

“That’s the information I gathered with my mission.”

I put the folder on the top of his desk, he’s about to get the folder when I handed him a letter.

“I’m resigning.” He clenched his jaw when he read my resignation letter. I’m so tired with my life, I want to go home and live a peaceful life.

“You can’t do that.” he spit those words with an angry tone.

“I can and I will.” I firmly said my answer to him.

“You can’t resign until I said so.” I closed my eyes because of irritation wanted to punch his face.

“I want to go home.”

I scan the whole place, a wide room with a lot of pedestal with a statue. The glass window which you can see the whole city of New York. This is not my home.

“There’s no one waiting for you there”

“Because of you, you kill my mother.”

I saw how his eyes widen because of what I said. Every night, I hear how my Mom cries because of heartbreak this idiot did to my Mom. When my Mom died, he searched for me in the whole Philippine Archipelago and he bought me here in New York to work with his company.

My Dad is Aziel Acierno, Italian my Mom is a Filipina. His company is famous in terms of secret agent. His company receives a lot of missions from the CIA to catch some top ranking criminals, illegal drug dealers, man with a lot of embezzlement, a fraud. If the CIA can’t catch them we will do the work. I’m one of the top agent in his company not because he’s my father but because how bored I was back then. I finished ten missions in my first month.

When I get the first mission, I enjoyed it but as the time goes by even though I have billions on my account I’m not happy. I don’t have any family now, my Dad is bullshit.

“I loved your Mom in a way I know.” He goes in front of me while his eyes were pleading me to trust him.

“Who’s Genevieve?” my voice is cold as ice when I asked him that

“Your Mom?” his forehead wrinkles after he asked that.

“The other Genevieve” he did one step back when he heard that, the one thing I know about the other Genevieve is she’s one of the reason why my Mom cries at night.

My Mom always said to me that my father doesn’t really love us, he was forced to marry my Mom because of his Daddy’s debt to my Mom’s Dad. And his heart belongs to the only one Genevieve and that’s not my Mom.

“I hope you’re the one who died instead of my Mom.” my tear escaped my eyes after I said that.

He wiped my tears and go to his desk, he pull the drawer and get one folder. He handed it to me.

“You can go home after that mission. Your ticket is already in the folder.”

It irritates me again, I expect he will let me go after our argument. I opened the folder and read some details about him.

Ishaq Ridge Armani.


Half- Italian half- Filipino.

His business is circling in the underground. He is with some embezzlement too, he robs government officials too.

I like the last part, I hope he robs government official more. Most of them don’t care about the people, they care money more than everything. Your worth is based on how you could help them, in terms of people, security, and power. Because of their incompetence lot of justice is not serve.

I looked at his picture. Even though his in his suit I can see how well-built his body is. He seems snobbish. It’s just a picture but I can sense his powerful aura in him.

“According to our agent, he is a regular in 48 Lounge”

48th lounge one of the high end nightclub here in New York, it is located in the heart Midtown Manhattan. And wait, what agent? Someone is assigned already? I look at him with a glare.

“Look, don’t get me wrong Alessia. Our agent there is a man he’s a barista. I assigned agents to look for his penthouse location but they still can’t find it. We are sure there is some files on his penthouse about his business we want you to get it.”

My Dad obviously didn’t know how to tame a man. I was about to go out to start my mission when he called me.

I look at him with a bored look. He handed me a small box with H and W logo in the outside. I saw a rose gold bangle with my name engraved in it.

Alessia Calista Acierno.

I touched and feel the bangle made of steel, just like how our surname means.

I scan the whole place after the company’s driver drop me off W 48th Street where 48 Lounge is located.

I smiled when the barista smiled at me when I enter the main lounge. He’s the agent my Dad is talks about earlier.

With my red sleeveless satin backless party dress I sit in the chair in front of the barista and ordered Old Fashion.

“Is the my rabbit here?” I asked the barista, rabbit means target.

“Nu Inca” I nodded, it is an Egyptian means not yet. It’s almost 10 in the evening and the night club is flocked by the people who want to buzz conversation and music, within these walls of floor to ceiling windows holds a collection of celebrated wine, craft cocktails and dancing.

After a few sips on my cocktail, my rabbit has arrived. He looks so hot with his White Polo Ralph Lauren Long Sleeve Slim Shirt.

He possessed a talent, leonine power and walked with a purpose and authority towards the VIP lounge near me. He bit his lip as he scans my whole body. I didn’t take my eyes on him. He smirked when he saw me looking at him seductively.

Waiter went to his table while he’s ordering I get the attention of the barista and whispers.

“This is my last mission, ready my Ducati 50 meters from my apartment before dawn, I will give you the folders there.”

I’m ordering that to him because I know I will get this mission successfully, I can and I will. I want to go home, I want to feel the heat that the Philippines can gave to me.

