
The Last Seeker Of Kimoptra

Kimoptra......the land and home for diverse creatures with their existence being a fairytale to humans. Jason Copper, a halfbreed; a seeker, and a werewolf. On him lies the burden to restore the once peaceful land thrown into chaos by the god of wars, Lord Khan who had killed and overthrown his mother, Queen Nimara, goddess of life, ruler, and founder of Kimoptra. Will Jason and the rebels succeed in their quest to restore Kimoptra?

LoveCrown · Fantasy
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158 Chs

"Be prepared."

Jason's POV

As I waited for an answer from Nina, I tried to see past the fear in her eyes, but I couldn't quite manage it. She seemed more afraid of what my reaction would be than anything else. I don't think Aurora noticed but I could see Nina's hands shaking in an odd rhythm and her breathing seemed a bit uneven as well.

It wasn't until after a while that she took a deep breath to calm herself before answering. "Yes. There is a risk of it happening, but... we're trying our best to prevent that. If there was even the slightest chance that he knows..."

I didn't need further explanation for me to understand what exactly her answer was implying.

And the mere thought of it terrified me.