
The Last Of The Fallen

After a holy war that lasted five hundred years, the Angel's had almost annihilated the Demon race. One day, a baby, one of the survivors of the Demons, showed up in front of a Preacher from the Order Of The Dove, a group that worshiped Angels. The man takes him in and raises him as his own. Years later, the demon boy is living happily until his heritage comes back to haunt him when his town is attacked, causing him to lose everything he holds dear. He must face who, and what he is. He is a Fallen Angel, a direct relative to Satan himself. Using his Demonic abilities, he sets out on an adventure to regain what was taken from him, guided by a prophecy and a crimson river.

Lokidum · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Ashes

Russel opened his eyes and was surrounded by darkness. He tried to stand up but was unable, he tried to reach forward but found he couldn't move his arms either. As much as he tried to struggle he was stuck in place and forced to look straight ahead into the darkness.

"Russel…" He heard a voice say.

'Kathleen!? Is she here? Is she alive?' Russel thought frantically.

He tried to call out to her but he was incapable of that as well.

"Russel… You caused this…" Kathleen spoke.

'No! I didn't mean to! I was tricked!' Russel tried to reason with himself.

"You killed me. My blood is on your hands." Kathleen spoke.

Russel was forced to look down and saw that his hands were still caked in blood. His head went back to looking in front of him as Kathleen came into view. She was in even worse condition then when he had last seen her. She was completely nude and was covered in long and deep cuts. Her skin was dyed red by the dried blood that had poured from the wounds. Her face was partially burnt off and one of her eyes hung out of its socket.

'No… She wasn't this bad before!' Russel cried internally.

"This is your fault. It's all your fault! I hate you!" She screamed.

'I'm sorry… I'm sorry!' Russel thought, staring in horror.

All of a sudden Russel saw a sword pierce through her heart and blood gushed forward covering Russel completely. The sword moved its way up and beheaded the girl. He saw a hand come from the darkness and grab onto her hair as her body fell to the floor. The hand threw the head at Russel and his hands moved to catch it. Russel looked at the head of his beloved in his hands. Kathleen's remaining eye had glossed over and her expression was completely neutral. He looked back at the hand in the darkness as it started to grow closer. He saw the body the hand belonged to emerge from the darkness and made eye contact with it. He was met with the sight of himself in his demon form. His reflection smiled wickedly at him and bared its fangs, its eyes starting to glow an even intenser red. Russel felt his body relax and found he was able to move again. He walked towards the reflection who spoke but a single word.

"Run." The reflection told him.

Russel looked around to see many more dismembered bodies emerge from the darkness and start to reach out for him. Russel recognized many of them and was flabbergasted at who these corpses were of. They were all men Russel had killed, there were easily over fifty of them around him and more were still emerging. They all reached out at him and growled. Instinctively, Russel turned and started to run through the darkness. He managed to evade them for a short time before he felt his legs get pulled out from beneath him. Russel started to fall but never met the shadowy surface he had been walking on. Instead he just kept falling, further and further for longer and longer until he had forgotten how much time had passed. Eventually he saw his reflection rushing down towards him with its sword outstretched. The sword pierced Russel through the chest and he coughed up blood.

As Russel moved his hands to his wound the scene changed. He was now in a rocky terrain surrounded by lava. The sky was a bright crimson with a white sun shining down on him. He looked down to his wound to find it was no longer there and as much as he searched there was no sign of the walking corpses or his reflection.

"Where am I?! Who is controlling this!?" Russel yelled into the sky.

Russel heard a sound of heavy winds behind him and sharply turned to face it. Once again the scene had changed and he was down on a vast piece of land from up in a lush, colorful garden. Russel turned again to face where the lava had been to find he was staring at a bunch of trees.

'Teleportation of some kind…' Russel presumed.

He approached a tree at the edge of the garden overlooking the landmass and sat beneath it. He relaxed as he studied the land below him. The land was covered in large forests and mountains with cities visible throughout.

"Beautiful, isn't it." A familiar voice spoke from behind him.

Russel looked back to see the lady made of purple flame standing beside him.

"Yes. It is." Russel admitted.

"The land you see is the country you have grown up in. As you already know its name is Sylizen." The flame told him.

