
The Law of Attraction

It all started with a stolen kiss on their first encounter. [Warning: Mature content *NO rape and NO major misunderstanding!] Status: COMPLETED ****** “Miss Lana Huang… Expect a notice of harassment on your doorway soon…” That was what Lana got for kissing a stranger to save herself from an unwanted arranged marriage. “As far as I remember, you kissed me back fiercely and even dominated the entire kiss. You clearly had enjoyed your moment with me, so please don’t make it sound like I took undue advantage of you! And I told you, I’m ready to compensate you!” “And how do you plan to do that, huh?” Liam stepped closer, trying to intimidate the proud woman who did not even bat an eyelid under his suffocating pressure. Lana stepped backwards a few steps, raised her hand and growled, “Stop right there Attorney Sy if you don’t wanna taste the pain of getting kicked on your balls after getting kissed!” ***** Meet Lana Huang, a proud woman who climbed the ladder of success in her career. A lawyer and a bold woman, exceptionally beautiful to make men dream and drool for her. Love was the last thing on her schedule because she was a man hater… But fate wanted to play a trick on her as she unintentionally kissed Liam Sy, a wealthy, powerful and arrogant man. A lawyer by profession, fame and success followed wherever he went. A fierce attorney who won every case he put his hands on. Pride ran in his blood and love was not on his agenda because he was a woman hater... What would happen when these two... handsome and beautiful, proud and stubborn, woman-hater and man-hater... come together and get involved into a marriage? Welcome to a whirlwind of romance between these two - a roller coaster ride of love when it got mixed up with pride, jealousy, stubbornness and hate… Face slapping? Why not!  Surely you would love to follow their journey where both took the risk of falling in love… A journey of hate turning into love... ================ Author's Note: Hope you enjoy reading this ORIGINAL novel of mine. This is absolutely a happy ending. Many thanks in advance for your support. With Lots of Love, EUSTOMA_reyna Other Books: The CEO Who Hates Me (completed) The General Who Hates Me (completed) The Doctor Who Loves Me (completed) Kiss Me Not (in writing) The Untamed: Game of Hearts The Crown's Entrapment contact me at: Discord Link: https://discord.gg/PNGkTUy twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna Facebook Page: @eustoma.reyna Book cover is mine... cover art by ava_arts38 (instagram)

Eustoma_Reyna · Urban
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727 Chs

No One Dare Touch Her!

The evening came very soon, and finally it was dinner time. The hours seemed to be moving fast for everybody except for one person, LIAM. He had already warned Lana about her attitude towards her, but the latter only rolled her eyes at him and just like at lunch time, she never stopped feeding him at dinner also.

Liam could not understand why his father's smiles were so wide spreading ear to ear whenever Lana would do that. Normal parents would not be as enthusiastic as his father was on her loving gestures towards him.

Liam then realized how badly his father wanted him to have a woman in his life. Jorge had already told him several times about his father's concern, that he somehow turned a blind eye towards women and was preferring the same gender for a relationship.

'Was it because of that?' Liam could not help but muse. That thought was just so absurd even that rumor was insane. 

But then, people have a habit of propagating such rumors when they don't see any woman with a wealthy and famous man. That was given since his previous relationship was not open in public, not to anyone except him, Jorge and Miley.

Even their father was not aware of it that much since he never came to the point of bringing that woman to his home. Not that because he did not want to, but when he was about to finally let her meet his father, she broke him into pieces.

Liam's face darkened.

Lana noticed Liam's sullen face, so she thought it was because she was becoming touchy again. 

'Hmm. Are you getting uncomfortable now?' Lana mumbled, becoming more at ease as her suspicion of him not being gay faded seeing his discomfort due to her intimacy.

'Having a clingy girlfriend, even though fake, probably irritates him now.' Lana thought since it had been the first time that they stayed that longer together being too close like this where she held his hand or hugged his arm in her embrace.

