
The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED]

THERE WILL BE NO HOMOPHOBIC CONTENT FOUND IN THIS FIC. IF I KNOWINGLY, OR UNKNOWINGLY DO SOMETHING CONSIDERED HOMOPHOBIC, YOU MAY FREELY TELL ME. There is a paragraph in one of those chapters, mentioning homosexuality, so those who are uncomfortable with that one paragraph may ignore this book altogether. THAT SAID, I'm not tagging this book as BL, or LGBTQ, as the whole LGBTQ community might hate me for tagging the book as such, when only one paragraph in the whole book even touches LGBTQ. Sorry for that LGBTQ people. ~~~ Summary: Rahul was an average dude, with an average job, average house, and no one to share it with. He was satisfied with his life though. So it was very much a surprise for him when he wakes up as Thor's younger twin. ~~~ This is a Self Insert fic. The MC is reborn as Baldur, the younger brother of Thor, and the story is centred mostly around him. The MC will wake up in his crib, a few days after his birth. When in the timeline will he be born? Well, glad you asked. In this AU, Baldur is the younger twin of Thor, instead of the waaayyy younger brother. For those of you who don't know, and are too lazy to Google, Baldur is the younger brother of Thor and Loki(in the mythos and the comics, he doesn't exist in MCU) by at least a few years. Also, while Thor is the son of Gaia, Baldur is the son of Frigga. He's the Norse God of Light, so beware of photon manipulation, and heat manipulation. These will be his powers, at least in the beginning. I'm fairly unimaginative, so it'll look about similar to Captain Marvel from MCU. I'm a new author, with 2 incomplete fics on ffn.net, and have suffered from writing blocks. This is my attempt at regaining my writing spirit. The updates will be, sort of slow, but I'll try to post at least one chapter per day, but please be patient if I'm late. If you need to imagine him as an actor, let's make it Liam Hemsworth, the younger brother of Chris Hemsworth. For those who like to donate money to authors, on pat.reon, I have an account, and I welcome any donations. But, just so you know, there's no benefit to the ones who donate, other than good Karma for your next great adventure. My id on pat.reon is /HelloDarkness07 Thank you!

HelloDarkness07 · Movies
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63 Chs





1144 AD: 180 Years(17)

As soon as the ship came out of the Jump point, which was pretty close to Earth, I flew up, while being invisible. If the Ravager wants no trouble from Earth, I'll leave him alone.

The Jump Points, or Universal Neural Teleportation Network, was as the name suggests, Universal. The Xandarians adapted this technology, after their alliance with the Shi'ar Empire ended, disallowing them from using their own Stargates. But, literally everyone can use it. Even their own enemies, the Kree.

The Jump Point of this Solar System, was coincidentally, at this moment, near the moon. So, the Ravager ship, which looked pretty similar to the ones from the movie, did not take much time to land on Earth. I kept following around, floating after it.

The ship goes towards somewhere in Europe, because aliens always go after wherever white population is the loudest. It flies around for a while, scaring the poor mortals, and then lands outside a small village.

The ship opens up, and 3 people wearing the red cloak of the Ravagers, walk out. One of them is a Centaurian, the other looked humanoid, but the third. Mm-mm. He was ugly. He had spikes on his face, like a porcupine, and his head's shape was like the Adult Blob from X-MEN movies.

The ugly guy was in the front, while the Centaurian was to the right, and the human looking dude was to the left. So ugly was the leader of this band.

I observe what they're doing, while calmly floating in the air, invisible. Without saying anything, Ugly points towards a direction and the three start walking, coincidentally, towards the village

They had blasters in their hands, so I don't think they come in peace. I'll intervene if they look like they're going to attack.

The mortals.. humans look at the approaching Ravagers, and immediately arm up with swords, axes, and bows and arrows, which I commend them for. The Ravagers approach the gates of the village, and without any warning, the Ugly one points his blaster at a Villager.