"Then I'm guessing that's Okumura?" Russel said pointing to the largest city in the land that was walled in.

"Yes. That is Okumura, the capital of the country. The place where King Arthur has his throne." The flame told him.

"Then that is where I must go." Russel told her.

"And why is that?" The lady asked.

"I am going to recover Kathleen's body and lay it to rest in Eastcliff. I am also going to murder that Arthur bastard." Russel confessed.

"Is that your sole motivation." She asked.

"Yes. That is my goal. To recover my beloved and kill the one who took her from me." Russel said standing up.

"Perhaps you have forgotten about those who survived the tragedy in Eastcliff." The lady said.

"Survivors… I didn't even think about them existing… Thank you for telling me." Russel said graciously.

"They are waiting for you back in the real world you know. This place is but a vision." The lady told him.

"Then I must be going. But before I go I must ask you one question." Russel said.

"What is it?" The lady asked.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"The question you need to ask is who was I, but you shall find out my identity in time." The lady smiled.

"Seriously?" Russel sighed.

"You can leave by walking through the forest that you saw." The lady said motioning to the forest.

Russel nodded and walked into the trees. Everything went dark for a second until he saw that he was back in the fiery vision.

"Why am I back here!? Who is there!?" Russel yelled.

A small purple flame began to grow in front of him and eventually took the shape of a man. The man approached Russel and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Do not trust those who claim to seek asylum. Do not trust those who seek to stand by your side eternally. Betrayal is all you shall know if you trust those people. There is an old hermit in the ruins of your birthplace. In Dublios you will find the answers to the question you need answered." The man told me.

Russel felt the ground disappear beneath him and felt the heat of lava on his skin. He screamed from the overwhelming heat and started to writhe uncontrollably.

"Somebody get help!!" A voice echoed in the void.

Russel shot upright from his lying down position and studied his surroundings. He was now in a large tent with many other people all covered in bandages. People ran around the room tending to the injured, and five people stood in front of Russel.

"Where am I?" Russel asked the people.

"We are about a day's ride away from Eastcliff. We found you badly injured among the rubble. The destruction of Eastcliff was two weeks ago. You were by far the worst of the injured, almost like you fell from the sky. To be honest we didn't think you would make it." A blonde woman explained.

Russel looked down at himself to see that his entire chest and legs were covered in bandages yet he felt no pain and he was able to move everything perfectly. Russel looked at his saviors closely. There was the blonde woman who had already spoken, a short black haired man, a long eared man with a yellowish complexion with long white hair, a brunette woman, and a man who wore the clothes of a merchant.

"Strange group you have here. I thought elves had been banned from this country." Russel said, looking quizikacly at the pointed ear man.

"Yes I am an elf, and that disgusting King Arthur wants us out, but my people have lived in this region for centuries. No matter how hard they try they will have to kill me if they want me gone." The elf stated.

"I like your spirit. Though I must ask two things of you. One, if someone could get me a change of clothes that would be vastly appreciated. Secondly, I wish to know who found me so I can ask them some questions." Russl requested.

"Aren't you moving a little fast? You're still recovering!" The blonde haired woman told him.

"I feel fine. I need to see if the person who found me has an item I had with me when I passed out." Russel explained thinking of the ring.

"Understood. I'll fetch you some extra equipment right away." The black haired man said before leaving.

'These people are a little too friendly… They want something…' Russel thought to himself.

Russel raised himself but the bed and started to stretch, eventually removing his bandages to find he was completely healed. A few moments later the man returned with a pile of equipment for Russel to use. Russel grabbed the gear and put it on quickly. He was given a dark blue gambeson with chainmail to go over it. He was also given a piece of plate armor and two bracers for a little bit extra protection. Next he was given long, black armored trousers and some slightly worn leather boots. Russel was surprised at the quality of the gear and started to question his savior's motives.

'They definitely want something… And by how nice all this equipment is, it's something big.' Russel mused.

Russel moved around getting used to the feel of the armor. It was quite comfortable, but a little snug in important areas.

"Now then. Who was the one who found me?" Russel asked.

"It was this woman from the slums… If it's a valuable item you had, she has probably sold it." The black haired man said.

"Crap… It's worth a try anyway. Lead me to this woman." Russel demanded.

