
The Lazy Stand User

Yuuki dies in his sleep, meets ROB gets wishes, reincarnates into MHA. what will he change? Will he become a hero or a villain? Follow the story of Yuuki The stand user WRYYYYYYYYYYYYY

DonflamingoXD · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Za warudo


Dio was absorbing sunlight like a sponge, the area around him's temperature rose a couple of degrees. Dio didn't feel the change in temperature nor did he realize that he was gathering a little audience.

When he opened his eyes it was already lunchtime, Dio dusted himself off and ran to the orphanage to not miss his lunch and to do his afternoon chores.

-training montage-

Every day I would wake up at 6 to do a morning workout, Hamon breathing, and stand training till 9. At 9 I would eat breakfast and then do my morning chores. From 10-8, I would train, train, and TRAIN, for about 2 hours I would train with my [Hamon] trying to walk on water to even life magnetism. For 5 hours, I would work purely just on my body and MMA, which I saw on the internet since I'm too poor to go to a dojo, I need stamina for most of my powers. For the last 3 hours, I would try to get better control of [The World], the stronger my body and the more stamina I have, the stronger my stand, is what I believe at least.

At night after dinner and bathing, I would go hunting thugs for blood. I would have to be more careful since the patrol around town has risen more and more ever since I started doing this, I guess have to switch cities for my nightly activities I could fly pretty fast with my shape-shifting.

I would do this routine every single day for 3 months before summer break ended and I had to go back to school with those annoying fucking brats.

-at school-

Today was the first day of my last year in kindergarten.

{Japan school years:

1-5 Kindergarten

6-11 Elementary

12-14 Junior high

15-17 high school. }

We had to introduce ourselves, giving our names and quirk. I don't fucking know why the teacher would need to know our quirks it has nothing to do with school.

Everyone went except Bakugo, Izuku, and me. Bakugo went up and said "The name's Katsuki Bakugo, I'm going to be the number 1 Hero in the world even surpassing all might. My quirk is Explosion!!" he said with a smug look on his fucking punchable face, making small explosions appear on his hand. Every brat around the room cheered and praised him feeding his already fat ego even more.

When Bakugo sat back down Izuku went and he said " H, Hi my name is Izuku Midoriya, I, I'm q, quirkless and my d, dream is to be a hero like all might!" When he finished speaking the room fell silent before they burst into laughter even that fat cunt of a teacher snickered a little 'what a bitch.' I thought with a disgusted look on my face.

"HAHAHA he's quirkless and wants to be like all might, you wish!" Said an MRS {Male Random Student}

"What a loser!" Said an FRS {Female Random Student}

"He's a Deku what do you expect!" Said Bakugo leading the RS {Random Students}.

Bakugo and the RS made fun of Izuku for 5 minutes straight before the bitch teacher quieted them "Ok class calm down and leave Izuku-kun alone, next person come on up."

I stood up and went to the front of the class walking past a crying Izuku. When I came up Bakugo widened his eyes in suprise and shouted "It's you!!" I just ignored him and started introducing myself. "The name is Dio, Dio Brando. My quirk is [The World] you can think of as an invisible guard. My dream is to become a true hero." I said nonchalantly ignoring the blushing girls, I'm tall for my age and I'm quite adorable if I say so myself.

"The world? An invisible guardian?! Amazing!!" Exclaimed an MRS.

After that school ended with no trouble whatsoever not including the anger Bakugo annoying me all day saying "fight me! This time I won't lose to a bastard like you!" Which I just knocked his ass out with a single punch, my base stats {STR, DEF, and AGI} increase by a little every time I drink blood, so I'm quite strong physically.

-late at night-

I was just doing my nightly activities drinking the blood of a thug when I heard "stop right there, this is the police move your hands where I can see them!" I turn around to see a group of cops, Deactivate Neomasa and All Might. 'All might? what the fuck is he doing here?' I thought before I could speak all might spoke "come with us young man, we can help you." I was taken aback when he spoke, help? I don't need help.

"Help? What are you talking about? I don't need help, do I seem like I need help?" I asked with a confused expression. I mean if they said they were here to arrest me it would make sense since I was hunting people and drinking their blood, but to help me?

They were taken aback by my statement before all might could respond, Naomasa spoke. "We are here to help you child, but if I may ask why are you drinking blood?"

Since I'm wearing a hood they can't see my face, they can only see my mouth that's bloody.

"I'm drinking it 'cause it makes me stronger, and it tastes good..? And why would you want to help me anyway, it would make a lot more sense if you said you were here to take me into custody, don't you think?" I said confused.

Once again they were surprised by my answer, a random cop spoke whilst pointing her gun at me. "Your right kid now hands in the air where I can see them!" All might spoke in a hurried voice "what are you doing?! Don't point your gun at a child."

The random cop lowered her gun realizing what she was doing "my apologies sir!" She said, all might just sighed in relief.

Taking advantage of their hesitation I spoke doing a DIO pose "[ZA WARUDO] TIME IS MINE AND MINE ALONE!!"

-To Be Continued…

————————-/// <Bonus> \\\———————

Y/N: that was a Diego quote wasn't it?

Author: yes…

Y/N: why?

Author: why what?

Y/N: why use a Diego quote when there was a DIO quote just perfect for this situation?

Author: I just liked how the Diego one sounded, DIO's quote translated means a simple 'time has stopped' to me it just sounded bland…

Y/N: boi if you don't get yo goofy ass outta here!

Author: …..