
The Legacy of the Crown

Kaizen Valor, a child born with the keys to the world but chooses to not to use them. As a prince to the Kingdom of Valeria, he has a lot of responsibilities but doesn't want them. However after certain incidents start affecting his life, has no choice but to use the keys he was dealt. What's worse is this is only the tip of the sword in his story...

AlphaGJr · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Feeling the Wind

Abagail's mind raced with questions and astonishment as she stared at Kaizen, who sat between the swirling flames and gentle breeze with a look of wonder on his face. Wind magic, a power believed to be the sole magic of the elven race, now manifested within a human prince.

"Wind," Abagail repeated, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"How is this possible?"

Kaizen looked equally shocked, his eyes darting between the flickering flames and the dancing breeze as if searching for answers within their mesmerizing dance.

Kaizen murmured, his voice barely audible over the crackling of the fire and the whispering of the wind.

"I... I don't understand,"

Abagail took a deep breath, steadying her racing thoughts. This turn of events was unprecedented, defying everything she knew about the nature of magic and its affinities. But despite the shock and confusion, she knew that she had to guide Kaizen through this revelation with patience and wisdom.

"Kaizen, this is... remarkable,"

Abagail began, her tone measured yet tinged with awe.

"Wind magic is a rare and powerful gift, one that has been closely guarded by the elves for centuries. To see it manifest within you, a human prince... it defies all conventional understanding."

Kaizen's expression shifted from bewilderment to a mixture of excitement. The realization that he possessed not one, but two elemental affinities filled him with a sense of wonder and possibility, yet it also raised troubling questions about his place in the world and the secrets of his own heritage.

"What does this mean, Abagail?"

Kaizen asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Why do I have this... this wind magic?"

Abagail paused, considering her response carefully. She knew that the truth behind Kaizen's extraordinary abilities was shrouded in mystery, and that unraveling those secrets would require patience, diligence, and perhaps even a journey into the depths of history itself.

"I'm not entirely sure, Kaizen,"

Abagail admitted, her emerald eyes reflecting the flickering flames of the fire.

"But I believe that your affinity for wind magic may be connected to your lineage, to the very essence of who you are and where you come from."

Kaizen's brow furrowed in confusion, his mind racing with a thousand questions and possibilities. Could his newfound affinity for wind magic hold the key to unlocking the secrets of his past, of his family's legacy and the true nature of their connection to the kingdom of Valeria?

"Perhaps, there is more to your heritage than meets the eye, Kaizen. More than even you realize."

The flames crackled and danced around them, casting flickering shadows on the stone walls of the training grounds. In that moment, amidst the swirling elements of fire and wind, Kaizen felt a stirring within his soul, a sense of purpose and destiny calling out to him from the depths of history and legend.

"Moreover, you are a swordsman possessing two affinities which is also pretty rare. As you know every human posses at least 1 affinity, but how you grow up and your environment determine which that is and how many you possess. Those who follow the blade, the spear and the bow tend to only have one, with few having dual. For people like me, who don't follow a weapon but our affinities can use all except for wind since we are mages. There is also light and darkness magic which belong to certain people such as popes and assassins. It is important for you to understand this. "

"Yes, I understand."

Abagail smiled, her expression one of pride and encouragement.

"Then let us embark on this journey together, Kaizen, We will delve into the secrets of magic and uncover the mysteries of your heritage, and unlock the true potential of your abilities."

Kaizen's heart swelled with determination as he nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, Abagail, For believing in me, for guiding me, and for helping me discover the truth of who I am."


In a room at the corner of the castle. A man who looked to be mid twenties and his long brown hair and blue eyes, sat across another a table with another man similar in age, who his blue eyes and golden slicked back hair were present. 

"Brother, don't you think you are not helping?" 

"Father, has asked you to look into the demonic presences appearing around our kingdom, and you haven't yet? Why is that?"

The man with the brown hair sighed, his expression troubled as he leaned back in his chair.

"Cedric, you know as well as I do that investigating demonic presences is no easy task. It requires time, resources, and above all, caution. We cannot rush into such matters blindly."

Cedric's brow furrowed in frustration, his steely gaze fixed on his brother.

"I understand the complexities of the situation, Marcus, but Father entrusted this task to us for a reason. The safety and security of our kingdom depend on our ability to confront these threats head-on."