Nope. Not letting you do that buddy.

I drop down in front of the three, and immediately get shot in the head with the blaster. Fortunately, my Mystic Mode was still on, giving me a nigh invulnerability unless it's something more powerful.

The smoke clears, and shows me, still healthy, without even a scratch on my face, now out of the Mystic Mode, while everyone else is gaping at my sudden appearance.

"Now what would.. fine.. people.. such as yourself, want with a lowly planet like this, huh?" I ask, snatching the blaster from Ugly, and destroying it with one hand. It explodes, but I contain the explosion in my hand.

The Centaurian, and the Not-human point their own blasters at me, to which I simply raise an eyebrow.

"Buddy, if it didn't work once, it won't work thrice." I say, snatching their own blasters, and destroying them too. All the while, the villagers watch the show.

Ugly snarls, and punches my face, barely making me turn my head, and it was only because I was out of Mystic Mode. It did hurt his own hand though.

"KILL HIM, YOU IDIOTS!" Ugly shouts, pulling another blaster from somewhere, and starts firing at me.

This time, decision made, I swat the blasts into the air, and calmly walk towards the aliens. Wielding Duskfang, I cleanly cut through their dominant hands, which were holding their blasters, from their wrists up before they even notice I've moved from my spot.

"AARGH!" Three voices scream out, in pain at once. I fire bolts of concentrated fire from my fingers destroying their hands as well as the blasters, and flame on to cauterized their wounds.

Using Telepathy to knock them out, I turn towards the Villagers, and wave my hand. I shout, "Don't worry! I've taken care of these monsters! You're all safe now!"

The armed villagers, seeing how I completely destroyed the three "demonic" monsters, and their "demonic" weapons, all drop their own mêlée weapons, and drop down to their knees.

Shaking my head, I move towards them, and say, "You don't have to kneel, my friends. It's my duty to protect the mortals."

One brave man raises his head, and asks, "Are you God?"

Huh. Am I?

I shake my head, and answer, "I'm not the God. My name is Baldur Odinson."

"You're him! You're a God! Son of Odin!" A woman whispers out, in shock.

The men immediately move their heads to silence her, but I nod and say, "Indeed my fair lady. I am a Son of Odin. How, pray tell, have you heard of me?"

The lady stands up, bravely, under immense scrutiny, while I glare at the men, daring them to say anything. She says, "I worked as a barmaid for a few years. I've heard of your tales, My Lord. But.."

"Speak up, my Lady. I won't mind if you have any questions." I say, smiling encouragingly at her.

The lady blushes, and asks, "I thought.. I thought you fought with a spear, My Lord?"

I nod, and summon Ljosgeirr from my PD, making everyone gasp in shock, at my Godly powers. How weird is it? Firing blasts, changing stuff from one thing to another, is Demonic and evil. But, making your Godly weapon appear out of nowhere? Exactly, Godly.

Except Jesus. He multiplied bread, and turned water to wine, but he was still Godly. Of course, he died later by the hands of humans, but my point still stands.

I fire a shot from Ljosgeirr, into the sky, making everyone clap, forgetting that they were just under attack. I turn to the woman and ask, "Does this satisfy your curiosity, my Lady?"

The lady blushes and nods, so I turn to the others, and say, "Well, I should get going. I need to find out who sent these guys, and why they were here. You won't have to worry about any more of these attacks by these monsters. I'm keeping an eye on you now."

"Will you save us if anything like this happens, My Lord?" A small girl asks, coming forward.

"What's your name, pretty lady?" I ask, kneeling down and calling her forward.

She comes close to me, and answers, "Merle."

While the lady from before says, "She's my daughter, my Lord."

I nod at the lady and look at the girl. She's so cute. She's only like, 7, but already brave enough to come meet a stranger. Although, it can count as stupid too, but I'm going with brave for now.

