
The Last Of The Fallen

After a holy war that lasted five hundred years, the Angel's had almost annihilated the Demon race. One day, a baby, one of the survivors of the Demons, showed up in front of a Preacher from the Order Of The Dove, a group that worshiped Angels. The man takes him in and raises him as his own. Years later, the demon boy is living happily until his heritage comes back to haunt him when his town is attacked, causing him to lose everything he holds dear. He must face who, and what he is. He is a Fallen Angel, a direct relative to Satan himself. Using his Demonic abilities, he sets out on an adventure to regain what was taken from him, guided by a prophecy and a crimson river.

Lokidum · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


"Russel, wake up." Oliver said into his ear.

"Five more minutes…" Russel complained.

"Not happening. Your sword should be ready and we need to inform everyone of the trip to Southbeach." Oliver explained.

'Damn it… Morning already.' Russel thought. 'I barely got any sleep.'

Russel got out of bed and walked over to his trunk. He opened it up and changed into his gambeson and trousers, leaving his platemail in the trunk. He also grabbed all the money he had, and all of the silver rings, including Kathleen's.

"Ready to go?" Oliver asked him.

"Yeah." Russel said as he grabbed his sword and walked out.

He emerged into the morning sun, stretched and yawned.

"Nice morning…" He said sleepily as he started towards the smith shop.

"Forgetting someone!?" Oliver yelled as he ran after Russel.

"Oh sorry." Russel laughed.

"We have to be back at the command tent from last night right after we get your sword." Oliver informed him.

"Understood. It shouldn't take long." Russel assured him.

The two continued to the shop and observed everyone going about their lives.

"Rachel said that ninety four are expected to die, but how many would you say are injured?" Russel asked.

"Probably another fifty or so. The fair was the epicenter, so those further away were safer." Oliver explained.

"Ok… So they shouldn't inhibit our movement that much. If everything is as they say, we should try to make it to Southbeach in two weeks." Russel sighed.

"Two weeks!? We don't have wings Russel!" Oliver objected.

"You guys don't…" Russel murmured under his breath.

"What?" Oliver questioned.

"Nothing. It's because of any fighting we need to move faster. We need to move as fast as possible in order to ensure no one dies." Russel reasoned.

"We don't have to worry about the big fights they described unless someone gets injured." Oliver reminded him.

"Are you trying to tell me that with four hundred people, no one is going to get injured by a weaker beast? That's arrogant. The minute that beasts smell someone close to death, I'm sure that they'll come running." Russel scoffed.

"Then how do you intend to protect everyone and keep moving faster than normal?" Oliver questioned.

"A good weapon helps quite a bit." Russel smirked as they arrived at the smith tent.

The two walked in and saw the smith's wife waiting at the counter.

"Goodmorning." Russel greeted walking over to her.

"Goodmorning. Andre is just putting the finishing touches on your blade. He's been at it all night." The woman yawned.

"All night!?" Oliver exclaimed.

"Yes. Whatever type of blade he is making for you must be special. I haven't seen him this lively in years." The woman emphasized by spreading her arms far apart.

"It's done! My masterpiece!" A voice yelled from the backroom.

A moment later Andre sprinted into the room with a sheathed sword in the scabbard Russel chose.

"Is that the blade?" Russel asked.

"A blade!? This is no blade boy! This transcends any blade ever made before! It is a perfect mix between the damage and width of a longsword, and the agility and precision of a rapier. It only comes in at roughly two pounds as well! The blade is so sharp that it will be able to cut through anything like a knife through butter! And the way the blade shines! I was doubtful of your color choice at first but the dark blue of the blade truly is a sight to behold! I call the sword Nocte, which is the word for midnight in the ancient tongue. Because of the color of the blade of course." The smith sobbed passionately.

The smith's wife facepalmed as her husband rambled on about how amazing the sword was, until Russel interrupted him.

"So… The money we still owe you." Russel started, pulling out his bag of marks and rings.

"Seven hundred marks." The woman informed them.

Russel dropped the bag of six hundred marks on the table, and presented the two rings to her.

"I'll give you one hundred fifty for each ring." She bartered.

