
The Legend of Astra

In a world where Arks ruled the battlefield... In a world where the line between magic and technology is blurred.... In a world where... "uhh... how do you read this again?" "It's 'Rendezvouz'!!! How many times do I have to remind you?!!" In a world where fate rendezvouz... "ugh... why do I feel like this sentence is wrong..?" "Just read it already!!!" "And why does it have to be me?!" "No...isn't that because you lost at Rock-Paper-Scissors?" "And who wrote such cringey lines?!" "Of course it was made by yours truly. It's about my tale after al--" "Astra!!!" "Yes madam?" ". . . can I just make a cooler version?" "Hell no! I poured all my blood and sweat into making that piece--" *rip* *rip* *rip* "NOOOOOO!!!!" "Ahem.... anyway..." --------------------- ------------------ In a distant land, in a distant realm, from a distant universe, a young man was transported into a world of magic and machines. As an ignorant-- "MY PIIIEEEECCCCEEE!!!!" *Smack* *Smack* *Smack*...*Thud*. As an ignorant young man of another world, his destiny coincides with a young noble lady who takes him as her war slave. Slaves that accompany their master from life to death. Both in peace and war. And so, his legend, as the strongest Ark Meister began...

Lievel_Veltrandt · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Record #18: The Visit

Year 4667 of the Unified Imperial Calendar:

Fourth Month, Day 14. (10:13 AM)

◇ Third Person POV ◇

"What did you say?!" an angry voice came from behind the communication panel, "what do you mean you lost access?!"

"I-I do not know, sir," Ashier replied nervously, "i-it seems the remote control program was removed three days ago."

"Then do something about it!!" the voice answered angrily, "Or at least make sure to have a method for remote surveillance!!"

"Y-Yes, I'll make the program now." Ashier fearfully answered, and the communication ended.

Everything had gone wrong. Ever since he had let himself fall to the temptation of money, he had been enslaved by those bastards.

He didn't exactly know who they were, but all he knew was that he was to keep VERY close surveillance of the first daughter of the Tindalerose Family. He had been maintaining the lady's personal Ark ever since it was built, so perhaps that was why he was chosen for the job.

The Tindalerose had one of the most resource-rich lands in the empire, especially for building Arks. However, the heads of the Tindalerose Family didn't try to develop a proper mine for those resources, as it would have much impact on the people living in their territory. It wasn't something that the Tindalerose would give up for what they called 'mere wealth'.

However, he couldn't just give up too. He too desired money and fame, and that was what he was promised. That and the chance to improve his skills and knowledge about Arks. He could ignore the money and fame part, but not the part about Arks. Arks were his life, and he'd sell his soul to the devil just to become the best Ark Craftmaster.

Ashier went on to his data terminal, and connected to the Data Terminal Network. He checked the remote control program once more, and as expected, it was gone. He grit his teeth, and disconnected as he began to work on a new surveillance program. However...


[Sir, you have a guest.]


A notification from his assistant AI informed him of the presence of a guest. He frowned. He was still upset from the scoldings from his mysterious boss, so this might be a good chance to vent. He checked the cameras to see if who was the visitor, and was shocked.

"L-Lady Reyshia?!" he exclaimed with a bit of fear, "What is she doing here?!"

His chest thumped as he stood and then moved to meet his employer. He feared that it might be the worst case scenario, and that she might have found out about the plot regarding her. That was no small matter. If the perpetrators were ever caught, then he would be doomed either as a scapegoat, or an accomplice. That would mean literal death.

He soon arrived at lobby where she was waiting, and greeted, "G-Good morning, milady," he said as he stuttered a bit, "what brings you to my humble workshop?"

His stoic employer glanced at him as she sipped her tea. It seems that she had brought her own tea again. She spoke, "I have questions, Professor," she said in an expressionless tone, "it's about my Ark."

Ashier became tense at her words. He was already preparing for the worst case scenario, so he placed a hand in his coat's pocket. He then asked, "W-What about the Ark, milady?"

"I'll be blunt," she said with an angry tone, "why is there a remote control terminal for Valkyria? And without my permission?!"

"W-Well, that is..." he was now considering whether to do 'it', but then his employer spoke.

"Well, you can explain yourself later," she said with a sigh, "remove it right now."

"Pardon?" He inadvertently asked. He was confused. Wasn't it already removed? Could it be that it just malfunction? An Aether virus?

His employer once again instructed. "Remove the program that connects to the terminal."

Ashier went silent. Not because of shock, but because of elation. It looks like he wasn't out of the covers yet, and it seems that his employer is much more trusting than he though. He heaved a sigh of relief, and then answered, "Yes milady," he said a bit enthusiastically, "please bring the Valkyria to the hangar."

She nodded, and then left.


After the Valkyria was then brought into the hangar, he then inspected the Ark, as he checked why the program had vanished. His employer was beside him, and was observing his actions.

The scanner went over Valkyria for a few times, however, what was displayed shocked him. Not only him, it also shocked his employer beside him.

"What...W-What is this?..." his employer asked as she looked at the results in a daze.

Ashier didn't say anything. He just stared at what he saw for a long while. It was simply that shocking for him. Even though normal people and some Ark Meisters would dismiss it as normal, he as an Ark Craftmaster knew. It was incredible.

The inner configurations for the Valkyria had been optimized to an unbelievable degree, and the inner parts had been replaced with some things he'd never seen before. The module for the inertia reduction was completely different from what he knew, but it was far more efficient.

The Aether Pathways were also changed as it was more compressed within the inside of its frame. But the most of all, the Aether Core was also changed. He didn't know what exactly was it, but it was only spherical outside, but was cubic inside. It produced Aether by itself, not just circulated and recycled the Aether around the Pathways for perpetual energy. And it held a different kind of energy along with Aether.

It was something he'd never heard of before...

Ashier turned to his employer. His heart was now racing as his face reddened in excitement. He had an expression of madness as he asked, "L-L-Lady Reyshia! W-Where did you get these?!"

It was a chance. This was unknown piece of technology, and he knew it. This was going to be his ticket to prominence, so he was going to take as much as he could. Both knowledge and whatever he could find useful.

His employer shook her head, "I-I don't know." she said, but her voice was a bit shaky, "someone else fixed it three days ago."

"T-T-Then, c-can I meet that person?!"

His employer widened her eyes for an instant, then sighed as she seemed to calm down. With a calm voice, she then said, "No. I have promised confidentiality with that person, so I'm afraid I'll have to refuse."

The answer was a huge blow to Ashier's plans. He never thought that she would actually deny his request. "Why?! Didn't our contract state that you'll be supporting me to improve my skills?!"

"Yes. However, I can't do what I cannot." She replied coolly.

Ashier grit his teeth, as his blood boiled in anger. However, he swallowed it down, as he calmed himself, and asked. "Then, may I request that you leave the Ark here for a while? I need to inspect it a bit."

"I'm afraid I can't do that too," she answered with a shake of her head, "I still need to consult that person about the Ark."

Now Ashier was truly enraged. The ticket for his prominence was right before his eyes, yet it was going to slip away like this. He refused to let it go. He absolutely won't.

He lowered his head with a dark expression, "I see," he said with an expressionless voice, "so in the end I still have to do this, huh?"

He then put his hand on his pocket once more, and held the button inside. His trump card to buy him a bit of time...

"H-huh? What are you—" his employer was startled, but he cut her off.

"Sorry bitch. Nothing personal."

And so, he pressed the button.