
The Last Of The Fallen

After a holy war that lasted five hundred years, the Angel's had almost annihilated the Demon race. One day, a baby, one of the survivors of the Demons, showed up in front of a Preacher from the Order Of The Dove, a group that worshiped Angels. The man takes him in and raises him as his own. Years later, the demon boy is living happily until his heritage comes back to haunt him when his town is attacked, causing him to lose everything he holds dear. He must face who, and what he is. He is a Fallen Angel, a direct relative to Satan himself. Using his Demonic abilities, he sets out on an adventure to regain what was taken from him, guided by a prophecy and a crimson river.

Lokidum · Fantasy
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27 Chs


Russel walked towards a cluster of tents, continuing to shout out her name when he started to hear a muffled yell coming from one of the tents. Russel drew his sword and entered the tent where the noise was coming from. He looked around and saw three burly men crowding the source of the noise.

"What are you doing!?" Russel yelled out.

One man turned around and grinned at Russel, showing off his crooked and broken teeth.

"Seems someone else wants a turn… I don't know how we should feel about this, boys." The man snarled.

"Let him have a look at least, no one his age could resist such a sight!" Another man cackled.

The men moved out of the way, revealing Elizabeth bound and gagged. What little clothing she had left was in tatters.

"Bastards. Let her go this instant." Russel growled.

"We were the ones who caught her kid. Unless you are willing to pay a price, we're not giving our toy away…" The third man hissed before groping the girl.

"The only price that could possibly be paid here is from you, and it's in blood." Russel scowled pointing his sword at the man.

"Very well then… I'll teach you to mess with the Oroborus syndicate!" The man yelled brandishing a knife.

'More Oroborus… Fuck.' Russel thought.

The man ran forward and stabbed at Russel. Russel dodged and quickly sliced off the man's arm before spinning to the next man leaving a large gash through his chest. He did a half turn to the last man and stabbed him straight through the chest.

"Bastard!" The maimed man cried.

He picked up his knife with his other hand and tried to attack again. Russel quickly sliced off his other arm before kicking the man in the face. Russel looked at the blood running down his blade, the crimson liquid having a nice contrast with the midnight blue of Nocte. He sighed and sheathed his weapon before grabbing the man's knife and cutting Elizabeth free.

"Are you ok?" He asked her.

She took off her gag and threw herself into Russel's arms.

"I was so scared…" She whimpered, squeezing Russel tightly.

He was surprised at first, but then returned her embrace trying to soothe her.

"Did they do anything?" He asked.

"No… You got here just in time. I ran out of energy to struggle." She told him.

Russel let go of her and took off his gambeson before offering it to her. Russel still had

an undershirt, so he wouldn't look completely weird.

"Put this on." He told her.

She nodded and put on the padded shirt.

"Let's get back." Russel smiled.

"Russel… There are still more of them." She told him.

"Great…" Russel sighed.

He led her out of the tent and was greeted by the sight of eight men with weapons. Russel sighed and drew his blade.

"Are you looking to die?" He asked.

"You're the one dying here." A man yelled.

Russel facepalmed as the men ran towards him. He quickly spun with his sword extended taking out six men, and then quickly skewered the other two on his blade.

"I'm really getting tired of hordes of people trying to kill me… It always ends up the same." Russel complained sheathing his sword.

He felt a tug on his arm and looked to see Elizabeth.

"Can you carry me?" She asked.

"You're kidding right… How old are you? Twelve?" Russel sighed.

"I'm eighteen." She pouted. "And my knees are shaking after that whole ordeal."

Russel sighed and picked her up in his arms. She cuddled into his chest as he started to walk back towards the command tent. He looked down at the girl, cuddled into his chest and sighed.

'What is with this girl?' Russel wondered.

Almost as if on cue, Elizabeth grabbed the ring and started to inspect it.

"Let go of that." Russel demanded.

"It's a nice ring. Are you planning on proposing to someone?" She prodded.

"I did propose to someone with it." He answered, hoping that would be the end of the exchange.

"Oh? You got shot down." She giggled.

"No. She said yes. When I tried to save her, this was the only thing I could get. So it serves as a reminder. Now no more questions." He told her.

"So that's why you act like an asshole! It's because you're bitter from your fiance's death!" She exclaimed.

"She's not dead. I know she's not." Russel growled.

"Are you in denial?" She asked.

