
The Legacy of the Crown

Kaizen Valor, a child born with the keys to the world but chooses to not to use them. As a prince to the Kingdom of Valeria, he has a lot of responsibilities but doesn't want them. However after certain incidents start affecting his life, has no choice but to use the keys he was dealt. What's worse is this is only the tip of the sword in his story...

AlphaGJr · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Reluctant Prince

At 15 years old, Kaizen Valor stood at the threshold of adulthood, yet his mind lingered in the days of youth. He gazed out of the window of his bedroom, his thoughts drifting like the clouds in the azure sky. From his vantage point in the tallest tower of the castle, he could see the sprawling gardens below, meticulously manicured by the kingdom's finest gardeners. But his attention was not on the beauty outside; it was consumed by the weight of his own reluctance.

He was the third prince of the Kingdom of Valeria, born into a life of privilege and prestige. Yet, despite the golden opportunities laid before him, Kaizen had a deep-seated reluctance to the responsibilities that came with his royal lineage. He yearned for freedom, for adventure beyond the confines of the castle walls and his Kingdom. 

As he pondered his predicament, the heavy oaken door creaked open, revealing the imposing figures of his parents, Queen Isabella and King Alexander. Kaizen straightened his posture, masking his inner turmoil with a practiced facade of composure.

Queen Isabella greeted him with a warm smile, her gentle voice cutting through the tension that hung in the air.

"Kaizen, my son, Your father and I have been looking for you. We have important matters to discuss."

"Yes mother"

Kaizen nodded dutifully, though his heart sank at the prospect of yet another lecture on duty and obligation. He followed his parents to the sitting room, where his brothers, first Prince Cedric and second Prince Marcus, awaited their arrival.

Cedric, the eldest and heir to the throne, greeted Kaizen with a nod of acknowledgment, his steely gaze softened by a hint of sympathy. Marcus, the middle son, flashed Kaizen a reassuring smile and a quick wink. Cedric and Kaizen both inherited the same hair. They both had their mothers golden blonde hair, and crystal blue eyes. Cedric his hair was slicked back however unlike Kaizen who had longer hair down his face. Marcus on the other hand had his fathers longer deep brown hair and also had was blessed with blue eyes. 

"Kaizen, my boy,"

King Alexander began, his voice grave with solemnity.

"As you know, the time has come for you to assume your rightful place in the kingdom. You are no longer a child; you must embrace your responsibilities as a prince of Valeria."

Kaizen's stomach churned with unease, but he maintained a facade of indifference.

"Must I, Father? Can't I have just a little more time to be... free?"

Queen Isabella placed a comforting hand on Kaizen's shoulder, her eyes brimming with concern.

"My dear, we understand your apprehension, but the kingdom relies on your strength and leadership. You are destined for greatness, Kaizen. It's time you embraced your destiny."

Kaizen's jaw clenched with frustration, his inner turmoil threatening to boil over.

"But what if greatness is not what I desire? I never asked for this, the weight of hundreds of thousands of people. I wish not be a king or a prince. What if I long for something... something more?"

His words hung heavy in the air, a palpable tension settling over the room. For a moment, no one spoke, the weight of Kaizen's defiance casting a shadow over their familial bond.

But then, to Kaizen's surprise, Cedric spoke up, his voice firm yet compassionate.

"Kaizen, we understand your struggles, but we are family. Marcus nor I wished to be in our positions but remember, with the last name Valor, we will always have many responsibilities."

Cedric was speaking from his 26 years of wisdom, and also and his fair share of struggles from before.

Marcus nodded in agreement, his eyes alight with empathy.

"You are not alone, brother. We will face whatever challenges lie ahead together."

As Kaizen absorbed the words of his brothers, a mixture of gratitude and frustration welled up inside him. He appreciated their support, yet he couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped in a destiny not of his choosing.

"Thank you, Cedric, Marcus, I know you mean well, but my heart calls for a life beyond these castle walls."

Cedric placed a reassuring hand on Kaizen's shoulder, his eyes filled with understanding.

"I understand, brother. But remember, with privilege comes responsibility. Our family has served Valeria for generations, and it is our duty to uphold that legacy. You want to explore the world but you don't know the danger lurking."