Marcus nodded in agreement, his expression serious.

"I know, Cedric. And believe me, I share Father's concerns. But we must proceed with caution. The resurgence of demonic activity is a grave matter, one that we cannot afford to take lightly."

Cedric's jaw clenched with determination as he leaned forward, his gaze unwavering.

"Then what do you suggest we do, Marcus? Sit idly by while our kingdom is threatened by these infernal creatures?"

Marcus sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"No, of course not, Cedric. But we must approach this matter with prudence and foresight. We cannot risk endangering ourselves or our people by acting recklessly."

Cedric's expression softened slightly as he considered his brother's words.

"You're right, Marcus. I apologize for my outburst. It's just... difficult to stand by and do nothing while our kingdom is under threat."

Marcus reached across the table, placing a reassuring hand on Cedric's shoulder.

"I understand, Cedric. And believe me, I share your concerns. But we must trust in our abilities and our resolve to protect our kingdom. Together, we will confront this threat and ensure the safety and security of our people."

Cedric nodded, a determined glint in his eyes as he squared his shoulders.

"Very well, Marcus. Let us begin our investigation in earnest. We will not rest until we have rid our kingdom of these demonic presences once and for all. Father is going to send you to the Arcadia region with some of your knights. You will greet have an audience with the king there."

"Like always, I will do the hard work and you will play the role of heir to the kingdom." Marcus said with a bit of envy.

"It is always like this in our family, the heir is for the oldest to inherit."

"Tsk, just because our dearest younger brother doesn't wish to play king, I do."

"We always said we will do this together Marcus so please settle down. I need you to help me with our kingdom to thrive when father steps down in a few days."

"Ah yes, this weekend. you will officially be crowned the king, and father and mother will live their lives out as part of the Elders." 

"Indeed mother and father will join the Elders to help us still, while being part of their retirement"

The Elders, a group of 10 officials who have the authority to overthrow the king with proper reason and a majority vote. They are the group that can change some of the Kingdom rules without the King or Queens approval, and have a vast amount of authority.

"When shall I go visit the Arcadia region?" 

"You shall go at nightfall tomorrow and return before the crowning ceremony."

"Understood, brother."

"Very well, I shall take my leave now. Have a good day brother Marcus."

As Cedric departed, Marcus sighed, the door slams in the room, it was daytime and yet, a sudden chill could be felt in the air.

The sudden chill in the air caught his attention, sending a shiver down his spine. It was unusual for such coldness to descend during the daytime, especially in the warmth of spring. Marcus furrowed his brow, a sense of unease settling over him like a dark cloud.

"Something isn't right,"

he murmured to himself, his blue eyes scanning the courtyard for any signs of disturbance.

Just then, a messenger burst into the room, his breath ragged and eyes wide with urgency.

"Sir Marcus! There's been an attack on the northern border! creatures have breached our defenses!"

Marcus's heart skipped a beat at the news, his mind racing with the implications of such a dire threat. creature activity on the northern border was normal but for a messenger to burst in meant that it was too hard for the knights and warriors to handle.

"Sound the alarm,"

Marcus ordered, his voice firm with resolve.

"Summon the knights, gather the mages, and prepare the defenses. We must repel this attack at all costs."

The messenger nodded, rushing out of the room to carry out Marcus's orders. Left alone with his thoughts, Marcus knew that the safety and security of their kingdom now rested squarely on his shoulders.

He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenges that lay ahead. With Cedric away on his mission to the Arcadia region, Marcus knew that he would have to lead their forces into battle, to confront the threat head-on and protect their people from harm.

As he made his way to the armory to prepare for battle, Marcus couldn't shake the feeling of foreboding that gnawed at the edges of his mind. The chill in the air seemed to linger, a haunting reminder of the darkness that loomed on the horizon.

But Marcus was determined not to let fear paralyze him. With the courage of a true leader, he would stand against the darkness, face whatever challenges came his way, and defend his kingdom with unwavering resolve.

Grabbing his sword from his room, he looked at the blade as his blue eyes reflected back at him, his eyes were wavering significantly.

"Is it time?"

Taking a deep breathe he says to himself,

I will protect this kingdom for as long as my name is Marcus Valor."