

After I handed the folder to the barista, I immediately went to the airport. His penthouse doesn’t have any bodyguard, he really put down all his barrier that night.

After I arrived at the Philippines, I immediately went to Davao City. I wanted to check some beach resorts at Samal Island but it’s too crowded.

After a week in the said island I received a call from my Dad. I don’t want to know how he ended up knowing my cellphone number.

He said that he didn’t hand the folders to the CIA. I asked him why and he simply answered

“Those are corrupt officials they deserved it. They didn’t own that money”.

After that call I bought a new phone and laptop thinking Dad put some chips on it so he can locate me anytime.

I immediately left the island and went up north, afraid about he’ll sent someone to get me and forced me to work for him just like what he did to me after my Mom died. I found myself buying a beach house in Surigao Del Sur.

I’m naked in front of the mirror and I intently looked at every inch of it. I caressed the scar in my left side.

It has been three years. The stab is deeper enough to make a scar. I thought this is the only souvenir I’d get from my last mission but little did I know… there is a human forming in my womb.

Riggs Kenji Acierno.

When I saw him, I saw a huge responsibility. Big enough that will consume years of my life. I reminded myself that I literally need to be present with the baby all the time. Every action is going to be a factor of his growing and shaping his destiny.

Of course my Dad didn’t know about my little one. I don’t want him to know though. I don’t want any connection from him.

He broke my Mom’s heart, he is my first heartbreak, and he took advantage of my Mom’s love and kindness. He doesn’t deserve my Mom and the access to my life. The only man I want in my life is Riggs.

“Come here, Mom.” Riggs called me from the beach.

The sky looks wonderful because of the color of the sunset. Darkness and the light is fighting now.

Riggs loved the beach life. We once went to the city to buy some goods it’s a four hours’ drive I thought he liked it there but he doesn’t like the noise.

I stretched my lips to form a smile as I walked towards where he is, he grew up too fast.

He is so little back then, I shivers every time I hold him into my arms. I’m afraid he’ll slip through my slim hands.

To be honest when I came back in the Philippines I don’t have any plan to live. But when Riggs came into my life it gave me a reason to be alive again. Slowly, but surely I build myself. Pieces by pieces.

I hired a nurse in the first two weeks but when I get the grip on how to do the things a mother should do. I stop hiring her but I still gave her a month worth of work.

He is busy making a sand castle but the wave’s crushes every single bit of sand. I thought he will stop but he move forward to start again.

He looks seriously right now. His forehead wrinkles he looks like Ridge every time he does that.

I know he day will come he will asked about his father and I don’t know what to tell him. How can I tell him about this father without mentioning my past job?

Ridge still has rights to his son but it’s impossible to locate our location now. If he will find me I’m pretty sure he will kill me.

“You want a dip, Riggs?”

“Yes, Mama.” He walked towards me. I swiftly put arm floaters on him and put goggles to protect his eyes from the saltiness of the ocean. He can also see clearly with it.

The water is crystal clear. With his swimming trunks I put him to my back. The warmness of it gave me calmness, he giggled when the water is on my neck already.

“I’ll swim now okay? Don’t let go of Mama, okay?”


I smiled after he mumbled that, when I dived we saw many fishes there. This is what I like about this place. Beaches here are not yet touched by businessman. It’s not yet damaged by the tourist.

The variation of marine life I witnessed here in just a small spot is amazing. I’m happy I buy this place quickly.

Peace. That is what I attained after living here in two years. It was hard at first, being pregnant but alone in a house. I’m lucky there are some neighbors who help me those days.

Night breeze pierce to our body as we get our body out from the ocean,

“Mama, I’m sleepy now.”

“We still have to eat dinner, Riggs. Don’t sleep yet okay?”


I am happy and content with my small family.

The water runs throughout his body as I washed him in our shower to eradicate the saltiness and sands he got from the beach.