"How much does a basic chain for a necklace cost?" Russel asked.

"If it's iron it's twenty." She told him.

"Throw that in and I'll take one fifty back. Don't bother with the change." Russel offered.

"Deal." The woman said.

She took the rings and marks and handed Russel back one hundred fifty marks. She then bent down and produced an iron chain before looking back to him.

"Is there anything you want on the chain?" She asked.

Russel nodded and pulled out Kathleen's ring.

"What is this?" She inquired.

"Something to remind me of my past." Russel said ominously.

She sighed and started to fidget with the chain, eventually attaching the ring to it.

"Here you are." She said handing him back the chain with the ring now adorned on it.

Russel placed the chain around his neck and looked down at the ring dangling against his chest.

'This is a much more effective way of keeping track of it.' Russel thought.

Andre walked over and bent down on one kneeled next to Russel, raising the sword, with a leather carrying strap now attached, up to him.

"Take care of Nocte, you will need to give her maintenance after each battle to make sure that she stays as beautiful as she is now." He said somberly.

Russel awkwardly picked up the sword and nodded.

"Here is the sword you let me borrow." Russel said, handing the loaner sword to Andre.

Andre removed the blade from its scabbard and was horrified at the revelation of seeing his blade soaked in a dark crimson.

"What have you done to my sword!?" Andre yelled in horror.

"I'm sorry. A pack of wolves attacked me while I patrolled." Russel lied.

Andre was about to protest until Oliver intervened.

"I think this is a good time to tell you guys we plan on taking all survivors to Southbeach. Are we to count you among the people who will be travelling with us?" Oliver asked.

"We appreciate the offer, but must decline. We intend on making our way to Okumura on our own and reestablishing our shop there." The woman informed them.

"Very well. But be safe, the road is treacherous." Oliver cautioned them.

With that the two left the shop. Once outside Russel immediately unsheathed the sword and admired it. The blade was a solid midnight blue, though the edges on the blade still remained grey. The wing shaped, black crossguard stood out against the morning sun, like an abyss among the light. The black hilt and diamond shaped pommel were less of a sight to behold, but complemented the sword perfectly. As for the blade itself, it was about the same thickness as a longsword, though a little thinner to make it more accurate when thrusting from a distance. The length was just longer than his arm, but not so long that holding it straight down would bury it in the ground.

"Let's find somewhere to try this out." Russel said gleefully after examining the weapon.

He took off towards the forest and only stopped when he was at the base of a thin tree with many branches. He dropped his scabbard and waited for Oliver to catch up.

"What are you planning on doing?" Oliver questioned.

"Let's see what this can do." Russel smiled.

He leaped forward towards the tree and ran a few feet up its surface. He went into a backflip and sliced through a branch on his way down. He leaped back up and swung wildly, severing many branches in the process. He fell back to the ground and smiled before charging forward and stabbing straight through the tree. He quickly went into a fast pirouette, tearing his sword out and severing the tree from it's base. As it fell he did a couple quick tricks with the sword before walking back over to Oliver.

"That was amazing. I've never seen a swordsman with moves like that." Oliver smiled.

"Neither have I, but this sword is so light it feels like I'm dancing rather than actually wielding a sword." Russel said, bending over to pick up his scabbard.

He slung the scabbard across his back and sheathed his sword.

"Let's go back to the others." He suggested.

Oliver nodded and the two started back towards the command tent.

When they arrived Russel walked straight in and found the others waiting for them.

"You're late." Navvare scowled.

"I was picking up my new sword." Russel sighed as he took his seat.

Oliver soon sat down next to him and the meeting began.

"We need to divide up who will be sent where within the camp to propose the plan." Rachel explained.

"Isn't telling people today and leaving tomorrow too short of a timeline?" Russel questioned.

"It's short notice, but we need to establish leadership in the camp and the more days that pass the worse things will get." Rachel reasoned.

"What about those who do not want to join our migration? We just got declined by the smith and his wife." Oliver informed the group.

"We want to keep those who do not wish to join us to a minimum, and not let anyone without a concrete plan have that option." Rachel sighed.

