
The Legend of Astra

In a world where Arks ruled the battlefield... In a world where the line between magic and technology is blurred.... In a world where... "uhh... how do you read this again?" "It's 'Rendezvouz'!!! How many times do I have to remind you?!!" In a world where fate rendezvouz... "ugh... why do I feel like this sentence is wrong..?" "Just read it already!!!" "And why does it have to be me?!" "No...isn't that because you lost at Rock-Paper-Scissors?" "And who wrote such cringey lines?!" "Of course it was made by yours truly. It's about my tale after al--" "Astra!!!" "Yes madam?" ". . . can I just make a cooler version?" "Hell no! I poured all my blood and sweat into making that piece--" *rip* *rip* *rip* "NOOOOOO!!!!" "Ahem.... anyway..." --------------------- ------------------ In a distant land, in a distant realm, from a distant universe, a young man was transported into a world of magic and machines. As an ignorant-- "MY PIIIEEEECCCCEEE!!!!" *Smack* *Smack* *Smack*...*Thud*. As an ignorant young man of another world, his destiny coincides with a young noble lady who takes him as her war slave. Slaves that accompany their master from life to death. Both in peace and war. And so, his legend, as the strongest Ark Meister began...

Lievel_Veltrandt · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Record #20: Almost Time...

Year 4667 of the Unified Imperial Calendar:

Fourth Month, Day 16. (5:32 AM)

◇ Astra's POV ◇

My eyes suddenly snapped open as I instinctively sucked in a deep breath of air. I then panted, while holding my chest which was for some reason, aching so much that I was already crying.

"Ugh!..." I groaned as I clutched my chest with force, while I grit my teeth in order to stop myself from screaming out loud. I can't possibly scream so early in the morning after all.

I panted heavily, as I then slowly calmed down. It was the third time already, and this shit's becoming too unbearable! What the heck was this?! And what exactly was I dreaming about?!

This is even scarier than my dreams of white owls being eaten by rats!

"Fuck this..." I muttered as I sprawled on my bed. My gaze went around my room, and I observed it for the umpteenth time this week. It was pretty spacious, and I was told it was one of the guest rooms before I came.

As I was a Warslave, I wasn't actually expected to do any work within the house, but I was to fight whenever my master goes into battles. Of course, I would do that too as her life was literally connected to mine. And milady probably knows that too as she was giving me luxury that I could never afford in this place.

I didn't do any work other than study, and I only practiced with the sword on my free time. Honestly, I don't know what else I could ask for. The food's great too. And as a direct subordinate to milady, I have higher ranks than the servants in the mansion.

Seriously, I lucked out with my encounter with her over a week ago.

I closed my eyes as I tried to go back to sleep, but my mind was too unsettled to. And so, I stood as I went to open the door, and then went out.


In the gardens, I sat on a bench as I looked upwards. I had nothing to do, and was just passing time. I sat lazily, and occasionally heaved a sigh, just to release a bit of stress in my chest.

However, as I was passing time, a voice suddenly reached my ears.

"Oh? If it isn't the useless leech. Anything I can do for you, sir bastard slave?" The tone and choice of words did not conceal the hostility in it, in the slightest.

I turned my head to look at the person, and retorted. "Oh? If it isn't the muscle-brain of a maid," I said with a hostile tone of my own, "or are you even a maid? Don't tell me you broke another vase and couldn't sleep in guilt so you came here, Lillia?"

"Ugh!" Lillia flinched at my words. It seems she really did.

From the time I was lazing around in the mansion, I had found out that the heavens have practically decided that Lillia and I would never go along each other. I loved peace and rest, she loved work. I loved black, she loves white. She's talented, and I'm...well...talented on my own right.

In any case, almost everything about us differed, including our genders.

Well, perhaps my only advantage against her was her clumsiness. A weak spot that I never tire of poking at.

Well, that aside, Lillia moved towards the bench I was sitting, and demanded, "Get off."

"Huh? Why should I follow your order?" I told her, "just so you know, I'm a direct subordinate with milady."

She snorted at my words, "Hmph! Big words," she said in mock, "and just so you know, slave. I'm a FRIEND of YOUR MASTER. Meaning I'm in a higher standing."

"That's unfair!" I retorted indignantly, I then pointed a finger at her, "using personal connections is cheating!"

"Hmph!" she snorted again, "a pig calling someone dirty? How righteous!"

"At least pigs are happy!"

"Or are they?"

And so, our bickering continued until the sun was completely up.

◇◇ ??? ¿¿¿ ??? ◇◇

It was almost time. It was almost time. It was almost time.

It was almost time...


It was almost time. The time for 'him' to come back. And all it needed was a small trigger. Just a small push that would complete his awakening.


[Executing Final Phase...part one...]


[Connecting to Data Terminal Network...Complete]


It connected to the main network that was used by all the citizens and most knights all over the empire, as it searched the pawn it would use for its plan. Its plan that his brilliant lord had formulated before he died, and his plan to resurrect himself to a higher existence.


[Contacting ID: Ashier Clintonshire...]


[Activating Vocal Synthesizer...]


[Communication connected]


And so, the connection was made, and all it needed was a small push, and a bit of reassurance.

Using a voice it had synthesized, it spoke.

"So? What goes the program?" it asked as it made the virtual avatar smile.

"Ah, about that...I think I might have found something more interesting." Ashier said, completely unaware of his current plight.

"Oh? And what of it?" it asked. It was the most natural sounding question in the current logic circuits in use.

"You won't believe it, sir! I think this girl may have found the legacy of Astraeus! THE Astraeus of 500 years ago! The inventor of Arks! The Father of the Sky Empire!"

It made an interested face, as it them made it grin. As repulsive as possible, and made sure it went through the mask that covered half of its avatar's face. It knew what Ashier was thinking right now.

He was thinking that he was now in the upper hand of the talk. After all, the Founder of the Sky Empire was a legend. And Astraeus was the most notorious in the history of the leaders to have ever risen to power.

And it was also known that the technology he wielded and commanded was far, far more advanced than the current technological advancements the Empire ever reached. All of it vanished along with his death, but no one had yet to give up in searching for his legacy. And that includes the current Emperor.

However, that was not the core of the matter. After all, he had said 'this girl', and as a 'person' who 'didn't know' it naturally asked, "And by this girl, you mean..."

"Yes sir! It's the first daughter of the Tindalerose Family! And I have further good news."

"Good news? Interesting, tell me."

"The girl is currently with me. I have captured her earlier, and I have locked her in a sealed room." Ashier claimed as he grinned a wide grin.

It laughed, "Ahahahaha! Good. Very good," it commended, "you have done well, Ashier. Now that it's come to this, she doesn't need to return home anymore."

It was a hint, and a guide to Ashier's psychology. It naturally knew of his personality, and it knew of his frustrations. And as expected, Ashier danced according to its tunes.

Ashier's face flushed at his words, as he smiled a lecherous smile, "T-Then, m-may I..." he didn't continue further, as his gaze already implied what he was meaning.

It's avatar smiled, and spoke, "Not now, Ashier. I shall pull some strings in order to distract the Tindalerose house head, and it will be done by tomorrow. Wait until then."

And so, it's avatar then cut off communication.

It was almost time.



[Final phase: part one...completed...]


[Proceeding to part two...]


[Contacting Unit 001 Beta...]


It was almost time...

Look. I know I promised konosuba, but for some reason, the story just progressed Lelouche x Overlord kind of thing.

I wonder how'd turn into this...

Well, the comedy part still stays though...

Lievel_Veltrandtcreators' thoughts