
The Legend of Astra

In a world where Arks ruled the battlefield... In a world where the line between magic and technology is blurred.... In a world where... "uhh... how do you read this again?" "It's 'Rendezvouz'!!! How many times do I have to remind you?!!" In a world where fate rendezvouz... "ugh... why do I feel like this sentence is wrong..?" "Just read it already!!!" "And why does it have to be me?!" "No...isn't that because you lost at Rock-Paper-Scissors?" "And who wrote such cringey lines?!" "Of course it was made by yours truly. It's about my tale after al--" "Astra!!!" "Yes madam?" ". . . can I just make a cooler version?" "Hell no! I poured all my blood and sweat into making that piece--" *rip* *rip* *rip* "NOOOOOO!!!!" "Ahem.... anyway..." --------------------- ------------------ In a distant land, in a distant realm, from a distant universe, a young man was transported into a world of magic and machines. As an ignorant-- "MY PIIIEEEECCCCEEE!!!!" *Smack* *Smack* *Smack*...*Thud*. As an ignorant young man of another world, his destiny coincides with a young noble lady who takes him as her war slave. Slaves that accompany their master from life to death. Both in peace and war. And so, his legend, as the strongest Ark Meister began...

Lievel_Veltrandt · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Record #19: The Prelude to the Star’s Return...

Year 4667 of the Unified Imperial Calendar:

Fourth Month, Day 14. (10:39 AM)

◇ Third Person POV ◇

Reyshia suddenly felt a change at Professor Ashier's attitude, as her instincts suddenly warned her of danger. She quickly reached out for the wand near on her leg, but found nothing.

'Ah! It was confiscated earlier!' she inwardly screamed as she remembered. However, even if she didn't have a weapon, she was still a student at the Sky Military Academy. She clenched her fist, and then rushed towards the professor with her fist streaking through the air. However...

"It's useless..." the professor spoke.

The next moment, light surrounded her as she instantly suspended in mid-air from her dash, and she couldn't moved a bit. Seeing the light, alarm went through Reyshia's mind.

"This!...A Force Negation Barrier?!" she exclaimed in alarm, "why do you have something like this?!"

The Force Negation Barrier was one of the highest level magic in the Barrier's category of magic. Of course, with the current technology, it was possible to create Aether Gears that could do the same effect, but all of those were restricted from usage. Only the Imperial Knights and those of equal authority were permitted to use them in order to assist them their duties.

However, from what Reyshia knew, Ashier was far from qualified to possess such a Gear.

Ashier grinned at her, "Weeeell...You see, I have my connections..." he said vaguely, "and they're quite interested in you, you know?"

Reyshia grit her teeth as she glared at Ashier, however, before she could say anything...

"Just sleep for now, bitch. And don't worry, when you wake up, it'll all be just a dream."

And so, Reyshia's consciousness faded to oblivion.

◇◇ ??? ¿¿¿ ??? ◇◇

In a dark room, with nothing but a core of pure mana, Aether, and something else combined, it analysed...


[Analyzing physical reconfiguration...]


[Current reconfiguration progress...89%...]


89% within three days. Although it was a bit slower than expected, it was still within the acceptable margin.


[Memory injection progress...Analyzing...]


[Current Memories Injected...17%...]

17%. That was all it had progressed. Something was obviously wrong, so it checked the reason.


[Analyzing...recalculating...sorting out data...]


[Analysis complete... Reason for slow progress: Mental incompatibility.]


So that was the reason. It was because of differences in the mental state of the two differing minds. However, in terms of personality, there wasn't much difference. So the probable reason was because of the different values and morals. This was not good. So it continued analyzing...


[Analyzing best course of action... retrieving data from external network... network name... Data Terminal Network(DTN)...]








[4 optimum solutions found... selecting...]


[Plan course formed... Sending data to Unit 001 Beta]


And so, it formulated a plan. A plan to bring 'him' back. A plan for 'him' to once again rule the world from the shadows. And a plan for 'him' to once again walk beside 'her'.

It formulated a plan. A cruel plan that demanded the sacrifice of an innocent, and ignorant otherworlder...