The black haired man led Russel out of the tent and into an open plain next to a creek. There were many tents set up throughout the camp and humans and elves both walked among the area.

'I didn't know there were this many elves so close to home…' Russel observed watching members of one of the other mundane races below.

"I'm Oliver by the way… Mind if I ask your name?" The black haired man asked.

"Russel. My name is Russel." Russel told him.

"Ok the Russel, your mystery woman should be somewhere by the river." Oliver said motioning for Russel to follow him.

Russel followed the man through the temporary town and received many strange looks for his armor and red eyes. After a short time he and Oliver reached a woman cleaning some clothes in the river.

"This man has some questions for you filth." Oliver said gruffly.

Russel grabbed Oliver by the skin on his neck and pinched it tightly.

"Ow!" Oliver whined.

"You idiot. We want her to help us. Remember?." Russel said sternly.

"Sorry sir…" Oliver apologized.

Russel threw Oliver to the ground and crouched next to the woman.

"I understand that you were the one who found me. For that I am grateful. Yet I must ask if you are in possession of the ring I had one me at the time." Russel asked calmly.

The woman didn't respond. Instead she continued to wash clothes. Russel tried to get her attention again but still received no response.

"I need to speak with you." Russel said sternly, still to no avail.

Frustrated, Russel grabbed her shoulders and turned her towards him. The woman blinked multiple times before giving him a confused look.

"Hello!? Can I help you!?" The woman yelled.

"Keep your voice down!" Russel whined gesturing downwards.

The woman looked at him confusingly again. She then moved her hair aside and pointed to stumps on the side of her head. The stumps were where her ears would normally be and it didn't take Russel long to understand her situation.

"I see. I'm very sorry." Russel sighed. "Oliver, get me a quill and parchment."

"Yes sir!" Oliver said before running off.

The lady returned to washing the clothes and Russel decided to wash his face in the river.

'What is up with that Oliver guy… He is obeying everything I say… What is his angle?' Russel wondered as he splashed the cold water on his face.

A few moments later Oliver returned with the quill and parchment. Russel thanked him and began to write a message on the parchment for the lady to read.

"What if she is unable to read? She is from the slum after all." Oliver reasoned.

"Yes… That could prove to be a problem. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it." Russel assured him.

He finished up the message and checked it over a few times. He then handed it to the woman who diligently read it over.

"The ring was stolen from me… Very tall and brawny man took it. He cut off my ears for refusing to hand it over." The woman explained disjointedly.

"Shit…" Russel groaned.

Russel wrote a note asking her to show him where this man was. She looked hesitant but nodded her head slowly. She stood up and started to walk back through the camp with Russel and Oliver close behind.

"Is there anyone you've seen around here that matches that description?" Russel asked.

"It's not like tall and brawny is an uncommon trait among people from these parts. It's mostly labour and logging." Oliver sighed.

"True… But her showing us makes this a lot easier." Russel said. "Just in case. Do you have a spare knife?"

"A knife? What for!?" Oliver questioned.

"In case we need to handle things my way." Russel told him, dragging a finger across his throat.

"That's just like the slum hero…" Oliver sighed, producing a knife from his belt.

"How did you know that was me?" Russel asked, confused.

"You saved my life one day… I'd never forget your presence. I knew it was you when you first arrived in the medical tent. I didn't think you would be so close to my age." Oliver mused.

"Really? I'm only nineteen. How old are you?" Russel asked.

"I'm only sixteen." Oliver answered.

"Really… So that explains why you have been so nice to me." Russel laughed.

"Yeah… I guess I have been overly obedient." Oliver laughed as well.

'Something still feels off about this guy… I'll need to keep an eye on him.' Russel thought looking back at Oliver.

"Something wrong?" Oliver asked, meeting his gaze.

"No. Nothing." Russel said calmly, looking away.

"We're here." The woman spoke as they arrived outside a large tent.

Russel smiled at the girl and walked inside, Oliver close behind. When they got inside Russel saw a large man sleeping in a bed surrounded by clutter. Among the clutter there were visible small body parts in small jars.

"What the!? What is wrong with this guy?" Oliver whispered.

