
The Last Of The Fallen

After a holy war that lasted five hundred years, the Angel's had almost annihilated the Demon race. One day, a baby, one of the survivors of the Demons, showed up in front of a Preacher from the Order Of The Dove, a group that worshiped Angels. The man takes him in and raises him as his own. Years later, the demon boy is living happily until his heritage comes back to haunt him when his town is attacked, causing him to lose everything he holds dear. He must face who, and what he is. He is a Fallen Angel, a direct relative to Satan himself. Using his Demonic abilities, he sets out on an adventure to regain what was taken from him, guided by a prophecy and a crimson river.

Lokidum · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Festival In Flames

After about thirty minutes Russel started to reach the town. He looked into the town square and saw all of the booths set up for the festival and smiled, he always enjoyed the annual event and thought it would be no different this year. Though he was still in some pain from the long battle earlier he didn't want that to stand in his way.

He quickly went back to his hut and changed back into some clean clothes and put his weapons away. He got the ring and started to head to the monastery to pick Kathleen up for the festivities.

When he arrived at the monastery he found Kathleen already waiting for him outside. He grinned and ran over to her.

"Ready to go?" Russel asked.

"The sun is starting to set, and the festival is about to start. So yes." Kathleen smiled.

The two headed to the town square hand in hand and enjoyed all of the booths and activities. They played both a ball throwing game, which Kathleen won, and a combat game against a dummy, which Russel won. They wandered the fair for a few more hours before arriving at a unique attraction in the center of the fair. It was a large tower that had been constructed over the last few days and stood about 70 feet high.

"Let's go up the tower." Russel suggested.

Kathleen smiled in agreement and the two started up the stairs that led to the top of the tower. Though it took a while they eventually reached the platform at the top of the tower and looked down at the town below them.

"It's beautiful!" Kathleen exclaimed looking down at the bustling fair below them.

Russel smiled and reached into his pocket and grabbed the ring. While she was looking at the fair Russel lowered himself to a knee and calmed his nerves.

"Kathleen." Russel addressed her.

Kathleen turned to him and saw the position he was in. She placed a hand to her mouth and tears came to her eyes.

"Russel…" She started.

"Kathleen, we have been together since we were little and have rarely been apart. We have shared many precious moments together and you make me the happiest man alive. However, going forward I would like even more. You are everything to me, and I would lay down my life for you. I wish to be linked in mind, body and soul. So please. Kathleen Edward, will you marry me?" Russel asked, revealing the ring to her.

The moonlight glinted off of the jewel as Kathleen stared at it. A moment later she started to truly cry and nodded furiously. Russel beamed and jumped up to embrace her.

"Yes. Of course I will marry you." Kathleen whispered.

Russel kissed her and slipped the ring onto her finger.

"Thank you." Russel smiled.

The two stayed in each other's arms, before fate intervened. In the distance a loud explosion was heard. Russel snapped to attention and scanned the area. He eventually saw the monastery up in flames.

"No…" Russel whispered.

That explosion was not the only one. Many more explosions occurred all around them and the town of Eastcliff, the only home that Russel had ever known, was burning to the ground. Russel grimaced and hugged Kathleen closer to him.

"This can't be happening…" Kathleen whimpered in fear.

The explosions continued and the fire eventually reached the base of the tower.

"Hold on tight!" Russel yelled.

Russel activated his demonic powers and sprouted wings before jumping off of the tower. He had already had trouble flying previously, but with the added weight of Kathleen he wasn't able to support either of them in the air. They quickly started losing altitude and soon crashed into the ground. Russel used his body to shield Kathleen from injury, knocking him unconscious in the process.

Russel awoke with a start and felt that his head was soaking wet. He looked through his hair that almost covered his vision at the scene in front of him. He took in his surroundings. He was in the remains of the main hall of the monastery. The fires had stopped and all that remained was rubble. Russel tried to get up to find himself fastened to a pole with rope.

"Fuck…" Russel groaned struggling against the ropes.

"Good! The cold water worked. Welcome back to the land of the living!" A voice spoke.

"Who are you!?" Russel yelled.

