
The last throne

Rohan is the young heir of a small barony with dreams of greatness. He wishes to become a great adventurer but his obligations as a noble forbid it. And finally one day he was forced to enter the imperial academy, but before he wanted to enter he was involved in an ambush that would change his entire life.

G0ldent · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The city of Noctis [4]

In all the times I have come to Noctis each and every time I have heard the name Carmina.

The first time I heard it was when he was very young.

I should have been 5 years old, the truth is I don't remember very well the first time I came to Noctis but I do remember the name of the young noblewoman.

My father that day had insisted that I accompany him with the excuse of something like 'You will soon be older and must begin to learn the duties of lord of the barony' and he took me as his companion to the alliance meeting.

That was where I met the children of the nobles who were close to my age, who were part of the alliance.

Daughter of Baron Landre, Nazaria the firstborn of the Jhuldrand barony.

Son of Baron Arthor, Elric the 2nd son of the barony of Aldrand

I son of Baron Cale, Rohan the firstborn of the Ghialand barony.

Daughter of Viscount Archival, Andrea the firstborn of the Viscounty of Faldrian.

Son of Viscountess Briana, Hagrid the 3rd son of the Viscounty of Aledrian.

And finally.

The daughter of the acclaimed Earl Vendrick, Carmina the 3rd daughter of the Earldom of Anarson.

It was certainly a memorable presentation.

Especially because of how I was introduced to Carmina, Carmina was a prodigy from birth, she acquired sensitivity to mana at the young age of 6 years old.

Honestly, that meeting seemed to me like it was just a pretext for Count Vendrick to show off the talent of his beloved daughter.

The entire meeting I stared at her like a fool, well it was obvious she was descended from a true noble lineage, where most of her ancestors had had achievements in magic.

From a young age she developed an appearance that could be described as adorable, but as she grew older she became a beauty that would surely make young nobles duel for her hand.

That's why I was surprised to hear that name so much.

The last time I saw her was at a meeting 3 years ago.

I could only imagine how beautiful she would look now.

I think Catalina had guessed my emotions towards Carmenia and she spoke to me.

"See, that's why she didn't want to bring you."

Catalina said disappointed.

"That because?"

"Because I don't want you to spend the entire meeting drooling over Carmina."

When she was about to protest I stayed silent because that's probably what she would have done all tea time.

"I need you to cooperate, we are looking for support so that Carmina can help us compromise Andrea and her second sister."

Before Catalina finished speaking she was already giving me a heart attack.

Although I know that she had no chance with such a talented woman and several noble hierarchies that mine still scared me to think that she could compromise.

Luckily it wasn't Carmina they wanted to commit but rather she was my cousin.

Catalina looked at me somewhat disappointed.

"Don't get your hopes up, just behave and follow me"

'I know you don't have to remind me'

I thought with annoyance and started walking towards the tea house.