
The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED]

THERE WILL BE NO HOMOPHOBIC CONTENT FOUND IN THIS FIC. IF I KNOWINGLY, OR UNKNOWINGLY DO SOMETHING CONSIDERED HOMOPHOBIC, YOU MAY FREELY TELL ME. There is a paragraph in one of those chapters, mentioning homosexuality, so those who are uncomfortable with that one paragraph may ignore this book altogether. THAT SAID, I'm not tagging this book as BL, or LGBTQ, as the whole LGBTQ community might hate me for tagging the book as such, when only one paragraph in the whole book even touches LGBTQ. Sorry for that LGBTQ people. ~~~ Summary: Rahul was an average dude, with an average job, average house, and no one to share it with. He was satisfied with his life though. So it was very much a surprise for him when he wakes up as Thor's younger twin. ~~~ This is a Self Insert fic. The MC is reborn as Baldur, the younger brother of Thor, and the story is centred mostly around him. The MC will wake up in his crib, a few days after his birth. When in the timeline will he be born? Well, glad you asked. In this AU, Baldur is the younger twin of Thor, instead of the waaayyy younger brother. For those of you who don't know, and are too lazy to Google, Baldur is the younger brother of Thor and Loki(in the mythos and the comics, he doesn't exist in MCU) by at least a few years. Also, while Thor is the son of Gaia, Baldur is the son of Frigga. He's the Norse God of Light, so beware of photon manipulation, and heat manipulation. These will be his powers, at least in the beginning. I'm fairly unimaginative, so it'll look about similar to Captain Marvel from MCU. I'm a new author, with 2 incomplete fics on ffn.net, and have suffered from writing blocks. This is my attempt at regaining my writing spirit. The updates will be, sort of slow, but I'll try to post at least one chapter per day, but please be patient if I'm late. If you need to imagine him as an actor, let's make it Liam Hemsworth, the younger brother of Chris Hemsworth. For those who like to donate money to authors, on pat.reon, I have an account, and I welcome any donations. But, just so you know, there's no benefit to the ones who donate, other than good Karma for your next great adventure. My id on pat.reon is /HelloDarkness07 Thank you!

HelloDarkness07 · Movies
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63 Chs


1567 AD: 603 Years(23)

I lean back dodging the swipe of a sword, and use my forearm to block the returning arm. Locking my attacker's hand, I kick the back of her knee, and point my sword to the side of her guts, while my other sword was thrown around behind me.

Hela chuckles, and says, "A tie again." And, sure enough, Hela had her Necrosword pointing at my unarmoured stomach.

Getting separate, I chuckle, and reply, "Only because you didn't use conjuring too much. I know how deadly it can be." I frown, remembering the Valkyrie and how they died.

Hela has a sad smile, on her face, as she mumbles, "I could have spared them, but Odin had ordered them to kill me if I refused to come."

Sighing, I put a hand around Hela's shoulders, and pull her in close. I say, "You don't have to worry, sister. I understand why you did what you did. And yes, while you were..."

"I was what?" Hela asks, a Necrosword pointing at my stomach again.

Taking a step back, and smiling nervously, I answer, "Violent?" Hela simply shrugs, and gets rid of the sword, so I add, "While you were violent, you've already been punished for whatever crimes you've committed."

Hela nods, and we start walking towards the castle from the crater we just made a mile away from it.

It's been 3 years since Hela was rescued, and we've been fighting a lot. It was very useful. For me because Hela was a stronf opponent, and I get to know how losing feels once in a while. Plus, I got to learn how to take down stronger, more nimble, and better enemies. For Hela, because I was a strong opponent and Hela got to feel how an equally strong enemy can be defeated.

I hadn't yet played with the Power Stone, other than my usual absorbing it's energy while I'm in the Room of Requirements. Other than that, the stone is usually in my PD.

While I had the option of doing the same to the Space Stone, it's not a good idea. Keeping two infinity stones so close to each other can break even my PD. So, I kept the Tesseract on Earth itself.

"Hela? How would you like to go to Midgard for a while?" I ask, wiping the sweat on my brow.

Hela frowns at me, and asks, "Getting rid of me so soon, brother?"

Snorting, I say, "Giving you ideas, sister dear. I have no issues with your staying here for the rest of your life. But, I would also like it if you don't get bored of seeing only my face. Midgard is just a conveniently close planet."

Hela simply smiles, and says, "Sure. Why not. Let's go to Midgard."

And that was one thing that had changed in her since being free. She was smiling more. And not in a 'I'm plotting your death' smile. It was more of a 'I like this.' Or 'This amuses me.' Smile.