A man in golden armor appeared in front of him. He had orange hair and stark blue eyes. His armor had the familiar crest of the Order of The Dove and in his hands he had both Father Edward and Kathleen hanging by their hair. Both were gagged and their clothes were tattered.

"Kathleen! Father Edward!" Russel cried out towards the pair.

Kathleen looked at him intensely and started to struggle more.

"Stop you whore. Or else you'll be killed." The man scowled.

"Who the hell are you! You can't talk to her like that!" Russel screamed at him.

"I'm your king boy. I am King Arthur of Sylizen. And the sword master of the Order of The Dove. I'm here to end your miserable existence, demon." The man revealed.

"You think you can kill me! Then unhand them and let's fight!" Russel demanded.

"Woah there demon. There is no rush. I killed your parents faster than I would have liked, so I'll add the time I wanted to have with them to what I'll have with you!" Arthur cackled.

"My parents…" Russel started.

"Yes. The brother of Satan, Mende Diabolous was your father. While your mother was Aliyah Diabolous was Satan's right hand woman. Quite a powerful duo, but nothing compared to me." Arthur said cockily.

"What did you do to them!?" Russel demanded to know.

"That isn't what you should be worried about now boy." Arthur sighed.

Russel turned his attention back to the two hostages. Arthur tightened his grip and the two and both let out a muffled yelp.

"Now then to begin our fun… I will have you watch as you lose the ones you love just like I did all those years ago!" Arthur laughed.

Arthur threw Father Edward to the ground and drew his sword. With one click downward strike he decapitated the man. Russel watched in horror as the King of Sylizen took the Father's head and threw it into his lap. Russel looked down at the head and saw that the Father's last expression was one of horror and pain.

"You bastard!" Russel yelled.

Russel channeled his power into his hands and blasted the ropes apart and jumped up to the ground.

"You're an eager one! Quick to fight, unlike you mom and dad who chose to run and abandon their people. Judging by all of my men you've taken down, this should be an entertaining fight too. You truly do excite me, Child of Rapture." Arthur laughed.

He threw Kathleen to the ground and started to angle his sword downwards.

"No!!!" Russel screamed.

Russel sprouted wings and lunged forward at Arthur kicking him hard in the gut, sending him flying twenty feet into a large pole away from the large impact. Russel watched as the armorclad King crashed and brought down surrounding rubble onto him. Russel looked back to Kathleen to see her next to her father's corpse shivering in fear. The sword Arthur had used to slay Father Edward lay beside her. Russel embraced her and held her tight to his chest.

"Russel…. What do we do?" Kathleen asked.

"We need to get you out of here." Russel stated.

"What about you!? I don't want to go anywhere without you!" Kathleen started to cry into his chest.

"I'm going to make sure he is dead, and if not I'll finish him off. I'll come find you afterwards and we'll disappear together. I promise." Russel whispered to her comfortingly.

Kathleen nodded and the two stood up. Russel quickly grabbed Arthur's sword and took one last look at Father Edwards' corpse.

"Thank you for everything." Russel said.

With that the pair of Russel and Kathleen ran out through the mostly destroyed door into the heart of the town. When they emerged Russel looked to see the entire area had been decimated as well.

"Shit!" Russel cursed at the sight.

He grabbed Kathleen's hand and started to run, leading her through the rubble. Within a few minutes they arrived in town square when they heard another three explosions. Russel forced Kathleen to the ground and shielded her with his body to avoid her getting hit by any shrapnel. After a few moments Russel stood back up and faced the perpetrator of the explosions.

"You had me for a second there. But that won't be nearly enough to kill me." Arthur taunted him.

Russel looked at the man to see that he had taken no apparent damage whatsoever.

"That should have killed you." Russel growled.

All of a sudden the king sprouted two large white wings and a small portal appeared. Arthur reached in and started to pull out a long golden hilted sword with a five foot blade.

"I was planning on giving you that sword to fight me with anyway. This is my weapon, the holy sword Excalibur. The weapon that slew Satan and your parents." Arthur laughed.

Russel grimaced at the man's laughter and raised his blade. Kathleen retreated behind him and held onto his shoulders.

"So you're an angel." Russel observed.

"Indeed. Not only that, but the strongest who may raise a sword." Arthur told him.