I put my hand on her head, and ruffle her hair. I say, "If monsters like this attack, only then will I intervene. Unfortunately, even Gods like me aren't allowed to intervene in mortal affairs, so if an army of your own kind attack this village, I won't be there. So be strong to protect this village, okay?"

The girl nods resolutely, making a cute face.

I don't know why, and what made me do this, but I bless her. Blessings are not usually given to humans, for the fact that other Gods can feel I've blessed the human if they meet her, or her descendants.

Her head glows golden, and her blonde hair shine a bit. I whisper in both mine, and her head, 'Merle. As long as I'm alive, your blood will never come to harm from fire, nor heat. You will never get sick, nor will any of your descendants. And if anyone ever tries to harm you, or your descendants, they will always find a way to heal.'

This makes her whole body glow in a holy light, of my own Dimension. Once it dissipates, the only sign of something happening, is a small orange tattoo of a sun, on the back of her neck. The same as on my armour.

This won't mean she's immortal though. I gave her a small healing factor, by connecting her to the Light Dimension. The connection is only enough that she won't be able to consciously pull on that energy, but she'll be able to heal herself from harm. If any of her descendants try and learn Sorcery though, they'll be aware of the connection and could then use that energy.

Everyone was watching in amazement, and Merle gasps, feeling the tattoo form out of nothing.

I look towards her mother, and say, "If any harm comes to your daughter, I will know, and immediately come here. As long as I'm alive, Merle and her line, shall never go extinct. This I promise."

The mother is crying at that point, while Merle is smiling wide. I say in Merle's mind, 'Don't tell anyone about what I said in your mind, okay?'

Merle nods, and runs back towards her mother.

I smile at the villagers who bow again, and wave at Merle and her mother, and turn back. I have prisoners to interrogate.


"Well, those two knew nothing except you brought them to kidnap a few young terrans. It's your turn now." I say, coming in the room I'd kept the leader in.

The Centaurian, and the Not-human did not know much. This was not their first job, as they say. This group lands on a planet, usually a primitive one, attack a small settlement, and then kidnap children. They've done this on Zen Whoberi just 2 days ago!

What they do to the children? The two didn't know.

Oh, I didn't torture them. I simply entered the room, with a toolbox in my hand, and pretended to remove torture tools from it, and they spilled their mouths. Of course, I checked the information by reading their minds.

"GO KILL YOURSELF! I AIN'T TALKING!" The Ugly, who's name is apparently Nick, snarls out. What kind of butt fuck ugly alien mother names her son Nick? No wonder he turned into a ravager.

"Buddy," I put a hand on his shoulder, and put a bit of pressure, and say, "I don't need you to talk. I'm going to take what I want from your head anyway."

Saying that, I immediately enter his mind, and sort through his memories. Unimportant, unimportant, gross. Ah-hah! This one looks important.

Nick, Joe and Kevin, which were the names of the three musketeers in my dungeons, land on a planet, kidnap 7 Zen Whoberi children, and leave within an hour of landing. The land on a planet called Contraxia, which I know as a pleasure planet.

It's literally a robot whore house for Ravagers, along with a few bars.

They went their separate ways from there. Nick took his ship, and flew away from the whore House, while Joe and Kevin entered it. He flew for close to an hour, and Mach 2, and then landed near a cave.

He met a blue Kree soldier, sold the Zen Whoberi to him, got 10K credits per child, and then they went their separate ways.

I go further back in his memories, and find a lot of despicable things. He has raped a lot of women, killed a lot of people, innocent people, and these Kidnappings? He's been selling children to the Kree for close to 15 years now.

He's even raped a few children before selling them. And he calls himself a Ravager? I take one last thing before I get out of his disgusting mind. The next drop location.

I come out of his head, to see him looking confused. I slap him hard, bringing him out of his spunk, and say, "You know, in the 189 years that I've been alive, I've seen a lot of terrible things. I've seen my own comrades kill their way across enemy camps. I've seen people be manipulated, killed, and even tortured."