We had had lots of fun while on Avalon. I'd taken her to the oceans, to meet Jormy and Medusa, and their 17 children. 7 of them were the Basilisks I'd hatched, by imbuing SolForce in them, while 10 were the actual kids of Jormy and Medusa.

The Basilisks were obviously deadly, and were a lot stronger than Medusa is, even when being younger and smaller than her. But, one surprising aspect, was that they could blow fire from their mouths. SolFire, I was calling it.

Hela did not like the serpents much, though. So, I took her to see the Dragons. While she liked fighting with them, and leaving them injured, she did not like them much.

Knowing her Divinity, I simply brought her to the thestrals next. Thestrals and Unicorns mostly stay in the Forbidden forest itself, along with the Bowtruckles, and a few mundane animals.

Hela was smitten by the Thestrals, and they by her. While she hadn't selected one as a pet or anything, she would fly with them at least once a week. And Unicorns, while not liking her much, did not attack her either. They were completely neutral when it came to her.


"Here. Wear this." I say, smiling at Hela and pushing a necklace forward.

The necklace was made from the metal Hela conjures, to make her Necroswords, and had an emerald in it's centre.

Hela scowls at that, and glares at me. She says, "I'm a warrior, and Asgard's execurioner. I will not wear Jewellery."

Sighing, I simply say, "Hela.. this necklace will make sure no one finds out you're free. It will hide your Divinity, and make your magic feel like a common Aesir."

Hela looks at it contemplative, and grudgingly accepts it. She says, "While hiding goes against everything I've ever known, I understand the need. How though?"

Deciding to show her by doing, I activate my inhibitor, and say, "A few centuries back, I made myself an inhibitor. It made me completely mortal when activated. Well, a long living mortal, because I still aged like an Aesir."

I raise my hands, when it looks like Hela is going to throw the necklace away, and say, "The necklace is different. While it does lock away the Divine Energy you have, it does not make you any weaker. You will still be as strong as before. You just won't be.. the Goddess of Death."

Hela gets rid of the sword she was pointing at me, and boy is she doing it a lot. She looks at the necklace and asks, "It won't make me weaker? But it'll just prevent anyone from knowing I'm the Goddess of Death? And why the hel did you make something that can make an Aesir mortal?"

I nod at the questions, and explain, "Only the wearer can deactivate or activate it. And I wanted to get my body used to the loss of my Divinity, just in case someone managed to get rid of it. I can still fight any Aesir warrior even without my physical strength, and at least draw the fight out."

Hela snorts, and wears the necklace. She asks, "How do I- oh, nevermind."

The necklace activates on intent. Whenever Hela intends to activate it, it will. And when she intends to deactivate it, it will.

"Come on, I'll show you Midgard." I say, and make a portal to European highlands. The village I'd blessed Merle in was still safe. While she had long since died, two of her descendants still had my blessings.

The legend was passed down the Family, by saying the God of Sun blessed them, and it comes to the family every generation, showing with a tattoo of a sun on the back of their neck.

Hela gets bored of Midgard within a month, as there was no one interesting to fight. While she did meet with Tilda, it was not even a match. Tilda, while being an amazing Sorcerer, had nothing on Hela's thousand years of war experience.

We had taken rooms in Egypt, our most recent place of travels, and were simply lounging in my room.

"Midgard is boring. Why the hel did you not conquer it?" Hela asks, as we're sitting on opposing chairs, our legs on the table in front of us.

Shaking my head, I say, "Asgard protects Midgard. Me ruling over them will not count as protecting. Plus, I have no intention of ruling over anyone."

"Huh." Hela says, just looking at me with squinted eyes. She asks, "You are a weird Odinson. From what you've told me Thor is a battle addict, Loki is as cunning as they come, and I am both cunning, and addicted to battle. You.. just want to live peacefully. Weird for a warrior race."

Smiling softly, I answer, "Don't get me wrong, I love fighting. But I love fighting for the sake of fighting. I don't like wars, as they bring too much death to my liking. And while I will fight to defend me and mine, I won't ever invade someone without cause."

Hela smiles, and looks out the window. She says, "Naive, brother. But at least you're ready to fight. Because someone is coming."

Huh? I snap my head towards the window, to see nothing. But my senses are as strong as ever, and I feel it. An Asgardian was coming here. And I knew this particular Asgardian Magic.

Jumping up, I make a portal to where I feel the Asgardian is, and go through it immediately. "Where are you going alone?" Hela asks, summoning daggers beside her.

Smiling widely, I say, "Don't worry. I know this one. I'll be back when I confirm her identity."