I look at his table my forehead frowns when I saw a woman sat beside him. The woman’s hand is on his thigh while his hand is on the woman’s shoulder. Tsk womanizer that is the reason why I hate boys.

The girl is talking to him but his attention is on me so, I look at his left eye for one second then at his lips for two seconds, then to his right eye for another one second. I saw that trick in the internet it’s called the Love eye trick, let’s see if I can caught him with that.

I continued to drink my cocktail when I saw a man sat beside me, he looks like a businessman. He looks good with his eyeglass on, he has a lean body covered in a suit.

“I’m Brian, this is my first time seeing you here.” He offered his hand to me with a big smile, I smiled sweetly at him and was about to get his hand when I felt a warm hand holds my waist.

I smelled remarkable fragrance elegantly balanced by dashes of bergamot and jasmine that segues into woody heart of cedar, incense and vetiver.

“What are you doing with my girl Brian?”

He asked the man in front of me, he looked at my rabbit’s hand on my waist. And he smiled cockily at my rabbit.

“Oh, you do girlfriends now.” Brian laugh after he said resulting to my rabbit’s hand tighten his hold on my waist.

“Just focus on your fvckin’ business Brian, or else I will close this nightclub of yours.”

So the Brian guy owned this place, I was right he’s a businessman.

“Don’t get yourself fooled by this guy right here, woman.” I smirked at him, he winked at me after he left us.

He grabbed me towards his table earlier, his woman is gone now. He sat beside me and our knee touches. There’s more than space in the couch but he chose to sit beside me leaving no space between us.

I met a lot of guy because of mu mission but this is the first time my heart pounded crazily. I can feel electricity enveloped my whole body when his hand touches my back.

The nightclub is loud because of the music but I’m still afraid with the idea of he can hear every beat of heart.

Because of our closeness I can look intently at his face. He wasn’t a male model but he should have been. His black hair he groomed so carefully had a rippling quality, a sign of his rude health. His only blemish was that he was a beetle-browed and they sometimes knitted in frustration.

The aquiline nose he sported complemented his prominent cheekbones. Handsome in an understated way, his basalt jaw and Spartan shoulders spoke of strength. I lastly looked at his best feature, his entrancing, wayfarer-blue eyes. Sloe shaped, they could shine as bright as the evening stars his defined cheekbones and concrete jaw with heavy stubble.

“I’m Ridge”

“I like your name.” I whispered it to him.

“Moan it, then” he licks my ear after he said that with his raspy voice. And swallowed hard, the hotness of his breathe brings coldness to my hands.

“Now, what’s my baby’s nam-”

“I want to dance” I kissed his concrete jaw cutting his question off, I don’t want him to know who I am. If this is my usual mission I immediately game him a name, but he’s different. I don’t know why, I don’t want to lie to him about my name.

I stood up and went to the dance floor but he remained on his seat. I can’t see the dance floor, its wall to wall people dancing to the club’s music. I get dizzy because of the light but I adjusted real quickly, I started swaying my hips- expressively erotic.

I danced like no-one is watching, I felt someone is dancing behind me I don’t know him so walked away, I thought I will be enjoying it but it seems bored to me. I was about to go when I felt warm body behind me.

His hand went to my waist and it fits perfectly, looks like it was made to rest in there. I don’t know who is this man but I grinded my butt to him. I feel him grow and it adds some hotness to my whole body.

“I want you now.” I want him too, I turned around and it was Ridge who is behind me all along. I am affected with his presence and I can feel it on my legs. I can see it his eyes. The raw passion and the sudden flames in its pitch black mystery.

I didn’t notice how we ended up in the elevator to his penthouse, I want him but I also want to go home. I will give myself to him, I will give everything to my last mission.

His hand didn’t left my waist, his other hands keeps on touching my stomach it gives more fire to the flame I’m feeling right now. His nose rested on my head with a little patience waiting for the lift to stop.

I can fill his lips touches my lips right after the elevator opens. What the hell? He owns the whole floor of this one of the luxury building the New York.

Does he know that it is my first time by the way I kissed him? Maybe, I know he has a lot of experience.

He bought me to his bedroom, I secretly scan his room. He put me on his large bed. I’m sure he can see how lustful my eyes right now. He swallowed hard that his Adam’s apple were noticeable. Slowly I can feel his member grew on my stomach, I bit my lips.

He continues to kiss me, cold cover my whole body after he strip my dress down. The only left in my body was my La Perla underwear. I blushed due to embarrassment even one of his clothes didn’t left his body while me, he just kissed me but most of my clothes were gone now.

He stopped kissing me and undressed himself. He is naked now, I closed my eyes after I saw how big his member is standing proudly after he gets his boxer down.

I doubt if his member will fit inside me. He came back and kissed me hungrily, the provocative stroke of his tongue to my lower lip and the curling inside my mouth spilled the flames burning inside me.

