
The last sight

Knashi · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Grand Ball (pt. 2)

He stared at me for awhile, he seemed as if he was studying my emotions.

I would not help but feel strange while looking at memorizing eyes. His gaze met with mine. We sat there in silence for awhile.

I hated quietness. Whenever it's quiet it forces me to overthink, I was not sure if what was happening right now was good or bad. I mean, if I did get chosen my family will be paid mass amounts that would take care of Spade.. and I guess the rest of them. I already had two people kiss my hand, when another person kisses the backside of your palm it means there interested in you. He was from the strongest kingdom, I was from the weakest. I don't understand why he refuses to marry that woman so much, he can have many wives and many mistresses. That thought made me upset, the males are always the dominant sex. Females usually had to do what they wanted, and let them do what they wanted. It's almost like a slave to your own husband except with more class and better living spaces. Once you get choosen by a prince (and sometimes princess, but it's rare.) there's no going back, I already assumed that Darek and Clara we're going to choose me from the recent events.. Getting chosen by multiple people is not common, when it does happen the wife and her family get to help choose who she picks. I was not really interested in females, I guess that would leave Clara off that list. Darek seemed kind, but I could see something dark in him. He seemed like the kind of man to get angry when he does not get his way, and he obviously had many wives. It's not like I have a choice anymore, because Jaxon had just kissed the back of my palm. My father would choose him since Jaxon is the highest ranked kingdom, also meaning the richest. Once the father chooses it barley matters what the woman wants. I realized I was still looking at his eyes, I found it hard to look away. He finally decided to brake the silence, "Your name is Alice right?" I backed up because he was too close before replying "Yes sir." did I tell him? I already forgot, I had and still have awful memory "hm.." he held out his arm for me to grab it, so I did. He led me back inside and took me to the dance floor. "May I take this dance?" The way he said that made it seem like a question, the way he looked at me seemed like I had no choice. "Of course, I would be honored." I rolled my eyes, it was very unladylike to roll your eyes but I did not care. he put one arm behind my back and wrapped his fingers around mine. His touch was soft and warm, I could not help but.. nevermind. My dancing was shabby and he could tell, so he gentle moved the armed on my back and pushed it onto his chest then placed his arm back, leading me making swift and elegant movements. His heart beat was like a tune to me, it was not fast nor slow it was perfect it almost seemed to go with the music. I could feel my heart thumping, I had never danced with a man outside my family or anyone in that case. He moved my feet with his, and I followed. I realized many people we're staring at us, some with amazement, some with anger, and some with jealousy. Then after awhile, the king's came up to the 2nd floor above us, there we're two long curvy stairs on each side leading too twelve seat's each seat had a plate with a two cups of tea infront of it for the prince and his chosen woman to drink out of. the king's stood over the railing the man in the middle, our kingdoms king tapped a wine glass with a spoon to get our attention once everyone was looking and quite he spoke. "Hello, I am the king of Gramarham. I hope everyone has enjoyed their night, but it is time for the princes and Clara our lovely princess to choose their wives." he paused looking around the room. "Will our princes, and princess please step infront of the other people." The princes and princess stepped up as everyone else backed up, they faced us. "Good, stand on the stool the maids are bringing now.." the maids brought a stool for the princes and princess and they stood on it. "and as we call out your kingdom you will say the name of your choosen woman." there we're only eleven king's up there now, since Darek was taking part in this. The Queen's we're standing on in the far backs of there husband. "Javolka kingdom." Clara stood proud "I choose princess Tasha, princess to the Bucklem kingdom." So she did not choose me, I was relieved at that. "Tasha, will you please come up." As Tasha walked out Clara held her arm out, both of them we're happy to be together. Tasha grabbed her arm. "Now, Come." They walked up the right hand stairs together and faced the crowd, The Bucklem king and Javolka king stood behind them resting a hand on their child's shoulder. The Bucklem king spoke "I accept the Javolkas voice in marrying my daughter." the Javolka king spoke "I accept my daughter's choice in marrying Princess Tasha of the Bucklem kingdom, bringing our kingdoms together now and forever." My king came up with a plate of the cups, the prinesesses took a sip from the cup. A priest came and spoke the vowels then they kissed each others cheeks, and walked away the princess held her arm out and her chosen wife grabbed it. This went on for many kingdoms. Two more people we're now left.

What's going to happen next?

Who knows!

Knashicreators' thoughts