Ripping his left hand out of it's socket, and cauterizing the wound, I ignore his screaming, and say, "But selling children? Raping children? That's the worst in my books. Your companions, they will stay alive for a little while. But you, oh you'll die a very painful death."

He widens his eyes, and begins to plead for his life. He says, "No, plea-" but I don't listen.

Ravagers have a strict code. You deal with children, you die. He not only dealt with children, but forced two others to do the same. He raped kids, killed those who were too defiant, and sold them to the Kree as slaves.

And one of his helpers, Joe was even a Centaurian! Centaurians have been sold to the Kree as slaves for centuries now! He should have told his Captain.

And yes, this guy wasn't the Captain of their Ravager crew. The captain was someone named Torgo, who as far as I could see, was a bloody robot. But anyway, I'll have a.. talk with him too. But first.

I put my hand on Nick's chest, and slowly increase the heat I give out. First few seconds, he feels uncomfortable, and still keeps pleading. Then, his flesh starts sizzling, making him yelp a little.

Then, it starts melting, making him scream out loud, and continue screaming.

Next, his blood starts boiling, all over his body, making a few veins burst. He looks close to death, so I finish it with a final touch. I use Phoenix Flames empowered Fiendfyre, and burn everything. Even his very soul.

There's no way I'm letting someone like him live again, even if it's going to be a clean start.

'That's not your decision to make, Baldur.' Sol says, flashing into the room and trilling sadly.

I glare at her, and say, "This.. monster, raped children. He deserves Eternal punishment, but I didn't want to hear him scream any longer. Even his screams were getting on my nerves. Death is too soft of a punishment for him."

Sol simply shakes her head, and moves to stand on my shoulder, her legs barely fitting my shoulder. She rubs her head on my cheek, and says, 'You'll find them, Baldur, I know you will. And you'll help them.'

I shake my head, and walk out of the room. The Elves will clean the room. I look towards Sol, and say, "It's not that easy. The enemy, this time, is the Kree. If I try and rescue those children, I'll risk war with the whole Kree race, on Asgard's behalf."

Sol shrugs, and says, 'Don't rescue them as Baldur, then. Rescue them as someone else. There's Surya the Wizard. Or even Apocalypse.'

I stop in my spot, smirking. That's.. an excellent idea. I can change my looks good enough to fool any detection system the Kree have. Even if my primary Illusions fail, my Hard light Illusions are still usable. Yup, we're doing this.

"Blinky!" I call out, and she immediately appears. I look her over, and say, "You'll do. Get 4 of your most trusted elves. We are going on an adventure."

Blinky has tears in her eyes, as she salutes me. She says, "Yes, Master! Blinky be getting help to rescue those poor kiddies." And disappears.

Huh. She heard a few things, and figured the rest out. Smart girl.

I look at Sol, and smirk at her. I say, "You heard her. We're going to rescue the kiddies."


A/N: First, I'd like to say, I've gone to the dark side. I've started another book while this one's still going.

You can find it by searching "Mason Aves: The Wizard" or by going to my WebNovel page.

Now, the blessing. It's just something I cooked up, and he won't bless anyone again. "What does it do, Mr Author?"

What it does, is give them resistance to heat and fire, heal them from minor wounds in a day or so, so that while fast, it's not abnormally fast.

Then, it'll make sure Merle's descendants don't get sick. Ever. But not all of her descendants, obviously. The blessing, along with the tattoo, will only go to two people per generation. So now it's just Merle. When Merle has kids, the blessing will go to any two of them.

When they have kids, it'll go to any two out of all of them. And so on, you get the point.

My purpose? You'll either guess, have already guessed, or you'll see in the future.

Ravager Torgo. He's a character from the comics. I've taken him, sorry Marvel.

And Joe, Nick and Kevin, Sorry Jonas Brothers. Those names just came to me, I swear I don't hate you guys!

I swear!

Anyway, Ciao! Read my other story!


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