
The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED]

THERE WILL BE NO HOMOPHOBIC CONTENT FOUND IN THIS FIC. IF I KNOWINGLY, OR UNKNOWINGLY DO SOMETHING CONSIDERED HOMOPHOBIC, YOU MAY FREELY TELL ME. There is a paragraph in one of those chapters, mentioning homosexuality, so those who are uncomfortable with that one paragraph may ignore this book altogether. THAT SAID, I'm not tagging this book as BL, or LGBTQ, as the whole LGBTQ community might hate me for tagging the book as such, when only one paragraph in the whole book even touches LGBTQ. Sorry for that LGBTQ people. ~~~ Summary: Rahul was an average dude, with an average job, average house, and no one to share it with. He was satisfied with his life though. So it was very much a surprise for him when he wakes up as Thor's younger twin. ~~~ This is a Self Insert fic. The MC is reborn as Baldur, the younger brother of Thor, and the story is centred mostly around him. The MC will wake up in his crib, a few days after his birth. When in the timeline will he be born? Well, glad you asked. In this AU, Baldur is the younger twin of Thor, instead of the waaayyy younger brother. For those of you who don't know, and are too lazy to Google, Baldur is the younger brother of Thor and Loki(in the mythos and the comics, he doesn't exist in MCU) by at least a few years. Also, while Thor is the son of Gaia, Baldur is the son of Frigga. He's the Norse God of Light, so beware of photon manipulation, and heat manipulation. These will be his powers, at least in the beginning. I'm fairly unimaginative, so it'll look about similar to Captain Marvel from MCU. I'm a new author, with 2 incomplete fics on ffn.net, and have suffered from writing blocks. This is my attempt at regaining my writing spirit. The updates will be, sort of slow, but I'll try to post at least one chapter per day, but please be patient if I'm late. If you need to imagine him as an actor, let's make it Liam Hemsworth, the younger brother of Chris Hemsworth. For those who like to donate money to authors, on pat.reon, I have an account, and I welcome any donations. But, just so you know, there's no benefit to the ones who donate, other than good Karma for your next great adventure. My id on pat.reon is /HelloDarkness07 Thank you!

HelloDarkness07 · Movies
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63 Chs


1164 AD: 200 Years

It's been a few years since I've made up my mind regarding rescuing Hela, but I haven't done anything yet. I was still hashing out the plans, and until I have a place, where I can hide Hela from anyone trying to find her, I'm not getting her out of Niflheim (or Helheim. Both are the same.)

Plus, Odin himself cast the tether spell when he was at his prime. I'm going to need help to break it without letting Odin know. And I know only one person who can do it.

"So, why is it that you've called me here, Son?" Mother asks, sitting down in front of me, in my office in Hogwarts.

Sighing, I simply hand her the Black Mirror, and show the highlights of Odin's war against the Realms, and Hela's imprisonment. Once she's done viewing that, I say, "I want to ask you. Will you help me rescue my sister? Or will you report me to Father?"

Frigga looks almost defeated, realizing why I've called her here. She says, "What do you want me to do, Baldur? Rescue the girl who will destroy the realms as soon as she's free, just for the chance of ruling Asgard?"

"Yes!" I answer immediately. Before she can say anything, I cut her off, "I will talk with her, and make sure she doesn't attack Asgard, or any of the other Realms. She's my sister, mother. I know she's not your daughter, but any one of us could have done the same if you'd been killed but father had married the Princess of the ones that killed you. You know that!"

"Yes, you would." Mother whispers, looking at the image of Hela crying after her mother's death.

Hela knew that the one that ordered her mother's death was some Vanir, and she was close to finding who exactly did it. But, the news that Odin was marrying Frigga came to her, and she lost that aim. It was after that, that she began her indiscriminate Killing.

Frigga looks up at me, and says, "400 years. That's how long you have to convince Hela not to declare war on any of the Realms under Asgard's protection. At the end of those 400 years, I will come with you and talk to her. If I like what I see, I will remove the tether. If I don't, I will leave her be, and go right back to Asgard."