Hela nods, and lets me leave. I turn my head around, and look for the particular Asgardian. Before I can, though, I feel an object incoming, and immediately turn back, and widen my arms, catching the hug.

"Baldur." She whispers, hugging me tightly.

"Gods, I've missed you, Lorelai." I say, hugging her back. I use telepathy, and first confirm, she's actually Lorelai, and not an imposter.

Pulling her away, I kiss Lorelai on her lips, and smile as she kisses me back. I whisper, "Where were you?"

Lorelai, scowls and slaps her hand on my chest. She says, "Where was I?! Where were you?! I've been on Asgard for 10 years now, and you haven't visited once?!"

Oops. I actually haven't been on Asgard for over 50 years now. While I did meet mother just 3 years ago, I haven't met the rest of my family in 15 years, and that was when they had come to Avalon.

Chuckling, I answer, "I left Asgard, Lorelai. I've been living on Avalon for the last 400 years now. You've been waiting for me to come home?"

Lorelai nods, and whispers, "I thought you'd forgotten about me. When you didn't visit even years after I'd been back." Shaking her head, she adds, "Not even Amora told me anything. It was only when I went to ask for you at the Palace that your mother told me about your departure. She didn't tell me where Avalon is, but she told me to get to Midgard, and that you'll find me."

Chuckling, I kiss her again. I say, "Of course I would find you. Your magic is very distinctive."

Snorting, Lorelai sniffs her nose. She asks, "Flattery, Baldur? And who's the bint staring at me?"


Turning my head to my right, where Lorelai was looking, I see Hela, wearing the Egyptian clothes we'd gotten to blend in, simply looking on with a raised eyebrow.

She asks, "Is this how you usually confirm Identities, Baldur?"

Sighing, and resting my head on Lorelai's head, I mumble, "Fucking hell." Making a portal, I pull Lorelai through it, and call out, "Come on. We'll talk when we're home."

"Baldur who is she?" Hela asks, walking beside me.

Lorelai scowls and asks, "I'm Lorelai, his.. lover. Who the hell are you?"

Smirking, Hela says, "Lover, eh? You never told me about her. I'm Hela. Baldur's sister." Thankfully, we were already through the portal, so no one heard her proclamation.

As Lorelai begins to open her mouth, I simply kiss her, silencing her questions, and say, "Later, lover. We'll have tea, and then we'll talk more."

Lorelai nods, and we start walking towards the Great Hall from the entrance hall. Entrance hall was the place where every portal from outside Avalon are diverted. Even mine.

If the person has malicious intents regarding Avalon or it's residents, then they'll be immediately shocked into unconsciousness by the wards, and I will be informed. It was a good system.

"Where in the Realms are we?" Lorelai asks, looking around. Thankfully, she was still holding my hand, so she was not going around.

"This.. is Avalon. My Planet. And this palace is called Hogwarts." I say, pulling her forward.

Sitting her down on the table, I call out, "Blinky! Bring some tea, please."

"Yes, Master Baldy." Blinky says, making Hela snort, just like the hundreds of time she did before, while Lorelai simply blinks at the vanishing elf.

Turning to Lorelei, I shake my head, and mutter, "Boy, are you in for a tale, Lorelai."


A/N: Yes, I brought back Lorelai. No, the situation won't get as complicated and weird as in the first chapters. Baldur and Lorelai will most definitely marry.

They took these.. 400+ years and thought over their relationships. You'll see the rest later.

Should Lorelai become a Phoenix host? At least for a while, I think. How it'll work? Lorelai will have half of Phoenix Force, the other half will roam around the galaxies, trying to find another host, and eventually end up in Jean.

This means that while Avatar-Baldur will marry Lorelai, a Phoenix Host, the Realm God-Baldur will be with Phoenix, the Embodiment of Phoenix Force.

And yes, the Phoenix Force from Solheim is not the complete Phoenix force, so there'll be actually three parts.

Why Lorelai? Because she's a redhead.

Jokes aside, Baldur won't get with a human, especially not a physically weak human. He'll probably break her or something. So, that leaves Asgardian, or Clea, the niece of Dormammu, but Baldur has Solheim, so he'll feel a bit repulsed by Clea's Dark Energy, which won't work.

As for Asgardians, there's only one that he had an actual connection with, and that was Lorelai. Sif, is a stuffy bitch, Amora is taken, and HELA IS HIS SISTER!

Now, no slut shaming Lorelai, please. She was young, just a teenager, and made impulsive decisions. So did, Baldur. They've gotten over it, so should you.