◇ Astra's POV ◇

A sudden headache wracked my head as I inadvertently held it in attempt to lessen the pain. I cringed as I groaned in pain, while Nell looked at me in concern.

"W-Wait, Astra? Are you alright?" she said, "you're not making up a way to take a break aren't you?"

I gave her a wry smile, "No, seriously. Just what—ugh!... Just what do you see me as?" I told her, "it's just a headache. Probably from being unfamiliar with the place."

Yeah. It was probably because of the differences in the topography, or geography, or whatever shit it is. After all, this world might be a bit different from Earth...Or so I'd like to say, but it was just what Isabelle told me, actually.

[You mentioned you were from a different country before, right? Then it's common that you'll feel some strange things as you adapt.] Is what she said.

In any case, I just needed to get over these headaches, and my life would be completely reborn anew in this whole new world.

Nell's worries seemed to have deepened as her eyes started to tear up, and she suggested, "T-Then! Would you like to rest?" she offered the sweet offer, "I don't want to risk your health just for a bit of studying."

I smiled at her as I accepted, "Well, let me take on that offer," I said as I once again held my head from another headache, "...no taking it back, okay?"

"Just lay on your couch already!" she scolded as she saw my probably paling face, "you're starting to look terrible!"

"Ahahaha...fine, fine..." I then walked over to the couch, and laid on it, as another wave of pain knocked off my consciousness.

And as my mind faded, I had a dream...


Flames scattered everywhere...

I don't know where I was, but I was in the middle of some sort of fantasy style town. I just stood, and watched as the flames devoured the houses. My long hair fluttered from the hot winds that the winds brought, along with the sparks that flew all over the air.

Wait...long hair? When did I have long hair?...

I tried to move my limbs, bit they didn't budge. I see... so this must be a dream, huh?

Well, since this is a dream, all I can to is observe. And that was exactly what I did. I observed as 'my' head turned, as if looking for something.

My mouth opened a bit, and muttered, "Isabella?..."

I felt my eyes widen, as my chest started to race. Then I ran. Moving my feet, I ran. I didn't know how many turns I did, but I just kept running. Until I finally made it into an alley.

It was a bit dark, but still visible thanks to the flames around. My heart suddenly increased in intensity as each beat was now bringing me pain.

What the hell was this?! Ugh! Stop...it damn hurts, damn it!

However, no matter how much I protested, my dream still continued. Each one of my heartbeat was giving me suffering, and I could feel each emotion that the 'me' was feeling. This isn't just a dream, right?!

Ugh!!! Fuck! Make it stop!!!!

The 'me' then continued to move as ran across the broken cobbles on the road, and the dirty paths. I then entered some sort of a secret path concealed by vines... and over there, laid a small shack. It was simple, and somehow heart-warming. However...

It didn't warm my heart a bit...

As it was now covered in flames...

"ISABELLA!!!!!!!" I screamed as the pain in my chest intensified to a degree unbearable. Tears started to flow from my eyes, as I drew the sword on my waist that I never knew was there.

I ran towards the door, and tried to open it, but it was locked. I kicked the door open, and it was destroyed to pieces. For some reason, the pain even more intensified as I saw the door broke. Perhaps that door had a deep sentiment to the 'me' of the dream.

I then rushed towards a certain room, and I saw hell...

I saw a girl. She was dead. I knew from the blood scattered across the floor, and the sword on her stomach.

However, I blanked out from the sight of four pigs in human flesh that was mounting her corpse, as they turned towards me who suddenly barged entry.

My entire vision turned red...

My heart seemed to have exploded, and even the me watching the dream, is now completely enraged.

I suddenly felt like I was one with the 'me' of the dream, and the me who was observing.

That's right. We shared a single goal...

'Our' mouth opened, as we spoke, as if cursing the world...

"I'll fucking kill you..." 'We' uttered...

'Our' gaze shifted to the pigs in human flesh, as we exuded bloodlust, not just to those pigs, but to the world. And we spoke again, not for these pigs, but for the world.

"I'll fucking kill you all."

And what followed was a brutal massacre.

◇◇ ??? ¿¿¿ ??? ◇◇


[Psychological Trauma Injection complete...]


[Analyzing changes in Mental State...]


[Current compatibility...78%...]


[Proceeding to the Final phase...]