"Lana, can you accept my invitation for a drink? I will have Andrew to send you home in case Liam gets drunk too." Senior Sy asked with a sweet smile.

Lana gladly accepted his offer and nodded. Senior Sy then guided her to the mansion's bar area where there was even a bartender to attend them and soft music played in the background, making the ambiance very romantic and dreamy.

Senior Sy instructed the bartender to make drinks for everyone and as expected, Lana enjoyed even drinking in the company of Senior Sy, Miley and Jorge. They all had a few drinks and sang some songs one after another with the karaoke playing with it. This was a kind of evening Lana always wished she could spend with her big family if she had any.

Liam squinted his eyes as he watched the bartender mixing drinks for everyone and decided to only watch them all with blank expressions throughout. He did take a few drinks, but selected his alcohol by himself and didn't keep gulping down glass after glass like Lana, Miley and Jorge. The three of them behaved typically like drunkards shouting bottom's up now and then chugging down drink after drink.

Senior Sy blithely rose from his chair and sat beside his son. His happiness was clearly evident from his smiling face seeing his children enjoying in such a manner.

"It's good that you're not drinking so you can drop Lana later at home. Or how about we let her sleep here for tonight since it's already getting very late?" Senior Sy casually commented. 

"I know what you're thinking father but it won't happen." Liam plainly answered before drinking his last glass for that night.

Senior Sy's face crumpled and mumbled, "This ungrateful brat. Aren't you drinking more? Everyone is enjoying themselves and here you are so stiff as ever. I expect my only son to raise the flag of our family. How old are you already, Liam? You will soon be removed from the calendar once you turned thirty-two this year."

Liam smirked and scoffed, "Why? Are you still worried like Jorge that I prefer the same gender?"

"Ouch!" Liam cried when his father suddenly hit his back hard.

"You rascal! That's not funny at all!" Senior Sy hissed with flaring nostrils that made Liam jeered.

"I'm your son, father. Don't you know me better, being my father? Why do you have to believe such rumors in gossip magazines…" Liam complained with a crunchy face. 

After some time, Miley, Jorge and Lana were like batteries that ran out of charge. They all lay sprawled on the couch in their inebriated state and were unable to walk by themselves.

"I will leave with Lana now and better bring her back home myself." Liam told his father while he grabbed Lana who was already drunk dead.

Senior Sy only nodded, feeling sad that his plan was foreseen by his son and it eventually failed.

"Alright be careful when driving, you too have had a little to drink." Senior Sy reminded Liam then turned to Lana and said, "See you again soon Lana."

"Yes, father!" Lana energetically answered. Senior Sy laughed because of her drunken voice, then signaled Liam to leave.

"Don't sulk, father. Who knows… Something might happen between the two of them at Lana's place," Senior Sy heard Jorge encourage with his drunk stuttering voice. 

Senior Sy shook his head and signaled their male helpers to pick up Miley.

"Hey! No one dare touch her! I will bring Miley to her room myself!" Jorge exclaimed.

The male helpers looked at Senior Sy for his approval. Senior Sy exhaled loudly and said, "Let him do what he wants, just follow them and make sure he does not drop Miley down."

Senior Sy watched Jorge pick up Miley with tenderness, who had already passed out, in his arms. He could feel Jorge loved Miley by the way he treated her and took care of her, he was even possessive about Miley to a great extent, but he too wondered what was holding the man back? He could confidently interfere in Liam's love life but was hesitant with Jorge though not with Miley but the problem was Miley's love life involved Jorge.

Jorge was drunk, but he was still in his right mind when it came to Miley. How dare those helpers touch his Miley. No one could touch her except him.

He walked down the hallways with Miley in his arms. 'She sleeps like a baby.' he thought as a naughty smile curved up on his lips.


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I will give a mass release of more chapters once we hit top 30 at the ranking.

Thanks... Have a great weekdays everyone.

Kisses and hug

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