
Escaping the Planet

Disclaimer: i don't own Marvel or any of the characters except this planet and characters in this chapter which I made up. Credit to whoever owns Marvel.


Narrators POV

As she ran through the halls of the castle, Crystal was sure her parents were gonna be mad at her. She was 5 minutes late to the ceremony welcoming the Guardians of The Galaxy to Aucturia. You see, Crystal wasn't a normal girl on Aucturia, she is actually one of the princesses of the planet. Although she isn't treated like one she still is a princess.

Anyway back to the story. When Crystal got there, she quickly stood in line next to her mom and cousin. Thankfully The Guardians were held back and didn't see her slip through to the line which was from oldest to youngest. But she got some glares from both her parents and the crowd of citizens for being late. Let me explain, Crystal (14 years old), her little brother Luke (10 years old)and her younger cousin Aaron (11 yrs old) are hated by everyone on Aucturia.

Why? Because their prophecy now states if three kids were born with multiple powers would destroy the whole planet. The tablet containing the prophecy can only be viewed by the royal family. But what no one realizes is that Celia, (Crystal and Luke's mom) hid the real tablet containing the real prophecy and switched them so the prophesized three would instead of being loved they would be hated.The original prophecy stated that we would bring wealth and happiness to our planet Acturia, but it was switched and the fake prophecy told the opposite ,chaos, death and the destruction of Aucturia. So when Crystal was born and developed multiple powers she was shunned and became hated as her mother predicted. Same results occurred for her little brother Luke and cousin Aaron.

Everyone hated them except for Crystal and Luke's aunt (Aaron's mom) who was the nicest person in the world and was queen of Aucturia. She treated the three of them with kindness and generosity. Crystal and Luke's parents however treated them like slaves and didn't care for them at all. So when their little sister Leah, was born and resulted having only one power, she was treated like a goddess by their parents. Crystal and Luke spent every moment with their Aunt, Aaron and their two other younger cousins, Mia and Coal. Life went on as normal for the prophesied three until one day...