I'm not yet used to the omniscient feeling I get when I'm in the Observatory, but I'm slowly getting there. Very slowly. Hey, I've been doing this for only 20 years! It's not exactly easy.

And due to my domain, I can only see the places where there's Sunlight, when I'm out of the Observatory. Meaning no underground rooms for now.

Thanks to spending time at the observatory, I even found something which I was hoping to just stumble into. Cracks in space that lead to other realms. The Old Paths. And there were a few on Asgard itself, leading to all the other 7 realms. Helheim was suspiciously absent, when I traversed these paths.

Amazing right? I was so excited I immediately told Loki and Mother about it. Mother already knew the old paths existed, but she was happy I encountered them, and encouraged me to get used to traveling through them.

I showed Loki how to sense for them, as I knew he would appreciate it, plus he couldn't see them like ai could. And it might save him in a pinch. He's my brother, anything that can save his life some day, I'm giving him.

"It's slow going, My Prince. Troubles have been brewing both outside my view, and the inside. The Kree have begun attacks against the Skrulls while continuing their 100 year old war with Xandar. I don't think it is going to stop anytime soon." Heimdall says, bringing me out of my trance.

Listening to him, I once again try and extend my range to out of the 9 realms, but fail at just outside Yggdrasil, which was still better than my last time.

"This time was better than the last, My Prince." Heimdall says, nodding in approval.

"Thanks, Heimdall. I know I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what." I say, panting a bit.

Heimdall hums, and says, "My offer still stands, Prince Baldur. I could tell you what you're doing wrong, and how you can improve it."

I shake my head and look at his sword. I ask him, "Where's the fun in that? Although, if you'd like to lend me that sword for a while, I might take you up on that offer."

Heimdall simply smiles, that jerk. He's refused to lend me his sword so I can learn faster, but offers to simply tell me what I did wrong. Bloody jerk, I tell you. But I can understand, the sword is his. I won't give Ljosgeirr to simply anyone just because they asked.

His sword would help me immensely though, if he'd actually given it to me. It enhances your senses, so I would get the most detailed feel of the movements my Magic, and my Light make when connecting to the Observatory. Ergo, I can correct my wrongs as I go.

That will be me making out the errors and making changes as I want to improve. If Heimdall tells me everything himself, I might learn early yes, but it'll take away all the fun of experimenting with my Light to see farther and farther away.

Farther and farther away.

What if...? Well, I can try at least. My powers are different from how Heimdall's eyes work, so imitating him might not work for me.

Bracing myself, I look into the space from the observatory and focus simply on the stars in front of me. Selecting one star at random, I focus on it the most, zooming in with my vision as close as I can, and send a small amount of my Light in it. It takes a while for the Light to reach the Star, about 5-10 minutes, which is really fast so probably a feature of the Bifrost.

After half a minute of continuously sending the Light, I remotely connect to that point of Light I sent to the star. Thanks to the star burning, my Light takes control over the star. I can't explain it properly, but being the God of Suns, I can take control of the Sun if I so wish, but it takes up too much of my focus, so I hadn't done it on Asgard.

Light. Blue. Green. Red.

I see a whole new view from connecting to the Star. Without any prompting, the Light showed me everything in it's range! Every Planet, that revolve around the Star, every moon around the planets. The Asteroids! The dwarf planets. Hell, even the plant life on one planet was visible to me, although there was no sentient life.

Everything was in my range now.

"Beautiful." I whisper, looking through the white star, and look at the different coloured planets that revolve around it. I feel like I actually WAS the Star they revolved around. I feel like I could do anything, see anything. No one would stop me.

F*ck Thanos. F*ck Galactus. F*ck Ego, and most of all, F*ck Odin. I'll be the top dog.

"MY PRINCE! Come back, My Prince, or you'll stay stuck in that star! Think of your brothers, your father, your mother, your friends. Think of your family, my Prince!" a familiar voice shouts at me, bringing me out of whatever addictive feeling I was experiencing.

I gasp out loud and drop down to the ground. I put a hand on my chest, the breathing erratic. My heart was beating almost twice as fast as was normal.

"What the hell happened, Heimdall? I've never felt that way before!" I exclaim, laying down on the ground, trying to calm my nerves. That sh*t was amazing. Terrifying, but amazing. It was like I was on a long trip after taking LSD or something.

"That.." Heimdall puts a hand under my head to pour me some water, and says, ".. was you discovering the correct way to view farther. The only thing is, you didn't know how to get out, and the power, the omniscience, overwhelmed you. I'd recommend you stay down, my Prince. A ship is coming to take you to the Healers."

Now that he says, I can feel pain, both in my head, and my leg. I look down at the leg, and see it bleeding from a stab wound.

"Heimdall?" I give him a look, still breathing hard.

He looks me in the eyes, and simply turns back to the Observatory. He says, "You were going to burn the whole of Asgard with the heat you were gaining from that star. I had to stab you to bring you back, as I couldn't touch you. I will take any punishment the King gives me."

I can simply hear the amusement in his voice. The first time is always the worst when it comes to powers like this. Especially clairvoyance.

Anyone can get drunk on the feeling you get when you can see everything the light touches. I simply was not in the right state of mind to attempt this. I'll have to try again once I'm healed, and have at least dealt with a few of the issues in my head.

Well, at least I learned how I can increase my range. Now I know why Heimdall knew I was doing it wrong. I simply tried to imitate him, and put more Light in my eyes to see farther. The Observatory enhances his sight and hearing, but it did not do the same for me. It simply helped me learn more within my own range.

At least that's what I assume.

I had to find my own way with seeing things. I'll have to start everything slow for now. One planet at a time, and only once I master this Solar System, I'll move on to the next.

I close my eyes to sleep, just as the ship lands on the Golden Bridge, and leave my recovery to the Healers. Damn, Mother's going to kill me.

A/N: So how was this? Baldur can use different stars and sort of take them over and see through them for a short amount of time. The time and range will increase with age and practice.

If you're wondering, the Light that Baldur sent to the star, will stay there, but unless he tries to connect to it, the star won't show anything to him.

Now, what do you think he should do next? Don't say Kamar Taj, or Chi manipulation. Infinity Stones will come after 300-400 years too, so suggestions should not contain these things.

Thank you! And review!!

So a Time skip has been done. I made it 150 years, as there's something I'd planned in this era. You'll see;)

Now, Thor and Baldur were born in 964 AD, so it was 979 AD during the last chapter, and this chapter is 1129 AD(979+150)

Now, Amora won't enter the story again anytime soon, as she has moved away from her sister once getting married, while Lorelai and MC are still good friends, who occasionally sleep together. Nothing weird about that. Nothing at all.

Review please!

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