
The Last Slytherin

Plot: Follow Neal Slytherin, The last direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin, from a young boy to an adult. Along his journey, he studies, form friendships, experience love, hate, and betrayal, research forbidden magics and finally reminds the wizarding world that Dark magic does not necessarily mean Evil. Note: Please check the review I posted down below in the reviews section before starting to read the novel.

Snowstar · Book&Literature
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114 Chs

Battle between the heir of Slytherin and the Dark lord part-1


Nagini, who was nearest to Neal, attacked right away. Neal was quick to act. Once again, he jumped to the side and evaded her fangs.

Neal's Black walnut wand fell on the ground when he was hit by the killing curse. After he rolled on the ground and jumped away again, Neal couldn't retrieve it due to the distance. So, he took out his Basilisk wand and aimed at the giant python as it was about to leap at him once again.

"Aqua Eucto"

He fired at a charm at the snake. A sky blue light appeared at the tip of the wand before a jet of water erupted from it, blasting away the snake from him.

Neal hurried forward and retrieved his other wand before aiming at Voldemort.

"This descendant of branch family has really surprised me. He turned a maledictus into a Horcrux." Salazar Slytherin's voice suddenly echoed in his head.

"Hmm?" Neal was taken aback as he heard the voice. "Can you communicate with me like this, Lord Slytherin? And what is maledictus? What do you mean by branch family? Is that man, a Slytherin too? Can you tell about Horcruxes?"

"Well, yes. Since I already took over the role of your mentor, I thought it is a pity to not give a hand." Salazar Slytherin replied him. "Anyway, let's talk about it later. First, look for an opportunity to go near that Peverell's descendant."

"Alright," Neal agreed to it.

Meanwhile, all the death eaters pulled out their wands.

"Nagini, return to my side," Voldemort spoke in a parseltongue to order the snake. He then looked at the death eaters, "Regulus, did you grow weak, or were your intentions wrong?"

The killing curse never works when the caster doesn't have any intentions to kill. So, Voldemort had reasons to suspect him.

"I apologize, my lord." Regulus Black bowed to him without giving any excuses. Even he doesn't know how this happened. He clearly intended to kill the boy but the spell failed for some reason.

Voldemort waved his hand, "Everyone, look after the boy. That Slytherin is my prey."

"What in the hell are you?" Neal hissed at him. An evident of anger was clear on his face. He almost died earlier. If this is their boss, then, it is an enemy that needed beating.

Neal observed the man who looked a lot less like a human and then, at the men in their black robes, hood, and masks.

"He's Voldemort. Run, Neal." Harry screamed while he was still lying on the ground. He was tortured with the cruciatus curse by Voldemort earlier and still feeling the effects.

"Voldemort?" Neal furrowed his brows, "But, he's dead. Even if he isn't dead, I have seen the picture of Tom Riddle. He looked dashing like a model and you looked like a creep like a demon of some horror movie. Both of you have the difference between sky and earth. Who are you, imposter?"

He then added, "Are you trying to use his name to create the chaos?" Neal pointed the basilisk wand at him. The other one was aimed at the other side in case any death eater makes an action. At the same time, his eyes wandered around to see if anyone else is hiding.

Meanwhile, Voldemort stared at him. A trace of surprise appeared on his face. Was the kid insulting him or praising him? But that wasn't the point.

To everyone's surprise, he suddenly broke out into laughter. "Pfft…"

Neal felt a chill run down his spine for a fraction of a second before he calmed down.

"What a naïve and interesting kid. hehehehe, never mind. I'm currently in a good mood upon returning after so many years. So, I'll forgive you for your ignorance. Considering you are a pureblood, I'll even allow you to join me. Kneel and accept the dark mark…" Voldemort once again shocked everyone while putting forth an offer, instead of going straight for the kill or torture.

"But, master, he's the heir to the houses of Avery and Slytherin." One of the death eaters stepped forward and objected to Voldemort's decision. Neal recognized his voice. He's Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father.

Neal's face darkened when he heard it. He knew that Lucius Malfoy used to be Voldemort's supporter but was pardoned by the ministry as he claimed he was under Imperius curse like many others.

But, he never expected Lucius to not only become a death eater once again but even ask the baldy to kill him.

Neal stared at the remaining ones while wondering how many of them are from the sacred 28 families that he was acquainted with. The only other one he confirmed is Corban Yaxley, Celia's father.

Voldemort hissed at him and forced him to kneel by just pointing his finger at him, "Lucius, are you questioning my decision?"

"No, my lord," Lucius replied slowly. "Oakley Avery wanted Slytherin to make the leader of sacred 28 families. I'm just worried that your loyal followers might defect and betray you."

"As if you lot are loyal to me." Voldemort hissed in anger, once again, this time, he was addressing all fourteen of the death eaters. "If you are loyal to me, you would have either done the same thing as the Lestranges or would have at least tried to search for me. All you lot have fear, whether it is towards me or that champions of commoners, Dumbledore."

As Lucius apologized once again, Voldemort continued, "But, never mind. Fear is enough for me. Once I kill that old fool and this brat with false fame, I will reclaim everything."

Upon hearing the words and the kneeling death eaters, Neal almost confirmed that it is in fact Voldemort. He might have really returned. Now, that's a piece of bad news.

While Neal hurriedly thinking of a solution on how to save Harry and leave the place, Voldemort turned towards Neal once again and said, "I don't have much patience. Tell me, what you want to do."

In the next fraction of a second, Voldemort frowned inwardly once again as he thought, "I couldn't break his defenses. Is it because I'm not at the peak of my strength?"

None of the death eaters or even Neal himself knew that Voldemort had performed legilimency upon first glance. But, he failed to see Neal's thoughts. Seeing that Neal has a great talent for occlumency, he thought of recruiting him.

Even now, he was trying to break into Neal's mind but for some reason, there's something that's stopping him. But, he wasn't worried about it. Even if his legilimency fails, as long as Neal accepts the dark mark, it is a sealed deal.

However, he vastly underestimated Neal. He isn't like other people, neither a reckless fool nor a sly fox.

Neal's character was like a blank paper. His behavior depends according to the situation, timing, mood, and goal. So, it's a little bit difficult for someone to guess his reactions correctly.

Looking straight at Voldemort, he replied in a straight tone, surprising the listeners, even including Harry. "I heard that Voldemort is one of the greatest wizards in the world. Prove yourself. Show me the power that brought terror to the European wizarding world."

"What are you doing? Are you trying to be reckless?" Salazar Slytherin almost shouted in his head. Neal answered, "Don't worry. I know what I am doing."

Voldemort let out an evil grin, "It's been a long time since someone dared to challenge me so openly. It gives me great pleasure in torturing you. Very well…"

Once Voldemort raised his wand, Neal made his next move. "Wait."