"How do we enforce people not having an option? Won't that make us look bad?" Frederick asked.

"It all depends on how you handle it. Now, does everyone understand the plan?" Rachel asked.

Everyone confirmed by nodding their heads.

"Ok, so here are the groups and where they will be going. Oliver and I will be going to the market area. Navarre and Frederick will be in this general area. That leaves Russel and Elizabeth with the area where the slum dwellers are." Rachel commanded.

"Guess we are in different groups." Oliver sighed.

"A change of company has never hurt anyone." Russel smirked.

"You're acting like you don't like having me around." Oliver pouted.

Russel laughed and patted Oliver on the back.

"Later buddy." Russel smiled.

He walked over to Elizabeth who started playing with her long blonde hair upon seeing him come closer.

"So I guess we're in the same group today…" She blushed.

'What's the blushing about?' Russel wondered.

"Yeah. We best be going." Russel sighed.

He led her out of the tent and the two started off towards the slums.

"So… Um… What do you like to do for fun?" Elizabeth asked.

"It isn't exactly a time for fun at the moment." He sighed.

"I know that much! I meant back in Eastcliff." She growled.

"You should already have a good idea by what people call me." Russel sighed.

"What? The slum hero? Are you addicted to killing or something?" Elizabeth asked.

"I wouldn't say killing people… More like fighting." Russel explained.

"Is that all? Because if so that attack on the town must have been the best thing that ever happened to you. Someone pretty strong must have caused all that destruction." She laughed.

"I lost everything I ever cared about in that chaos! Do not assume, even for a second that I enjoyed that." Russel yelled, grabbing Kathleen's ring and squeezing it.

The girl was visibly shocked at his reaction and took a step back. The two looked at each other for a few moments. Russel in anger, and Elizabeth in shock. Russel continued to hold the ring until he eventually calmed down and released it, letting it go back to dangling down the front of his gambeson. He turned and continued to walk towards the slum, with Elizabeth following close behind. The two walked in silence until they arrived in the slum area of the camp.

"You go left, I go right." Russel said calmly.

"Right…" She said softly.

"I said you go left." Russel said, turning to her.

"I was just acknowledging I heard you." She whined before leaving.

Russel sighed and started towards a group of people.

"Excuse me everyone! May I have your attention!" Russel called out.

Many people turned to look towards him and others even started to gather around.

"Thank you. I have an announcement to make." He started. "I am a part of a group here in the camp that plans to lead all the survivors safely through the forest, to the city of Southbeach. You will be guarded and will have plenty of things to eat."

"Why should we go with you? Why can't we find our own way?" A man yelled.

"It is safer to travel in large numbers, and the forest has monsters along the route. Even traders bring a guard. Unless you know how to use a weapon, or have someone who knows how, you will be killed." Russel explained.

"Why would I want to go to a large city like Southbeach? My children and I already had very little besides the leaking roof over our heads, now we don't even have that? What would be different in Southbeach?" A woman called out.

'That's true… These people had practically nothing, and now they have no resources to build a life for themselves…' Russel realized.

"I can't assure that it will be any different, but you could always leave Southbeach behind after a while and find a village to build a new life in. Southbeach is at the very least, a place where you can be safe and decide your next choices." Russel spoke.

He looked into the crowd and saw that many people were thinking it over carefully and talking to others in the crowd.

"We will keep you safe, fed and well looked after in case of injury. You will have nothing to fear." Russel promised.

"Where do we go if we plan to go with you?" A man questioned.

"If you decide to come with us, we will come around and collect you in the morning. Until then, prepare to be ready to go tomorrow." Russel told them. "If you have any further questions come talk to me individually."

Many people came over to Russel and he answered their questions to the best he could. It went well overall, it seemed many would be joining Russel and the others on the migration.

'Fantastic. The more people I can get to come, the easier it is to not let anyone else die.' Russel thought.

Russel repeated this process with several more groups of people. When it finally started to get dark, Russel decided it was time to find Elizabeth and report back.

"Elizabeth!" He yelled out.

He walked through the camp yelling out her name, but didn't get a response.

"This feels too familiar…" He whispered before continuing.