
The Law of Attraction

It all started with a stolen kiss on their first encounter. [Warning: Mature content *NO rape and NO major misunderstanding!] Status: COMPLETED ****** “Miss Lana Huang… Expect a notice of harassment on your doorway soon…” That was what Lana got for kissing a stranger to save herself from an unwanted arranged marriage. “As far as I remember, you kissed me back fiercely and even dominated the entire kiss. You clearly had enjoyed your moment with me, so please don’t make it sound like I took undue advantage of you! And I told you, I’m ready to compensate you!” “And how do you plan to do that, huh?” Liam stepped closer, trying to intimidate the proud woman who did not even bat an eyelid under his suffocating pressure. Lana stepped backwards a few steps, raised her hand and growled, “Stop right there Attorney Sy if you don’t wanna taste the pain of getting kicked on your balls after getting kissed!” ***** Meet Lana Huang, a proud woman who climbed the ladder of success in her career. A lawyer and a bold woman, exceptionally beautiful to make men dream and drool for her. Love was the last thing on her schedule because she was a man hater… But fate wanted to play a trick on her as she unintentionally kissed Liam Sy, a wealthy, powerful and arrogant man. A lawyer by profession, fame and success followed wherever he went. A fierce attorney who won every case he put his hands on. Pride ran in his blood and love was not on his agenda because he was a woman hater... What would happen when these two... handsome and beautiful, proud and stubborn, woman-hater and man-hater... come together and get involved into a marriage? Welcome to a whirlwind of romance between these two - a roller coaster ride of love when it got mixed up with pride, jealousy, stubbornness and hate… Face slapping? Why not!  Surely you would love to follow their journey where both took the risk of falling in love… A journey of hate turning into love... ================ Author's Note: Hope you enjoy reading this ORIGINAL novel of mine. This is absolutely a happy ending. Many thanks in advance for your support. With Lots of Love, EUSTOMA_reyna Other Books: The CEO Who Hates Me (completed) The General Who Hates Me (completed) The Doctor Who Loves Me (completed) Kiss Me Not (in writing) The Untamed: Game of Hearts The Crown's Entrapment contact me at: Discord Link: https://discord.gg/PNGkTUy twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna Facebook Page: @eustoma.reyna Book cover is mine... cover art by ava_arts38 (instagram)

Eustoma_Reyna · Urban
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727 Chs


"Don't follow me. Go and do your work now. I'm not drunk and can take care of both of us, okay." Jorge ordered all the helpers following him. But they still kept walking at a little distance from them. 

"If I saw any of you behind me you will all die," Jorge hissed because he felt as if he was being followed by them unnecessarily. That instant the helpers dispersed for their lives.

"Hey, why are you shouting?" Jorge heard Miley mumbling sheepishly while she encircled her arms on his neck.

"Nothing Miley. Don't get disturbed and go back to sleep. We're almost near your room." Jorge whispered. They reached Miley's room and Jorge gently put Miley on her bed and pulled the comforter for her.

He sat on the bedside and stared at Miley's sleeping face that looked adorable and had a pink blush all over due to too much drinking that night. He removed some hair strands covering her face to see more of her beauty.

"Are you really serious about giving up on me?" he boldly asked that question that he had been struggling with to ask from her as he felt that Miley was sleeping. He touched her cheek and gently caressed it with a loving gaze in his eyes.

He was about to get up to leave her room and go when he felt Miley's hand wrap around his wrist.

"Sleep here beside me Jorge, please. I want you to cuddle me like you used to when we were little kids." Miley murmured with pouty lips. Her eyes were hazy, and she looked so sleepy.

"We're no longer those kids anymore Miley," Jorge whispered but Miley ignored him and with all her might pulled him on her bed. Jorge also stumbled and directly fell just beside her. Finding him lying beside her, Miley comfortably snuggled in his warmth.

"It feels warm and comfortable. I really love your warmth. Can't you at least do that? Give me a brotherly hug like before. We're siblings after all, so let's treat each other like that. Don't worry, I will not give any other meaning to all your actions, brother." Miley whispered. 

She was not drunk but her alcohol tolerance was quite high, unlike what Jorge believed in. Even before in the past, whenever she called Jorge to pick her up telling him about her drunken state, she was not that much drunk. She just wanted to see Jorge rushing to wherever she was calling him from. 

She was good at playing a drunkard because she had been using this excuse and fooling Jorge to get his attention using her so called 'drunkenness' for years.

Sometimes, she doubted herself if she was attractive enough because Jorge did not break his self restraint at all. He was a pure gentleman who never touched her inappropriately even once.

She did not know whether to admire Jorge or should kill him for being such a gentleman!

Like at that moment, her face was too close to his, but he did not dare move. He was always like a statue beside her. She was rummaging in those thoughts of hers about Jorge when her heavy eyelids pulled her eyes close to sleep.

Jorge on the other hand was not able to move at all. He stayed frozen in his position like a statue. If only Miley knew the amount of self control he pulled in inside himself to suppress his longing desire of going ahead in a relationship with her. 

How he wished he could embrace all her wilderness and kiss her luscious wet beautiful lips when she pouted them at him. How he wished to cuddle her to sleep every night in his bed, but he didn't know what stopped him from confessing to her.

'How long had it been since he became such a hypocrite?' he pondered recalling the time when he realized that he loved Miley a lot but not as a sister.

He was sixteen then, when he realized that his protectiveness over Miley was not merely because he acted as his older brother. He was a little more possessive about her than even Liam. And one day when he realised this, he questioned himself about the reason why. He asked himself why he would bully or threaten all the males, secretly behind Miley's back, who would even try to go near Miley. Never was he able to tolerate any boy or man who came any closer to her.

But unfortunately, he did not have enough courage to tell Miley what he truly feels for her. They could call him a coward all they wanted because he was guilty as charged if his resistance towards her was categorized cowardly. 

Miley confessed to him first when she graduated from college, but he turned her down saying they were siblings. He wanted to remain as her brother and keep that relationship with her. It was hard for him to do that, but then he was not confident in himself until now. 

'Ain't I the greatest hypocrite of all?' Jorge mused. Now, the situation has finally come to the point that Miley said something alarming. Jorge felt that warning, wondering if Miley would really stop pursuing him. His heart was aching hearing those words. She even called him 'brother' and it did not sound good to his ears.

He loved Miley, but for some reason, he had a lot of doubts and insecurities that held him back. He always felt as if he was not the right man for Miley. He didn't want to hurt Miley in any way. He did not want to disappoint their father, Liam and most of all Miley. He owed everything he was now to their family.

'Jorge, do you really need more time to tank up enough courage to accept things just as they are?' his inner self kept on reminding him. 

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we still have time to have a stable spot at top 30 for mass release for atleast a day....

happy reading everyone.

Chapter edited by Monikam

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