I nod, at mother and smile widely. Hugging her, I whisper, "Thank you, mother."

Mother hugs me back, and says, "No. Thank you, Baldur. I've spent so long trying to become the mother for you and your brothers, that I never realized I took the place of someone else's mother. I.. hope, truly hope, that she listens to you, and you manage to convince her. But, be careful. She is far, far stronger than you."

Nodding, I say, "I know, mother. I will be careful. Don't worry. Now, tell me how everyone's been?"


1170 AD: 204 Years(17)

It's been 4 years since that day of talking with mother, and convincing her to help me. During that time, Aora decided to build herself a house, a few miles away from Hogwarts, and another one on Midgard. She was 29 years old now, but looked like she was still 20, thankfully.

I had helped her take the energy from Solheim to become ageless. Solheim, just like the Dark Dimension, was timeless. So it was easily possible.

One surprise I got last year, was the 7 basilisks I'd left to hatch. Well, I mean the chicken eggs that I'd left under the toads. They hatched, just last year! They looked the same as Medusa, with a yellow tint on their scales.

When I informed Medusa of them, she decided to adopt the Basilisks so she can teach them properly. Jormungandr, the sea serpent, accepted them, but they were looking to add their own kids soon.

Another thing that happened, was that Groot came out of Solheim a few months ago. He brought a baby Groot with him, that was yellow, and purple in colour. Looks like Solheim land is good for Groots.

Other than that, I did nothing but train. Hela was bound to attack me, just for being an Odinson, well more like Friggason. And I'm not getting killed in my first meeting with her. Sure, I can just heal, but it'll be annoying.

Her magic is the most dangerous thing here. Necromancy. Her simple touch is enough to infect objects with her Divinity. That is how even her conjured daggers are able to pierce through the toughest Asgardian Armour, and that is how she's capable of breaking Mjolnir, an Uru Hammer made to channel Divinity.

I really am the perfect person to fight her, as my Sol Energy will help me heal faster than she can harm me. Or, so I hope.

So, here I was, holding Ljosgeirr in my hands, with my armour fully covering my chest, and a headpiece formed by the same material, so my head is covered. There was a blue cloak fluttering behind me, signifying my Royalty. Thor wears Red, while Loki wears Black, Green or Gold, depending on his mood, for the same reason.

I was standing inside the Room of Requirements, with the Black Mirror in front of me, showing Hela, from 1700 years ago. I was starting in the past, so she has more time to think about everything I talk with her. Plus, at this point, it's been 500 years since she was trapped. So, she's bound to be a bit weaker than in the movies. I hope.

Sol was coming with me, because she does actually care for me, and does not want me to die by Hela's hands. Aora wasn't, as she was meeting with some of her Kamar Taj friends.

"Let's get this over with." I mumble, and enter the mirror, Sol on my shoulder.

On her side, Hela see's a wall of her home for the last few centuries ripple, and turn into a black glass. She watches in curiosity, while keeping a conjured Necrosword in her hand.

I come out of the mirror, and look at Hela, sitting on her throne. I've already made myself invisible to anyone looking here, which was fairly easy now that I ruled Solheim.

"You're an Asgardian, but I don't know you. Speak. What's your purpose in coming here?" Hela says, pointing her sword at me.

I stay unarmed, and look at her with sad eyes. Her hair was a mess, and her eyes had gone deep. It was really a blessing that the Aesir armour does not rust.

Nodding to her, I say, "Hello.. Sister."

"Oh? You are my brother then? I didn't think daddy dearest would allow anyone to visit me, let alone his heir. Speak, before I kill you for being our father's son." Hela says, standing up, and walking towards me.

Sol trills a song, calming my beating heart, and making Hela grimace a bit. I do notice that she isn't attacking directly. So, I say, "Father.. doesn't know I'm here. Plus, I'm not the heir. My older brother is."