"I said no more questions." Russel said gruffly.

He continued to carry her through the camp, staying silent whenever she tried to talk to him. Eventually, they arrived at the command tent.

"You can let go now." Russel told her.

Elizabeth didn't respond, instead snuggling in closer.

"I'm sorry I got mad at you before, just please let go." Russel asked.

Once again he got no response. He grabbed her head and moved it, to find that she was asleep.

"Just great…" He sighed.

Russel walked into the tent to see that everyone was already sitting down waiting. He looked around awkwardly and placed Elizabeth in one of the empty seats, before taking his own next to Oliver.

"Is there a reason why she is wearing your gambeson and you were carrying her?" Oliver questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Drop it." Russel sighed.

"So… How did it go?" Rachel asked awkwardly.

"It went pretty well for me. Many people seem to be on board with the plan, my only concern is for those who are determined to go it alone. There aren't many of them, but enough that they could form a small caravan." Russel informed her.

"I see… How many would you say are on board?" Rachel asked.

"Probably about ninty or so are on board, with many others indecisive." Russel answered.

"So you had similar results to the rest of us then… My concern still remains how we will transport the wounded." Navvare sighed.

"Another forty died today, by morning we expect another twenty. So the amount of wounded we will have to carry has been reduced. Luckily we still have a few horses and some carriages to carry us." Rachel answered. "We will have two teams in carriages at the front and back carrying wounded, while we have others spaced throughout on horseback."

"So what is the proposed formation?" Frederick inquired.

"We will have Frederick and Elizabeth in the leading carriage, with Russel with them on horse as the front guard. Myself and Navvare will take the back carriage with another soldier as rear guard. Oliver will be moving through the formation acting as a middle guard." Rachel explained.

"Have we gathered any more information on what could be causing trouble in the forest?" Russel asked.

They heard a yawn and looked over to see Elizabeth starting to wake up.

"Probably Pixies casting illusions and using other creatures like Kobolds in order to take out the enemy. Though it is strange for such beasts to be working together…" Elizabeth said sleepily.

Russel looked shocked at Elizabeth's words, he didn't expect her to be an expert on such things.

"I'm an expert on monsters and the likes, my family sold monster items and bestiaries back in Eastcliff." Elizabeth smiled.

"Right…" Russel said awkwardly.

"Be back here at dawn to start the process of getting everyone ready to go, and then setting out." Rachel ordered.

The group got up to leave and start going back to their own tents. Russel sighed as he made his way out of the tent and started to follow Oliver who was a few feet away from him.

"Russel!" Elizabeth yelled.

Russel and Oliver turned around and watched as the girl ran towards them. She grabbed Russel into a hug and buried her face in his chest.

"Thank you." She said sincerely.

Russel sighed and patted the top of her head.

"Just make sure to give me back my gambeson tomorrow morning." He said softly.

She nodded and started to run off towards her own tent. Russel turned and walked forward bumping right into Oliver.

"Is she into the whole cold and heartless attitude you have?" Oliver laughed.

"I'm not that bad…" Russel objected.

"True, you started warming up to me after we fought together. But you still come across as cold and stoic to the others." Oliver told him.

"Oh well. It can't be helped, people don't earn my respect easily." Russel stated, brushing past Oliver.

"Well it wouldn't kill you to be a bit warmer towards them." Oliver said.

"I'm more worried about myself. I lost the two people I cared for most in that attack. I'll be more open once this nightmare is over." Russel explained.

The two continued back to their tent when Russel put his sword down and just slumped down into his bed and covered his eyes with his arm.

"I am so done with today…" He sighed.

"Well at least it was productive. We get back on the road tomorrow." Oliver smiled laying down on his own bed.

"Yeah, it'll be nice to finally go to another city and see more of the world." Russel chuckled.

"Yesterday you mentioned a ruined city… Is that your goal?" Oliver asked.

"Partly, I was told by someone that it is where I'll find all the answers I need." Russel explained.

"You trusted someone that easily? Do you know them well?" Oliver asked.

"I have no choice but to trust them, as it's the only lead I have. I don't even know who they are." Russel laughed. "It's kinda like trying to grab the moon to see if it's made of cheese. I have to try to see what the truth is."

"That is one ridiculous metaphor." Oliver laughed.

"Yeah, it is. Which I think means I need to get some sleep." Russel said, turning onto his side.

"Fair enough." Oliver yawned.