After I wash our body, I put some robe on. I went to our walk in closet to get his pajamas.

I saw how he is fighting the sleepiness he feel as I put the spoon to his mouth. Actually, he got Ridge’s aquiline nose and eyes. He’s just like a mini Ridge!

The sleepiness won as he shuts hid eyes down after he drunk his food.

His small arms wrapped my shoulders as he drifted to sleep. I breathed slowly and tried to calm myself down.

When Riggs is on my arms, the heavy burden of my guilt, pain and sorrow are gome temporarily. He feels so peaceful and warm.

In this part of the town you can count the houses with your hands. My neighbors were wealthy people I can see that by the beach house they have.

Some of them are from Manila but settled here. Even though I still have millions of money in my son’s account I have to work for our daily expenses.

Withdrawing all of my money is the first thing that I did when I land in Manila. My dad can know all my transaction through ATM’s or bank location. I just wanted to put all of my money to metal safe.

But my plan was ruined when I knew I was pregnant. I created a new bank account with my son’s name on it. I deposited all my money to his.

It’s also for his future, now it’s been two years since I didn’t have a job.

I hired some nanny for him again while I’m looking for a work.

“Where are you going Mama?” his little voice asked me that

I arranged the usual requirements when you’re applying to a job in my folder. I went to him and caressed his head.

The nanny I hire is already readying his breakfast, she’s young but she’s effective. Today is my third day of seeking a job, I’m already tired but I have to do it because I don’t want my son’s money runs out because of me.

“I will seek a job again, Riggs.”

“Why? We still have a lot of money.”

“It’s for your future, anak. You can’t go to school if that runs out.”

“It’s okay for me, though.” My son pouted after he innocently said that.

“Well, it’s not okay for me. Mama will be back soon, okay?” he nodded so I kissed his forehead and bid him a goodbye.

“Call me if something happens okay?”

“Yes po, Ma’am.” Kirsten said, she’s the nanny I hired from a company. Their company is famous for house help.

I drove my Subaru BRZ to the place where I’ll apply for a job. I saw in the newspaper that this place needs a secretary. It’s a one-hour drive.

I already wrote down in my memo the place that’s in need of a various work. I knock on the office, the security scanned my whole being with his judging eyes.

“What do you need, Miss?”

I get the newspaper where their advertisement is pasted.

“I noticed in this newspaper that you are in nee-”

I was cut off by a voluptuous girl in a mini skirt with an I.D in the said office.

“There is no hiring here, Miss. You can try it to other place.”

“What? But it said here-”

“We already hired someone, okay? Go away.” She shouts at me.

She’s rude. She can tell me calmly that they already hired someone. She doesn’t have the right to shout at me.

I breathe deeply and close my eyes. I should calm my temper.

But hours had passed and I already went to eight places but what they told me is the same. They already hired someone.

I scratched the name of the place, there is only one more left.

It’s a new mansion needing a housemaid? It is so ironic? I hired nanny and house help to become a housemaid in a new mansion built few miles away from my house?

Oh God! But I don’t have any choices.

The mansion is located on an uphill and it’s the only house there. And it faces the Pacific Ocean. I already saw it earlier when I went to the city. It’s huge.

I drove slowly as I take the Surigao-Davao Coastal Road I take my time to appreciate the scenery.

All I can see is the little waves and the sky meeting the ocean. I stopped my car when I saw the mansion. I parked it and went upstairs.

Before you can reached the main house you have to take the steps made of stones. I love the scenery here.

Settled uphill along the coastal road while facing the Philippine Sea. As unassuming as any stone face in these parts, was a manor. Its windows were as timid eyes, enormous to invite any beam of sun. The stone dividers had a place right where it was, as though perchance it had grown up directly from that consecrated ground. Maybe it had been called into reality to ensure the people who came to stay inside, to suppress the components and permit a warmth to work from hearths into the breathed in ocean air.

What is the thing that awaits me here?