
The Last Mage

In the once-thriving world of Jorn ruled by the council of mages, powerful users of the ways of the Arcane are all but dismantled when a rising Lich seeks and consumes all magical based users and properties, and turns the world into a desolate weeping hell. Magical races such as elves, dwarfs, gnomes, and half-bred are discriminated against and criminalized. The only hope is a young man, Issac the son of a family-owned tavern who unbeknownst to him carries the last essence of magic and the last effort to secure a peaceful future This is a series is being released chapter by chapter, culminating into one big novel. I hope you all enjoy

ChristieRB33 · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: The Boy They Call Issac

''ISSAC YA SLUG, GET THOSE MUGS OUT TO TABLE NUMBER FOUR AND STOP FOOLING ABOUT, BE QUICK ABOUT IT YOU GOTTA EARN YOUR MEALS BOY!''. Issac's father snapped at him. Issac sped quickly over to the counter and collected the mugs and began to rush over to the table of brawny soldiers by the cracking fire. Issac put the frothy-filled mugs down and as he was walking away one of the soldiers grabbed his arm and spoke, ''Next time boy don't make us wait '' The guard inconspicuously brandished his wooden club. Issac's breathing was cut short, he bowed graciously and scurried to the swinging door which led to the kitchen. Inside was Isaacs mother who was working tirelessly preparing all the meals for the patrons. His mother caught a glance and showed a tired smile. ''Issac be a dear and fetch me those bowls from the sink, these people are hungry and that ungodly drink we serve won't sustain them forever.'' Issac walked over and handed his mother the bowls, ''Don't be angry with your father dear,'' Issacs Mother spoke softly, ''You know he never used to be like this, but with all these refugees coming in from the warring kingdoms, our tavern has never seen so much traffic and we are finally turning a profit, and we have been making our payments every month on time, I know you may think your father has turned bitter but it is very stressful running this place and we have all been working so hard, just remember we love you dearly. Now come we have people to serve''.

His mother's voice always found a way to calm him down, and Issac rejoined the festivities out on the main floor. ''ISAAC THERE YAH ARE BOY I'VE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER FOR YAH, THAT TABLE YOU JUST SERVED ARE BARKING FOR SOME FOOD, NOW GO AND BE USEFUL YOU UNGRATEFUL SW-''. Isaacs father suddenly stopped speaking and seemed to just blank out staring at Isaac, his facial expression seemed to soften, he felt a rush of warmth around him as his wife's arms wrapped around his chest. ''Now dear you've been in a frenzy all night and Isaac has been working tirelessly amidst this crowd, could you at least ease up on the boy?''. His mother was pressed against his father's back with a smile on her face. ''Let me try that again, Isaac could you please take these meals to the gentleman you served earlier? they seem to be getting a little restless''. Issac's father handed them the bowls and for once cracked a smile at him, Issac looked beyond him and met his mother's look, he could tell she was also smiling. He didn't have to thank her for they both knew.

Issac seemed to feel lighter on his feet as he proceeded to the table that gave him much grief earlier. He walked up to the guards at the table and put the hot bowls of stew down and proceeded to turn and rejoin his family, and again the guard spoke his words slurred and almost unbearable to understand. ''Aye Boy what did I say about leaving us on empty?''. The guard took out his club, ''This will teach yah''. The company the guard came in with looked in shock as did Issac, as he looked back and could not see his mother nor father due to the swelling crowds around the room. Issac braced himself but as the club was coming down a mysterious figure with a black cape stepped in and grabbed the club smacking into his palm.

The guard recoiled in shock, the mysterious man stepped in front of Issac and confronted the guard, ''A little advice to you good sir, never threaten the person that pours you the drinks, especially the son of which''. Issac could not make out a clear description of the man but could notice a finely decorated sheath for a weapon he assumed. ''This here is my town, this is my tavern I will do as I see fit you filth''. The guard drew his sword, the mysterious man whipped his cloak off of him revealing pressed leather armor and a white undershirt, brown tied dreadlock and his sword that Issac was examining earlier, the stranger with a smirk on his face drew his sword but for some reason dropped it to the tavern floor, the sword stuck to the floor almost like a dart to a board and he held up the sheath of the sword in his dueling hand and leaned against the stuck sword. ''Shall we?'' he exclaimed. The guard with a curdling scream charged the stranger and swung at him overhead. The stranger swiftly sidestepped the guard and the sword went straight into the floor, taking a massive chunk of wood with it. As the guard struggled to remove his blade the stranger with his sheath swung at the guard, connecting at his jaw. The guards' eyes turned milky and dull as he slumps' to the floor, armor clanking as he takes an involuntary nap.

The company that was with the sleeping guard scatters and Issac looks on in shock, the stranger retrieves his sword from the floor and sheathes it. ''Thank you sir for saving me'' Issac said with a grateful look on his face. Before the stranger could say anything Issacs father rushes over and grabs the stranger by the collar, the stranger giving no resistance looking onwards to Issac, ''WAIT WHAT IS YOUR NAME SIR?'' Issac shouts. ''RONIN'' the stranger shouts back as he is tossed out into the night and the tavern door is slammed shut.

Issac looked on in mystery, he had not seen that man in here before nor recall hearing about someone in town by the name of Ronin, ships dock here from time to time and the tavern always sees an influx of merchant ships and sometimes even flags waving pirate colors, this end of the world is pretty loose when it comes to the crime of piracy so most ships find refuge in this town. From time to time beings not quite human may pass by those of Elven, Dwarf and sometimes even the Gnomish will attempt to do trade, Issacs mother always used to tell him stories from days when the town marketplace would be filled with cheer and commerce. Festivals would take place and many of the neighboring races would attend and showcase such fine craftsmanship in their respected trades. That was until the lich cast his shadow over half the world and ever since then beings of magic have been looked at with fear and resentment.

Issac's train of thought was cut short, RING RING RING RING! before he could comprehend what was going on the tavern was up in frenzy patrons were rushing the door, trampling one another trying to escape, the remaining off-duty guards scrambled to their feet and collected their things trying to maintain at least some order. Issac looked onwards to his parents who were looking at each other, Issacs mother rushed over and grabbed Issac, as his father looked out the window and noticed a green fog creep into the town.