Russel stayed quiet and raised the borrowed knife, pointing it straight down at the sleeping man.

"Wake him up." Russel ordered.

Oliver followed his order, jamming his fist into the man's side.

"Gah! Who's there!?" The man said as he woke with a jolt.

"My name is Russel, apparently you have something that belongs to me." Russel said menacingly.

"What do you want? If I have it, it's mine." The man barked.

Russel quickly moved the knife to the man's throat and growled at him.

"Things you steal don't belong to you. The only thing that a thief should own is a place on the scaffold." Russel growled.

"Ok! What is it you want!?" The man asked quickly.

"It's a diamond ring with a silver band." Russel told him.

"I know of it… I'm not sure you want it though." The man said.

"And why is that?" Oliver asked.

"Because I already sold it. To a man that kids like you shouldn't mess with." The man warned.

"I think I can handle it. Now who is it!?" Russel demanded, brandishing his knife.

"The man's name is Henry Gordon. He is a mercenary who is on the outskirts of the camp with twenty men. He'll kill you." The man assured him.

"I've taken down a hundred by myself before. Now tell me two more things. One, why did you cut some ladies ears off? Two, what is your name, you sick bastard?" Russel asked.

"My name is Sam Gordon… Henry Gordon is my little brother. I cut that girl up because I wanted that ring, and I enjoyed it. After all she is just some girl from the slum. As her better I have the right." The man said grinning wickedly.

"Then for that you die." Russel condemned him.

Russel sunk the knife through the throat of the man and slowly turned it as the man writhed in agony, unable to scream due to the blade piercing his airway. Soon enough the man fell to the ground.

"Now then, see if this bastard has left anything valuable behind." Russel said cleaning the blood off of the knife.

"Was it ok to just kill him?" Oliver question.

"He had it coming. No bastard like that deserves to live. I aim to help those who have been wronged, all kill all who cause their suffering. I try not to make exceptions to that rule, but when I was faced with that choice I killed one hundred men to protect one girl… That's how everyone here ended up in this mess." Russel sighed.

"So this ring of yours… I assume it is hers?" Oliver asked.

"It was hers. As I said, that's how we all ended up in this mess. They would have just killed three, but I had to go and get thousands killed and make hundreds more suffer." Russel sighed.

He began to rummage through the man's belongings and found a bag of marks among jewels of many kinds.

"There must be one thousand marks here… Plus whatever the jewels sell for… Is there a merchant in this camp?" Russel asked.

"Yes. There is a small market of sorts near the center." Oliver informed him.

"Perfect. Take this." Russel said putting a small load of gems in Oliver's hands.

"What is this?" Oliver asked.

"It's your share of the goods. You've been very helpful and I will no longer require your services." Russel told him as he left the tent.

"What do you mean no longer require my services!? I can help you get that ring back." Oliver persisted.

"There is no need for you to get involved in bloodshed. I will handle this myself." Russel insisted.

"I want to help you. You saved my life!" Oliver yelled.

"If you try to help me you could die. Are you ok with that?" Russel asked.

"I am fine with dying. If it means I can help someone for a change it's worth it, even if it's just over a ring." Oliver explained.

'This guy is a fool… Anyone who will carelessly lay down their life for any small cause is only going to be killed… Surely he can't be this stupid… There must be something up with him… No better way to find out than in battle.' Russel thought.

"Fine. You may help me retrieve the ring. But don't blame me for when you die." Russel spoke.

"I have no intention of dying." Oliver assured him.

Russel just nodded and walked out of the tent and found the woman who was watching a group of children play with a ball of some kind. Russel picked back up the parchment and wrote one final note to thank her and wrapped it around the bag of marks. He tapped the woman on the shoulder to gain her attention and handed the bag to her. Russel started to walk through the camp until Oliver spoke up.

"What was that for?" Oliver asked.

"What are you referring to?" Russel asked.

"You just gave that woman all the money!" Oliver complained.

"Life is going to be tough for her now that her hearing has been taken away from her. So that money should help her." Russel said simply.

"That'll set her up for life…" Oliver observed.

"Yes, that is entirely possible." Russel admitted. "Come on, let's go find this market."

With that, the two men set out to find the market in preparation for the fight against Henry Gordon's small army.