"Hmm.. and your purpose?" Hela asks, circling around me, looking curious.

I shrug, and say, "I'm hoping to free you from your unjust punishment."

"Hah! Odin's son, going to free his executioner? Are you drunk, little brother?" Hela asks, taunting me, and sitting back down on her throne.

Shaking my head, I answer, "I've seen what our father did to you, and while I don't agree with your methods, your only aim was to avenge your mother. I would have done the same for my mother."

Hela throws the Necrosword at me, which I simply dodge out of the way of, and says, "You bitch of a mother will never replace my mother!"

"Hey! That was uncalled for!" I say, pointing at the sword, stuck in the wall of Hogwarts, as it passed through the mirror. Pointing at the smirking Hela, I say, "And mother is not as bad as you think. The rest of the Vanir definitely are, though. I've met them, and did not like my grandfather one bit."

Hela snorts, and asks, "And what? Are you here to beg me to spare her life when I get out of here and rule Asgard?"

Getting a bit more vigilant, I answer back, "No, I'm here to ask you not to attack Asgard once I help you get out of here."

"Why? Is it not my rightful place to rule as Queen?" Hela asks, calmly. Too calmly.

At least she isn't attacking to kill yet.

Shaking my head, I say, "While you might have ruled over Asgard well 1000 years ago, right now, you are not fit. And it's not Odin talking, it's me. I've seen how you were 1000 years ago. I know you would have been an amazing Queen. But now, you're just like Odin."

As soon as I finish speaking, Hela attacks me with a Conjured sword, that passes by my neck as I dodge. Using Ljosgeirr, I block the strike that would have hit my shoulder, and parry it down.

Faster than I can react, she thrusts her knee in my guts. Thankfully, the armour absorbs all of the energy in her kick, not even moving me. As she's shocked by her kick not having any effect, I send a kick of my own, slamming her back into her throne. All the while, Sol was flying over me to make sure I'm not harmed.

Hela jumps right back in, with two swords in her two hands and swings them at me, aiming to cut off my limbs. She does have a grin on her face though. I dodge her swipes, that I can, and the rest, I block with Ljosgeirr.

managing to duck under an overextended arm, I hit Ljosgeirr in her guts, making Hela crash into the wall. Snarling, she gets up and begins to run at me. Deciding to fight her on equal terms, I summon my Fangs to my hand, and attack her with them.

We strike. We dodge. And we parry, for hours. And while my body was healing from any cuts she managed to land, instantly, hers wasn't.

Nicking her on the cheek with the Duskfang, I manage to stun her for a moment. I kick her back again, and nail her there using my Telekinesis.

Looking at the wide eyed Hela, I say, "While it was a good fight, I have to go now. I will come back again. Next time, with the name of the Vanir who ordered your mother's death. I hope you think over my proposition, Hela."

As she's shocked by her loss, I move towards the mirror, and looking back at her, I say, "I had fun, sister. Until we meet again."

Saying that I immediately pass through the mirror, and deactivate it, looking at the sword infecting the wall it's stuck in. Thank God, Room of Requirements is separated from the rest of the castle.

I pull the sword out of the wall, and with a thought, cleanse the wall of the Death Energy, with a flash of yellow light. I'll have to see what this sword is made of. My first gift from my older sister, even if it was unintentional.

The next meeting was bound to be more violent, and Hela would not be as easy to handle as she was today. She underestimated me because of my age.

Next time I'm going to have to fight harder to survive.


A/N: Sorry for the late upload. I just had a narrow mind yesterday, and was too focused on my other story.

NO HELA/BALDUR! I checked the myths, and even comics. There hasn't been mentions of Inc*est anywhere.

The only thing I found, was Loki accusing some Vanir of inc*st and the others condemning them.

There is a comic strip, in which Hela was supposed to marry Baldur(her uncle) to keep the peace between Niflheim and Asgard, but Baldur's girlfriend marries her instead.

So, no H/B. Sorry.. you weirdos.

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