
The Last Mage

In the once-thriving world of Jorn ruled by the council of mages, powerful users of the ways of the Arcane are all but dismantled when a rising Lich seeks and consumes all magical based users and properties, and turns the world into a desolate weeping hell. Magical races such as elves, dwarfs, gnomes, and half-bred are discriminated against and criminalized. The only hope is a young man, Issac the son of a family-owned tavern who unbeknownst to him carries the last essence of magic and the last effort to secure a peaceful future This is a series is being released chapter by chapter, culminating into one big novel. I hope you all enjoy

ChristieRB33 · Fantasy
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Chapter 5: New Horizons

(Issac) -Few days after the attack on the dock

It's been a few days since I lost my parents and Ronin saved my life, I've been walking this trail through the forest for what seems like forever, the trees in here feel like they've been watching me. Oddly enough there haven't been any gusting winds that usually sweep through forests or the chittering and chirping of creatures, it feels like life has been sucked out of this land or even the creatures know that when danger is sensed, you leave.

''We've been walking a long time Ronin, can we at least take a quick break?'' I asked, the only time we've stopped is to eat and sleep and that's only at night when it's dark enough to hide. ''No sorry Issac, I know you aren't used to something like this but we can't, we have no idea if anything is tracking us and I have no clue where that thing went once I pulled you away, for all we know it's just waiting for us to slip up or catch us off guard, besides its not much further''. Ronin's words filled me with dread but those last few words if true made me feel somewhat reassured.

Some time passed and the dirt path we have been walking on soon started to turn to gravel and in the clearing, the stumps of fallen trees lined the road, as the sun was setting I could feel my body beginning to tire as somehow my body knew we were almost there before my mind could even comprehend it. That feeling was short-lived as I could hear rustling all around me, Ronin even stopped briefly and his hand shot up into the air, ''Stop'', his voice echoed

''Something isn't right, you feel that?''. As I was about to reply, shadowy figures began to rise out of the bushes, and we were both surrounded in an instant. I could hear Ronin's sword being drawn and the faint whistling getting louder and louder, *THWANG* what looked like an arrow was batted into the bushes and Ronin swept his sword right in front of him. ''Looks like we are surrounded kid, if it comes down to it I want you to run, I'll draw their attention and whatever you do or hear DO NOT LOOK BACK AND YOU KEEP RUNNING''. Ronin's mellow tone quickly picked up hints of ferocity and I can tell he was dead serious. ''What about you?'' I asked ''I can't just leave you like this''. Ronin glanced over, still keeping his guard up, ''It's just like back at the tavern remember? just do as I say''. I readied myself and waited for another attack, it was almost like I could hear Ronin gripping his sword tighter and I could somehow feel his focus.

The tension in the air broke as I could hear a human voice. ''HEY LOWER YOUR WEAPONS, THEY AREN'T UNDEAD''. The voice echoed the forest and all around us, the shadowy figures stepped down. Multiple torches were lit and the figures stepped forward revealing themselves to be ordinary soldiers they bore no insignia of my home village. A grizzled man also stepped forward, he looked battle-hardened and multiple scares painted his arms and face he carried a crossbow missing an arrow from its placeholder. He smiled as he said ''HA sorry about the warning shot, can't be too cautious nowadays those reflexes though are almost inhuman, where did you learn to do that?'' the mysterious figure bore a smiling grin towards Ronin. ''When you are at sea for a long time you have a lot of free time and you learn a thing or two'', Ronin sheathed his sword and went back to his relaxed self. ''Ah a pirate, not too many of your kind left eh?'' the smiling man said ''Don't worry your secrets are safe with me, as you may already know there are greater threats to this world''. Ronin grinned back and said ''Thanks I appreciate that, if you are wondering what we are doing out in the woods at this hour we are currently on our way to Vatanaka To charter a ferry, I understand that it might be a futile plan but I am willing to pay''. The man's grin turned straight and with a serious tone he replied ''You do know the only path that will take you is to a watery grave, only one captain I know of will take you both but it won't be cheap and you both must understand the risks, not many people come back from these trips and many ships have reported missing''. I piped up with a hoarse response ''BUT WE HAVE TO ITS IMPORTANT I-'' Ronin's arm shot in front of me ''We know'' he said. The man grinned once more ''Well okay then, you both can ride back with us, better to report back that there is no undead, rather just two foolhardy travelers''.