"So those warriors I fought earlier…. You're stronger than them." Russel sighed.

"Ha! You thought those weaklings were strong? They were only junior knights of the order. While I outrank them tenfold." Arthur laughed "Now then. Shall we begin?"

'I have no chance of beating this guy unless I use my full power…' Russel thought.

Russel quickly transformed into his demonic form and gripped his sword tightly.

"Is that the most you have of your demonic form… Pathetic. You have barely obtained a tenth of what a high class demon's true form should be… But, I shall still slay you here." Arthur said pointing his sword at Russel.

Kathleen gripped Russel's shoulders tighter and he could feel her trembling, all the confidence he knew she had seemed to elude her in these tense moments.

"Let go Kathleen." Russel said softly.

"Be careful." Kathleen told him.

Russel looked back at her and smiled weakly. As soon as Kathleen let go he walked forward to put less distance between him and Arthur. With a yell Arthur rushed forward and struck downwards. Russel raised his blade to parry, but held it further away from him just in case. Sure enough the blow was stronger than any Russel had experienced before. He grunted and angled his blade so that Excalibur would slide. Though Russel was able to manipulate how the strike would be angled, he was unable to stop the force of the attack. Within a second Excalibur broke Russel blade in two. The once four foot blade that was on his sword now stood at a merger sixteen inches, barely long enough for a dagger.

"Shit!" Russel yelped, taking a step back.

"You can't even parry my blows… This will be no fun at all." Arthur sighed.

Arthur struck again and Russel barely managed to dodge in time.

'I'll have to keep dodging his blade and wait for an opening…' Russel thought as he observed the angel's movements.

The fight continued and Arthur continued to sing his sword, Russel dodging each time. Time passed and Russel started to grow tired from the constant split second reactions. Eventually Russel saw a small opening and rushed forward to try and stab him. He put his full force behind it and managed to hit the man's armor. However, no matter how hard he pushed he was unable to make even a dent.

"You're too weak to damage my armor. You will never win this fight." Arthur yelled.

"Shut up!" Russel yelled.

The skirmish continued with much of the same. Russel tried everything from continuing to stab in openings, to firing beams of his demonic energy towards the King, but nothing worked. Russel started to lose himself in his rage and started to stab furiously, taking chances by striking in smaller and smaller windows. Each futile attack only angered him further, to a point where he was screaming maniacally randomly swinging his dagger. The fight started to move back to where Kathleen was watching in fear. Soon enough they were only a few feet away from the girl who started to retreat. Arthur smirked at Russel before disappearing from view. Russel looked around trying to find his enemy.

"Where did you go! Come back and fight me!" Russel yelled out.

"Right behind you." He heard Arthur say.

Russel pivoted and with his eyes fixed to the ground struck forward with his full force at where the voice had come from. Still looking at the ground Russel started to feel a warm liquid cover his hands. It started to drip off of his hands onto the concrete, it was a thin crimson liquid that was unmistakably blood, and after all his frustration was the most beautiful thing Russel had seen in his life.

"I got you!" Russel yelled out in triumph.

"That's not my blood." Russel heard Arthur say.

Russel looked up immediately at this response and saw two sapphire blue eyes staring back at him. Russels hand started to tremble as he stared into those eyes that yielded no emotions but pain and fear. Russel looked at the face and saw that the person had fair skin and brown hair. Russel started to shake uncontrollably and was unable to speak. Still shaking he looked down and saw that his weapon was buried in the person's chest, so deep that the hilt was the only thing showing.

"No… No… No no no no no!!!" Russel screamed looking at what he had done.

"Russel…" The persons smooth voice spoke weakly.

Russel dropped to his knees and the person fell onto him. He cradled the body in his arms and started to cry hysterically.

"Kathleen… I'm so sorry…." Russel managed to say between sobs.

He looked down at the girl once again and watched as blood continued to pour out of her and she started to get paler. Russel quickly pulled off his shirt and ripped it into long strips and placed them beside him. He pulled the sword out of Kathleen's chest, and she screamed with what little strength she had left.

"Please hold on! I won't let you die here!" Russel yelled.