His rough thumb grazed my nipple resulting to volts of electricity scattered in my body. I tried to see him even though I felt sleepy. I want so bad to watch him make me crazy but my eyes are shutting down.

His tongue circled my nipple and moistened it once before he covered and sucked it. His right hand expertly played my other boob. Damn him, he really knows how to blow my mind off.

His hand crawled slowly beneath my lacy panties and tenderly caressed my folds. I hold his arm and lift my body a little. He tenderly pinched it. I taste a small blood because I bit my lip too hard. His lip left my breast and is now back to my lips.

“Ridge?” I moaned.

“That’s right baby, moan my name...” he whispered.

I was so shocked when he get my panty off and he spread my feet wider apart with his hands as he positioned himself in between the gap of my thighs. He teased my folds in his lips. He groaned when he heard me moan.

“Ridge!” my tone curled because of the pleasure he gave me.

His tongue flicked inside me, he groaned and kissed me harder down there. I let out a long moan when my body jumped to the edge and convulsed so hard as I reached my climax.

I am ashamed now, I was about to pull my body away when he kissed my neck tenderly, he caressed my breasts tenderly until I was panting and gasping for more.

“Shit baby, you’re so turned on.” He chuckled.

I give him a death glare, I move my body away from him but he kissed me again so thoroughly he stopped and I watched his eyes in its darkest color of lust and desire. He groaned and swore as he guided himself on my entrance. I felt him on it, foreign, large, hard and potent.

I wanted him in me, all the time. His weight on top of me. I wanted to squeeze him further and further. I want to watch his face and I want his sweat to drop onto me.

“Oh, Ridge!” I whispered while he is trying to be gentle with the entrance.

I shuddered and tightened my arms around him. Because of a force my bangle left my wrist, and I don’t care about now. What’s more important to me now is the united beat of sex and heart.

“Yes, baby.” He said in an erotic tone.

I grinded against him and pushed myself just so I could get him. I stopped when I feel the pain passed through my entire body. The pain was sharp that my face contorted. Sweat immediately formed on my forehead as he slowly filled me to the hilt.

“I’m sorry, I won’t move for now.” He said before kissing my forehead.

He stayed that way for a moment. Slowly, my body adjusted for it but the pain is still there. His eyes darkened with straining craving and lust. I wonder if my eyes looked the same.

He claimed my lips one more. He was throbbing so hard inside of me, wanting so bad to slam deeper and trust hard. I tried to move so I can feel him and I can still feel the pain but there is something else.

He stopped kissing me when he felt me move over and over again.

“Baby, Stop it!” he commanded.

Even though his voice sent shivers to my spine I continued to move myself. His mouth is opened now, lips moist and red with our kissed.

He angrily holds my waist not to stop me from moving but to hold me in place while he cursed savagely and pushed himself inside me explosively.

I saw him ruthlessly thrusting against me, each thrust more intense than the other. His chest reddened and his neck corded.

He drove me so hard that nothing else mattered to me but his thrusts. The mere sight of him made me moan loud. It drives me to insanity making my nerves convulse and shatter into another splitting climax.

And like a skillful master, he knew I was about to come. He drove me deeper and deeper. I saw his eyes with urgency and need. I saw him push his head back as he throbbed inside me. Warm liquid mixed with mine filled me.

I woke up after a long while. I saw his black and white theme wall clock at the top of his television. It’s almost four in the morning I should do my mission now.

My whole body is sore. I felt clean. I saw the white shirt on my body after I lift the blanket. Both his leg and arm were possessively sprawled over me.

I slowly removed his hand on my stomach I also moved his leg so I can get off the bed. I quickly removed the shirt and pick up my satin dress.

I scanned the whole dim room. I’m looking for the drawer, I’m walking fast but silently now.

I silently went out his bedroom, I saw a room earlier I think it’s his office. Of course he has an office here.

I went in and luckily, it was really his office! I went to his desk and saw some files there. It’s a folder full of names of government officials. I thought it was only officials in America but shocked filled through me when I saw it was all over the world.

What’s his business about? I put the folder inside my dress within my stomach. I was about to go out when someone grabbed my hair. He turned me around to meet his cold and angry eyes.

I felt some cold metal near my back, one wrong move and I will be the one bleeding. But I don’t have any chance now. I move so the knife went deeper to flesh, I saw how shocked he is. I took that opportunity to punch him, I put my clench hand onto his nose to dispose of any vision he may have had. He's harmed, yet I continue onward. I need to ensure he can't move when I'm finished with him.

The soreness down there and the pain because of the stab make me lose my strength a little bit so he got the chance to put his hands and grasped my throat. My head spins as I try gasping to get air.

“Traitor!” his voice thundered in the whole place.

I clawed my fingers at his hands uselessly and used my last breath to kick his balls. While he’s twisted in pain, he let go of my neck. I give him an uppercut once more before I left his penthouse.