The ride to the city was met with an awkward silence, Ronin was finally asleep after keeping watch for so many nights it was nice to see him finally asleep, during our travels together he was telling me about all his adventures out at sea and how big the ocean is. I've never been to a beach or seen the ocean before, other than how murky and disgusting the water looks at the docks. Ronin described it as almost freeing with the mist of sea breeze decorating your face when your top side. Suddenly the feeling of excitement rushed me and it was almost overwhelming, for days I felt nothing but dread and the feeling of not being able to breathe was no stranger to me. As Ronin began to squirm himself awake I could see the sun rising over the walls of Vatanaka, our carriage halted at the gates and we proceeded inside. The atmosphere felt a little jarring and the people in the streets seemed to be rushing around, many people carrying supplies and mulling horses around. ''They must have heard what happened back home kid'' Ronin yawned as he said, ''Nothing of our concern let's just find the ship captain and be on our way.'' Before we could continue, the patrol Captain stopped us, ''You two sure about your plan? we take in refugees every day here and I could use some people like you out in the fields with my men''. ''Look the kids not a fighter and I'm not for hire,'' The captain laughed ''Well that's a damn shame, not many men can deflect an arrow with a sword, you'll find your ship captain in the tavern up ahead, probably getting some last-minute breakfast in before his ferry departs''. Ronin nodded and shook the captain's hand and we continued on our path. We arrived at the tavern and I would be lying if I said I didn't feel uncomfortable. ''Look kid if you want you can wait outside, I will not be long''. ''No it's fine let's just get going'' I said. We headed inside and the look of this tavern made my own back home look like a Lord's castle, it was dingy and the air felt moist, most of all it was empty. The bartender waved us on and in the corner, we could see the ship captain enjoying his meal. ''Wait here'' Ronin said and he sat at the captain's table as I looked on.....

(Perspective shifts to Ronin as Issac listens on)

I sat down at the captain's table with my arms crossed, to my surprise he did not acknowledge me and kept on eating. ''I need to pay for some passage for myself and the boy over there, I can pay handsomely and we are ready to leave whenever we just need passage to the closest town across the ocean. The captain dropped his spoon into his bowl. ''That would mean chartering across the Maidens waters, who are you, and who sent you?'' I flashed a bronze insignia with a sea dragon on it, and the captain's eyes widened, ''Been a while since I've seen that symbol, thought pirates were extinct,'' ''Not all of them, now do we have a deal?''. The captain nodded but smirked and said ''If it comes down to it, and the other passengers' lives are in danger, I will not hesitate to throw you overboard''. I agreed to the deal and we all left the tavern together.

(Perspective switches back to Issac)

We made our way to the ferry and excitement once again filled my body, Ronin was telling me all about the ship and I managed to crack a smile, I'm not sure if it was just the enthusiasm or the fact that we are finally setting out to find my parents and to get away from this land. As we were all making our way on board I was suddenly pushed aside by a cloaked man carrying a large hammer. ''Hey watch where you're going'' Ronin said to the man, he ignored Ronin and continued pushing through the line. We made it onto the ship and got settled in our bunks, the beds were stiff with the only support whatsoever being sewn bags of hay, it was better than nothing I suppose. I made my way topside and looked onto the town as the boarding plank was removed and the anchor and ropes were unfastened and hoisted back into the boat. The boat began to drift away and not before long we were onwards to a new land.

I gave one last look at the town and could make out the sight of people anxiously running and the town guard assembling at the gates, the faint sound of a bell could be heard, it all connected as that dreaded green fog began to appear from the direction of the forest we were previously in, the town gates shut as the fog consumed the town. I slumped down and turned away from the view, I looked up and saw all the other passengers with concerned and petrified looks on their faces, Ronin turned away and joined the captain at the wheel. All I could hear were the screams of the townsfolk followed by silence.