He dropped the dagger next to him and tied the strips of cloth from his shirt around the wound tightly, hoping to stop the bleeding. Soon the makeshift bandages soaked through with blood and Russel desperately pushed down on the wound in a last effort to stop the bleeding.

"It's no use. That weapon you stabbed her with was a magical blade. The bleeding won't stop. She is going to die here." Arthur said coming into view.

"No! That's a lie! I refuse to believe that!" Russel yelled desperately holding onto the little hope he had left.

Russel grabbed the knife in his blood soaked hands and pointed it at the man.

"I'll kill you." Russel vowed.

"Seeing our loved ones die sparks a special emotion in each of us. For some its anger, for some it's sadness, each of us have our own reaction and deal with it differently. But you seem to be like me, Russel Diabolous, you immediately turn to killing the minute things seem too complicated or serious for you to bear." Arthur said.

"I'm nothing like you!" Russel yelled at him.

"But you are! Isn't the warm crimson blood covering your hands beautiful!? Isn't beauty the first thing you thought when you saw it!?" Arthur yelled back.

Russel grimaced and started to tremor again as he stared at his blood soaked hands.

"Drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands Romeo! For your Juliet is destined to die here and it is by your hands! Take responsibility for your kill!" Arthur taunted him.

Russel felt his heartbeat slow and felt every pulse in his chest. He clenched his teeth and felt four of his teeth grow into points cutting into his gums and lips. His face started to contort growing into a more angular appearance. His arms grew longer and his veins visibly under his skin. His hands turned into claws and his legs and feet grew longer. His ears grew to points, while his skin thickened and he became more muscular. This transformation was more severe then the ones before, and it felt vastly more powerful.

"There it is! The true form of a high class demon! I knew you wouldn't disappoint me!" Arthur laughed.

Russel opened his eyes and revealed that they had turned into crimson red. He couldn't manage words, instead he growled uncontrollably and charged forward. He slashed with his claws and Arthur dodged him.

"It seems your body is not ready for your true form. A shame truly. To exterminate you before you are able to control your own abilities." Arthur sighed.

"Shut up." Russel managed to say.

Russel quickly pivoted and slashed behind him. This time connecting with the golden armor and cutting through it like butter, sending the angels blood everywhere. Arthur screamed and covered his bleeding chest stepping back.

"Impossible! How did you manage to damage my armor!?" Arthur screamed in pain.

Russel scowled at the man and slashed three more times, leaving deep cuts all over the angel's torso.

"I will kill you." Russel vowed yet again.

Arthur fell onto his ass and looked up at Russel. Russel prepared to deliver the final blow to end the battle but suddenly felt a large pain in the side of his head. Russel yelled out in agony and hit his head repeatedly and started to slash the air wildly.

"I was right…. You're not real for this power." Arthur observed "However, it still seems I can't win this battle. We will meet again, Child of Rapture, and next time I will be the one to kill you."

Arthur got up and ran over to Kathleen's body, picking her up and starting to fly away.

"Give her back!!!" Russel screamed angrily talking to the sky in pursuit.

He flew after the angel and quickly caught up. He started to reach for Kathleen and managed to hit her hand a few times. As the pain in his head worsened, it became harder to keep conscious. Russel tried to tough it out and managed to grab Kathleen's wrist.

"Go away demon!" Arthur yelled reaching back and hitting Russel over the head.

Russel's grip started to slip and soon he was barely holding onto Kathleen's fingers. Russel tried to tighten his grip on the girl but ended up clasping his hand around the ring he had given her. The ring was lubricated with blood, and slid right off of her hand into Russel's. Russel tried to grab her again but to no avail. He felt his wings disappear and started to lose altitude.

"Kathleen!!!" Russel yelled out as he fell.

Russel continued to fall to the ground as he watched Arthur fly away with Kathleen's body. He clenched his hand tightly around the ring so as to not let it out of his reach upon impact.

"One… Two… Three… Four… Five." Russel counted.

As soon as he hit five he felt his body go numb and his vision faded to black.

And with that the first arc of The Last Of The Fallen comes to a close, leading into the second arc, The Forest Of Forgotten Dreams.

I hope you have anjoyed the story thus far and will continue to stick along for the journey.

Lokidumcreators' thoughts