
The Lazy Angel is a Dungeon Master

Hm? Wait, eh? What?! I'm now assigned on a mission so that I would be a dungeon master? Hold on, why?! That's such a painful task to do! Let someone else do it! In the first place, why me? What..? Only I can be the dungeon master? Stare into my eyes. Are you kidding me? No? Ugh, fine. There's no way I could argue against an archangel when I'm a mere angel. Alright, you win. I'll do it. So... my job is to serve as the boss of my dungeon and that naturally includes bashing up anyone who arrives at the boss room instead of reincarnating souls. But I'm getting tired of this anyway, so why not ask someone else to serve as the boss? Then, I would only have administration stuff to do! Hurray! I'm such a genius! But what if I could make a contract with an intelligent being and let them do the administration stuff too? Heheh... I'm such a genius! Oh, and also screw you, Lord Raphael. I still haven't forgiven you yet for pushing this job down onto me. ----

Amusement · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Page 7

Okay, going back on track, I had the slave girl stay at my dungeon with some golems I had created from my divine power of creation. Yes, I had realised that I could make the dungeon a golem-themed one, but the golems that I created were lacking in intelligence and weren't suitable to be used as servants. 

Firstly, I wanted to search for the rumoured "angel" who lived somewhere in the mountain range and try to recruit them. If they were an angel and not some knock-offs like Angelic Humans; a subspecies of us, angels, then I would be even more curious about why they were here. 

I'm here because Lord Raphael sent me here for a job, and the only other angel present is Iona, the angel managing this world, so that's a given. There shouldn't be another angel wandering around unless something is wrong with him or her. 

While I was ascending into the skies to search around the peaks for signs of divine energy, I stumbled across a strange-looking stone entrance. This was roughly six kilometres above sea level, so it was fishy, but I gave in to my curiosity and decided to search it. 

The entrance was mostly buried with a thick layer of snow and ice but with a quick kick, the entrance opened up and I could squeeze through and make it to the other side. Due to the increased amount of sunlight, the interior was lit up. 

The walls and the floor were made out of stone bricks, some of them with large cracks in them, so they seemed to be quite old. Upon closer observation, there were also remnants of a battle; a destroyed part of the floor, sword slash marks engraved into the nearby walls, etc. 

To me, it looked like an abandoned or forgotten dungeon. I mean, it would make sense. First of all, it's six kilometres above sea level, which already makes it a challenge, and the second thing, it's located dead-centre in the Great Northern Range. 

It's no wonder why people naturally forgot it over time. However... there are fresh ashes from a finished torch a bit deeper into this dungeon. Could there be someone trapped here? Who knows. Well, if there is a person, then good luck to them, I'm outta here. 

Ahem. I would like to clarify that I did not abandon them; they were just unlucky enough to not meet me when I was inside the dungeon. It was their fault... fine, I'll provide them with something, trust me. 

Anyway, back on topic, I continued to ascend to the peak of this mountain with a hefty amount of sunlight shining down upon me. It was cloudless, so there was a great view of the entire world, blue skies and white snow. Honestly, if it wasn't for the sunlight, then this place would be a great spot to live in. I'll just snatch a large cloud for my floor and ta-da! 

Home sweet home. Not really, but you get the point. At least it reminded me of my home back in the Overworld. With that being said, I landed on the snow and started to search for divine energy around me. Oh, I was also barefoot at that time, but since I'm an angel, I don't feel heat or cold so it was fine. Otherwise, I might have received hypothermia. I'm glad that an angel's body is very convenient. 

I can't imagine how many problems and stuff I would have to face if I were a human or any other living being; worrying about minor things like food, mating or temperature-related problems. 

I could never. 

But luckily for me, I'm an angel. And speaking of which, I should get back to work. I have my monthly report due soon (in a day), and I'm not bothered enough to write the minimum of one thousand words by myself, so I would like to have someone else do it, but I'll still submit it myself to avoid any suspicions that Lord Raphael might have. 

So, I should prioritise finding the rumoured angel. Then, I will have him or her do it for me, before working on the dungeon interior with the help of the angel. I might have to resort to using force if they don't comply, but it is much easier to notify Lord Raphael, who would most likely send someone and pick them up. 

Yes, I'm considering using a threat against them. Is that a problem? 

What? That's a problem? How so? Hm? It's dirty to use threats against someone? You jest. 

Besides, I would only use that as a last resort. You can trust me. But still... it's a little strange that I don't detect any signs of divine energy anywhere... I mean, it's just a rumour, so it wouldn't be strange if the angel didn't exist, but I would like to believe that the rumour is true. I can't afford to lose on a servant! 

If things go bad, then golems would have to do. It will take a crap ton of work and time to pull off, but I could possibly make an extremely intelligent and humanoid golem that could work for me, but it's such a pain. It's easy enough, like, I've done it before, but it's comparable to doing homework. 

Easy to do, but such a pain in the ass at the same time. 

However, I didn't want to do that so I decided to switch my search from divine energy to just any source of energy, and I detected three large sources of magic energy, outshining every other source of energy in my vision, and what's even better—all three had a small trace of divine energy within that magic energy. My hopes were held high for those three sources. 

I jumped and flew to the closest one near me; deep inside the forgotten dungeon that I explored a little just minutes before. The other two were much farther away from me; like I'm talking hundreds of kilometres away. 

I was surprised that the forgotten dungeon contained something with this much magical energy. I figured it would be some kind of sealed weapon on the last floor or like an ancient sealed creature, maybe a vampire or something. 

They went extinct in Arula several thousand years ago, but they were considered a powerful subspecies of the demons so they should contain some kind of divinity within their magic or bodies. 

If the source of the energy I'm picking up is indeed a sealed vampire, that wouldn't be so bad. I would put them to good use...

...unlike a weapon. 

Damn it. I flew through the dungeon's walls using the divine power of erasing, and when I made it to the floor with the large source of energy, it was just a mere sword. 

It was stuck in a piece of rock with moss on it, but the blade itself was white with a yellow outline and some blue jewel engraved within the sword guard. I presume it was a holy sword, wielded by some legendary hero from Arula's past, but right now, I do not care at all. 

I wanted a vampire! Or an intelligent living being! Not a useless holy sword! 

Nevertheless, it would have been wasteful if I hadn't taken the sword with me after I already made it down to the last floor. Looking at the positives, I could use the sword as bait for more challengers to challenge my own dungeon, but that would come later. I first need monsters and a boss. 

Not to mention finishing up the rest of the dungeon before I can actually open it up for challengers to tackle.