Marcus jumped into the conversation,

"Exactly Kaizen. Whenever me and Cedric leave the Kingdom for our political stances we have to be wary of monsters and even keep a tighter eye looking for demonic presences. We don't not let you out of the kingdom because we want to lock you, but for your safety."


Kaizen couldn't refute the words his brothers were saying. 

Demonic presences. In other words, demons. Monsters are everywhere and demons are uncommon after the great war nearly 250 years ago when the humans and other races fought the demons and exiled them to hell. However over the last 25 years more demons are being spotted, and blending in with the human race.

"You also haven't even learned magic. Only the royal swordsmanship. Once you learn magic then we can discuss you leaving" Cedric with a calm smile said.

"yes brother!" A hint of excitement formed in Kaizen eyes.

Queen Isabella seeing her sons getting along, 

"Shall we take your smile as an answer to fulfilling your responsibilities as a Prince?"

'prince.. responsibilities...'

"I will do what is needed, but Cedric and Marcus will do the political ordeals and I will handle toe lesser issues, but I will only do the small parts."

King Alexander smiled,

"You just need to learn, I don't expect you to start fulfilling roles and duties yet, but just learning is enough."

"Yes father, I will learn..." 

"Good, then we can look for a suitable teacher to teach you magic and find your affinity."

"Yes!" A smile formed on the once gloomy face.

'Magic, and then I can leave these castle walls'

He was resolving himself to leave, and become free. 


The next day dawned bright and clear, the beginning of Kaizen's journey into the world of magic. With a sense of anticipation tingling in his veins, he made his way to the grand hall of the castle, where his teacher awaited him.

A tall lady greeted him,

"Hello Prince Kaizen, my name is Abagail Winters its a pleasure to be the hand that leads you to the world of magic."

Abagail Winters stood at the center of the hall, a figure of elegance and poise. Her long, flowing hair cascaded down her back in waves of vibrant purple, catching the light and shimmering with every movement. Her emerald eyes sparkled with wisdom and knowledge, hinting at the depths of her magical prowess.

"Hello Abagail, its a pleasure to learn from you. I will be in your care."

 Abagail greeted him with a warm smile as he approached.

"I trust you're ready to begin your training?"

Kaizen nodded eagerly, his heart racing with excitement.

"Yes, Abagail. I'm eager to learn."

"Excellent," she replied, gesturing for him to follow her to the training grounds.

"Today, we'll start by discovering your affinity – the element of magic that resonates most strongly with your soul."

"my soul?"


As they entered the training grounds, in a open area next to a pond there looked to be a circle that seemed to be created with magic. It was about the size that could fit 4 people sitting down.

you will sit here"

Kaizen, following her orders sat down in the circle.

"Now what?"

"Close your eyes, and feel the elements in your mind. Feel the burning sensation of fire, the rocks and ground you sit on, and the water that is around you. Feel each element and engrave the feeling in your soul and mind."

'Fire, Water, Earth. Feel them, feel them'

As Kaizen drove deeper into his mind,

the circle he was sitting in, began to shake. 

Abagail her eyes lit up, 

"That's it Prince Kaizen, keep feeling it."

'feel, I feel, I feel... I feel hot'

In a instant the circle exploded, raging flames were all around him in the shape of the circle he was sitting on a moment ago is now a raging inferno.

"Excellent, open your eyes now Prince."

Kaizen, opened his eyes and saw the flames.

"You have an affinity, for fire. Congratulations."

A smile, as bright as the flames around him appeared on his face,

"wow, that is so- cool!"

"Yes now le-"

As Abagail was continuing her instructions she was suddenly taken back.

The flames, began to flow in the wind.

'impossible.. it was just my thought right?'

And then, as if in response to her unspoken question, a gentle breeze began to swirl around them, carrying with it the unmistakable scent of fresh air. Kaizen's eyes widened in disbelief as he realized what was happening.


Wind. He had an affinity for wind magic as well.

Abagail, her emerald eyes shined brightly and wavered for the first time.


That was impossible. Wind magic was a closely guarded secret of the elven race, passed down through generations with great care. It was unheard of for a human to possess such power.

And yet, there it was, undeniable and undeniable.

Abagail stared at Kaizen in astonishment, her emerald eyes wide with disbelief.


she whispered, her voice barely audible over the rustle of the breeze.

"You... you have an affinity for wind magic."